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Exercises. 1. Express your disagreement with or protest against the following remarks.

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1. Express your disagreement with or protest against the following remarks.


1) It was you who left the window open.


2) Why did you play with the vacuum cleaner? Now it doesn't work.

3) You must take the pills.


4) Give up smoking. It's bad for your cough.

5) Return at ten sharp, D'you hear?


6) This is a foolish piece of advice.

7) He is nothing but a loafer.

8) You don't care to improve your English, I am afraid.


9) Put on your coat. It's rather chilly.



2. Think of 25 situations which would require the use of the following sentences in answers according to the model below. (To be done at home in writing and then presented in class orally.)


Model. "It's absolutely necessary to have a good night's rest before the examination. So no late hours tonight." – "Nothing doing: I've got still a lot to read up."


1) Not me! I'm not much of a cook.


2) Stuff! I swim well enough for that.


3) Why on earth should I? I'm no good at mathematics.


4) But I am not a bit tired.


5) No good at all. It would take us too much


6) On the contrary, it's a poor piece of painting.


7) I strongly disagree with you on that point. Drunkenness is a great social evil.


8) It's most unlikely. She's very short-sighted, you know.


9) What's the use of- buying it? Cheap is dear in the long run.


10) It doesn't pay to buy such things.


11) It's decidedly unfair to judge by appearances,


12) I refuse point blank to join you –it's a useless venture.


13) It makes no sense– it's simply a wild goose chase.


14) I am against it –this sport is dangerous.


15) Oh yes, I do. I am in love with Beethoven's Appassionata.


16) It's carrying coals to Newcastle, isn't it?

17) Pah! Do you take me for a cry-baby?


18) That won't do –bathing in such windy weather.

19) Ugh? Under no circumstances could I let a sooty cat sleep on my



20) He isn't worth his salt, is he?


21) It's not worth going to all this trouble.


22) That's all very well for you, you can read without a dictionary.


23) I should like to, but I couldn't possibly leave the baby.


24) Come! Come! It's pure imagination.


25) "Go and tell her how it all happened." –"How could I? I wouldn't for the world."



3. Make the sentences emphatic by filling in the blanks with such emphasizers as: most, highly, decidedly, possibly, strongly, absolutely, entirely, whatever, on earth, point blank, mere.


1) It makes no sense –.


2) Under no circumstances –.


3) It's-unlikely.


4) I – object to it.


5) It's – nonsense.


6) Why– should he abase himself?


7) I refuse –.


8) It is– unfair.


9) It's – improbable.


10) It means – nothing to me.


11) It's – wrong.


12) I couldn't – leave home so early, I have the breakfast to prepare.


4. Translate the following.


1) – He можешь ли ты перевести эту фразу?


– Боюсь, что нет.


2) – Ты еще мала и не умеешь писать.

– Нет, умею.


3) – Я пойду на вокзал пешком.


– Ни в коем случае. Это слишком далеко.

4) – Ты, наверное, очень устал?


– Ни капельки.


5) Мы попросили ее спеть еще, но она отказалась наотрез. После болезни ей нельзя много петь.


6) – Можно я еще немного почитаю?


– Об этом не может быть и речи. Уже двенадцать, а тебе надо вставать в шесть часов.


7) – Холодная вода прекрасно закаляет организм.


– Хорошо вам так говорить. Вы привыкли купаться до поздней осени.


8) – Боюсь, что завтра будет дождь.


– Напротив, день будет хороший. Я слышала сегодня прогноз погоды.


9) – Я против того, чтобы ты ехал на лето


в Крым. Ты плохо переносишь жару.


– Ты ошибаешься. Наоборот, я там великолепно себя чувствую. 10) – Тебе придется натереть пол.


– Только не мне. Я тороплюсь на занятия. Пусть Петя это сделает.


11) – Не понравился мне этот фильм. Дешевый детектив.


– Ничего подобного! Вы просто не поняли его.


12) – Бессмысленно ехать в дом отдыха на три дня перед самым Новым годом.


– Ну почему же? Я проведу эти дни на свежем воздухе и вернусь 30-го числа.


13) В том, что вы говорите, есть доля правды, но я все же остаюсь при своем мнении.

5. Disagree with the statements. Correct and develop them.


Models: The Japanese live in Belgium, don't they? No, they don't. The Japanese live in Japan. You've never been to London, have you?

Yes, I have. I visited London several times.


1. The Dutch speak Danish. 2. Cairo is in Scotland.


3. It isn't very cold in Iceland. 4. You can't read Russian.


5. You never apologize when you're to blame. 6. Japanese isn't hard to master. 7. Sweden borders on Switzerland.


8. Your sister has left for Edinbourgh. 9, He won't go to Norway. 10. The Danes speak Dutch.


6. Translate into English.


Model: – Он не знает датского. – Нет, знает. "Не doesn't know Danish." "Yes, he does."


Wrong: "No, he does."


1. Он не сдаст экзамена по французскому языку.– Нет, сдаст. 2. Он не знает этого человека.– Нет, знает. 3. Он не знает, чего хочет.– Нет, знает. 4. Они не приедут завтра.– Нет, приедут. 5. Он не говорит по-голландски.– Нет, говорит.


7. Translate into English:



1. Вы не знаете его, не так ли? – Да, я его не знаю.

2. Вы не видели этого фильма, правда? – Нет, видел.


3. Он не знает голландского языка.– Нет, знает. 4. Она не знает датского, не так ли? – Да, не знает. 5. Вы не поедете за город? – Нет, поеду. 6. Он не может сделать все сам.– Нет, может. 7. Его не предупредили.– Да, не предупредили.


8. A, React to the following using "J don't think he did (was, will, etc.)". Give your reasons.


Model: "Has he ever been to India?"


"1 don't think he has. He would've told me."


1. Did Walter enjoy his stay in London? 2. Will you study Polish? 3. Has Oscar returned from Norway yet? 4. Does he find Hungarian easy? 5. Has Oliver ever been to Switzerland? 6. Is Washington bigger than New York? 7. Will they fly over the Irish Sea?


B. Translate the following sentences beginning them with "/ don't think...":


1. Думаю, что они не поедут в Шотландию. 2. Думаю, что он не остановился в Дублине. 3. Думаю, что она не остановится у Паркеров. 4. Думаю, что она не пригласила их. 5. Думаю, что он еще не вернулся из Японии.


9. Express doubt, disbelief or improbability and say what makes you think so. Use the following:


I doubt it. One never can tell.


I'm not sure of it. unlike him (her).

It's hard to believe. Not likely.


Model: "She may be given the leading part." "I doubt it. She is hardly the type."


1. I think George will be given a rise. 2. The closing time is seven o'clock, isn't it? 3. Mary didn't say a word. 4. Ann may refuse the job. 5. Jane is arriving Saturday morning. 6. She may be given the main part in the new play. 7. The resolution may be voted down. 8.'It was all framed up. 9. They will be happy. 10. Her decision is final.


10. Express your disagreement and give your reasons. Use the follow-





I don't agree with you. On the contrary...


Not at all. I'm afraid not.


1. The more we study, the less we know. 2. You're tired. 3. We've got plenty of time. 4. Critics are men who failed in literature and art. 5. We're on the right track. 6. You hate detective stories. 7. Fat people live longer. 8. The prospects look hopeful. 9. He looked better than ever. 10. You are behind the schedule.


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