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  1. Exercises
  2. Exercises
  3. Exercises
  4. Exercises
  5. Exercises
  6. Exercises
  7. Exercises


1. Answer the following questions with one student acting as a for-eign visitor to our country,


1) What shall we call yon? Are we expected to use your first name with the patronymic, or can we just call you by your first паmе only?


2) What people are addressed with the first name and the patronymic? Does thе use of the patronymic depend on the age of the person ad-dressed; his status or sex?


3) Is there a special way of showing respect for position or seniority when addressing people in your country?


4) Do you ever address a person just with his or her surname, as we sometimes do in England? We may, for instance, say: "Look here, Brown, I'm in a frightful hurry, just now!"


5) They, English people, sometimes have two or more first names (that is, the first and the middle name) and a surname, for example, Henry John Evans or Geraldine Marion Bailey. Have you got a middle name?


6) When addressing a woman, do you distinguish between a married and an unmarried woman as they do in England?


7) How do you address a shop assistant or a bus conductor, and how do they, in their turn, address their customers and passengers?


8) They address our traffic policeman with an Officer. How should we address your traffic militiaman?


9) What's your way of addressing a general, a colonel, a captain, etc.? 10) What's the right way of addressing a doctor?


11) What's the usual way for schoolchildren in your country to ad-dress their men and women teachers?


2. Imagine yourself on a visit in England. Address the following peo-ple, adding an opening sentence or two to your greeting address:


1) An audience of mixed people (of different status, age, both men and women) at the British-Russian Friendship Society, stating the pur-pose of your visit.


2) An audience of professors and students at a University College where you have arrived on an exchange scheme.


3) The captain of a boat, asking him about the traffic on the river.

4) A doctor, thanking him for his medical aid.

5) A traffic policeman, asking him for direction.


6) The dean, asking him about the extra-curricular activities at the University.


7) The headmistress of a school, making inquiries about the school-leaving age of the pupils.


8) The director of a plant, thanking him for having shown you round the plant.


9) A boy student you've made friends with, asking him of the kind of sport he is most keen on.


10) A girl-friend, asking about her favourite British writers, poets and playwrights of today.


11) The mistress of the house you are staying at (an unmarried wom-an). You want to make -some arrangements for the next day.


12) Your landlady (a married woman), asking her to serve your breakfast a little earlier the next morning.


13) The man-guide in charge of a youth group, asking him about your chance of seeing a play at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre.


14) Your woman-guide, expressing your wish to visit some historical places in London or elsewhere in Britain.


Здравствуйте!   Наиболее употребительная.
How do you do? Hallo (Hello,    
Доброе утро!    
Good morning! Morning!    
Добрый день!   Употребляется при встрече в
Good afternoon!   утреннее время, дневное,
Добрый вечер!   вечернее время.
Good evening! Evening!    
Translate the following.    


1) – Здравствуйте! Тысячу лет вас не видела! Как поживаете?


– Спасибо, хорошо! А как вы?

– Благодарю вас, неплохо.


2) Здравствуй, Аня! Вот хорошо, что я тебя вc тила! Я достала тебе билет в театр.


3) – Доброе утро! Чудесная сегодня погода, не


правда ли?

– Да, замечательная.


4) – Смотри, вот идет наш преподаватель литературы. Здравствуйте!

– Здравствуйте!

5) – Добрый день! Могу я видеть директора?


– Нет, у директора сейчас совещание. Зайдите, пожалуйста, через час.


6) – Добрый вечер! Куда это вы?


– Да так, прогуляться немного.


7) –Здорово!Ты куда,Миша?


– В библиотеку.


До свидания! Наиболее употребительное.
Good-bye! Good-bye for the  
Прощайте! Употребляется со значением
Bye-bye! прощания на длительный срок.
Всего хорошего! С оттенком пожелания.
До скорого свидания!  
So long!  
До скорой встречи! Употребляется, когда
See you soon! предполагается встреча в каком-либо
Увидимся позднее! До месте или в какое-то время.
See you later! See you tomor-  
Спокойной ночи!  


Good night!  
Передайте привет…  
Remember me to…  
Give my (kind) regards to…  
Give my love to…  
More Official Formulas of  
Good morning! С оттенком официальности.
Good afternoon!  
Good day!  
Good evening!  
I. Memorize the dialogues:  

– "I must be going. I've got things to do.


– It’s been nice seeing you. Hope we meet again. Good-bye.


– Good-bye. Keep in touch."


– So sorry. I must be going. I’ve got an appointment for five.


– "My best regards to your mother."


– "Thank you. Good-bye.

– "Good-bye."


– ‘’Good-bye. M, Eden! Thank you for a nice party.


– It’s been a pleasure."


– "The pleasure was all mine. Thank you for coming."


– "Hope you'll come to see us some time."

– "Thank you. I will."


– "Well, Mr. Grey, thank you for all you've told me.

– I won't take up any more of your time."


–"You're always welcome, Mr. Gold."


2. Compose short dialogues making use of the parts (А and B):


A) Good-bye.


I must be going. 1 must be off.


I've got things to do. I've got an appointment. I've got a call to make.


B) Good-bye.


Keep well.


Keep in touch.

See you later.


See you soon.


See you tomorrow.

Hope we meet again.


Hope to see you soon.

When shall I see you again?


3. (a) Combine the sentences with one of those given in brackets,

(b) Compose short dialogues beginning with the key statements.


Pattern dialogue:


– "Thank you for a nice party. It's been a pleasure."


– "The pleasure was all ours."


– "Hope you'll come to see us some time."


– "Yes. Thank you."


1) I must be running. (I've got things to do. I've got an appointment.I've got a call to make. I've got heaps of work. I've got to pack things. See you soon.)


2) I must be going. (See you later. Hope to see you soon. Hope you'llcome to see us some time. When shall I see you again?)


3) Good-bye. (See you on Saturday. It's been nice meeting you. Keepin touch. Keep well. Hope we meet again. I'll be missing you. My best regards to everybody at home.)


4) Thank you for a nice party. (It's been a pleasure. It's been niceseeing you. Hope to see you soon. Hope you'll come to see us some time.)


4. Supply the missing remarks:


1. "Thank you for a nice party." "...." 2. "...." "It's been a pleasure." "Thank you for coming." "...." 3. "...." "Keep in touch." 4. "...." "Good-


bye. Keep well." 5. "I won't take up any more of your time." "...." 6. "...

." "When shall I see you again?" 7. "I've got things to do." "...."


8. "Good-bye. My best regards to your wife." "Thank you." ".'..."


5. Translate the following.


1) Ну, мне пора. До скорого свидания.


2) Уже очень поздно. Я должна идти. До свидания.


3) – Ну, до завтра. Передайте привет вашей жене.


– Спасибо, обязательно передам. До свидания.


4) Я ухожу. До завтра.


5) Прощайте, друзья. Мне надо торопиться. До отхода поезда осталось 40 минут.


6) Спасибо, что пришли нас навестить. Надеюсь, вы еще не раз к нам зайдете. До свидания!


7) Итак, до скорой встречи! Прощайте.


8) – Здравствуйте, декан у себя?

– Нет, он на совещании. Зайдите в 12 часов дня.


– Спасибо, до свидания


Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 96 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: ВВЕДЕНИЕ | Коммуникативная сторона общения. | The British: As Seen by Themselves and by Others | Regional Distinctions and Oddities | Englishmen as Seen by a Foreigner | A Christmas in the 1920 s | Communication across cultures | Cross-cultural expectations | SOCIAL STEREOTYPES | Viewpoint |
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Arresting someone’s attention| CONGRATULATIONS and WISHES

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