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В аптеці №3




Тема: Хімія



1. Прочитати та перекласти текст.

2. Виписати незнайомі слова та вивчити їх.

3. Скласти розповідь про складові науки хімії

4. Виконати вправи до тексту.

1. Read & translate the text:

Chemistry as a Branch of Science

Chemistry is a branch of science concerned with the properties, composition, and structure of substances and the changes they un­dergo when they combine or react under specified conditions. Chem­istry can be divided into branches according to either the substances studied or the types of study conducted. The primary division of the first type is between inorganic and organic chemistry. Divisions of the second type are physical chemistry and analytical chemistry. The original distinction between organic and inorganic chemistry arose as chemists gradually realized that compounds of biological origin were quite different in their general properties from those of mineral origin; organic chemistry was defined as the study of substances produced by living organisms. However, when it was discovered in the 19th cent, that organic molecules can be produced artificially in the laboratory, this definition had to be abandoned. Organic chemis­try is most simply defined as the study of the compounds of carbon. Physical chemistry is concerned with the physical properties of mate­rials, such as their electrical and magnetic behavior and their inter­action with electromagnetic fields. Subcategories within physical chem­istry are thermochemistry, electrochemistry and chemical kinetics. Thermochemistry is the investigation of the changes in energy and entropy that occur during chemical reactions and phase transforma­tions. Electrochemistry concerns the effects of electricity on chemi­cal changes and interconversions of electric and chemical energy. Chemical kinetics is concerned with the details of chemical reactions and of how equilibrium is reached bet­ween the products and reactants. Analytical chemistry is a collection of techniques that allows exact laboratory determination of the position material. In qualitative analysis, atoms and molecules present are identified, with particular at to trace elements. In quantitative analysis, the exact weight constituent is obtained as well.


Хімія як галузь науки

Хімія це наука про властивості, склад та структуру речовин і змін, які вони зазнають, коли вони поєднуються між собою або реагують при певних умовах. Хімію можна розділити на гілки або відповідно до досліджуваних речовин або до типів проведеного дослідження. Основний поділ першого типу знаходиться між неорганічною та органічною хімією. Підрозділи другого типу фізична хімія та аналітична хімія. Оригінальна відмінність між органічною та неорганічною хімією виникла як хіміки поступово зрозуміли, що сполуки біологічного походження були дуже різні за своїм загальним властивостями від сполук мінерального походження; органічна хімія була визначена як вивчення речовин, вироблених живими організмами. Однак, коли вона була виявлена на 19 відсотків, що органічні молекули можуть бути отримані штучно в лабораторії, то від цього визначення довелося відмовитися. Органічна хімія найбільш просто визначається як вивчення сполук вуглецю. Фізична хімія має справу з фізичними властивостями матерій, таких як їх електричних і магнітних властивостей і їх взаємодію з електромагнітними полями. Підкатегорія в межах фізичної хімії є термохімія, електрохімія та хімічна кінетика. Термохімія є дослідженням зміни енергії і ентропії, які відбуваються під час хімічних реакцій і фазових трансформацій. Електрохімія стосується наслідків електроенергії на хімічних змін і взаємних електричної та хімічної енергії. Хімічна кінетика веде справу з деталями хімічних реакцій і з тим, як буде досягнута рівновага між продуктом і реагентом. Аналітична хімія представляє собою набір методів, які дозволяють точне лабораторне визначення положення матеріалу. У якісному аналізі, атоми і молекули, присутні і визначені, зокрема мікроелементи. У кількісному аналізі, виходить точна вага складової, що добре.


1.Find in the text the following word combinations & give their English equivalents:

властивості, склад та структура; при особливих умовах; поділятися на галузі, відмінності між органічно та неорганічною хімією; виробляти молекули штучно, фізичні властивості матеріалів; досліджувати зміни; траплятися під час хімічних реакцій; рівновага між продуктами та реагентами; лабораторні визначення сполук; точна вага кожного складового.

properties, composition and structure; under specific conditions; divided into the field, the differences between organic and inorganic chemistry; produce artificial molecules, the physical properties of materials; explore changes; occur during chemical reactions; equilibrium between reactants and products; Laboratory determination of compounds; exact weight of each component.


2. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of science is Chemistry?

2. How can Chemistry be divided into?

3. What is the original distinction between organic & inorganic chemistry?

4. Where can the organic molecules produced artificially?

5. What physical chemistry concerned with?

6. What kind of chemistry investigates the changes in energy & entropy?

7. What does electrochemistry deal with?

8. What is analytic chemistry?


3. Put the words into correct order & translate the following sentences:

1. Substances with of of chemistry properties deals;

2. produced organic by the is living of chemistry substances organisms study;

3. studied of materials physical physical properties by chemistry are.

4. Electrochemistry chemical the effects changes are on of electricity studied by.

5. analysis with is the exact of constituent quantitative weight of each identified.

4. Match two columns & translate the word combinations:

1. to react under a) physical properties

2. to be divided b) between products & reactants

3. to be produced c) of techniques

4. to be concerned with d) into branches

5. to occur e) distinction

6. equilibrium f) artificially

7. a collection original g) during chemical reactions

8. to be produced h) specified conditions

9. original i) weight of each constituent

10. the exact j) by living organisms

5. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Хімія вивчає властивості, склад та структуру речовин, чи не так?

2. Ми вивчаємо органічну та неорганічну хімію у медичному коледжі.

3. Органічна хімія вивчає речовини, які виробляються живими організмами.

4. Фізичні властивості матеріалів вивчаються фізичною хімією.

5. Кількісний аналіз визначає точну вагу кожного елементу.


6. Give the short definitions of each branch of Chemistry:

1. Organic chemistry is …

2. Physical chemistry is …

3. Thermochemistry is …

4. Analytic chemistry is …

5. Chemical kinetics is …




Тема: Фармацевтична хімія



1. Прочитати та перекласти текст.

2. Виписати незнайомі слова та вивчити їх.

3. Скласти розповідь про складові фармацевтичної хімії

4. Виконати вправи до тексту.


1. Read & translate the text:

Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Pharmaceutical or medicinal chemistry is a scientific discipline at the intersection of chemistry and pharmacy involved with designing, synthesizing and developing pharmaceutical drugs. Pharmaceutical chemistry involves the identification, synthesis and development of the new chemical entities suitable for therapeutic use. It also includes the study of existing drugs, their biological properties, and their quan­titative structure-activity relationships. Pharmaceutical chemistry is focused on the quality aspects of medicines and aims to assure fitness for the purpose of medicinal products. Medicinal chemistry is a high­ly interdisciplinary science combining organic chemistry with bio­chemistry, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, molecular biology, statis­tics and physical chemistry.

The first step of drug discovery involves the identification of new active compounds, which are typically found by screening many com­pounds for the desired pharmacological properties. They can come from many natural sources, such as plants, fungi, animals, or from synthetic sources such as historical compounds collection.

The second step of drug discovery involves the synthetic modifica­tion of the hits in order to improve the biological properties of the compound pharmacophore. The quantitative structure-activity rela­tionship of the pharmacophore plays an important role in finding main compounds, which exhibit the highest efficiency, the best phar-macokinetics and the least toxicity.

The final step involves rendering the major compounds suitable for use in clinical trials. This involves the preparation of a suitable drug


After the formula of the drug is established, pharmacists prepare it. There are the following methods of drug preparation: dry preparation and wet preparation.


1. Find in the text the following word combinations:

створення та розвиток фармацевтичних ліків; нові хімічні сутності для терапевтичного використання; для призначення медичних продуктів; поєднувати органічну хімію з біохімією; визначення нових активних сумішей; для бажаних фармакологічних властивостей; походити з природних та синтетичних джерел; для покращення біологічних властивостей; відігравати важливу роль; виявляти найвищу ефективність; найменша токсичність; корисні для клінічного ви користування; такі методи приготування ліків.

