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OUR UNIVERSITY. Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University is the oldest pedagogical education establishment in Ukraine

Читайте также:
  1. A university student.
  2. A) Consider the diagram illustrating an approximate administrative structure of a University
  3. After finishing secondary school or college you can apply to a university, polytechnic, college of education or you can continue to study in a college of further education.
  4. Altai State Technological University.
  7. Belgorod University 2007 M.S. in Economics

Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University is the oldest pedagogical education establishment in Ukraine. Its history dates back to 1804 when Kharkiv V.N. Karazin National University was set up.

On the 24th of January 1803 the Regulations declaring that „every university shall have a „teacher training” or pedagogical institute in its structure” were approved.

The charter of Kharkiv University approved by the decree of the tsar Olexander I in 1804 included the separate chapter „On the Pedagogical Institute” which proclaimed the aim, structure and foundations of the activity of Pedagogical Institute. This is considered to be “the date of birth” of our university.

The institute changed the title several times; however its main mission has always remained the same: to train highly qualified teachers. For this period of time it has trained more than 160,000 young people who became teachers and contributed a lot to the development of education and culture in Ukraine (at different times our university was functioning as „higher pedagogical courses” (in the 60-s of the 19th century), „Kharkiv Institute of Public Education” (1921), „Kharkiv State Pedagogical Institute” (1932), „Kharkiv State Pedagogical University” (1994)). In 2004 our university was granted the status of the National Pedagogical University.

Rector is in charge of the University. Nowadays there are 15 faculties headed by deans. The faculties carry out training of full-time students, correspondence department students (students of extra-mural department), and postgraduates. There are more than 15,000 students in KhSNPU. Every faculty provides training for Bachelor’s (BA), Specialist’s and Master’s (MA) degrees. To get a Bachelor’s degree one needs to do a four-year course of study, to get a Specialist’s or Master’s degree one has to study a year or two longer.

Students in our University study in 2 shifts. Usually they have 3 double-periods a day. They attend practical classes, seminars, and lectures. The students are also actively engaged in out of class activities: they take part in disputes, contests, Olympiads, concerts.The curriculum includesgeneral educational, professional pedagogical courses and courses of students’ specialization. Besides all students study the Ukrainian language, foreign languages, History of Ukraine and have PE trainings.

To get ready for their classes or prepare their course projects or diploma papers the students can work in the reading halls of the library. The university is accommodated in 6 buildings and each of them has at least one reading hall, so the students can easily use the resources and reference materials.

There is a lot of modern equipment which facilitates students’ learning: computers, multimedia classes, Internet.

Those, who wish to continue their education or get higher education in the sphere different from their diploma degree, can go on with their education in the Institute of Postgraduate Education which offers degree courses for full-time and part-time students or combined full-time and correspondence courses.

The graduates of the University work in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, in out of school clubs and higher educational establishments. They value their profession and are proud of their alma mater.

Post-reading Activities

1. Answer the questions:


1. When was our university founded?

2. Did it function as a separate institution at that time?

3. How many teachers has it trained for this period?

4. When was our university granted the present day status?

5. How many students are there in Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National University?

6. How many faculties/ departments provide training of future teachers?

7. Who is in charge of the University?

8. Who is at the head of each faculty/ department?

9. What degrees are awarded at the University?

10. What is the course of study at the University?

11. How many double-periods do students have a day?

12. What are the main forms of tuition in the University?

13. Where do students live?

14. Where can students get ready for their classes?

15. What disciplines do students study?

16.What is your future speciality? Why did you choose it?


2. Decide if the following statements are true or false according to the text above:

1. The Kharkiv Pedagogical University was set up in 1803.

2. The mission of our university has changed with the time: nowadays it is to train teachers for Slobozhanshchyna.

3. In the 20th century our university was granted the status of the National Pedagogical University.

4. The course of study to get a Bachelor’s degree precedes the course of study to get a Master’s degree.

5. The teaching programme provides students with training in professional and pedagogical disciplines.

6. The heads of the faculties are deans.

7. All students have to learn foreign languages.

8.The Institute of Postgraduate education is a separate educational establishment.


