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Here are some tips for travellers.

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  1. Here are some final tips for travellers.

¨ In France you shouldn't sit down in a café until you've shaken hands with everyone you know.

¨ In Afghanistan you should spend at least five minutes saying hello.

¨ In Pakistan you mustn't wink. It is offensive.

¨ In the Middle East you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating, drinking, or smoking. Also, you should take care not to admire anything in your hosts' home. They will feel that they have to give it to you.

¨ In Thailand you should clasp your hands together and lower your head and your eyes when you greet someone.

¨ In America you should eat your hamburger with both hands and as quickly as possible. You shouldn't try to have a conversation until you eat it.


to behave -поводитися;to imagine -уявляти собі; to arrange -домовлятися; to expect -сподіватися; business colleague -колега по бізнесу;bang on time -якраз у цей час;European Community -Європейська Співдружність;size -розмір;guidebook - посібник; to appear -з'являтися;advice -порада;etiquette -етикет; widespread -поширений;understanding -розуміння; corresponding -відповідний;custom -звичай;to realize -усвідомлювати;strict -суворий; rule -правило; behaviour -поведінка; seniority -старшинство; to complete -завершувати; business deal -ділова угода;to exchange -обмінюватися; immediately -негайно; безпосередньо; to establish -установлювати; position - положення, посада; to hand -вручати;superior -вищий;carefully -уважно;bow - уклін;to greet -вітати;to shake hands -потиснути руки;respect -повага;thereafter -після цього;tip - порада;to say hello - вітати;to wink -підморгувати;offensive -образливий;to take care -дбати, турбуватися;to admire -захоплюватися; host - господар;to clasp -стискувати; to lower -опускати.


1. Which nationalities are the most and least punctual?

2. Why did the British think that everyone understood their customs?

3. An American friend of yours is going to work in Japan. Give some advice about how he / she should and shouldn't behave.

4. Which nationalities have rules of behaviour about hands? What are the rules?

5. Why is it not a good idea to...

... say that you absolutely love your Egyptian friend's vase.

... say 'Hi! See you later!' when you're introduced to someone in Afghanistan.

... discuss politics with your American friend in a McDonald's.

6. Do you agree with the saying 'When in Rome, do as the Romans do'? Why?


Б) Яку пораду ви дасте людині, що збирається жити і працювати в Україні?


*Вправа 5. (Робота в парах). Допоможіть японському бізнесмену правильно поводитися під час його перебування у Великій Британії.


1. I am going to visit Britain shortly on training course, and I may go out to the pub with my British colleagues. I am not sure what to do about buying drinks. Which option (вибір) is correct?

A - I should only pay for the drinks I have.

B - I should let other people buy me drinks.

C - each member of the group should take turns (to take turns - чергуватися) in buying everyone a drink.

2. They might invite me to an informal dinner at the house of a British business colleague in London. If the invitation is for 8 p.m., which of the following is more polite?

A - I should arrive a few minutes early, and certainly no later than 8 p.m.

B - I should arrive ten to fifteen minutes late.

C - I should arrive about 45 minutes late.

3. In Japan we often give business colleagues small gifts (подарунки) to show we appreciate (to appreciate - цінувати) their hospitality (гостинність). If I go to a British colleague's house for a meal, I don't know whether to take a gift or not. Should I:

A - not take anything?

B - take a bottle of wine or some flowers?

C - offer to pay for the cost of the meal?

4. I may attend a conference in London. I have read about 'body language', and I am not sure how close (близько) to stand when I am talking to British people. Should I stand:

A - about 30 cm away?

B - about 90 cm away?

C - about 2 metres away?

5. When leaving a group of colleagues after an informal evening out, we normally shake hands with everyone. I am not sure how to behave in England. Should I:

A - shake everyone by the hand?

B - shake the men by the hand and kiss the women on the cheek?

C - do nothing?


*Вправа 6.


А) Прочитайте текст і виберіть із запропонованих варіантів заголовок до нього.


This happened many years ago when the former Soviet Union was still a communist state. I was working in Malaysia, and I had to get back to London for an urgent meeting. I had to take an Aeroflot flight because all the others were full, and we flew to Moscow. Unfortunately we missed the connecting flight, so we had to stay in the airport hotel and wait. I wanted to make a phone call but they said that it was 'not possible in Moscow'. I wanted to transfer to a British Airways flight, but I couldn't do that either, because it was 'not possible in Moscow'. There were armed guards at the hotel doors, and we couldn't go outside or visit the city because we didn't have visas. On the other hand they were quite generous - we didn't have to pay for the rooms and we didn't have to pay anything for food either. So we just had to wait, and every morning there was a fight for tickets at the reception desk. In the end, after about five days, I managed to get a ticket and got back to London, but of course I had missed the meeting and I had to fly straight back to Malaysia - but not with Aeroflot!


to happen -траплятися; former -колишній; urgent -терміновий; flight -рейс; full -повний; to fly -летіти; to miss -спізнитися, пропустити; connecting flight - рейс,узгоджений за часом для пересадки з іншого рейсу; to transfer -пересісти;armed guards -озброєна варта; generous -щедрий; fight - боротьба, бійка;reception desk -стіл адміністратора.


1. My travel about Moscow.

2. My travel experience with Aeroflot.

3. My travel experience with British Airways.

4. My stay at the London airport.

5. A wonderful Aeroflot flight from Malaysia to London.


Б) Виберіть з поданих нижче тверджень ті, які відповідають змісту тексту.


1. This story happened with a Malaysian businessman.

2. He flew to Moscow because he didn't manage to get a ticket for another flight.

3. He didn't transfer to the connecting flight because he had to stay in Moscow for five days.

4. He didn't change for a British Airways flight because he was not allowed to.

5. He had to get a visa to be able to do the sights of Moscow.

6. He could live and eat free of charge in the airport hotel.

7. He couldn't get a ticket to London earlier than the next morning.

8. He flew back to Malaysia after he had attended the meeting in London.

Вправа 7 (контрольна).

А) Прочитайте текст і придумайте заголовок до кожної з трьох його частин.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 353 | Нарушение авторских прав

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