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II. Modern the state and economic efficiency of agricultural production in the conditions of his specialization 2.1 Productive resources of economy and their use

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Agriculture of Ukraine as well as other industries of production, found oneself-hard up. An exit from him is possible after the decision of many problems of structurally productive character in an economy. In connection with it on the first plan the necessity of realization of analysis of factors of the economy growing, exposure of untapped backlogs of increase of efficiency of productive resources is pulled out.

A question of study of the effective use of productive resources always was actual. But the last years he does not get the proper value. To that end it is important correctly and in number to measure every type of resources and objectively to estimate him.

The high performance and rational use of productive resources is taken to the decision of important task as increase of the productivity of animals. In the cattle breeding the presence of feed base, level of feeding and maintenance of animals, main tenancy of fruit, influence on the productivity.

The increase of efficiency of agricultural production largely depends and from the improvement of the use of material resources, increase fund of return.

Private agricultural LTD. "AroKim" is located in the village of Mala Divutsya, Prilutskogo of district, Chernihiv area. An area is located in north part of country in the Polesya and forest-steppe zones. Black earth, and grey and light grey soils, prevail in the groundcover. The climate of region is mildly continental. Ordinary temperature of air 7,2 °C. Middle temperature of the coldest month of January - 7 °C. The middle temperature of July presents 19 °C. Maximal 30 °C, minimum - 20 °C. Period withatemperature10 °C presents 145 - 170 days. Precipitations a 599 mm in a year.

No less important for development of economy are such indexes, as a presence of resources and remoteness from the points of realization of certain types of products. In addition, the economic terms of production are characterize by sizes and organizational structure, specialization and branch structure, intensity of production.

By a summarizing economic category, that characterizes efficiency of economy, activity on the whole and separate industries there is profitability of enterprise or production. Her level is determined by the percentage ratio of income to the complete realized unit cost. With the increase of income and decline of prime price, profitability of production rises. And vice versa, exceeding of charges on the production of goods of cattle breeder above the sum of money profit yield from her realization, the profitableness of production means.

A norm of income is a percentage ratio of income to the lump sum of cost of present the fixed and circulating assets productions (including her remuneration of labor) that participate in the production of goods. The norm of income testifies to efficiency of the use of productive funds and together with him specifies on possibility of increase of their sum due to piling up from incomes.

Economic efficiency of the cattle breeding determines the calculation of level of a fund is a return of all productive funds (or only basic) busy in his industries also. He is measured by the cost of gross products that is on 1грн. basic, and also capital and circulating assets.

In agriculture earth is a main mean of production, without that the process of production of goods of plant-grower and stock-raising is impossible. Earth at the same time is an object and means of labor, and thus and by the main mean of production.

In a next table will conduct the analysis of the landed resources of LTD. "AgroKim".

Table 2.1

Calculate the structure of agricultural land of LTD. "AgroKim"

Land Basic year Actual year. Actual уear to % of basic
ha % ha %
Total   100,00   100,00 22 to times
Arable land   100,00   100,00 22 to times


Analyzing the indexes of this table see that for investigated period the area of agricultural lands of LTD. "АГРОКІМ" increased. Yes, in basic year agricultural lands counted 643 hectare, and in actual year - 14721 hectare, id est the area of agricultural lands increased in 22 to times. In the structure of agricultural lands all place is occupied by plough-land that increased accordingly in 22 to times. It testifies to high thrown open of earth in an economy and them the intensive use.

Also an important question is determination of composition of labor resources and structure of their use of LTD. "AgroKim".


Table 2.2

Labor resources of LTD. "AgroKim" and their use.

Indicator 2012 year 2013 year 2014 year 2014 уear to % of 2012 year
Average number of employess, people       30 to times.
Including: plant       30 to times.
Livestock - - - X
It is exhaus an agricultural production total, thous. of man-hours 16,2 363,6 557,40 34 to times
Including: plant 16,2 363,6 557,40 34 to times
It is exhaus 1 worker for a year, of man-hours. 1,62 1,80 1,85 1,14 to times
Including: plant 1,62 1,80 1,85 1,14 to times
Coefficient of the use human resources, total 0,9 1,0 0,95 Х
Including: plant 0,9 1,0 0,95 Х


Doing the analysis of data of table see a 2.2 LTD. "AgroKim" and efficiency of their use increase of average annual quantity of workers: in comparison of actual year to 2012 year to it grew in 30 to times. The amount of man-hours exhaust increased in an agricultural production on 17,89%.