3. Find in the text the words corresponding to the following definitions:


1) written or printed statement of rights, permission especially from a ruler or government;

2) an organization for a special educational purpose;

3) the programme of study in a school, college, and university;

4) a special task assigned to an individual or institution;

5) to give teaching and practice to somebody;

6) the head of the educational establishment;

7) the first university degree;

8) a holder of the second university degree;

9) not to miss classes;

10) a student who doesn’t work;

11) an academic title, rank or grade given by a university to a person who has done a course;

12) to have a high opinion of something

Key: to train, to attend classes, Bachelor (BA), to value, a charter, Master (MA, MSc), a rector, an institute, a curriculum, a mission, a full time student, a degree


4. Find in the text the synonyms for the given words and phrases:

to teach –

to confer (a degree) –

to grant the status –

to be responsible for –

to be present at lectures –

to be located –

to continue –

vacation –

5. Form the nouns from the given verbs and use them in the word combinations and sentences of your own. Use the suffixes -ance, -tion, -ing if necessary:

to attend to offer

to apply to graduate

to award to function

to educate to train

to teach to grant


6. Form the verbs from the given nouns:

education contribution head

approval award


7. Translate the given words and phrases into English:

складати екзамен, скласти іспит, проходити навчання, відвідувати заняття, поступати до університету, офіційно визнана кваліфікація, вступати до університету, присвоювати ступінь, перший університетський ступінь, консультація, практичне заняття, семінар, наймана квартира, гуртожиток (ВНЗ), наказ, статут, схвалювати, залишатися, робити внесок, забезпечувати підготовку, готувати вчителів, факультет, кафедра, навчальна пара, позааудиторна діяльність, готуватися, бібліотека, читальний зал, довідкова література, студенти денного відділення, студенти заочного відділення, навчальна програма, пишатися, цінувати.


8. Fill in the correct preposition:

1. The students of Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University do courses ______ Physics, Mathematics, Primary School Teaching, Natural Sciences, etc.

2. Our University dates back ______ the 19th century.

3. Rector and vice-rectors are ______ charge ______ the quality of teaching provided by the University.

4. Normally it takes time and efforts to get ready ______ entrance exams.

5. My brother studies ______ our university too.

6. The qualified teachers – former students of our university – work ______ schools of Ukraine.

9. Read some more facts about our university and make up questions to the underlined words:

· 8 institutes make up the structure of Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University: the Institute of Ukrainian Kozatstvo; the Institute of World Languages; the Institute of Economics and Law; the Institute of Continuing Education (of Postgraduate Education); the Institute of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; the Institute of Arts; the Research Institute of Kharkivshchyna Education;

· there are 60 departments in the university;

· the university trains specialists in 56 specialities and specializations;

· there are more than 800 lecturers, 25 of them are academicians and correspondent members of the Academies of Science, 107 doctorsof science, professors and more than 300 candidates of science, associate-professors;

· a number of outstanding scholars worked in the University – D.I. Bagaliy (department of history of Ukraine), M.F. Sumtsov (department of Ukraininan literature history), V.P. Buseskul, S.M. Bernstein, O.M. Nykolsky, V.K. Zalesky, M.F. Bilousov, D.M. Syntsov and others;

· among the students of the University there were 7 Heroes of the Soviet Union;

· the Olympic champions M. Gorochovska (1952), Yu. Poyarkov (1964, 1968), Yu. Vengerovsky (1964), Yu. Matushevas (1968), L. Zhabotynsky (1964, 1968), O. Kurishko (1972) were the students of our university.


A) Look at the table and mark the difference in how teachers and staff are called in the UK, USA and Ukraine.



