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EXERCISES. 1. Give advice and orders.

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  1. Exercises
  2. Exercises
  3. Exercises
  4. Exercises
  5. Exercises
  6. Exercises
  7. Exercises


1. Give advice and orders.


Model 1. Do it.

You'd better do it.


M о d el 2. Do it.

Have it done.


Have him (her, etc.) do it.


Model 3. Do it.

Tell him to do it.


1. Fix the radio set. 2. Develop the pictures. 3. Mend the tyre. 4. Charge the battery. 5. Shorten the sleeves. 6. Clean the coat. 7. Repair the watch. 8. Dust the furniture. 9. Do the washing. 10. Repair the car. 11. Air the room. 12. Beat the rug. 13. Call her up at the office. 14. Call her at this number. 15. Call them in Paris.


2. Change the sentences.

Model: You gave in so quickly.


If I were you I wouldn't have given in so quickly.



1. You believed his words. 2. You didn't make up the quarrel. 3. You fell for it. 4. You didn't speak in the debate. 5. You put up with it. 6. You didn't keep your promise. 7. You didn't apologize to her. 8. You didn't leave a message with the secretary. 9. You didn't let things take their course. 10. You didn't leave him alone. 11. You missed the chance. 12. You didn't let him know.


3. Ask somebody to make sure that something has been done. Model: Sign the paper.

Make sure that the paper has been signed.


lock the door; turn off the light; fill up the car; put down the window; put up the window; plug out. the iron; include his name in the list.


4. Finish the sentences.


1. I left a message for him, so you needn't... 2. I made a reservation. You needn't... 3. I proofread the article. You needn't... 4. The manager approved the project. You needn't... 5. He has got a car. You needn't...


5. Advise your friend (not) to do something. Use the verb "should". Finish by adding one of the following:


It'll do you good. It's good for you. It'll do you no harm. It's bad for you.


Use the phrases: take long walks; have more exercise; go to bed ear-lier;, take things easy- try the treatment; try the medicine; drop smoking; indulge in skating; dwell on the thing.

6. Starting with "May I give you a word of advice?" advise your




to keep quiet; not to say a word to anyone; to leave Donald alone; to let things take their course; not to miss the chance.


7. Translate the following.


1) Напишите непременно, как только доберетесь до места.


2) Вот что я вам скажу: садитесь лучше на автобус, и вы доедете до самой площади.


3) Смотрите на вещи проще. На вашем месте я не принимал бы это так близко к сердцу.



4) Отправляйтесь-ка теперь в санаторий, а потом, когда вы поправитесь, мы обсудим это предложение.


5) Смотрите, не купайтесь в холодную погоду. Вы еще кашляете.


6) Вам следует выбрать галстук более спокойного тона. Почему бы вам не взять синий?


7) – Как насчет того, чтобы пригласить гостей в воскресенье?

– Послушай, а не лучше ли тебе устроить этот прием в субботу?


8) – Тебе давно пора написать домой. Не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.


– Ладно. Завтра же напишу.


9) Лучше бы ты перевела этот текст завтра утром, сейчас уже поздно.


8. Compose short dialogues in which one person asks for a piece of advice and the other advises him.


The situations are:


1) You are at the florist’s and can’t make up your mind what flowers to buy for a bouquet.


2) You wonder what you might cook for dinner.


3) You are in two minds how to spend your holiday.


4) You are going to the South and want some advice on what things to pack up.


5) You are at a loss how to get rid of a bad cold.


6) You are going to a party and cannot decide upon your tie.


7) You are choosing wallpaper for your room.

8) It’s summer and you are worrying about food going bad.


9) You’ve no idea how to furnish your new room.

10) You’ve never sent off a parcel before and ask your friend to help



11) You are afraid the new dress doesn’t fit you.


12) You’ve lost your temper and quarreled with a friend of yours and don’t know how to make it up.


Осторожно! Берегитесь!    
Look out!   Предостережения с
Глядите в оба!   возможными последствиями.
Look sharp!    
Остерегайтесь …    


Look out for … Watch out!


Не оступитесь! Смотрите!

Watch your step!


Осторожно! Be careful!


Осторожно! Берегите голову!


Mind your head!

Смотрите не …


Mind you don’t …

Ни в коем случае не …


Be sure you don’t … Be sure not to …

Помните, что не следует …


Remember not to …


Лучше бы вы не …

You’d better not …


Помяните мое слово!

Mark my words!


Осторожность никогда не мешает.

One can never be too careful.


Соблюдайте осторожность. Mind your P’s and Q’s.


Вас предупреждали.


You’ ve been warned.


Вы это надолго запомните! You shan’t forget it in a hurry.



Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 65 | Нарушение авторских прав

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