The fixed assets are materially-material values that operate in an unchanging natural form during great while and lose the cost for to parts. Among them distinguish the fixed productive assets - capital goods that during great while participate in the process of production keep a naturally-material form and carry the cost parts on the prepared product.

Indexes characterize the level of equipped of economy the fixed assets:

- A capital is material well-being is a cost of basic capital of the agricultural setting that is on 100 hectare agricultural lands;

- A capital is armed labors are a cost of basic capital of the agricultural setting calculating on one average annual worker.

Economic efficiency of the use of the fixed assets is characterized by indexes:

- A capital is a returnis a cost of gross products calculating on a 1 UAN. of the fixed assets of the agricultural setting;

- A capital is a capacity is an index, reverse a capital is a return;

- A norm of income is a percentage ratio of income to the sum of the fixed assets of the agricultural setting and floating capital.


Therefore will consider the provision of enterprise productive capital in a table 2.3:

Table 2.3

Dynamics of basic capital provision of enterprise and his use of LTD. "AgroKim"

Indicator 2012 year 2013 year 2014 year 2014 уear to % of 2012 year
Average cost of capital assets, thous. UAN 682,85 32309,6   96 to times
per 1 hа of agricultural land 1,06 2,34 4,47 4 to times
per 1 hа of average worker 67,29 159,95 217,98 3 to times
Capital is a return, UAN 1,02 2,6 1,5 1,5 to times
Capital is a capacity products, UAN 0,98 0,38 0,67 68,37
Norm of income,% X   X X


Conducting the analysis of the fixed productive assets in LTD. "AgroKim" and efficiency of their use (table.2.3), see that the cost of basic capital grew in 96 to times, and also a capital is a return in comparison in the percent of actual year to basic year to grew in 1,5 to times. A capital is a capacity products of LTD. "AgroKim" grew on 68,37%. The norm of income presents: in 2013 year - 7%, and in basic and actual year we can not define as we look after un profitableness of enterprise.

After a world tendency all enterprises have certain specialization, id est repressing development of production of one or a few types of products for that in this place is relatively the best naturally economic terms.

Will investigate the structure of money receivables from realization of products in LTD. "AgroKim":

Table 2.4

A structure of money receivables is from realization of products in LTD. "AgroKim"

Indicators Basic year Actual year Actual уear to % of basic
thos. UAN % thos. UAN %
Grain 2563,1 99,85 125273,6 88,33 49 to times
Wheat - - 5014,7 3,54 X
Rye 491,9 19,16 - - X
Buckwheat 30,0 1,17 - - X
A corn is on grain 1936,6 75,45 120258,9 84,79 62 to times
Oat 99,0 3,86 - - X
Other grain 5,6 0,22 - - X
Sunflower - - 24,0 0,02 X
Soy - - 3959,0 2,79 X
Other products of plant 3,8 0,15 11,8 0,01 45 to times
Total on a plant-grower 2566,9 100,0 129268,4 91,14 50 to times
Total 2566,9 100,00 141829,9 100,00 55 to times


In the structure of money receivables from realization of commodity products in LTD. "AgroKim" in basic year a considerable place occupies growing of corn on grain 75,45%. Analysing actual year, we see that the bulk of money receivables we get from realization of corn on grain also 84,79%.

It is thus possible to say, that LTD. "AgroKim" is specialized on grown corn on grain.

Will define the results of economic activity of LTD. "AgroKim" in a next table:

Table 2.5

Results of economic activity of LTD. "AgroKim"

Indicator 2012year 2013 year 2014 year 2014 уear to % of 2012 year
Cost of gross products, thous.UAN 693,95 84198,60 99926,80 143 to times
per 1 hа of agricultural land 1,08 6,09 6,79 6 to times
per 1 hа of average worker 69,40 416,82 330,88 4,8 to times
per 1 UAN of production cost 0,32 1,01 0,85 2,7 to times
Gross products, thous.UAN -1260,5 -5460 45762,6 Х
per 1 hа of agricultural land -1,96 -0,39 3,11 Х
per 1 hа of average worker -126,05 -27,03 151,53 Х
Profitability, % -32,93 -9,65 47,64 Х


Estimating the results of economic activity of LTD. "AgroKim" defined the cost of gross products and her rates of development. In 2014 year to 2012 year to relatively grew in 143 to times. Gross revenue: it is observed only in actual year is a 45762,6 thousand UAN, and in 2012 year and 2013 year he is absent.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 139 | Нарушение авторских прав

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