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A place not to forget

Читайте также:
  2. A Remember and forget
  3. B. Choose from the words in the box and write the numbers in the correct place. The first has been done for you.
  4. BBC Radio 1 "Placebo chat", 2003
  5. Behold Deep Place, lair of the Abysmals, possessors of the First Key, guardians of the Second Gate of Hell. Woe to all who enter the bowels of this realm.
  6. Below is a list of most important actions in the story. Place them in the part of the story you think they best fit.


■Revise vocabulary for describing buildings and landmarks.

■Divide the class into groups. Write the following phrases on the board and ask students to look them up in a dictionary: layer, flat-roofed, courtyard, tomb, burial chamber, afterlife, corpse, shaft. Elicit what famous landmark the phrases are connected to (pyramid).

■Ask groups to draw a pyramid, illustrating as many of the phrases as possible. Groups show their work to the class.


■Depending on time available, the online tasks could be done during the lesson and the presentations could be prepared at home. It is important that you are available in class to help students extract the information they need from the websites.

■Divide the class into pairs and give out the handout A place not to forget. Give each pair a different topic to research. Students can prepare their presentations at home and give them in the next lesson.

■Students can also work in pairs to make a comparison of two pyramids.

Internet activities teaching notes

■After students have completed the online tasks, ask them to do the Follow-up activity and set the Homework if appropriate.

Get extreme!


■ You are going to play a game called 'What sport is it?' Work in pairs. You will get the name of an extreme sport from the following: abseiling, zorbing, potholing, knee boarding, kite skiing.

■Find out as much as you can about your extreme sport and complete the table below.


■ Use one of these websites: http://dir.yahoo.com/recreation/sports/ extreme_sports

http://www.infoplease.com/sports.html http://www.wildthings.com/index.html http: //www. extremi sts. со m. a u http://www.sportspedia.com http://expn.go.com


■ Make a Web search using one of these search engines:









1 Write a short description of your sport and

Internet student activities

give it to your teacher.

Use these cues:

The sport is called...

It is practised by...

You play it in... or on...

The equipment you need to do this sport is... and...

You win when you...

You have to be... and... to be good at... (name of the sport).

2 Choose one of the descriptions and act out a roleplay. Use the role cards below. Take turns to act each role.

Student A

You have read a lot about an interesting sport called.... Try to convince your father/mother to buy you the expensive equipment needed and to let you go to a sports camp in the holidays to learn the sport.

Student В

Name of sport  
Place where sport takes place  
Names of people who practise the sport  
Scoring system / how you win  
Adjectives to describe people who practise the sport  
Any other information  

Your son/daughter wants you to buy the expensive equipment needed for the sport You think the sport is much too dangerous and your son/daughter should spend the holidays with their grandparents rather than at a sports camp.


Write a short postcard to a friend from the sports camp, where you are learning the new sport. Write how you are spending your time and how you feeling about doing your dream sport.

Finding your way


The best parking lot:
ШтР tPMwP адРШм

■ You are in London. You are going to visit a friend in New York, so you need to get to Heathrow Airport. You have some directions for getting to the airport by car but they are incomplete. Use the Heathrow Airport Guide website (http://www.heathrow-airport- guide.co.uk) to find the information to complete the text below.

You have had a safe flight from Heathrow to J F Kennedy Airport in New York. Your friend is meeting you. Go to "Parking Information" (http://www.panynj.gov/aviation/ jgrpfram2.html). Decide which parking to use and how to get from the parking to Terminal 4 where you are. Tell your partner.



How to get to Terminal 4 from this parking lot:

Heathrow Airport by car - Directions

London Heathrow is_______ miles_________ of

London, on the_______ motorway, near the

M25 interchange. All Terminals and appropriate motorway exits are signposted. Make sure you know which terminal to go to before setting out. Terminals 1,2 and 3 are

located in the__________ of Heathrow and can

be reached via the following motorways: M4

Junction______, M25 Junction 15, A4

(________ road). Terminal 4 is on the south

side of Heathrow and can be reached via the following motorways: M4 Junction 3, Junction 14, A (local road).