2. Complete the following sentences:

1. Pharmaceutical chemistry is …

2. Pharmaceutical chemistry deals with…

3. Pharmaceutical chemistry studies…

4. Pharmaceutical chemistry combines…

5. There are … steps of drug …

6. Identification of new … compound is used to find…

7. Natural sources are …

8. The synthetic modification of the hits is used to…

9. The final steps involves…

10. There are … ways of drug ….: dry … and …



3. Answer the following questions:

1. What does pharmaceutical chemistry study?

2. What is pharmaceutical chemistry focused on?

3. What is medical chemistry combining?

4. What does the first step of drug discovery include?

5. What are natural sources of drugs?

6. What does the second step consist of?

7. What is the final step of discovery of drugs used for?

8. What are the methods of preparation of drugs?


4. Match two columns & write down the word combinations:

1. to include a) важливу роль

2. to assure b) органічну хімію з біохімією

3. to be found c) формулу ліків

4. to come d) придатність медпрепаратів

5. to improve e) з багатьох джерел

6. to play f) найвище ефективність

7. to exhibit g) вивчення існуючих ліків

8. to establish h) відбором багатьох сумішей

9. to involve i) біологічні властивості

10. to combine j) розпізнавання нових сумішей


5. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Фармацевтична хімія займається створенням нових ліків.

2. Фармацевтична хімія вивчає властивості існуючих ліків, чи не так?

3. Медична хімія пов’язана з багатьма хімічними науками.

4. Хіміки намагаються створити ліки з гарними фармакологічними властивостями.

5. Фармацевти створюють ліки з найвищою ефективністю та найменшою токсичністю.

6. Клінічні випробування дають змогу знайти найкращі формули для ліків.

7. Існують два метода приготування ліків: сухий та вологий.




Тема: Хімічні елементи



1. Прочитати та перекласти текст.

2. Виписати незнайомі слова та вивчити їх.

3. Скласти розповідь про різні хімічні елементи

4. Виконати вправи до тексту.


The tendency of atoms of different elements to combine makes a great variety and number of compounds possible. A compound is made up of two or more elements that have undergone a chemical change. Hence compounds are composed of two or more kinds of atoms. Such substances as water, sugar, and salt are compounds.

The grouping of atoms in a given unit of a compound is called a molecule. In all cases, a molecule has chemical characteristics differ­ent from those of the atoms that make up the molecule.

A molecule can also be defined as two or more atoms in chemical combination. They may be atoms of the same or different elements. For example, hydrogen and chlorine combine to form a compound called hydrochloric acid (HC1). Chlorine also will combine with car­bon to form the cleaning fluid carbon tetrachloride (CC14).

Substances such as milk, paint, ink, air, and muddy water are mixtures. In contrast to compounds, mixtures have not undergone a chemical change. Nor do mixtures have definite composition; hence their composition cannot be shown by a fixed chemical formula. Also, mixtures can usually be separated by physical methods such as distil­lation, crystallization, or filtration.

The name of an element is commonly indicated with an abbrevia­tion called a chemical symbol, usually the initial or the first two letters of the common name or the Latin name of the element.

Chemists use a symbol to represent not only the name of an ele­ment but also one atom of that element. A molecule composed of the same kind of atoms is shown by a number that indicates the number of atoms, thus H2 is a molecule of hydrogen. The formula shows that two atoms of hydrogen make up one molecule of hydrogen.

There are a few solid elements, such as carbon, that do not have a definite number of atoms in a molecule. In effect, each crystal of the element is a molecule having an immense number of atoms. The writ­ten symbol for the element thus has no subscript number. The solid metals have a crystalline structure but do not contain distinct groups of atoms.


1. Write down & translate the underlined word combinations

2. Translate the text into Ukrainian: Substances such as…





Тема: Ботаніка



1. Прочитати та перекласти текст.

2. Виписати незнайомі слова та вивчити їх.

3. Скласти розповідь про складові науки ботаніки

4. Виконати вправи до тексту.


1. Read & translate the text:


Botany is the study of plants. It is one of the two main areas of biology. Botany includes taxonomy, morphology, cytology and histo-1°8У) physiology, plant ecology, pathology.

Taxonomy is the science of naming and classifying animals and plants. It groups plants according to their relationships with each oth­er. Taxonomy is also concerned with the study of plant remains.

Morphology, the study of the form and structure of plants, is the basis of taxonomy. It is necessary to study the form and structure of a plant before you can understand how to classify the plant and how it grows and lives.