почесний ректор Chancellor    
ректор   President Rector (President)
проректор: Vice-Chancellor Vice-President Vice-Rector (Vice-President)
з питань реєстрації студентів Registrar    
з загальних фінансових питань Treasurer Provost  
з фінансування господарчої роботи Bursar    
декан Dean Dean Dean
зам. декана Assistant Dean Assistant Dean Assistant Dean
посада професора Chair (of Philology, etc.) Chair (of Philology, etc.) Chair (of Philology Department, etc.)
професор Professor Full Professor Full Professor
доцент Reader Associate Professor Associate Professor
ст. викладач Senior Lecturer Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
викладач Assistant Lecturer Instructor Instructor
куратор, т’ютор Tutor Academic Advisor Tutor
лаборант кафедри (секретар) Department secretary Department secretary Department secretary
лаборант (відповідає за устаткування тощо) Lab (oratory) assistant Lab (oratory) assistant Lab (oratory) assistant


б) Translate the sentences:

1. Моя сестра працювала лаборантом, який відповідає за устаткування. Після аспірантури вона працювала викладачем, а пізніше старшим викладачем. Після цього вона працювала заступником декана.

2. У США ВНЗ очолює ректор, який має кілька проректорів. Професори, доценти, старші викладачі та викладачі здійснюють навчальний процес.

3. У Великобританії існує посада почесного ректора. Викладачі діляться на категорії: викладач, старший викладач, доцент, професор. Більшість з них є кураторами.

11. a) Study the structure of universities in the UK, USA and Ukraine:

Вчена рада університету Senate Senate Senate
факультет Faculty/School/College School/College School
Вчена рада факультету Faculty/School Board School/College Board School Board
кафедра Department Department Department
завідувач кафедри head of (the) department head of (the) department head of (the) department
засідання кафедри staff meeting department meeting department meeting
Відділення: department department department
денне відділення (стаціонар) full-time department full-time department full-time department
вечірнє відділення     part-time department
стаціонар з неповним навантаженням   part-time department  
заочне відділення Open University (it’s a separate university, the only one in the UK) Distance Learning/Education Dept Correspondence Dept (Distant Learning/ Education Dept)
викладачі (teaching) staff faculty faculty
співробітники staff staff staff
курси (вечірні) Evening (Night) Institute (School) (run by LEA)   evening school


b) Translate the sentences into English, use the table given above:

1.Звичайно структура університету включає вчену раду університету, факультети, вчені ради факультетів, кафедри.

2. Засідання кафедри проводяться (are held) раз на місяць.

3. У нашому університеті працюють денне та заочне відділення, xоча в інших університетах також є вечірнє відділення.

4. Студенти, викладачі та співробітники пишаються нашим університетом.

5. Ті, хто готуються до вступу в університет, можуть відвідувати вечірні курси.

12. Insert the given words:

academic free results exams scholarships

terms marks fee holidays


An (1)_________ year consists of three (2)______. At the end of each term students have to get „passes” in some disciplines and to sit (3)______ in the others. Usually they have (4)______ after the exams. The longest holidays are in summer. For some students higher education is (5)_______ but the others pay for their education. It depends on their (6)______ at the entrance examinations. Those who get better (7)________ don’t pay any tuition (8)______. Besides these students if they study well get (9)_______.


13. Speaking:

· Speak on the history of our University.

· Speak on the university structure.

· Speak on the university teachers and staff.

· Speak on the teaching process at the University.


14. a) Think of the characteristics for teacher’s work, consult the dictionary.

Model: I think teacher’s work is creative.

Use the following phrases:

In my opinion …

I believe …

I personally think…

I could be wrong but I think…

To my mind …


B) Compare and contrast the school you studied at and Kharkiv G.S. Skovoroda National Pedagogical University.

Model: Studies at university are not similar to studies at school.

