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EXERCISES. 1. In encouraging and comforting someone use the following:

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1. In encouraging and comforting someone use the following:


Come, come. Everything Don't get upset about it. will be all right. Things happen.


Pull yourself together. Don't worry. Cheer up!


1. I'll never get over it. 2. Things are going from bad to worse with me. 3. I'm ill at ease. 4. We won't manage it. 5. The trouble is that I spoilt everything myself. 6. I'm completely run down. 7. I've got to do every-thing all over again. It's most disillusioning. 8. Things look bad to me. 9. The thing is I've brought it on myself. 10. I am out of luck.


2. Comfort and encourage someone who is worrying about things that may happen. Say. why there is no cause for worry. Use the following:


Everything will be all right Let's hope for the best.


Don't worry, you'll manage it.


1. I'm so worried about. Harold. The operation is to take place tomor-row. 2. I don't feel well about the whole thing. They may let us down. 3. I've got a feeling that it won't work out. 4. I'm in for it. 5. It's quite a job.


6. I'm skeptical about it. 7. That'll take some doing. 8. I won't be able to do it. 9. We may not cope with it. 10. I hope he will pull through.


3. Express your sympathy and appreciation.


I find it so difficult to work in these conditions.


We've got to wait another month till it's all settled.

Neighbours can be such a nuisance!


Jane says her new boss is hard to deal with.

I'm (so) sorry (for you).


I sympathize with you.


Give her my sympathies.

You're telling me!


I appreciate your difficulties.


Take it easy.



4. You consider the thing someone tells you is not worth worrying about. Express it by using the following:


You haven't got my worries.


Let it be the least of your worries. (It's a) small loss.


1. I don't think I'll get tickets for the first night. What a pity! 2. You know Mr. Walker doesn't work with us any longer. 3. I agree to pay for the thing but how will "it be delivered? 4. Harold refused to join us.


5. Express your regret. Use the following:


Too bad! What a pity!

It's a great pity!


1. Our team has lost. 2. Donald failed in his chemistry exam. 3. Jane won't come. 4. We've missed the 6:30 train. We'll have to wait for more than an hour for the next train. 5. He didn't get a prize. 6. She took third place only.


6. Tell someone not to regret things that cannot be changed by saying:


It can't be helped.'


There is nothing you can do about it (now).

Forget it.


1. If you had taken a cab, I might have made it. 2. The evidence is against him and he will be tried. 3. Why haven't I insisted on his giving up the job? 4. He was so rude. How did he dare to say such things to me?


5. Oh bother! I seem to have left my notes at home. 6. I've misinformed him. The figures I gave him are all wrong. 7. I wish I hadn't given him the paper. I should have known better than that. 8. I wish I had warned him.


7. Which of these formulas would be appropriate:


1) If you were sympathizing with someone in a grievous loss: Hard luck! It might have been worse. Never mind. I am so sorry.


2) If you were consoling somebody on failing to win а prize:


How dreadful! Better luck next time. What a shame! There is no get-ting away from it. Good for you!


3) If you were sympathizing with a friend on something:


It can't be helped. I'm so sorry for you. Keep your chin up. Make the best of it.


4) If you were commenting politely to a guest who has accidentally broken a piece of your crockery:


Better luck next time. It can't be helped. Never mind. Don't let that upset you. Pull yourself together.


8. Translate the following.


1) – Странно, что Ира еще до сих пор не вернулась из школы. – Не волнуйтесь, она скоро придет, еще не так поздно.


2) – Вы прекрасно работаете, продолжайте в том же духе.


3) – Простите, что я у вас отнимаю так много времени своим рассказом.


– Пусть это вас не беспокоит, продолжайте.


4) Не расстраивайтесь, все обойдется.


5) – Я потеряла книгу и боюсь даже показаться в библиотеке.


– Придется все-таки пойти и признаться. От этого никуда не уйдешь.


6) – Как я выйду из вагона, ума не приложу: у меня столько вещей!


– Пусть вас не волнует это, я помогу вам.


7) Полноте, полноте! Не стоит волноваться по пустякам!


8) Не стоит плакать из-за разбитой чашки, перестань; мама не будет тебя ругать.


9) Бедняжка! Как она ушиблась!


10) Жаль, что вы простудились и в такую хорошую погоду должны сидеть дома. Сочувствую вам.


11) Не принимайте это так близко к сердцу, все обойдется.


12) – Я очень волнуюсь. Мне кажется, что я не смогу ответить ни на один вопрос экзаменатора.


– Ну, что ты! Возьми себя в руки. Все будет хорошо.



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