Cytology is the study of the cells, of which plants, like all living things, are made. The simplest plants consist of a single cell. Large plants, like trees, are made up of many different kinds of cells. While cytology studies the cell itself, histology studies different kinds of cells and the way they are arranged within plants. Both cytology and histo­logy are branches of plant morphology..

Physiology is the study of plants functioning. It involves the study of how plants produce and use food, how various cells of a plant help the plant grow and reproduce, and how a plant responds to the outside world. Plants take materials from the soil and air and transform them into food. This food is then used to provide energy for the plants to grow and materials for the growing plant body. These processes are called metabolism.

Plant ecology is the study of plants growing together under vari­ous conditions, such as in swamps, grasslands, deserts, or forests. It also includes the study of the effects of climate, water supply, and soil on plant growth. Ecology is also concerned with the way plants and animals affect each other, and with solving the problems of for­estry, growing of crops, conservation, and control of insects and diseases.

Pathology is concerned with many diseases that injure plants. Sometimes plant diseases are caused by the weather or by a lack of proper minerals in the soil. More often they are caused by bacteria or germs like those that cause many human diseases, or by fungi. Fungi lack chlorophyll, the green pigment that is essential in photosynthesis, and so must get food from other plants to keep themselves alive. In doing so, they often damage or even kill other plants.

To help plants combat diseases, plant pathologists study normal Plants to find out how they function. They also study plants and ani­mals. Plant pathology uses chemicals to combat diseases. It tries to control the growing conditions of plants or to develop the kinds of plants that resist diseases.

2. Fill in the gaps with the missing words or phrases.

1. Histology studies different kinds of... they are arranged within plants.

2. Plants form the base of the natural..., the system in which energy is transferred from one organism to another in... of food.

3. Plants take materials from... and... and convert them into....

4. Ecology is concerned with the way plants and animals... each other, and with solving the problems of..., growing of crops,..., and control of insects and diseases.

5. Fungi lack chlorophyll that is essential... photosynthesis, and so must get food... keep themselves alive... other plants, they often damage or even kill other plants.

6. Plant pathologists study... to find out how they function and also study... and animals.

7. Plant physiology is important not only to the expert, who studies plants, but to everyone else in the world, as..., either directly or indirectly, all the food that... and animals eat.

8.Except for certain species of... plants are the only organisms that can make their... food.


3. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1. Physiology is the study... how plants function.

2. It involves the study... how plants make and use food, how various cells... a plant help the plant grow and reproduce, and how a plant responds... the outside world.

3. Plants take materials... the soil and air and convert them... food.

4. This food is then used... provide energy... the plants... grow and materials... the growing plant body.

5. These processes are called... metabolism.

6. Plant pathology uses chemicals... combat diseases.

7. Taxonomy is also concerned... the study of plant remains.

8. The simplest... plants consist of a single cell, large plants, like trees, are made... many different kinds of cells.

9. Pathology is concerned... many diseases that injure plants, some­times plant diseases are caused... the weather or... a lack of proper minerals... the soil.

10. It is necessary... study the form and structure of a plant... you can understand how to classify the plant and how it... grows and lives.





Тема: Рослини, їх частини та функції

Годин 2



1. Прочитати та перекласти текст.

2. Виписати незнайомі слова та вивчити їх.

3. Скласти розповідь про рослини

4. Виконати вправи до тексту.

Read & translate the text:

Plants are living organisms belonging to the kingdom Plantae. The scientific study of plants, known as botany, has identified about 350,000 species.

Basic parts of most all plants are roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.

The roots help provide support by anchoring the plant and absorbing water and nutrients needed for growth. They can also store sugars and carbohydrates that the plant uses to carry out other functions. Through variations in their roots, plants have adapted to many different kinds of soil. Some roots split rocks as they grow through cracks in the rock. Others push through dense clay, or anchor plants in shifting sand. In any environment, roots carry out three basic functions. Roots anchor the plant, absorb water and minerals from the soil, and store food produced in leaves and the green stem.

Stems carry water and nutrients taken up by the roots to the leaves. Stems support the plant’s tissues, such as leaves & flowers. Stems also contain the vascular tissues that transport water, minerals & food between the roots & leaves. Then the food produced by the leaves moves to other parts of the plant. Stems also provide support for the plant allowing the leaves to reach the sunlight that they need to produce food.

