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В англійській мові the Passive Voice використовується досить часто, особливо в науковому мовленні. Отже, треба вміти розпізнавати пасивні речення під час читання і правильно передавати їх засобами рідної мови.
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*Вправа 1. (Робота у невеликих групах). Визначте предикативну синтагму в поданих нижче реченнях, а також часову форму присудка. Користуючись інструкцією 1, перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
1. This fact is taken into account (to take into account – брати до уваги).
2. This fact should not be underestimated (to underestimate – недооцінювати).
3. Some additional (додатковий) calculations (розрахунки) are required (to require – потребувати).
4. They had the order (замовлення) sent by courier (кур'єр).
5. A brief (стислий) account (звіт) of the available (наявний) data (дані) will be given in chapter (розділ) II.
6. The process may be affected (to affect – впливати) by other factors.
7. Some improvements (удосконалення) are being introduced (to introduce – вводити) in the organization of research (дослідницький) work.
8. This theory was developed (to develop – розробляти) in the early 1950s.
9. It was soon proved (to prove – доводити) that this hypothesis (гіпотеза) had been based (to base - базувати) on the wrong assumption (припущення).
10. Much attention is now being given (to give attention to – приділяти увагу) to the development of better research techniques (прийоми).
11. All of these problems have been discussed lately.
12. This question has not been raised (to raise – піднімати; порушувати) in literature until now.
13. Originally (спочатку), this word must have been used (to use – використовувати) to describe (описувати) that process for want of (за браком) a better term.
14. The model, which has been discussed here, does not readily (легко) apply (to apply - стосуватися, застосовуватися) to more recent (останній, сучасний) data.
15. This problem was preliminarily (попередньо) discussed by a few research groups in various countries.
16. This problem, which is currently (зараз) being considered (to consider - розглядати) by many economists, is closely (тісно) related (зв'язаний) to the consumption (споживання; споживчий) function.
17. The first experiments were aimed (to aim - цілити) at establishing (встановлення) a correlation between these two mechanisms.
18. These studies should have been resumed (to resume - відновлювати) when it became clear that the original assumption had been correct.
*Вправа 2. (Робота в парах). Визначте предикативну синтагму в поданих нижче реченнях, а також часову форму присудка. Перекладіть речення на рідну мову.
1. This formula is readily deduced (to deduce – виводити) from the equation (рівняння).
2. Those data could have been used in our work but they lacked (to lack – бракувати) precision (точність).
3. This problem was outlined (to outline - окреслити) in one of the papers (статті).
4. All of these processes are regulated (to regulate – регулювати) by a common (загальний) factor.
5. Some changes cannot be predicted (to predict – передбачати).
6. Their requirements will be met (to meet the requirements – задовольняти вимоги) in this case.
7. Some of our older conceptions are presently being revised (to revise – переглядати).
8. I have had these figures checked.
9. Several factors were involved (to involve – включати) in that process.
10. The question hadn’t been raised before 1962.
11. Some recent (сучасний) works should have been included (to include – включати) in the review (огляд).
12. While the order was being executed (to execute – виконувати), the girl made several calls to her friends.
13. Several attempts (спроби) have been made to classify (щоб класифікувати) these phenomena.
14. It was pointed out (to point out - вказувати) that the question had been raised long before (задовго до) any actual (дійсний) work was started in this direction (напрям).
15. Some contradictions (протиріччя) in the interpretation of these data have not been explained (to explain - пояснювати) yet.
16. Therefore, this assumption should be reconsidered or the results re-checked.
17. The introduction (вступ) will be followed (to follow - іти за) by a good deal of (значна кількість) calculations and an analysis of the results.
18. The above (вищезгаданий) criterion is strikingly (напрочуд) well satisfied (to satisfy - задовольняти) in a comparatively (порівняно) large number of cases.
Вправа 3 (контрольна). Користуючись словником, напишіть переклад поданих нижче речень.
