Financial, trade, and customs organizations
Ministry of education and science of Ukraine
National University
Odessa academy of Law
International Law and International Relations Department
A.V. Kobylianska
The Global Economics
Working program
on the course of lectures in English
for Law students and Post-Graduates
of National University Odessa Academy of Law
The author’s appreciation goes to the President of
National University Odessa Academy of Law,
Academician Sergiy V. Kivalov for the encouragement and development of the project of studying
Legal disciplines in English
And for publishing this methodological manual
Discussed and approved at the meeting of the
Academic Council of Odessa National Academy of Law,
Kobylianska A.V.
The global economics: Working program on the course of lectures// Odessa National Academy of Law.-O.:Feniks, 2010.- p.
©Odessa National Academy of Law, 2010
©Kobylianska A.V., 2010
The XX century was marked by considerable acceleration of globalization processes in the World. The Globalization itself significantly altered system of international relationships giving birth to new economic links and institutions. The Globalization itself vanishes differences between countries and the World is becoming a single space. Generally, the process of globalization is considered as multiface irreversible phenomenon covering all the areas of human being: social, cultural, economic, political etc. The economic side of globalization as a base of all other social relationships determines their development and drives the whole movement to the Global world. Thus, the knowledge of peculiarities of economic process in new economic order may help to understand how government should function and legal system should be developed in order to address new challenges the World faces nowadays. Therefore the global economic issued should be of particular interest and importance for lawyers.
The course aims are:
- To explore the main concepts of globalization and international governance
- To give the knowledge of evolution of globalization processes- from trade internationalization via global production to global movements of factors of production
- To analyse the matter of international economics and functioning of main international markets- of commodities, labour and capital this particular attention paid to financial instruments
- To explore the drawbacks of globalization processes, mainly global economic crisis.
After the course lecturing students should be able to use the knowledge got in their further education and professional practice.
Lecture course “The Global Economics”
Lecture 1. Globalization and regional integration (2 hrs)
The definition of globalization processes. The main stages of globalization. Main theories of globalization. Regional integration as a prerequisite of globalization. Theories of regional integration. Main regional unions. Types of markets in modern economy and their role in international economic processes.
Lecture 2. International institutions as World government (2 hrs)
The UN and its structure. World trade organizations. World financial organizations. WB group. and their role in managing global economic processes. Allied world organizations. World regional unions.
Lecture 3. Global production (2 hrs)
Stages of production globalization. GPN. Causes of production globalization. Aims of production globalization. Flows of means of production. MNC and their role in globalization. Technological diffusion
Lecture 4. Global trade markets (2 hrs)
Free trade vs protectionism, major trade regimes. The development of international trade. International trade and global economic growth. The role of world stocks in managing commodity flows. Types of economic unions. The importance of trade in services in world trade. Dynamics of international trade in services and its major features.
Lecture 5. Global capital markets (2 hrs)
Evolution of capital flows in the world. Types of capital flows: FDI, portfolio investments, loans, government support. Determinants of investments flows. The economic effects of investments., Policies to deal with potential risks and reversals of short-term capital flows. Emerging stock markets.
Lecture 6. Global currency markets (2 hrs)
Characteristics and operations of the international monetary system. History of the international monetary system and exchange rate movements. Current foreign exchange regimes. Hedging foreign exchange exposure. Principles of hedging. Currency forwards & futures, currency options, currency swaps. Managing hedging risk.
Lecture 6. Emerging bonds’ markets (2 hrs)
Bank lending: evolution, pricing, lending instruments. Eurobond and foreign bond markets: evolution, syndication, risks and returns, Bond indexes, performance, bond ratings. Bond portfolio strategies. Hedging interest rate exposure
Lecture 7. Global labor markets (2 hrs)
Types of migration, labor migration. Dynamics and importance of labor migration. Economic reasons of migration. Managing labor migration. Migrants remittances as the source of financing in the World. Illegal migration, social and ethical issues of migration.