Work in pairs. Use the Heathrow Airport Guide to decide which will be the best way to get to the airport from Victoria Station in London: taxi, coach or rail.

You are now in the airport but do not know which terminal you need. Go to "Which terminal" and "Terminal Information" (http://www.heathrow-airport-guide.co.uk/ terminals.html) to find the right terminal to fly to New York.

Go to "Shopping and Duty Free" and "Duty Free Allowances" (http://www.heathrow-airport- guide.co.uk/dutyfree.html) to find out what you can take out of Britain to the USA. Tell your partner.


Work with another partner. Tell your New York friend about your journey. Say why you chose a taxi/coach/rail to get to Heathrow, what you bought in the duty free shop and how you spent your trip on a plane.


Use the information from the activity to write a description of either of the airports. Write about the location, facilities and services.


■ Work in pairs.

Go to http://www.onlinenewspapers.com Each choose two different countries from different continents and find out what the main news is in the major newspapers there. Complete the table above. Summarise the main news for your partner.

■ Newspapers can be quality or popular (tabloid) newspapers. Go to

http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/ and find two or three papers that come from the same city/region (e.g. Chicago Sun Times and Chicago Tribune). Compare their headlines and try to decide which newspapers are quality and which are popular.

■ Write the headlines in the table below and rewrite them, if possible.

■ You will now create your own newspaper, from different Web resources, which will deliver the news you want every day.

Name of newspaper Original headline Rewritten headline

■ Go to CRAYON - Create Your Own Newspaper (http://www.crayon.net/). Click "New User" under "Subscriber Login" in the top right comer

of the page. Enter your email address, confirm it, then type in a password and confirm it in the boxes provided.

■ Choose the following settings for your paper: title, motto, page layout, graphics and security options.

■ Click on "Choosing a Source Selection Method" and decide which papers you want to be included in your newspaper.

■ Click on "Publish this newspaper" to create your paper. In a short time, your newspaper will be returned with your selected items. The next page will give the Web address of your newspaper, where you will go to read your paper each day.


1 Copy three headlines from your CRAYON newspaper and exchange them with another student.

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  Your paper 1 Your paper 2 Your partner's paper 1 Your partner's paper 2
Name of the country        
Title of the newspaper        
The headline        
The main points of the story        

2 Choose one of the headlines and write the story for it. Try to write it in 'tabloid' style.

A place not to forget


■ The topic of this activity is 'Famous landmarks: the Pyramids'. You are going find out about the ancient civilization of the Egyptians.

■ Work in pairs. Go to Mysteries of Egypt

(http://ww w. ci vi li zatio n. ca/ci vi l/egy pt/ egypte.html) and click "Egyptian Civilisation".

■ The teacher will give each pair a topic to research (geography, architecture, government, writing, religion, daily life and sciences). Find out as much information as you can and give a presentation to the whole class.

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■ Complete the table below while you are listening to each presentation.

Daily life  



Work in pairs. Use your information about the two pyramids to act out a roleplay. Use the role cards below. Take turns to act each role.

Student A

You are a tour guide in Egypt. You are showing the pyramids to a group of students from abroad. Give some background information about the Egyptian civilization, describe the pyramids and answer any questions.

Student В

You are on a school trip to Egypt. You are listening to a tour guide talking about the Egyptian civilization and the pyramids you are visiting. Listen carefully and be ready to ask questions about the things that interest you.


Use the information you have collected to write a description of one of the pyramids.



■ Go to the National Geographic website (http://www.nationalgeographic.com/pyramids/ pyramids.html) and choose two pyramids by clicking on them.

■ Compare the two pyramids by completing the table below.

