Читайте также:
John: Are things different now?
David: Yes. What (1)______ (happen) is that the Sales and Marketing Department (2)______ (turn) into three separate divisions - there is now an International Division, a UK Division, and there's a new office that (3)______ (set up) in the US.
John: Is Peter still in charge?
David: No, they (4)______ (make) him a Senior Director, so he doesn't have much to do with the department now. Laura (5)______ (promote) to Sales Director, so they all report directly to her. Benedict Warner and Katie Lang (6)______ (put) in charge of the International Division and the UK Division.
John: (7) _ _____ (Kent / send) to the US?
David: No, not at all. He didn't get on with Laura, so he (8)______ (demote) to UK Sales Assistant, and he works for Katie. Obviously he's not very happy about it and he doesn't think that the company (9)______ (treat) him fairly. I don't expect he'll stay long.
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*Вправа 5. (Робота в парах). Прочитайте діалог, надавши йому більш "офіційного" характеру, тобто замінюючи, де це можливо, активні речення на пасивні.
Janet: I've booked you on the 8.30 flight, so you will arrive at 11.00 local time. One of their drivers will meet you at the airport and take you straight to their Head Office.
Helen: Fine. Have you made reservations at a hotel?
Janet: Yes, you will be at the Holiday Inn.
Helen: OK. Do they know how long the meeting will last?
Janet: They expect that you will be able to finish at about 5.30. I have told the hotel that you will not arrive before 6.30. However, that's fine and they have said that they will keep the room for you and will not give it to anyone else.
ФВправа 6. 1) Прослухайте радіопрограму про популярний у світі автомобіль – Volkswagen Beetle, потім скажіть, чи вірні подані нижче твердження. Якщо ні, скажіть, чому.
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1. People like Beetles because they are so comfortable.
2. The man feels that his car is his friend.
3. His friends who own Beetles have thought of lots of ways o improve their cas.
4. Ferdinand Porsche was asked to design the car in 1938.
5. American and British soldiers in Germany didn’t like the Beetle cars very much.
6. Some Beetles were taken back to Britain and America by the soldiers.
7. Peter Baber opened the first VW garage in America in the 1950s.
8. His father started a magazine for people who owned or liked Beetles.
9. Peter Barber’s schoolfriends first called the car a Beetle.
10. No Beetles have been made in the world since 1974.
2) Під час другого прослуховування програми занотуйте випадки вживання the Passive Voice (їх 9).
Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 146 | Нарушение авторских прав
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