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Concentration of agricultural production and translation of him are on industrial basis

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  6. Economic efficiency of specialization is on the production of agricultural products

The concentration of production means his socialization through the jumbo zing of enterprises, concentration of processes of production, labor force, capital and producing of products goods on all more large enterprises.

In economic practice distinguish three basic types of concentration:

- aggregate is an increase of single power or productivity of technological options, aggregates, equipment;

- technological is enlargement of productive units (workshops, departments, productions) of enterprise;

- plant (factory) is a process of increase of size of independent enterprises (plants, factories, combines, production and other amalgamations), that comes true on principle of aggregate and technological concentration of production.

It is led to distinguish absolute and relative even concentrations of production. The first is characterized by the middle size of enterprises that or that industry of national economy, second - by part of large enterprises on a certain index.

For determination of relative level of concentration of production all enterprises group after their sizes. Sign of grouping can be a quantity of personnel, cost of capital assets, volume of products. It is however necessary to realize that the quantity of personnel (especially on condition of highly-mechanized and automated production) is not able to give reliable description of level of concentration, but the cost of capital assets only mediated characterizes the size of enterprise. Otherwise speaking, only volume of clean products most exactly and full represents the level of concentration of production.

In monofood industries enterprises it is expedient to determine size on the volume of products in natural expression, and in industries with a homogeneous equipment, but by the wide assortment of products, - after the amount of the set equipment (for example, in textile industry - after the amount of looms or spindles). In seasonal industries (for example, to saccharine industry) the size of enterprises is calculated on the index of the average daily processing of raw material.

The increase of level of concentration of production must provide the increase of him internal efficiency. With the jumboizing of enterprises all technician economic their indexes get better, as a rule,: specific capital investments diminish, a fund is a return and labour productivity grow, material resources are the best used, an unit cost goes down, profitability grows.

It is predetermined by that the cost of the concentrated capital goods grows slower than economic effect is from their general use.

However the level of concentration has a top economic limit exceeding of that does impossible the further increase of efficiency of production.

The increase of economic efficiency of agriculture envisages the increase of production and upgrading of agricultural produce at simultaneous reduction of expenses to labour and material facilities on unit of products. The decision of this problem is indissolubly related to further all-round intensification of agricultural production, in the process of that the increase of the productivity of agricultural cultures and productivity of cattle and bird is provided. In modern terms agriculture develops mainly on the basis of intensification that is the basic source of increase of him economic efficiency.

Ways the increases of efficiency of agricultural production, that provide the further increase of production of goods and reduction of charges volumes on her unit, envisage the complex of such basic measures: improvement of the use of earth, increase of her fertility; introduction of complex mechanization and computer-aided manufacturing; deepening of specialization and concentrations of production is on the basis of between economic co-operation and agroindustrial integration; rational use of productive funds and labour resources; introduction of intensive and resource of keeping technologies and industrial methods of production; upgrading and maintenance of mine-out products; deployment of progressive forms of organization of production and remuneration of labour is on the basis of collective, domestic and leasing contract and lease as a progressive form of ménage; development of agricultural production on the basis of various patterns of ownership and types of menage and creation for them of equal economic terms necessary for independent and initiative work.

In next tables will analyses the determine the level of intensity, results and cost-effectiveness of intensification of corn on a grain.


Table 3.1

Determine the level of intensity, results and cost-effectiveness of intensification of corn on a grain.

Indicator Year 2014уear to % of 2012 year
Production cost for 1 ha of sowing UAN 8951,93 8102,20 8512,86 95,10
Yield of 1ha, center 14,70 65,32 50,62 3,44 to times
Total cost of 1 centner of corn on a grain UAN 135,16 182,54 147,32 1,09 to times
Price of 1 centner of corn on a grain UAN 85,29 101,63 226,45 2,66 to times
Earnings per 1 centner of corn on a grain UAN -49,87 -80,91 79,13 X
The rate of return, % -36,90 -44,32 53,71 Х
Additional payback of expenses, UAN X 1185,04 310,74 X


In the complex of measures of increase of economic efficiency of agricultural production major is an improvement of the use of earth on the basis of increase of her fertility and increase of the productivity of agricultural cultures. These tasks successfully decide by growing of agricultural cultures on technology of programmable harvests with the use of achievements of science, front-rank practice and providing of high quality of labour. In the front-rank economies of Ukraine get grains of winter wheat for 55-60 c/ha, corn - 70-80, and on irrigable lands- 100-120, sugar beets - 550-600, green mass of corn - 400-450, hay of long-term herbares are 50-60 c/ha.

At the same time applying in industry of cultures and sorts of intensive type can have negative consequences. Development of intensification of agriculture without the observance of corresponding terms results in worsening of structure of soil, increase of rates of degradation of earth and intensifying of ecological situation. Front-rank experience of home agriculture, and world practice, testify that scientific and technical progress has in the order effective facilities of defence of soils from destruction and increase of their fertility. One of directions of increase of economic efficiency of agriculture is introduction of complex mechanization and computer-aided manufacturing in all industries of plant-grower and stock-raising and translation of them on industrial basis. The decision of this problem assists first of all the increase of the labour productivity in an agricultural production that is a basic quality factor him economic and social development.

By material basis of increase of economic efficiency of agricultural production, in particular the increase of the labour productivity, there is introduction of achievements of scientific and technical progress, that includes perfection, rational combination and co-operation of all elements of labour - instruments and articles of labour and labour force. With the increase of technical armed and level of mechanization of productive processes, with the improvement of organization of production of expense of direct-labour on unit of the landed area and head of cattle grow short. Increase of the labour productivity, and thus, and on 70-75 % predetermined efficiency of production by the achievements of technical progress, part of organizational factors presents a 25-30 %, increase of economic efficiency of agricultural production it takes place in the conditions of deepening of specialization and strengthening of concentration of production on the basis of between economic cooperation and agroindustrial integration.In the specialized enterprises and the level of profitability of agricultural production, that provides translation of economies on complete self-finance, depends on their specialization and concrete terms of manage.

The concentration of production renders substantial influence on his efficiency. With her increase more important economic indicators of economic activity of enterprises grow due to the positive action of factor of scales of production. An economy is arrived at, in particular, on permanent charges (permanent charges, say, on a grain-growing combine for the areas of sowing of grain-growing 300 hectare will be twice less on the hectare of collective area, than for the areas of their sowing 150 hectare), specific capital investments diminish, higher maneuverability of material resources is arrived at efficiency of their use grows due to it, the labour productivity and profitability of production rise.

However the increase of level of concentration of production renders positive influence on an economy only to the certain limit, a transition for that results in the decline of efficiency. The process of management of operations becomes in superfluously large enterprises complicated, transport charges grow, control gets worse after quality of implementation of works and observance of technology. The counteractive factor of excessive concentration are ecological requirements. Especially it touches large stock-raising complexes that render negative influence on an environment. Therefore important is a problem of achievement of optimal level of concentration of production, the decision of that in an eventual account is taken to determination of rational sizes of agrarian enterprises of different specialization taking into account their legal status and home zonal features.

Thus, the considered concentration of production on the essence is a resource concentration, as mainly taken to concentrating of resources on the same enterprises. Except a resource, for a market economy there is a characteristic and economic concentration.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 144 | Нарушение авторских прав

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