  Pyramid 1 Pyramid 2
Special features    



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Language Powerbook Answer Key

Module 1 Warm-up 1

2 desert island 3 scientific expedition 4 polar region 5 natural environment 6 wild animals 2

go sailing, go skiing, go flying, go parachuting, go diving

other possibilities: go swimming, go (wind)surfing, go (roller)skating, go skateboarding, go snowboarding, go running, go jogging, go riding

natural features: desert, rainforest, volcano sports: canoeing, diving, parachuting journeys: cruise, round-the-world-trip, trek

1 Word Power 1

le 2 g 3d 4b 5 h 6c 7f 8a

noun verb adjective adverb
1 success succeed successful successfully
2 sadness sadden sad sadly
3 bravery XXXXXXX brave bravely
4 disaster XXXXXX disastrous disastrously
5 failure fail failing XXXXXXX
6 desperation despair desperate desperately
7 darkness darken dark darkly
8 ambition XXXXXXX ambitious ambitiously
9 exhaustion exhaust exhausted exhaustedly
10 death die dying XXXXXX


2 sadness 3 exhaustedly 4 bravely 5 disastrous 6 disaster 7 despair 8 darken 9 ambition

10 dying

2 preparation 3 exploration 4 fall 5 organisation 6 disappointment


Present Simple Present Continuous

always at present

often at the moment

regularly now

usually 2

Students' own answers

2 Look! Your brother has just come in.

3 I've often tried to read War and Peace but I always find it too difficult.

4 We've never visited the Czech Republic. What's it like?

5 Peter has sometimes given me his homework on time but usually it's been late.

6 Have you ever been to the cinema with Tom?

7 They've already done their homework. Here it is.

8 They haven't done their homework yet. Ifs for next week.

9 I've worked here for ten years. 101've worked here since 2000.

2 The dogs are pulling the sledge.

3 I haven't brought the map with me.

4 She works for a travel company.

5 They aren't making much progress with their expedition.

6 He has/Ч crossed the Atlantic many times.

7 Have you read this travel book?

8 They don't speak English.

2 Grammar


2 is/"s getting 3 think, is/"s getting 4 look/are you thinking 5 am/"m tasting 6 are you smelling 7 loves, smell 8 a re/'re having, have 9 is/s having/has 2*

1 hasn't worked 2 Are you learning 3 have/'ve been

4 haven't done 5 Do you learn 6 is/s reading

7 Have you finished 8 don't watch 9 doesn't eat 3"

2 Do you like 3 Do you always have 4 Are you learning 5 have you read 6 Do you read 7 Have you read 8 Has he written

1 is 2 films 3 has/"s explored 4 have bitten

5 have attacked 6 is/s preparing 7 loves 8 tSe

9 work 10 have/'ve filmed 11 eat 12 don't eat 13 am/m studying 14 am/m trying 15 have/ve found


2 We travel to China on holiday every year.

3 We're eating a lot of fish at the moment.

4 Pauline Jones is working at a travel agent's this year.

5 Brian has made journeys to some unusual places for the last five years.

6 We're preparing for an adventure holiday now.

7 Are you spending time with cannibals on your holiday at present?


1 gets 2 enter 3 take place 4 have/'ve organised 5 have/'ve won 6 haven't won 7 want 8 like

9 have/'ve never won 10 have/'ve tried 11 have 12 have/'ve lived 13 are you living 14 am/'m staying 15 are you enjoying 16 practise 17 get 18 don't have

2 We агеДе having dinner now. Could I call you back later?

3 How long have you lived here?

4 Grandma and granddad visit us every Friday.

Word Comer 1

Africa Asia Australia America

Nigeria New Guinea Aborigines the Amazon

Namibia Siberia

Kamchatka China the Namib Desert the Gobi Desert 2

air water land

microlight canoe sledge parachuting sailing horse cruise camel on foot trek

3 Communication 1

What your answers mean:

I have mostly с answers: Do you do an extreme sport? No? Start one. Yes? Start a second one. You do two extreme sports? Start a third one. Extreme sports are for you!

I have mostly b answers: Maybe an extreme sport is for you.

1 have mostly a answers: Are you in bed? Stay there. Don't get up - it's dangerous out there!