Lecture 8.Global economic crises and their spillover effects (2 hrs)
Causes of global crisis. Crediting as a prerequisite of crisis. Financial innovations as a prerequisite of crisis. Regional crisis (Asian crisis, Latin America crisis, Eastern-Europe economic crisis). The World economic crisis of 2008-2009. USA economic crisis and its spillover effects. EU and global economic crisis. Ukraine and global economic crisis, Ukrainian anticrisis policy. Anticrisis policies in the World. Role of IMF in overcoming negative consequences of crisis
Lecture 9. Global interconnections- economic, social, ethical and environmental issues (2 hrs)
Kyoto protocol, effectiveness of international financial institutions, sex issues, international corporations and their role in forming global ethics, corruption.
Lecture 10. Globalization and economic development
Global economic problems. Food, energy, raw materials, demographic problems. The problem of military production conversion. Objective and subjective indices of quality of life.
Seminar programme
Theme 1. Globalization and regional integration (2 hrs)
- The definition of globalization.
- Economic globalization.
- Globalization, globalism, globality.
- Internationalization.
- The stages of globalization.
- Development of theories of globalization.
- System theory of globalization.
- Policy theory of globalization.
- Social theory of globalization.
- Regionalization.
- Main World centers.
- Main regional unions.
- Developed, developing and emerging markets
Globalization, Regionalization, Internationalization, Theories of globalization.
- Explain the notion of globalization
- Give main features of globalization process
- Comment on economic part of common globalization process
Topics for essays:
- Globalization as an irreversible multiface phenomenon
- Whether globality possible
- How far or near is Ukraine from global economy
- To benefit from globalization- is it possible?
1. Erik S. R.Globalization, economic development and inequality: an alternative perspective.-Edward Elgar Publishing.- 2004 - 339 p.
2. Higgins B. and Donald J. S. Regional development theories and their application. –Unity press.-2007.-386 p.
3. Hurrell A., Woods N. Inequality, globalization, and world politics.- Oxford University Press.- 1999 –353 p.
Theme 2. International institutions as World government (2 hrs)
- The UN as a world government
- The structure of UN
- The governmental body of UN
- General Agreement on trade and tariffs
- WTO- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- United Nations Committee on trade and development- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- World Bank- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- International Financial Corporation- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- International Monetary Fund- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- International Labor Organization- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- International Maritime Organization- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- International Conference on Environmental issues- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- MERCOSUR, ASEAN, EU- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
UN, World Bank group, International Monetary Fund, regional organizations, trade organizations, free trade areas.
1. Comment on the role of UN in governing global process.
2. Comment on the role of IMF in managing monetary suability in the world.
3. Describe the evolution of trade organizations.
4. Comment on the role of world financial organizations in boosting economic development in least developed countries.
5. Explain the prerequisites of regional organizations’ formation
Topics for essays:
- The effectiveness of IMF functioning.
- ILO in managing illegal migration and protection of labor migrants rights.
- Do international organizations help economies converge?
- Jones A. Dictionary of globalization. –Chicago press.- 2006.-377 p.
- Murphy C. Global Institutions, Marginalization and Development.-Routledge.- 2005.- 222 p.
- O'Brien R.J., A.M. Goetz, and M.A. Williams. Contesting Global Governance: Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social Movements.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.-2000.-366 p.
Theme 3. Global production (2 hrs)
- The notion of production globalization.
- Global production networks.
- Causes of production globalization.
- Stages of production globalization.
- Multinational corporations as globalization driver
- Aims of production globalization
- Values chains
- Flows of means of production
- Technological diffusion
Global production networks, value chain, MNC, cost cutting, technological diffusion, tangible and intangible assets, knowledge diffusion.
- Give the definition of value chain concept
- Give the definition of “filiere” concept
- Give the definition of the notion of global commodity chain
- Name the main distinctive features of global production networks from previous concepts
- Number and give the brief description to three processes of production globalization
- Comment on conceptual categories associated with GPN notion.
- Comment on conceptual dimensions of GPN.
Topics for essays:
- Multinational corporations in promoting laborers’ rights.
- Network aspect of Global Production Networks.
- Is global production really effective?
- Erik S. R.Globalization, economic development and inequality: an alternative perspective.-Edward Elgar Publishing.- 2004 - 339 p.
- Waters M. Globazation.-Routledge.- 2001 – 247p.
- Rodrik. D. One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth.- Princeton University Press.- 2007.-278 p.
