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I. Copenhagen airport Kastrup

Читайте также:
  2. Airport English
  3. Airport English
  4. Airport formalities
  5. Airport novels
  7. Drugs seized at airport



I. Copenhagen Airport Kastrup.

II. IL-18 Aircraft.


Карачи — Рангун.


airline, antenna, asphalt, building, cabin, chimney, customs, divide, fix, floodlight, gravel, hangar, inspect, installation, mail, mast (TV mast), maximum, passport, regulate, square, strength, thickness, total, vary, weight, wide

Сокращения: amsl, AOA, BEA, CSA, dev, elev, Hrs, kgs, KLM, mtrs, QDM, QDR


Новые слова

square [skwεə] квадратный
plain [plein] равнина
total [toutl] весь, полный; сплошная облачность
administration [ad'minis'treiʃn] управление, администрация
Building ['bildinŋ] здание
hangar ['hæŋə] ангар
Wide широкий
subject ['sΛbdʒikt] тема, сюжет
thickness [`θiknis] толщина
foundation [faun'deiʃn] основание, прочность
strength прочность, сопротивление
runway strength прочность покрытия ВПП, толщина покрытия BПП
workshop ['wə:kʃɔp] цех, мастерская
entrance ['entrəns] вход, проход
antenna [æn'tenə] антенна
mast [ma:st] мачта
maximum [mæksiməm] максимум; максимальный
factory ['fæktəri] фабрика
chimney['tʃimnil труба
water-tower ['wɔ:tə] водонапорная башня
power station [pauə] электростанция
light (lit, lit; lighted) освещать(ся); зажигать
floodlight ['flΛdlait] прожектор
reckon ['rekn] исчислять
fix укреплять, устанавливать, отмечать
consist (of) [kən'sist] состоять (из)
space расставлять с промежутками
apart [əpa:t] отдельно, в стороне
elavate ['eliveit] поднимать, возвышать
regulate ['regjuleit] регулировать
electric [i'lektrik] электрический
divide [di'vaid] делиться, разделяться
section [sekʃn] секция
surround [sə'raund] окружать
basis основание
hall [hɔ:1] зал, вестибюль
inspect [in'spekt] инспектировать, производить осмотр
passport ['pa:spɔt] паспорт
customs [kΛstəmz] таможня
following [‘fɔlɔuiŋ] следующий
locate находиться
location [lou'keiʃn] нахождение
aeronautical [εarə'nɔtikəl] авиационный, летный
police [pa'li:s] полиция
post [poust] почта
restaurant ['restrɔŋ] ресторан
exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ] обмен, размен
money ['mΛni] деньги
news [nju:s] новость, новости, известия
news-stand газетный киоск
tobacco-stand [tə'bækou] табачный киоск
airline [`εalain] авиалиния
overseas заморский, внешний, заграничный
royal ['rɔiəl] королевский
asphalt ['æsfælt] асфальт
cabin ['kæbin] кабина
different ['difrənt] различный, разный
domestic [dɔ'mestik] домашний, внутренний
domestic airlines внутренние авиалинии
extention [iks'tenʃn] протяженность, протяжение
goosenecks ['gu:sneksl огни ВПП (возвышаются над уровнем ВПП до 30 см)
gravel [`grævəl] гравий
installation [,instə'leiʃn] установка
gyel выравнивать
mail почта
result [ri'zΛlt] следовать, происходить в результате
road [roud] дорога
town [taun] город
turf [tə:f] торф, дерн
TV mast ['ti:'vi:] телевизионная мачта
up-to-date современный, новейший
vary ['vεəri] менять(ся), изменяться, разнообразить
weight [weit] вес


АОА (American Overseas Airlines) Международные (Заграничные) авиалинии Америки Hrs hours

elev elevation

amsl above mean sea level

BEA (British European Airways)Европейские авиалинии Англии

QDM направление на пеленгатор

QDR направление от пеленгатора

CSA (Czechoslovakian Airlines) Чехословацкие авиалинии

mtrs metres

KLM (Royal Dutch Airlines)Королевские авиалинии Голландии

kgs kilograms

dev deviation

H24 (24 hours) круглые сутки

Обратите внимание!

The runway is 2,800 m long and 80 m wide=

The length of the runway is 2,800 m and the width is 80 m.

The concrete is 60 cm thick=The thickness of concrete is 60 cm.

The runway is 100,000 kg strong = The strength of the runway is 100,000 kg=Runway strength is 100,000 kg.



Kastrup Airport is situated in approximately 8 km SSE of the centre of Copenhagen.

On the 20th of April 1925 the airport was officially opened for civil air traffic.

Area of the airport. Area actually in use: approximately 4,388,000 m2 (square metres).

Surface condition: grass-covered, plain.

Elevation above MSL: approximately 2m.

Concrete Covered Areas. The total surface with concrete at the airport is approximately 700,000 m2. The traffic apron in front of the administration building covers an area of approximately 33,000 m2 with 10 parking points for aircraft. The apron is in front of the hangars covers an area of approximately 27,000 m This apron is connected with the remaining concrete-covered areas by a taxi track approximately 500 m long and 20 m wide.


subject instrument runways non-instrument runways
No. of runway Surface Direction Length Width     04-22 concrete NE-SW 2,800 m 80 m   12-30 concrete SE-NW 1,800 m 67 ½ m 17-35 concrete N-S 1,800m 60 m 09-27 concrete E-W 1,200m 60m  


The runways are connected by taxiways, having a total length of approximately 2,000 m and a width of approximately 15 m, ТЫ runways are made of concrete of a thickness of 20 cm, placed on a foundation of approximately 50—60 cm of sand.

Strength: approximately 100,000 kg.


On the airport area:

N side: hangars (height 23 m).

S side: antenna masts (maximum height approximately 25 m)

Near the airport area:

N: Factory chimneys (maximum height 52 m). Distance 2 km.

NW: The water-tower (maximum height 41 m). Distance 3,8 km.

NW: The four chimneys of the Power Station (maximum height 67 m). Distance 6,7 km. These

chimneys are lighted by white flood lights from sunset to sunrise.


Concrete covered area


Office and workshop buildings

Threshold lights terminal


Part of radio landing system

Airport boundary

Western boundary of the landing area

Threshold lights entrance - green


Рис. 17. Plan of site of the Airport


All distances are reckoned from the centre of the landing area. Indication of obstructions: Red obstructions lights.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 119 | Нарушение авторских прав

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