If 2d 3 e 4a 5h 6g 7c 8b

2 backing out 3 have/'ve set up 4 go through with

5 put on 6 get across 7 been into

4 Focus on Writing 1

A: b or f; В: с, e or h 2

1 Actually 2 Predictably 3 Anyway 4 Luckily

5 but 6 so 7 Predictably 8 Anyway 9 Well

Nervously, he jumped out of the plane.

You need a helmet, a snowboard and some gloves.

While I was surfing, Helen was sunbathing.

You don't need special clothes, special equipment or a lot of money.

Later, we'll learn some more complicated moves.

Our instructor, who was French, was called Christophe.

If you don't practise, you'll never be good at a sport.

Unbelievably, he won the race.

Language Problem Solving 1 1

1 are working 2 are helping 3 go 4 give out

5 love 6 says 7 all have 8 know 9 come 10 are meeting 11 always prepare 12 works 13 doesn't work 14 realise 15 are/'re helping 16 feel 17 are/'re doing

1 We have 2 I'm having 3 are you tasting

4 tastes 5 We're thinking 6 do you think 7 looks 8 I'm looking

Module 2 Warm-up

2 -M ю. a. г».JT У г*»? frc эшс

3 VixneifsTecaianKSf * okaTs r«is saen mu * w «ас"

5 Mat s r»e K -utt «at «iw»"

t ^Mjoiiff

crime: 5 historical: 2 science fiction: 1, 6 spy: 3 love: 4 3

2 complicated 3 romantic 4 fascinating 5 scary 6 educational

5 Word Power 1

2 I thought the film was absolutely fantastic.

3 Have you gone completely mad?

4 She hit him very violently.

5 The English test was a bit difficult but I managed to finish it.

6 I don't know why people don't tike Mr Carter. I think he's rather nice.

7 Jo is quite good at science but not good enough to get a job doing it.

8 My dog behaves well if he knows you but he's rather dangerous with strangers.

(appropriate modifiers) 3

2 The young man looked nervous. 2

The young man looked extremely nervous. 1 The young man looked a bit nervous. 3

3 The cab drove quite fast. 3 The cab drove incredibly fast. 1 The cab drove very fast. 2

4 That liquid is a bit dangerous. 2 That liquid is safe. 3

That liquid is really dangerous. 1

5 He planned everything brilliantly. 1 He planned everything quite well. 3 He planned everything very well. 2

6 I think you are completely correct. 2 I think you are right. 3

I am now absolutely convinced that you are right. 1

7 You have been a bit foolish. 3 You are a complete fooL 1 You are a fool. 2

8 He went after the young man rather quickly. 3 He rushed after the young man. 1

He went fest after the young man. 2

anarchist, cab


infinitive past infinitive past
bite bit ring rang
break broke shut shut
build built spend spent
catch caught steal stole
draw drew swim swam
fight fought teach taught
hear heard throw threw
leave left wear wore
lend lent win won
meet met write wrote


2 I drove to work every day last year.

3 Did Laura just hit that boy?

4 James didn't keep the book about films.

5 We didn't meet them last night.

6 Why did you put that there?

7 We always sat at the same desks.

8 An American won Wimbledon last year.

Repeated actions - sentences 2 and 7

2 The cat was catching up (1).

2 The scientist was looking at his watch. (1)

3 As John and Jo were coming in, Pete gave them the bad news. (2)

4 The sun was shining all the time we were revising together outside. (3)

5 We weren't working on Friday. It was a public holiday. (1)

6 Were you driving by the river «hen you saa the red car? (2)

7 The ейская «as» t tanas «merr I mas Uq re юег агпиие. •

1 W. r«e аиаеяг «е* w*sn§ te aaa at.

Immt PmrbmkAmw f&q

4 As I was leaving the shop, I saw the picture and I bought it.

5 A light rain was falling when I arrived in Abilene for the first time.

6 I wrote to them as soon as I knew my travel dates.

7 While you were watching TV, I was working hard.

8 My grandmother looked after me when I was little.

9 She fell and hurt her arm as she was running for a train.

10 As soon as I read her letter, I understood everything.

6 Grammar 1*

Because I had/'d asked for it. Because I had/'d bought spaghetti. Because I had/'d forgotten my/the money. Because I had/'d left my/the guitar at home. Because I had/'d taken it back to library.