Theme 4. Global trade markets (2 hrs)
- Major trade regimes
- Most favored nation treatment
- Laissez-fair
- The development of international trade
- International trade as major globalization process
- Concept of absolute advantage
- Concept of relative advantage
- Kecksher-Ohlin theory
- Causes and goals of international trade
- Free trade agreements
- Custom Union
- Single market
- Economic union
- Trade in services and its contribution to world trade
- Tariff and non-tariff trade barriers
- Management of international trade
- Unti-dumping
Most favored nation treatment, absolute and comparative advantage, factor proportion model, welfare effects of international trade, custom duty, quotas, technical barriers to trade, sanitary and phytosanitary norms and rules, FTA in MEDA countries, in European countries, in Latin America, balance of payment, current account balance
1. Explain the main advantages and disadvantages of different trade policies.
2. Describe differences in welfare effects while using different trade restrictions.
3. Comment on a structure of general free trade agreement with EU.
4. Comment on a content of general free trade agreement with EU.
5. Describe the evolution of views on international trade.
6. Describe the role of international exchanges in commodity prices setting.
Topics for essays:
- Free trade agreement with EU as a step towards organization membership.
- Trade unions in promoting international trade.
- Unti-dumping should be fair.
- International exchanges as a step from internationalized to globalized trade.
- Bożyk P. Globalization and the transformation of foreign economic policy.-Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.- 2006 – 262p.
- Eichengreen A. and Mussa S.Capital Account Liberalization and the IMF in IMF, Finance and Development. -1998.-125p.
- Levinsohn J., Deardorff A.V., Stern R.M.. New directions in trade theory.-Chicago press.-2007.-345 p.
Theme 5. Global capital markets (2 hrs)
- Definition of investments.
- Foreign direct investments.
- Portfolio investments.
- Intergovernmental loans.
- Commercial loans.
- Government support.
- Official aid.
- Determinants of investment flows.
- Price of investments.
- Capital account liberalization.
- Emerging stock markets.
- Emerging bond markets.
Foreign investments, interest rate, real interest rate, effective interest rate, Sharp model, portfolio diversification, future value, future capital flow, capital and financial account
- Describe the concept of foreign investments as a part of international capital flows.
- Explain the importance of capital and financial account sustainability.
- Comment on the means of capital account liberalization.
- Explain the notion of investment portfolio diversification.
- Explain the role of international investments in promoting economic growth around the globe.
Topics for essays:
- Is capital and financial account liberalized in Ukraine?
- Reversals in short-term capital as a source of financial instability of the country.
- The effectiveness of international donor support of developing countries.
- Emerging capital markets- a new world miracle.
- Beim D. and Charles C. Emerging Financial Markets, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
- Demirguc B. and Detragiache V. The Determinants of Banking Crises.// Policy Research Working Paper 1828. The World Bank. Washington DC.- 1997.-145 p.
- Mishkin F. Financial Markets and Institutions.- Prentice-Hall.- 2009.-423 p.
- Solnik B. International Investments.- Addison-Wesley.-2000, 4rd edition.-322 p.
Theme 6. Global currency markets (2 hrs)
- International monetary system.
- Nominal exchange rate.
- Real exchange rate.
- Nominal effective and real effective exchanges rates.
- Main currency regimes.
- Hedging foreign exchange exposure.
- Principles of hedging.
- Hedging instruments.
Exchange rate, floating exchange rate, fixed exchange rate, pegged exchange rate, devaluation/ revaluation, depreciation/appreciation, forwards, futures, swops.
- Describe the functioning of international monetary system
- Explain the role of IMF in managing monetary stability.
- Provide brief description of main currency regimes.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each currency regime.
- Explain the principles of hedging foreign currency exposure.
- Give the definition of main hedging instruments.
- Discuss the cases of using each hedging instrument.
Topics for essays:
- The floating exchange rate in Ukraine – a remedy or a poison.
- Trade in hedging instruments.
- De Long B. The Mexican Peso Crisis, in Foreign Affairs. Full version on Brad De Long’s//website: 1996.
- Burki M. and Edwards K.. Latin America After Mexico. The World Bank.- 1998.-23 p.
- Eichengreen A. and Mussa S.Capital Account Liberalization and the IMF in IMF, Finance and Development. -1998.-125p.
