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Exercise 4
■ If you wish, photocopy the tapescript from the Teacher's Book for students to refer to when working on Exercises 4-6.
■ Read through the sentences with the class. Students listen to the recording (and read the tapescript) and complete the sentences.
■ Check students' answers by asking individuals to read aloud the completed sentences. Write the answers on the board for students to refer to in Exercises 5 and 6.
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raiid stay here for a whole month 2 he'd been there mcryve the brochures 4 have seen the place where they ee-^sed Anne Boleyn 5 have missed Greece 6 I were a bit
■ i «hole class, students discuss what time each затгпсе talks about.
jresent 2 past 3 present 4 past 5 past 6 present
■ through the table with the students. Students work -cividually or in pairs, referring back to the sentences in Exercise 4 and completing the table.
•:-eck students' answers. Write the table on the board •-Tft the sentences from Exercise 4.
-"■went: wish + Past Simple, should(n't) + infinitive ®ast: wish + Past Perfect, should(n't) + have
Lx erase 7
• :ead through the instruction. Do the first item with the
• Students complete the exercise working in pairs, discussing which of the options mean the same as the given sentences.
1 b, d 2 c, d 3 b
■ Ask students to read the answers that were not the same and write sentences with the same meaning. Elicit suggestions for the first item from the class, e.g. la I've never used any of the foreign languages I learnt at school; lc I think it's a pity that my school doesn't teach foreign languages.
я Students do items 2 and 3 working in pairs.
■ Check answers by asking students to read out their sentences to the class. See how many different sentences students have thought of.
Exercise 8
■ Ask one of the students to read aloud the example sentence. Do the second sentence with the class.
■ Students complete the exercise working individually.
■ Check answers by asking individuals to read aloud the sentences.
sentences: 2 I should have checked the tyres/I wish I'd got my mobile phone with me. 3 I wish I were at home/I should have brought the map with me.
Exercise 10
■ Students do the exercise working individually. They can compare answers in pairs before checking answers as a class.
■ Check students' answers by asking pairs of students to read aloud the two sentences in each item.
1 have bought a camera before our trip to Egypt 2 we hadn't gone to Berlin by plane - it was so expensive 3 have paid for the hotel in advance 4 we had a guidebook 5 have offered her a lift to Lublin
Exercise 11
■ Read through the instruction and example items with the class. Ask students if the same examples are true of their town or area.
■ Students work individually, writing notes about the things that are unattractive for tourists in their town or area. Help with vocabulary if necessary.
Exercise 12
■ Ask two students to read out the example exchange. Remind students to agree and disagree politely with their partner.
■ Students discuss their ideas in pairs. Monitor and make a note of any general language problems to go over with the class afterwards.
■ As a class, students see if they can agree on two things in their town or area that make it unattractive for tourists.
Exercise 13
■ Read aloud the instructions and ask three students to read aloud the example sentences.
■ Students work individually, writing three or four sentences expressing regret about their last holiday (tell students they can invent information if they wish). Monitor and point out any language errors for students to correct.
■ In groups, students read each other's sentences.
■ Each student chooses one of their sentences to read to the class.
2 could 3 wasn't 4 hadn't been 5 had seen 6 weren't 7 had gone 8 had 9 hadn't bought
Exercise 9
■ Read through the instructions and example sentences with the class.
■ Students work individually or in pairs, writing sentences for the pictures.
■ Check answers by asking students to read aloud their sentences for each picture. Students can see how many sentences they have made for each picture. Suggested
MMe tO
Skills Focus |
39 Civilised?
■ To practise using the vocabulary of civilisation.
■ To listen to a TV programme and complete a factfile.
■ To listen to a TV programme and understand the speakers' opinions.
■ To practise giving reasons and giving examples.
■ To practise using multi-part verbs. Resource used
Cassette/CD. Background
The Mesopotamians is a blanket name for the different civilisations that developed in what is now Iraq between the Tigris and the Euphrates. The Sumerians were the world's first urban civilisation and emerged in the fourth millennium ВС in Lower Mesopotamia. This was followed by the Babylonians and the Mesopotamian Empire which was established in 2,300 ВС. Upper Mesopotamia, was the home of another civilisation called the Assyrians whose capital was Ninevah (or Nineveh). Ninevah had royal libraries containing thousands of clay tablets which provide the best surviving sources for ancient Mesopotamian history.
Picture A is cuneiform writing; picture В is a marble statue (a replica of Discus thrower by Myron, a fifth- century Greek sculptor); Picture С is a modern surgeon at work; Picture D is a Hittite chariot on a stone tablet, from the excavations at the Royal Cemetery at Ur.
The quote is by Stanislaw J. Lec, a Polish poet and author of books of aphorisms such as Unkempt Thoughts.
Routes through the material
>• Short of time: give some exercises for homework e.g. Exercises 10 and 11.
»- Plenty of time: do the Option.
»■ 2 classes for this lesson: break after Exercise 6.
Before you star! Exercise 1
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Routes through the material | | | KEY WORDS: Civilisation |