Use the following phrases:

… is (not) like, … is (not) similar to …, on the one hand …, on the other hand, as … as, not as … as


C) The teaching process is the process of joint activities of teachers and students directed at the achievement of teaching goals. Discuss how you understand this statement.

Model: On the one hand students and teachers take part in the teaching process, on the other hand their functions are different.

Use the following expressions:

on the one hand, … on the other hand …, consequently …, accordingly;

I think…; I believe …; I consider…; In my opinion…; To my mind…


15. Compare the structure of the academic year, marking systems and students’ work in the UK, USA and Ukraine.

UK (approximately) US (approximately) UA (approximately)
MAY TERM MAY 21 – JUN 8 TYPES OF EXAMS · pass-or-fail test / exam · end-of-semester (regular) exam · final (degree) exam


· Fill in the text below using the information and terminology in the table above.

A. In English universities the academic year, which is also called ______ (1), lasts approximately from the beginning of ______ (2) to the end of ______ (3). The session is broken into three parts, which are called ______ (4). The students have to take exams at the end of each ______(5). Those exams are called ______(6) exams, or _______(7) in the ______ (8) and the ______(9) terms. However, the exams at the end of the third ______(10) are called _____(11) exams, or just _____(12).


B. In contrast to the English universities, the ______(1) year in American universities is broken only into two _____(2). The school year starts earlier than in Britain, in _____(3), and it is over earlier as well, at the end of_____(4). However, there are extra ______(5), when the students may take additional courses and shorten their period of study. They may do it in winter ______(6), during the winter ______(7); in May, during the May _______(8); and in summer, during the summer ______(9). At the end of each semester the students take their ______(10) exams, which may be called _______(11) exams if those are the last ______(12) within a specific course, or preliminary _____(13) exams, if they are not the last ones in this particular course.


C. Describe the structure of the academic (school) year, the vacations and the exams the Ukrainians have. Talk about:

1. When does an academic year start and when is it over?

2. How many parts is an academic year divided into? How are they called? How long do they last?

3. When do the students take their exams? What types are they? How many of each type may the students take within one semester?

4. How many vacations are there in an academic year? How long are they? Do you think they should be longer or shorter? Why?

5. Compare the structure of the academic year in the three countries in the table along the following guidelines:

a) the length of the academic year;

b) the number of periods the academic year is broken into;

c) the length of the vacations;

d) the number of exams per year;

e) the degree of students’ freedom to choose the place to study at;

f) which structure of the academic year do you like best of all? Why?

g) Work in groups of 3-4. Suggest an ideal project of the academic year structure for Ukraine. Give your reasons.


D. Translate the sentences into English:

В українських та американських університетах навчальний рік складається з двох семестрів, наприкінці кожного із них студенти складають семестрові іспити та заліки. Студенти, які закінчують повний курс навчання, складають іспити на присвоєння відповідного ступеня. На відміну від України, американські студенти можуть скоротити термін власного навчання за рахунок додаткових занять під час зимових та літніх канікул. Британські ж університети ділять навчальний рік на три триместри, однак починають навчання на місяць пізніше, ніж в Україні і США. Навчальний рік в Україні та Великобританії закінчується одночасно, а в США заняття припиняються майже на півтора місяця раніше. Загальна тривалість канікул є найдовшою у Великобританії – близько 150 днів, в США вона складає близько 135 днів, а в Україні – лише 70 днів. Термін „файнелз” у Великобританії означає іспити на одержання ступеня (бакалавра або магістра), а в США, крім того, це можуть бути останні іспити з будь-якого предмету. В Україні цей термін може позначати „державні іспити”, в США іспити, які передують останньому іспиту з певного предмету, називаються „прелімінеріз”.

Focus on Grammar

1. Use the correct form of the verb to be in the Past Simple Tense.

Model: She ______ (to be) 16 last year. – She was 16 last year.

They ______ (to be) happy to see us. – They were happy to see us.