Theme 6. Emerging bonds’ markets (2 hrs)
- Notion of bank lending.
- Evolution of bank lending.
- Main lending instruments.
- Eurobonds markets evolution
- Syndication of Eurobonds markets.
- Other foreign bond markets- evolution, lending instruments.
- Bond indexes.
- Bond ratings.
- Bond portfolio strategies.
- Interest rate exposure.
- Hedging interest rate exposure.
Lending, banks, bond, interest rate, interest rate exposure, index, market, swap, forward, futures, spot, risk.
- Describe the role of bank lending in financing general and other activities.
- Describe the process of international lending.
- Give definition of main lending instruments.
- Discuss the usage of particular lending instruments.
- Discuss in detail the definition of bonds.
- Comment on Eurobonds issuance and use.
- Comment on functioning of Eurobond and other foreing bonds markets.
- Explain the importance of bond ratings in managing portfolio diversification.
- Provide the notion of interest rate exposure.
- Comment on main hedging instruments of interest exposure.
Topics for essays:
- Eurobond issuance as a tool of managing Ukrainian sovereign debt.
- Ukrainian commercial companies at Eurobond markets.
- Litan R. A Three-Step Remedy for Asia’s Financial Flu// Policy Brief #30 of The Brookings Institution. Washington DC. -1998.-226 p.
- Beim D. and Charles C. Emerging Financial Markets, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
- Waters M. Globazation.-Routledge.- 2001 – 247p.
Theme 7. Global labor markets (2 hrs)
1. Notion of international migration
2. Types of international migration.
3. Notion of legal migration.
4. Price of labor.
5. Skilled vs unskilled international migration.
6. Illegal migration.
7. Promoting equal labor rights.
8. Migrant remittances.
9. Coping with illegal and transit migration
Migration, immigration and emigration, push and pull factors of migration, cost of moving, worker, wage, ILO, labor rights, agreement on protection labor migrant rights, readmission, retention centers, transit migrant.
- Describe the migration of labor capital as a global process.
- Name the drivers of labor migration.
- Explain why one could talk about single labor market.
- Discuss the economic consequences of dealing with illegal migration.
- Describe national and international policies to deal with illegal migration.
Topics for essays:
- International labor migration in Ukraine.
- Ukraine as a transit country for international migrants
- Migrant remittances as a source of living
- Paul J. J. Welfens. Globalization, economic growth and innovation dynamics.- 2005. -234p.
- Lucas R. International Labor Migration in a Globalizing Economy.-Carnegy Paper No. 92.- 2008.- 189 p.
- Puvimanasinghe S.F. Foreign investment, human rights and the environment: a perspective from South Asia on the role of public interntional law for development.- Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.-2007 – 284p.
Theme 8.Global economic crises and their spillover effects (2 hrs)
1. Notion of global economic crisis
2. Asia crisis.
3. Latin America crisis.
4. Eastern Europe crisis.
5. World economic crisis of 2008-2009.
6. USA mortgage lending crisis.
7. EU sovereign debt crisis.
8. Ukraine economic crisis.
9. Anti-crisis policy
Crisis, mortgage lending, IMF, sovereign debt, short-term capital reversals.
- Describe the causes of Asia economic crisis.
- Provide the inter-country differences for p.1.
- Describe the causes of Latin America economic crisis.
- Provide the inter-country differences for p.3.
- Describe the causes of Eastern Europe economic crisis.
- Provide the inter-country differences for p.4.
- Describe the evolution World economic crisis of 2008-2009.
- Describe anti-crisis policies of major international institutions.
- Describe anti-crisis policies of different countries.
Topics for essays:
- Role of IMF stand-by agreement for Ukraine.
- Financial innovations as a driving force of global financial crisis.
- USA mortgage lending crisis and its spillover effects.
- World Economic Outlook Projections. Mild Slowdown of the Global Expansion and Increasing Risks. IMF Report./- available at:
- Milesi-Ferretti, Gian, M. and C. Tille. 2010. “The Great Retrenchment: International Capital Flows During the Global Financial Crisis,” IHEID Working Papers 18-2010, Economics Section, The Graduate Institute of International Studies.