Leaves are made to catch light and have openings to allow water and air to come and go. The outer surface of the leaf has a waxy coating called a cuticle which protects the leaf. Veins carry water and nutrients within the leaf. Leaves are the site of the food making process called photosynthesis. In this process, carbon dioxide and water in the presence of chlorophyll (the green pigment) and light energy are changed into glucose (a sugar). This energy rich sugar is the source of food used by most plants. The broad part of the leaf, called the blade contains most of the plant's photosynthetic cells. The petiole, or leaf stalk, supports the blade. The petiole is attached to the stem at the leaf base. A leaf that has a single undivided blade is called a simple leaf. If the blade is divided into several separate parts that are attached to an exten­sion of the petiole, the leaf is called a compound leaf.

Importance of Plants

Plants are essential to the balance of nature and in people's lives. Green plants, i.e., those possessing chlorophyll, manufacture their own food and give off oxygen in the process called photosynthesis, in which water and carbon dioxide are combined by the energy of light.

Plants are the ultimate source of food and metabolic energy for nearly all animals, which cannot manufacture their own food. Besides foods (e.g., grains, fruits, and vegetables), plant products vital to humans include wood and wood products, fibers, drugs, oils, latex, pigments, and resins. Coal and petroleum are fossil substances of plant origin.


1. Match two columns & complete the word combinations:

1. to absorb a) їжу

2. to carry out b) до інших частин рослин

3. to adapt c) джерело їжі

4. to grow d) до різних видів ґрунту

5. to store e) до стебелля

6. to support f) воскову плівку

7. to move g) воду та поживні речовини

8. to reach h) сонячного світла

9. to be i) складним листком

10. to be attached j) тканину рослини

11. to be called k) інші функції

12. to have l) крізь щілину у скалі


2. Complete the following sentences:

1. … anchors …and absorb…

2. Plants have … roots and can…

3. Roots have … main…

4. Stems contain the vascular …

5. Stems allow the plants…

6. Leaves catch …

7. A cuticle is … that protects…

8. Sugar is … used…

9. A simple leaf has… but a compound leaf is divided

10. Plants are essential….

11. Photosynthesis is a process in which..

12. Coal and … are…


3. Answer the following questions:

1. How many species of plants are there in the world?

2. What do plants use sugar and carbohydrates for?

3. What are three basic functions of root?

4. What do the stems do?

5. Stems also provide support for the plant, don’t they?

6. What is a cuticle?

7. What is photosynthesis?

8. What kinds of leaves do the plants have?

9. Why are green plants so important for people’s lives?

10. What are coal and petroleum?


4. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Корінь, стебло, листя, фрукти або насіння – основні частини рослин.

2. Корінь допомагає рослині закріплюватись у ґрунті.

3. Корінь всмоктує воду з ґрунту, чи не так?

4. Стебло допомагає рослині досягти світла, щоб рости.

5. Процес фотосинтезу відбувається у листах рослин.

6. Пластинка листа це широка частина, де відбувається фотосинтез.

7. Рослини грають важливу роль в житті людини, чи не так?

8. Рослинні продукти необхідні для людини.




Тема: Трави

Годин 2



1. Прочитати та перекласти текст.

2. Виписати незнайомі слова та вивчити їх.

3. Скласти розповідь про трави

4. Виконати письмовий переклад тексту

1. Read & translate the text:


Herb is a low-growing plant that has a fleshy or juicy stem when it is young. The stems of some herbs develop hard woody tissue when they grow old. Most herbs are perennials. The tops of plants die each

growing season, but the roots remain alive and produce new plants year after year. Some herbs are annuals. They live for only one grow­ing season and must be raised from seed each year.

The word "herb" comes from the Latin word "herba", meaning grass, green stalks, or blades. Botanists use the word to mean any plant with soft, succulent tissues.