1. Last year I ______ (to be) a school leader.

2. In his childhood my brother _______ (to be) fond of playing football.

3. It ______ (to be) the best experience.

4. It ______ (to be) not easy to say goodbye on our last day in the camp.

5. My mother ______ (to be) a full-time student.

6. They ______ (to be) full of great hopes.

7. In that camp we _____ (to be) like one big family.

8. You ______ (to be) at the University at that time.


Use the Past Simple Tense form of the verb in brackets (consult the table of irregular verbs in the appendix).

Model: At the age of six I went (to go) to school.

She liked (to like) Geography in school.

1. Yesterday she ______ (to introduce) me to her friends.

2. When I was in school I ______ (to have) 6 classes a day.

3. I ______ (to pass) 3 entrance exams.

4. My friend ______ (to come) at 8 last night.

5. I love small kids. So I ______ (to choose) the Faculty of Primary Education.

6. I ______ (to finish) secondary school in June.

7. Our University ______ (to train) a lot of highly qualified teachers.

8. My sister ______ (to get) higher education in Kharkiv GS Skovoroda National Pedagogical University.

9. They ______ (to become) friends.

10. We ______ (to enjoy) trips to different places.

11. I ______ (to do) well in my school-leaving tests.


Make the sentences negative and turn them into questions.

Model: They discussed the film yesterday.

They didn’t discuss the film yesterday.

Did they discuss the film yesterday?

They were at the concert.

They weren’t at the concert.

Were they at the concert?

1. She entered Kharkiv Medical University.

2. She planned to become a journalist.

3. They met when they studied at school.

4. I attended classes twice a week.

5. I failed my entrance exams.

6. The graduates forgot their alma mater.

7. When I was at school I had holidays once a year.

8. I took 6 entrance exams.



Make appropriate questions to the underlined words.


1. Kharkiv V.N.Karazin National University was set up in 1804.

2. The decree of the tsar Olexander I included the separate chapter ”On the Pedagogical Institute”.

3. She entered that University because she wanted to become a teacher.

4. He was 25 at that time.

5. I passed 3 exams.

6. I took part in the competition in June.

7. He did a course in History at university.


Use the Past Continuous tense forms of the verbs in brackets.

A. Model: She ______ (to watch) a film at that time. – She was watching a film at that time.

They ______ (to play) football at that time yesterday. – They were playing football at that time yesterday.

1. Last June I ______ (to prepare) for my entrance exams.

2. On the morning I left Kharkiv it ______ (to rain), but when I came back

the sun ______ (to shine).

3. When she ______ (to go) the university she met her schoolmate.

4. When I arrived at the party they ______ (to dance).

5. The police fined him because he ______ (to drive) at 120 miles an hour.

6. They ______ (to discuss) a new film during the lesson.


B. Change the sentences above into negatives and questions.

Choose the correct form of Past Simple or Continuous.

1. I met / was meeting a friend while I did / was doing the shopping.

2. I paid / was paying for my things when I heard / was hearing someone call my name.

3. I turned / was turning round and saw / was seeing Jim.

4. She wore / was wearing a bright red coat when I met her.

5. We decided / were deciding to have a cup of coffee.

6. While we had / were having a drink the man rushed / was rushing into the café saying that someone was running / run after him.

7. The waiter phoned / was phoning the police and asked / was asking for help.

8. At that moment another man entered / was entering the café.

9. He addressed / was addressing the first man and said / was saying he had found that man’s wallet in the street.

10. Everybody sighed / was sighing, smiled / was smiling and relaxed / was relaxing.


7. Write some sentences about: 1) your ordinary day in school;

2) some adventure that happened to you;

3) your last summer.