He had/'d never made a speech before.

We hadn't flown before.

She hadn't played in public before.

We hadn't given a talk before.

She hadn't written one/an essay before.

We got married a year after we had/'d fallen in love. Or A year after we had/'d fallen in love, we got married.

3 The others had eaten all the food when I got home. Or When I got home, the others had eaten all the food.

4 He bought the candy after they had/'d arrived at the cinema. Or After they had/'d arrived at the cinema, he bought the candy.

5 When I arrived home and looked round, I saw that a burglar had stolen my CD player. Or I saw that a burglar had stolen my CD player when I arrived home and looked round.

4 "

2 found 3 had/'d just seen 4 spoke 5 told

6 had/'d sent 7 had/'d never told 8 had/'d got some 9 had/'d done 10 had/'d arrived 11 didn't tell 12 had happened 13 remembered 14 didn't even tell 15 stayed

5 **

2 had/'d been 3 hadn't realised 4 arrested 5 had/'d forgotten 6 was 7 had taken 8 had asked 9 phoned 10 took 6***

CANDY 4 vendor 5 coconut
MONEY 6 tails 7 pocket money 8 cents 9 heads

Last weekend Jason Turner had ooon saw a drunk get into a car and drive off. A year earlier another drunk driver was injuring had injured a friend of his when he woo knocking knocked him off his motor bike. So Mr Turner, a 36-year-old financial dealer, hod followed followed the drunk in his own car. As they had driven were driving along Mr Turner hod shouted shouted at the other driver. He was telling him to stop the car. But the other driver hadn't taken didn't take any notice. Mr Turner later was tolling told police that it was only then that he woo trying had tried to hit the other car. The other car drove was driving very dangerously,' Mr Turner had explained. 'And I was stopping stopped him.' The police did not agree. Mr Turner had to pay £800 for dangerous driving.

Word Corner


1 pretty

2 perfect teeth

3 mad about


10 Times Square

11 tickets

12 tram

13 performance


Did you? 2 Thafs true 3 I suppose 4 come on Especially 6 Thafs not the point

isn't it? 3 were they? 4 didn't he? 5 did you? had they? 7 was it? 8 didn't it?

4 see in

e I'm not going to go. Are you? a I love all those films. Don't you? с I can't understand why they're so popular. Can you? d I haven't read any of them. Have you? b I thought the special effects were fantastic. Didn't you?

going out with 3 broke up with have/Ve fallen in love with 8 Focus on Writing 1

1 while 2 Immediately 3 After 4 Then 5 Later

After, On the second day, before, immediately, still, immediately. Now, just then, suddenly, As, after, in a second. As, Just then, then 3

3 Who's whispering at the back of the class?

5 In the newspaper article, they referred to his early life in Poland.

6 Were you listening at the door?

7 I go shopping every Saturday morning.

Language Problem Solving 2 1

1 used to live 2 Did you use to live 3 didn't use to like 4 used to sit 5 didn't use to have 6 Did your parents use to have

When I was little, my mum and dad used to have a baker's shop, and we used to live in a flat above the shop. My friends would usod to come round to the shop all the time, hoping to get free cakes. But my mother would never used to give them any! She me4 te would make them pay, like everyone else. My sister and I would always uood to have fresh bread for breakfast, though. Mum and Dad would usod to get up at four o'clock every morning, and the smell of it baking would usod to wake us up. We used to think that everyone's parents did the same thing! 3

1 When I was thirteen I used to be quite tall for my age.

2 I always used to love tennis.

3 We would go/used to go to the coast every year in the summer throughout my childhood.

4 -

5 David never used to have many friends.

6 He wrote his autobiography, even though he didn't use to be very well-known.

7 He used to be a good footballer, even though he didn't use to practise very much.

8 When I was a child we didn't use to go to expensive restaurants.

Skills Corner l

IT 2 F 3 F 4 T

5 F 6 F

Exam Zone (1-2) Use of English Sentence Transformations

1... Nick Cawdon, a famous explorer, has twice got lost in a desert/has got lost in a desert two times.