1. Volvos are produced in Sweden.
2. In Britain milk is delivered to your doorstep.
3. You will be picked up by one of our drivers.
4. We had the new furniture delivered yesterday.
5. I am being asked to do a lot of extra work at the moment.
6. I can assure you that your complaint is being dealt with.
7. I didn't use the company car yesterday because it was being serviced.
8. We only noticed the mistakes when the brochures were being printed.
9. A design fault has been found on some of our washing machines.
10. All of our machines have been recalled.
11. Most of the senior managers were fired after the takeover.
12. They will have their office repainted by Christmas.
13. The shipment is going to be delayed.
14. They faxed us to say that the shipment had been delayed.
15. The factory has been modernized and computerized.
16. Our factory is being taken over by an American company.
17. About one thousand people are employed in that factory.
18. These important facts might have been easily overlooked as they were published in a popular magazine.
*Вправа 4. (Робота в парах). Прочитайте підкреслені речення і вкажіть, яке речення - A чи B - повинно слідувати за кожним з них.
1. Roche is one of the world's leading pharmaceutical groups.
A) It manufactures vitamins, perfumes, and antibiotics.
B) Vitamins, perfumes, and antibiotics are manufactured by it.
2. Qantas is the second oldest international airline.
A) The Australian government currently owns it.
B) It is currently owned by the Australian government.
3. Bass PLC is the largest global hotel operator.
A) It owns Holiday Inns and a number of other hotel chains.
B) Holiday Inns and a number of other hotel chains are owned by it.
4. Australian born Rupert Murdoch is Chairman of News Corporation.
A) He controls 39% of the company through Cruden Investments.
B) 39% of the company is controlled by him through Cruden Investments.
*Вправа 5. Прочитайте речення, вибираючи правильну форму присудка.
1. Tom' s just promoted / ' s just been promoted to area manager of Eastern Europe.
2. I' ve applied / 've been applied for a new job.
3. How many times have you made / have you been made redundant?
4. Bob's wife has just lost / has just been lost her job.
5. My father has taken / has been taken early retirement.
6. My brother has given / has been given the sack. His boss said he was lazy.
7. The number of people out of work has risen / has been risen to nearly 3 million.
8. A strike has called / has been called by the air traffic controllers.
9. They haven't offered / haven't been offered more money by the management.
10. How much money have you saved / have you been saved for your retirement?
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*Вправа 6. (Робота в парах).
А) Прочитайте текст і скажіть, що становить його головний інтерес: а) д-р Джон Пембертон? б) Френк Робінсон? в) Кока-Кола? г) Аса Кендлер?
Coca-Cola is enjoyed all over the world. 1.6 billion gallons are sold every year, in over one hundred and sixty countries. The drink was invented by Dr John Pemberton in Atlanta, on 8 May 1886, but it was given the name Coca-Cola by his partner, Frank Robinson. In the first year, only nine drinks a day were sold.
The business was bought by a man called Asa Candler in 1888, and the first factory was opened in Dallas, Texas, in 1895. Coca-Cola is still made there. Billions of bottles and cans have been produced since 1895.
Diet Coke has been made since 1982, and over the years many clever advertisements have been used to sell the product. It is certain that Coca-Cola will be drunk far into the twenty-first century.
Б) Випишіть із тексту в 4 колонки дієслова в Passive Voice.
Present Simple | Past Simple | Present Perfect | Future Simple |
В) Не дивлячись у текст, спробуйте згадати речення з цими дієсловами.
Г) Напишіть запитання до поданих нижче відповідей.
a) 1.6 billion gallons.
b) In 1886.
c) Only nine drinks a day. (How much...?)
d) In Dallas.
e) Since 1982.
*Вправа 7. (Робота в парах). У поданих нижче двох газетних статтях є шість випадків the Passive Voice, але всі вони переплутані місцями. Знайдіть їх і розставте на правильні місця (у письмовій формі).
Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 162 | Нарушение авторских прав
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Вправа 4.(Робота в парах). Прочитайте розмову між службовцем компанії і його приятелем, який працював у ній раніше, вживаючи дієслова у дужках у правильній формі. | | | Drugs seized at airport |