8. A. Insert the correct form of the verb to be (is or are).

1. There ______ libraries in every university building.

2. There ______ full-time and part-time students in our University.

3. There ______ 3 academic terms in a year.

4. There ______ a lot of merited teachers of Ukrainian among the graduates of our university.

5. There ______ a few people who don’t know English nowadays.

6. There ______ a monument to the first teacher in front of the University.

7. There ______ usually 25 students in a group.

8. There ______ a memorial sign on that building.

9. There ______ a bed, a wardrobe, a table and some chairs in my room.

10. There ______ a TV set in the corner.

11. There______ some chairs, a table and a bookcase there.

12. There ______ a library on the first floor.


B. Make up some questions using the structure there is / are.

Model: Are there any flowers in the room?

Is there a picture on the wall?

How many students are there in the classroom?


Use the words: furniture, a table, a book, water, an exercise-book, a pen,

a blackboard, a friend, a group-mate, a notice, a recipe

C. Describe the room you live/are in using the structure there is /are.

9. A. Look at the words and word combinations and tell the group what you can do and what you can’t do.

Model: I can work on the computer. I can’t ski.

speak German ride a bicycle

speak English play the piano

dance cook

sing knit

skate sew

make music drive a car

play chess play badminton

B. Say what you could do and what you couldn’t do when you were 4, 10, 15.

C. Use have to or must in the sentences below.

1. Don’t forget you’ve got exams soon. I think you ______ start revising.

2. He’s a security guard so he often ______ work at night.

3. I haven’t been to the dentist for ages. I ______ make an appointment.

4. You don’t ______ be qualified to work for us.

5. You ______ be the right age to apply.

6. You always ______ show your passport at the frontier.


10. Put an appropriate verb in its correct form into each gap (can, could).

1. In my country you ______ get married when you are 16.

2. Women _____ vote in England until 1922.

3. Last night I ______ get into my house because I had forgotten my key.

4. ”Hello. Is that the dentist? ______ I make an appointment to see you, please?”

5. Many night animals ______ see very well.

11. Write what you would say in the following situations.

1. You are in a crowded café. You see a table with one chair free. What do you ask the other people at the table before you sit down?


2. You are at a friend’s house. You have to make an urgent phone call. What do you say?


3. You borrowed some money from your friend and promised him to pay it back this day. Apologize and offer to pay tomorrow.


4. You have to fill in a form, but you haven’t got a pen. Ask to borrow one.


5. You don’t have a watch but you need to find out the time not to be late for a meeting. What do you say?


6. You have to do some task and you are to go to the library. But you don’t know where it is. Ask somebody how to get there.


English in Use

Discussing Weather

Study the Word List and Useful Expressions.

Useful Expressions

a) What’s your favourite season?

What’s the weather like today?

The weather is fine (nasty...), isn’t it?

It’s warm & sunny (cold, frosty, rainy, slippery, chilly).

It has been raining since morning.

It looks like rain It’s about ____ degrees above / below zero.

I hope the weather will be fine.

The weather changes very often this winter.

What does the forecast say? (Heavy showers, snowfall, rain, snow, hurricane, sleet, slush, freezing,).


Word List

b) Cold Weather

Cold, chilly, frosty, rainy, slippery, rain, snow, to slush, to settle, blizzard, snowdrift, freezing, thaw, melt, snowfall.

Warm Weather

Close (warm & uncomfortable), stifling, muggy, humid, scorching (in positive context), boiling (in negative context), mild, a heatwave, a drought.

Wet Weather

Damp, drizzle, rain, shower, pour down (v) / downpour (n), flood, thunderstorm, hail, to be overcast, haze / hazy, fog / foggy, smog.


2. Put the adjectives to do with temperature in the right order


____________ (100°C) freezing

_____________ boiling

It’s _____________ cold

_____________ warm

_____________ chilly

_____________ (0°C) hot


3. Translate into English

1. – Погода гарна, правда?

– Так, температура + 15°С. Тепло, сонячно.

– Давайте (же) підемо на прогулянку.

– Гарна думка.


2. – Іде дощ. Не забудь взяти зонта.

– Я вже взяв його. Дощ іде зранку.