2... Norma was entering her office, her mobile rang.

3... to take me to the mountains for holidays when I was a small girl.

4... he went to see the scientist, the young man forged the letter.

5... this/one holiday differ from the other one? Verb Transformations

1 were... had already reached... started

2 am... am going

3 moved... has lived

4 came... had already prepared

5 used to be... (had) failed... stopped Word Formation







IF 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 F 6T

Reading 1

A extra В 3 С 7 D extra E 1 F 5 G extra H 2 16 J 4 2

IF 2 T 3T 4 F 5 D 6B 3

1С 2 В ЗА 4 A 5 С 6D 7D

Module 3 Warm-up l

across: motorcyclist, train, bus, ferry, ride, pedestrian down: motorist, ship, travel, van, cab, car, drive, lorry, yacht, balloon, commuter, helicopter 2

2 on foot 3 trips 4 motorbike 5 hovercraft, ferry

commuters 7 yacht 8 flight




lorry drive van

pedestrian the underground

2 jwwey journey

3 undorgrond underground

4 hoovorcroft hovercraft

5 boloon balloon

6 yoght yacht

7 lefy lorry

8 comutors commuters

9 delists cyclists

Word Power

e traffic jams d delays

с dangerous driving f ticket prices b air pollution h narrow roads g roadworks

bus stop 3 worth considering 4 upside-down by telephone 6 have doubts 7 train fare

have an accident 2 get on a bike 3 miss a plane cash a cheque 5 make a reservation 6 save a life

. have breakfast, have

have difficulty, hovo a doubts

make a suggestion, make a noise, make lunch, molio j party

save money, saw a problem, save a life, save time got on о reservation, get on a ferry, get on a train, get on a bus

Remember 1

no article




Qt XXXXXXXX the books books
-a J3   the apples apples
с 9   the people people
    the taxi drivers taxi drivers
"To   the teachers teachers
"o.   the men men
QJ In xxxxxxxx the water water
    the snow snow
Э о   the furniture furniture
с 3   the money money
jg xj S f an apple 5» a teacher

the book the apple the teacher


advice book baqaaqe equipment furniture friend hair homework information money weather

2 pieces of baggage 3 some 4 pieces of homework 5 some advice 6 The 7 hair 8 any

1 The 2 a 3 the 4 X 5 the 6 X 7 the, a 8 The 9 a 10 the

Last year I had to fly to Prague for my work. I enjoy business trips, but I don't enjoy the preparation that

1 have to do before them. As usual, I left everything until the night before the flight. I put the plane tickets, my passport, a toothbrush and a good book in a small bag. I didn't need a suitcase. I even ordered a taxi. I was very pleased with myself! There were no problems on the journey to the airport, and I got there an hour before the flight. I went to check in my luggage and gave my passport to a woman in an orange uniform. She politely told me that my passport was out-of-date. I looked at the date on the passport. It was 2003! I had to go home, go to the Passport Office in Liverpool the next day and wait in a queue for five hours! And I really hate queues! I'm going to the USA next year - perhaps I'll organise things better then!

10 Grammar l*

2 Peter has/"s been flying a plane for years.

3 The Robinsons have been living in London for twenty years but the Smiths haven't been living in London long.

4 George has been playing his computer game. He hasn't been doing his homework.

5 Amy and Jo have been waiting at the bus stop since three o'clock.

air flight helicopter balloon

6 Ted hasn't been playing basketball. He's been practising football with Richard all morning.

7 Has Jessica been talking on the phone to Steve a_ evening?


1 a I've started flying lessons.

