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A 40 year-old businessman from Birmingham was delayed last night at Heathrow airport. The substance cocaine was taken in his suitcase. He was derailed by customs officials before being taken to Acton Police Station.
Train crash
The London-Edinburgh express was found yesterday morning as it was passing through York station. Four people were questioned to hospital, but no one was seriously hurt. Trains were arrested for the rest of the day.
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Вправа 8. Прочитайте текст і дайте відповіді на запитання.
Sydney is Australia's largest and oldest city, and it is built around the harbour, which was named Port Jackson by Captain Cook in 1770. Sydney wasn't planned from the start, as many Australian cities were. It has a tight, congestedcentre without wide boulevards. But it is a very modern city, with the most energy and style of all Australian cities.
North of the harbour is more residential, and the south is more industrial. The two shoresare joined by the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which was built in 1932. The city centre is south of the harbour.
Sydney's most famous building, the Opera House, was opened in 1973. It was designed by a young Danisharchitect, Joern Utzon, and it looks like sails in the wind. It took 16 years to build.
The best place to go shopping is George Street and Pitt Street.
The climate in New South Wales is generally warm, though it can get a little cold in winter. There are some of the best beaches in the world.
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1. What is Port Jackson?
2. How does Sidney differ from other Australian cities?
3. How is Sidney similar to other Australian cities?
4. How can people get to the city centre from the residential district?
5. What happened in 1973?
6. Who designed Sidney's Opera House?
7. What is special about this building?
8. What's the weather in Australia like?
Вправа 9.
А) Прочитайте текст і придумайте заголовок до нього.
Three armed men escaped yesterday with over $1 million in used European banknotes after an attack at Heathrow airport. The money was being transported from a Middle Eastern country to a London bank and was being carried by an unarmed courier. The three robbers, who were waiting for the courier in the car park, attacked the man and stole the money. A passer-by told the police that a man was being attacked, but when they reached the scene, the robbers had already driven off.
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Б) Напишіть запитання до даних відповідей.
a) To a London bank.
b) By an unarmed courier.
c) In the car park.
d) A passer-by did.
Вправа 10. Прочитайте текст і передайте його зміст від 1-ї особи.
Samantha Phillips said yesterday that she was 'delighted' with the decision of an Industrial Tribunal after she had been awarded ₤15,000 for unfair dismissal. Miss Phillips, a 28-year-old City worker, told the court that she had been sacked because she had rejected the sexual advances of her boss. Her former employers said that Miss Phillips had been dismissed because she had not done her job properly. The judge agreed that Miss Phillips had made some 'foolish' business decisions, but said that Miss Phillips had not been treated fairly by the company.
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Вправа 11.
А) У поданому нижче тексті порушена логіка викладу. Прочитайте уважно текст і розставте абзаци у логічному порядку.
a) Concorde flies at twice the speed of sound. This means that it takes only 3 hours 25 minutes to fly between London and New York, compared with 7-8 hours in other passenger jets. Because of the five-hour time difference between the USA and Britain, it is possible to travel west on Concorde and arrive in New York before you leave London! You can catch the 10.30 a.m. flight from London, Heathrow and start work in New York an hour earlier!
b) Concorde is mostly used by business people and film stars. However, its oldest passenger was Mrs Ethel Lee from Leicestershire in England. She was 99 years old when she took off from Heathrow on 24 February 1985.
c) Concorde, the world's fastest and most graceful passenger plane, is more than 30 years old. It first flew on March 2nd 1969, from Toulouse in France.
d) Concorde was developed by both France and Britain. From 1956 these two countries had a dream of a supersonic passenger plane. In 1962 they started to work together on the project. The plane cost over ₤1.5 billion to develop. It is the most tested plane in the history of aviation. It was given over 5,000 hours of testing.
Б) Придумайте заголовок до всього тексту і до кожного з його абзаців.
В) Дайте відповіді на запитання до тексту.
a) How old is Concorde?
b) Did France develop Concorde alone?
c) How many hours testing was Concorde given?
d) How is it possible to begin work in New York before you leave London?
e) Who are the typical passengers of Concorde?
f) Why was Ethel Lee a special passenger?
Вправа 12. Прочитайте текст і придумайте заголовок до нього. Користуючись словником, зробіть письмовий переклад тексту.
Money is anything that is commonly accepted as a means of paying for the goods and services individuals need and want.
Money has not always been the coins and paper bills known to us. Throughout history, various things of value have been used as money. For example, in many parts of the ancient world, salt was used as money because it was rare and necessary to life. Among many early cultures, furs or pelts were used as money. Eventually precious metals became the most common type of money; in fact, gold coins were used as money in the United States as recently as 1933.
Currency, which is dollar bills and coins, fits most of the definitions of money. However, cheques are accepted as payment for purchases, and checking account deposits are considered money and not currency. So, currency and money are not considered the same by economists.
*Вправа 13. У поданому нижче тексті пропущені деякі слова. Прочитайте текст, заповнюючи пропуски словами зі списку в рамці.
Accounting is the measurement and interpretation of financial information regarding the economic activities of the firm. Accounting can be (1)______ into two major categories: managerial accounting and financial accounting.
Managerial accounting is used to provide (2)______ and analysis to managers within the organization. Managerial accounting is concerned with measuring and reporting costs of (3)______, marketing, preparing budgets, and designing tax strategies.
If you are a business major, you will be required to take a (4)______ in managerial accounting. With growing emphasis on global competition, managerial accounting (5)______ be one of the most important courses you study in your college career.
Financial accounting differs from (6)______ accounting because the information analyses are intended for people outside the organization - owners and prospective owners, creditors and lenders, customers and suppliers, governmental units and the general public.
Much of the financial information is (7)______ in the annual report, a yearly statement of the financial condition and progress of the organization. Financial accounting reports answer the following questions:
Has the company's (8)______ been satisfactory? Should we invest in this company?
Should we loan money to this company? Will it be (9)______ to pay the money back?
Can the company (10)______ to raise its salaries? Will it be able to provide permanent employment?
Thus, we may see that accounting is critical to business and to anyone who wants to understand business.
a) afford | b) income |
c) contained | d) production |
e) may | f) information |
g) course | h) divided |
i) able | j) managerial |
Вправа 14. 1) Прочитайте текст і придумайте заголовок до кожного з його абзаців.
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