– Думаю, він скоро припиниться.

– Я так не думаю.

4. Make up some of your own dialogues discussing:

a) yesterday’s weather;

b) today’s weather;

c) the weather during your last holidays;

d) the weather forecast for the weekend.



1. Practise saying the following telephone numbers:

0719274863 0927840098 633488 06144501277

What’s your phone number?


2. Notice the following expressions on the telephone:

This is John (Not Here is John or I’m John).

Could I speak to Ann Baker, please? (Not speak with).

Is that Mike?

I’m afraid he’s out.

Can I take a message?

I’ll try again later.

To dial The number is ringing The number is engaged The phone is ringing. – I’ll get it. 52902 (Not Here is 52902 or This is 52902).



3. Read and practise the dialogues:

a) A. Hello!

B. Hello. Could I speak to Barry Perkins, please?

A. Speaking (= I’m Barry Perkins).

B. Ah, hello. This is Jane Gardener (NOT I’m… or Here is…).


b) A. Can I have extension 366, please?

B. Hold the line, please. I’m putting you through.


c) A. Can I speak to Mrs Barrett, please?

B. I’m afraid she’s out at the moment. Can I take a message?

A. Yes. Can you ask her to give me a ring? I’ll give you my number.


d) A. Can I speak to Mr Bray, please?

B. I’m afraid his line is busy at the moment. Would you like to hold?

A. No, I’ll phone back later.


Complete the telephone conversations. Use the phrases from the box. In pairs practise saying them.


No, it isn’t. I’ll just get her. Can I take a message? Great! See you on Sunday at ten. Bye! Never mind. Perhaps next time. Bye! This is John speaking. I’ll ring back later. I’m having a party on Saturday. Can you come?


a) A. Hello. 276694.

B. Hello. Can I speak to John, please.

A. __________________________.

B. Oh! Hi, Jo. This is Pat. I’m just ringing to check that Sunday is still OK for tennis.

A. Yes, that’s fine.

B. __________________________.

A. Bye!


b) A. Hello. Chesswood 4576.

B. Hello. Is that Liz?

A. __________________________.

C. Hello. Liz here.

B. Hi, Liz. It’s Tom. Listen!__________________________.

C. Oh sorry, Tom. I can’t. I’m going to my cousin’s wedding.

B. __________________________.

C. Bye!


c) A. Hello. Barclays Bank, Chesswood.

B. Hello. ____________________.

A. Hold on. I’ll put you through. I’m afraid Mr. Smith isn’t in his office. ______________________.

B. Don’t worry. _____________________.

A. All right. Good bye.

B. Good bye.

d) Translate into English and reproduce.

– Алло. Це 1275347?

– Yes. Who is speaking, please?

– Мене звуть _________. Чи можу я / Можна поговорити з містером Кларком?

– Wait a minute / Hold on, please.


5. All the phrases below are from typical telephone calls.

1. Match a line in A with a line in B

A. a. Hello, this is Chesswood 285120. I’ afraid I’m not at home at the moment, but please leave your name and number after the tone ad I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

b. I’m afraid Mr Barrett’s in a meeting. Can I take a message?

c. Shall I ask Miss Jackson to give you a call when she gets back?

d. Good morning. Payne and Stracey Advertising.

e. Hello, Mrs Barett… I afraid Mr Barett’s on another line at the moment. Do you want to hold on…? Oh, he’s free now. I’m putting you through.

f. Hello. Is that Sandra?




Good morning. Can I have extension 321, please?


No, I’m sorry, it isn’t. She’s just gone out. Can I take a message? She’ll be back in a minute.


Hi, Annie. This is er … Pete here. Pete Nealy. Er… I need to speak to you about your next weekend. Can you give me a ring? Erm… I’m not at home, by the way It’s ten o’clock now and I’ll be here all morning, er… until two o’clock. Yes, thanks. Bye.


Thank you very much. Frank? It’s me, Diana.