Some herbs are used in cooking to flavour foods. Others give scents to perfumes. Still others are used for medicines. Some herbs, such as balm and sage, are valued for their leaves. Saffron is picked for its buds and flowers, fennel seeds are used in relishes and seasoning. Vanilla fruit pods yield vanilla flavouring. Ginseng is valued for its aromatic


People often grow herbs in their gardens. Many kinds of herbs can also be raised indoors. The plants grow well with little care. Gardeners plant herbs in good soil that has been well cultivated. They choose a sunny spot that is easily accessible. When herbs begin to grow, the gardener keeps the soil loose and free from weeds. The leaves, stems, or seeds of herbs can be used fresh, or they can be dried for later use. Dried herbs can be pounded to a fine powder, placed in airtight con­tainers, and then stored.

Although herbs have little food value, they make food tasty and more flavourful. Cooking with herbs has become a culinary art, and it adds great variety to any menu.





Тема: Біологія

Годин 2



1. Прочитати та перекласти текст.

2. Виписати незнайомі слова та вивчити їх.

3. Скласти розповідь про складові науки біології

4. Виконати вправи до тексту.


1. Read & translate the text:

Many dictionaries define biology as the “study of life”. The word life is hard to define however, because it is so abstract. So you might modify this definition and say that biology is the study of living things.

Biology is a large, complex, and rapidly growing science. A couple of centuries ago, there were only two main areas of biology, zoology, the study of animals; and botany, the study of plants. Today new specialties are constantly emerging. There are lists of some of the major divisions of biology.

  Anatomy The study of the external & internal structure of organisms
Biochemistry The study of the chemical makeup & processes of organisms
Botany The study of plants
Cell biology The study of the structure & activities of living cells
Ecology The study how organisms interact with one another & with their environments
Evolutionary biology The study of how organisms have changed through time
Genetics   The study of heredity, or how traits are transmitted from generation to generation.
Microbiology The study of organisms too small to be seen without a microscope  
Physiology The study of how organisms carry on their life processes and how various parts of the organisms perform their special functions  
Zoology The study of animals  

The millions of kinds of organisms on the earth share certain characteristics. All are composed of complex structural and chemical units called cells. Organisms begin life as a single cell, develop into adults, and eventually deteriorate & die. They all use energy to perform important functions, including reproducing, responding to stimuli, and maintaining a constant environment. Organisms that survive are those well suited to their environments.

To understand organisms, biologists study parts of organisms, including organelles, cells, tissues, organs, and systems. They also study organisms in larger and larger groups to learn how organisms relate to one another.

Dozens of fields of biology have emerged from botany and zoology, the original areas of biological study. Today specialists discover new species, improve human life, and may also hold the key to solving future problems

Characteristics of Living Things:

1. Organisms are made of cells: cells are structural & functional units of living things; every living cell is a highly complex structural & chemical system;

2. Organisms grow & develop: growth always takes place in a specific way, which is different for each kind of organism. The development of a living thing includes all the changes that it undergoes.

3. Organisms respond to stimuli: the ability to respond to stimuli is typical of all living organisms. Response is a result that organism gives to any stimuli.

4. Organisms adjust to their environments: to survive, an organism must adjust to changes in its environment. The environment includes everything in an organism’s surroundings that affects it in any way.

1. Find in the text English equivalents for the following word combinations: здатність реагувати на подразники; структурна та функціональна одиниця; різний для кожного виду; вирішення майбутніх проблем; покращення життя людей; абстрактне визначення, відкривати нові види, рости та розвиватися, взаємодіяти один з одним, зазнавати зміни, виконувати особливі функції; дуже складна система; виконувати важливі функції, означені характеристики.

2. Finish the following sentences according to the text:

1. Biology is …

2. Physiology is …

3. Cells are…

4. Energy needs for …

5. Growth always takes place …

6. Response is …

7. Organisms must adjust …

8. Environment is…

3. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Біологія це наука о живих речах.

2. Біологія складається з багатьох наук.

3. Анатомія вивчає зовнішню та внутрішню структуру організму.

4. Клітини це складна структурна одиниця живого організму.

5. Енергія потрібна будь-якому організму для виконання важливих функцій.

6. Кожний організм розвивається своїм особливим шляхом.

7. Кожний організм повинен пристосовуватись до навколишнього середовища, щоб вижити.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-17; просмотров: 473 | Нарушение авторских прав

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