2 a I've sold my bike to PhiL

3 b Peter's just been swimming.

4 b David's been cooking.

5 a Tim Henman hasn't won Wimbledon.

6 a Have you stopped eating? 3"

2 They've been tidying their/the bedrooms.

3 They've been trying to repair the broken window.

4 They've been painting George's bedroom.

5 They've been feeding their/the pets every day.

6 They've been doing (the) shopping every day. 4**

2 We've tidied our bedrooms.

3 We haven't changed the sheets on the beds.

4 We've painted George's bedroom.

5 We've repaired the broken window.

6 We haven't done all our homework. 5 **

2 Brazil has won the World Cup three times.

3 I've been riding a motorbike for five years.

4 She should stop. She's been driving for six hours and thafs too long.

5 Have you finished that book I lent you?

6 I've done the washing up, so we can watch TV now.

7 She's been writing an essay all morning.

8 He's tired because he's been getting up at five o'clock every morning for the last month.

6 **

2 I've been repairing

3 I've put

4 Have you been working

5 I've been writing

6 I've finished

7 I've printed

8 I've just ridden 7 ••*

(possible answers)

3 [name of singer] has died, aged 67.

4 Thieves have been stealing hundreds of bicycle in Amsterdam.

5 Fewer teenagers have been failing exams in recent years.

6 [name of country] has been getting richer every year.

7 The NASA expedition to Mars has just left for Florida.

8 Manchester United have won the FA Cup for the third time.

Word Corner

'Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to flight 412 to Lisbon. This is your pilot, John Barnes, speaking. We have now completed take-off, so you may undo your seatbelts, if you wish. Please take a minute to watch our flight attendants, who are currently standing in the aisle pointing out the location of all the emergency exits. During the flight, please make sure that all of your hand luggage is put in the overhead lockers and that your food trays remain in the upright position if you are not actually eating. For your information, your life jackets are stored under your seats. In an emergency, oxygen masks will fall automatically from a compartment above your heads. We wish you a pleasant journey.


1 passenger 2 luggage, baggage 3 seat

4 carriages 5 platform 6 information desk

1 check-in 2 flight attendant 3 trolley 4 passports 5 non-smoking 6 boarding cards 7 flight 8 gate 9 passport control 10 customs 3

1 Single or return?

2 How much will that be?

3 Do I have to change?

4 What time does it get to Leeds?

5 What platform does it go from?

1 get on 2 go from 3 get to 4 get off

5 go through 6 take off

1 get on 2 go from 3 get to 4 get off 5 went aff 6 go through 7 take off 8 check in

12 Focus on Writing

"aking a list Showing contrasts

atso although

and but

as well as however

• addition On the one hand/On the other hand

*us ЭО

2 On the other hand 3 although 4 In addition 5 plus 6 However 7 too 8 as well as

1 I've put Elizabeth's books in her bag.

2 We're painting our baby's bedroom.

3 Are you looking for women's or men's shoes?

4 If you use Chris's phone without asking, he'll be angry.

5 My sisters' husbands both work for computer companies.

6 Mum doesn't know that you've borrowed Dad's car.

7 The teacher didn't collect her class's homework last week.

8 I haven't cleaned the boys' rooms yet.

Language Problem Solving 3 1

1 himself 2 myself 3 herself 4 yourself

5 ourselves 6 yourselves 7 herself 8 yourself

9 yourselves 10 themselves 11 myself 12 itself 3

5 С 6С

2 each other/one another 3 themselves 4 themselves 5 yourselves 6 ourselves 7 each other/one another