Yes, please. This is Pam Haddon. He rang me earlier and left a message on my answer phone and I’m returning his call. Can you tell him I’m back in my office now?


Yes, please. I’m sure she’s got my number but I’ll give it to you again, just in case. It’s 019245611718.


II. Decide which of the dialogues above sound more like business calls?


6. Read / listen to 3 telephone conversations and say:

who is speaking to who;

what about;

how well they know each other.


1. Hello, 52902.

– Hello, Peter. This is John.

– Hi, John. How are you?

– Fine, thanks. And you?

– All right. Did you have a nice weekend? You went to __________ didn’t you?

– Yes we went to see some friends who live in the country. It was lovely. We had a good time!

– Oh, good.

– Peter, could you do me a favour. I’m playing a squash tonight, but my racket’s broken. Could I borrow yours?

– Sure. That’s fine.

– Thanks a lot. Can I get in half an hour, that’s OK?

– Yes. I’ll be in.

– OK.

– Bye.

– Bye.


2. – Hello, International School of English.

– Hello. Could I speak to Ann Baker, please?

– Hold on. I’ll connect you.

– Hello!

– Hello! Can I speak to Ann Baker, please?

– Speaking.

– Ah, hello. I saw your advertisement about English classes in the magazine. Could you send me some information, please?

– Certainly. Can I just take some details? Could you give me your name and address, please?


3. – Hello. 755997?

– Hello. Is that Mike?

– No, I’m afraid, he is out at the moment. Can I take a message?

– Yes, please. Can you say that Joe phoned and I’ll try again later? Do you know what time he’ll be back?

– In about an hour I think.

– Thanks, Good-bye.

– Good-bye.


Leaving a message on an answer phone

1. It can be difficult to leave a message on an answer phone! You have to think quickly and speak clearly, and you have to pretend that you’re talking to a person, but of course you’re talking to a machine.

How to leave a message on an answer phone
introduce yourself This is… Hello. / My name is…
give the day and time It’s three o’clock on Monday afternoon.
reason for phoning I’m ringing … to let you know that… to find out if … because I need
request action ring me back? Could you / help me?
give you number My number is … You can get me on… I’m on 784567 until five o’clock
end Thanks a lot. Goodbye.

2. Work in pairs. Your teacher will give you role cards. Act out a telephone conversation.





Pre-reading Activities

1. Test your knowledge about Ukraine. Finish the sentences:

1) The word “Ukraine” means …

a) borderland c) the country of many rains

b) steppe d) the land of Cossacks

2) The third longest river in Europe is …

a) the Desna c) the Dnieper

b) the Danube d) the Bug

3) Kyivan Rus was established …

a) 2000 years ago c) in the 1st century B.C.

b) in the 9th century d) in the 5th century

4) The highest body of the legislative power in Ukraine is …

a) the President c) the Prime Minister

b) Verhovna Rada d) the Constitutional Court

5) The first university in Ukraine was opened in …

a) Kyiv c) Odessa

b) Kharkiv d) Lviv

6) The second largest city of Ukraine after Kyiv is …

a) Kharkiv c) Donetsk

b) Odessa d) Dnipropetrovsk

7) The founder of the modern Ukrainian literature was …

a) Hryhory Kvitka-Osnovyanenko c) Ivan Kotlyarevsky

b) Taras Shevchenko d) Panas Myrny

8) The Nobel Prize laureates who lived and worked in Ukraine were …

a) V. Vernadsky and B. Paton c) L. Landau and I. Mechnikov

b) S. Lebedev and I. Kurchatov d) M. Barabashov and S. Korolyov

9) Ukraine is a Christian country and most believers belong to …

a) the Catholic Church c) the Orthodox Church

b) the Greek Catholic Church d) the Evangelic Church

10) The biggest seaport in Ukraine is …

a) Yalta c) Mikolaiv

b) Odessa d) Sebastopol


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