Skills Corner

mobile phones text message text voting

1С 2 В ЗА 4 С

Module 4 Warm-up

types of TV

programmes the Internet

reality show website soap opera chatroom chat show documentary 2

2d 3b 4c 5a

2 watched TV 3 listening to the radio 4 gets information 5 vote by text

entertainment: films, sport, game shows, reality shows, chat shows, soap operas educational: documentaries, current affairs, the news stories: films, soap operas

real life: documentaries, current affairs, reality shows, the news

2 music 3 sport 4 films 5 current affairs 6 computers 7 cars

(possible answers)

film, TV, radio, books, Internet, newspapers, magazines

13 Word Power l

2a 3f 4c 5b бе 2 fifteen-year-old girl 3 top-up card

4 three-thousand-metre mountain 5 well-known movie star 6 two-month expedition

slang/ business words British

colloquial or terms culture

glam pre-tax councillor

cool chief executive newsagent

barmy sales channels corner shops

2 barmy 3 councillor 4 sales channels

5 corner shops 6 chief executive 7 pre-tax 8 cool 9 newsagents

1 fizzy 2 snacks 3 multinational 4 glum 5 pair

6 slowdown 7 flat sales 8 rumour

Remember 1

adjective nice useful interesting big light uncomfortable silly close 2 adjective good bad far
comparative nicer more useful more interesting bigger lighter more uncomfortable sillier closer comparative better worse farther/further

2d 3 f 4 b 5 c

б e


the nicest the most useful the most interesting the biggest the lightest the most uncomfortable the silliest the closest


little a lot of 3 2 the most interesting
less more

the best the worst the farthest/the furthest the least the most

3 worse than 4 the most luMfjuyt Powbwi Анжг

dangerous 5 angrier than 6 the tallest 7 hotter than 8 more complicated 9 younger 4

2 interested 3 tiring 4 frightened 5 bored 6 exciting

14 Grammar 1*

2 Most of the tickets haven't been sold.

3 Are you being served?

4 We aren't going to be told the results yet.

5 Can the baby be fed here?

6 My car had just been repaired.

7 Was the match being played in London?

8 Ford cars aren't made in New York.

9 The building won't be finished by May. 2*

1 A cat can't be fed on dog food.

2 The last seat had been taken by the time we got on the train.

3 Is Italian spoken in Switzerland?

4 The High Street isn't being rebuilt until the end of the year.

5 Was the baby being looked after when he fell off the chair?

6 Has this bottle of mineral water been opened?

7 You will be picked up from home and taken to the match.

8 The books had been taken back to the library.

3 **

2 b 3 a 4 both 5 both 6b 7b 8a 9b

4 **

2 -

3 I haven't been offered a job.

4 Is that old building going to be painted?

5 -

6 The earthquake was still being measured.

7 -

5 ***

1 has been invented

2 weighs

3 takes off/has taken off

4 lands/has landed

5 is/s being used

6 was announced

7 are being kept/have been kept

8 was greeted/has been greeted

9 has been called/is being called

10 is taking place/will take place/is going to take place

11 is fighting/will fight/is going to fight 6 •••

1 No financial aid was expected by the school.

2 No mistakes have been made.

3 Nothing will be done to change the situation.

4 No one has been arrested.

5 The forest in this area can't be saved.

6 No speeches will be made by the president.

Word Corner

2 h 3 e 4 g 5b 6c 7f 8a

15 Communication 1

2c 3 e 4b 5 d 6a 7e 8c 9a 2

1 b D с A d SD

2 a D bSA cA dSD

3 a A bSA cD dSD

a A b SA с D d SD

le 2 f 3 g 4b 5a 6d 7c

16 Focus on Writing 1

2 Nevertheless/However 3 Although 4 in spite of/despite 5 nevertheless/ however 6 although

7 In spite of/Despite 2

1 despite 2 but 3 although 4 in order to

However 6 for example 7 To sum up

1 I really enjoyed my holiday in Spain.

4 Ifs your turn to pay! I paid last time!

5 My mum always worries about me when I go out at night.

7 When I came home. Dad was busily painting the kitchen.

Language Problem Solving 4 1

3 He's going to get the belt in his/the washing machine changed.

4 He's cleaned his/the computer printer himself.

5 He's going to get the memory on his/the computer increased.

6 He's paid his/her bills himself.

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