- International Monetary Fund. 2010. “World economic outlook: Rebalancing Growth”./- available at:
- Kahler, M. 2009. “Economic Crisis and Global Governance: The Stability of a Globalized World” // -available at:
Theme 9. Global interconnections- economic, social, ethical and environmental issues (2 hrs)
1. Global corruption.
2. Global ecological problems.
3. Emission quotas.
4. Kyoto protocol.
5. Effectiveness of international financial institutions.
6. Global ethics.
7. Economic safety.
Emissions, quota, Kyoto protocol, trade, ecology, ethic problems, competition.
- Describe the phenomena of global corruption.
- Discuss the sources of global corruption.
- Discuss the role of international corporations in forming global ethics.
- Discuss the trade in emission quotas.
- Describe main positions of Kyoto protocol.
- Discuss the economic safety of specific countries under conditions of global economics.
Topics for essays:
1. Economic independence in global economy- myth or reality?
2. Kyoto protocol- ways to violate obligations.
3. Trade in emission quota and its effectiveness in reducing CO2 emissions.
1. O'Brien R.J., A.M. Goetz, and M.A. Williams. Contesting Global Governance: Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social Movements.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.-2000.-366 p.
2. Higgins B. and Donald J. S. Regional development theories and their application. –Unity press.-2007.-386 p.
3. Erik S. R.Globalization, economic development and inequality: an alternative perspective.-Edward Elgar Publishing.- 2004 - 339 p.
Theme 10. Globalization and economic development
- Global economic problems.
- Food safety problem
- Energy safety problem
- Raw materials scarcity problem
- Demographic problems.
- The problem of military production conversion.
- Objective and subjective indices of quality of life.
problems, food security, economic sustainability, scarcity, pressure.
- Describe main global economic problems.
- Discuss in detail the causes of food safety problems.
- Comment on food safety projections.
- Comment on energy safety.
- Discuss main alternative energy sources.
- Discuss raw materials scarcity problems.
- Comment on main ways to reduce raw materials problem.
- Comment on demographic tension.
- Comment on inequality in regional aging of population.
- Comment on main health problem and how they affect economic development.
- Comment on quality of life measuring.
Topics for essays:
1. Modern paradigm of strategic development of the world.
2. World economic sustainability
REVIEW Seminar Questions
- The definition of globalization.
- Economic globalization.
- Globalization, globalism, globality.
- Internationalization.
- The stages of globalization.
- Development of theories of globalization.
- System theory of globalization.
- Policy theory of globalization.
- Social theory of globalization.
- Regionalization.
- Main World centers.
- Main regional unions.
- Developed, developing and emerging markets
- The UN as a world government
- The structure of UN
- The governmental body of UN
- General Agreement on trade and tariffs
- WTO- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- United Nations Committee on trade and development- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- World Bank- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- European Bank for Reconstruction and Development- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- International Financial Corporation- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- International Monetary Fund- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- International Labor Organization- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- International Maritime Organization- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- International Conference on Environmental issues- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- MERCOSUR, ASEAN, EU- structure, goals, history of development, members, functioning
- The notion of production globalization.
- Global production networks.
- Causes of production globalization.
- Stages of production globalization.
- Multinational corporations as globalization driver
- Aims of production globalization
- Values chains
- Flows of means of production
- Technological diffusion
- Major trade regimes
- Most favored nation treatment
- Laissez-fair
- The development of international trade
- International trade as major globalization process
- Concept of absolute advantage
- Concept of relative advantage
- Kechsher-Ohlin theory
- Causes and goals of international trade
- Free trade agreements
- Custom Union
- Single market
- Economic union
- Trade in services and its contribution to world trade
- Tariff and non-tariff trade barriers
- Management of international trade
- Anti-dumping
- Definition of investments.
- Foreign direct investments.
- Portfolio investments.
- Intergovernmental loans.
- Commercial loans.
- Government support.
- Official aid.
- Determinants of investment flows.
- Price of investments.
- Capital account liberalization.
- Emerging stock markets.
- Emerging bond markets.
- International monetary system.
- Nominal exchange rate.
- Real exchange rate.
- Nominal effective and real effective exchanges rates.
- Main currency regimes.
- Hedging foreign exchange exposure.
- Principles of hedging.
- Hedging instruments.
- Notion of bank lending.
- Evolution of bank lending.
- Main lending instruments.
- Eurobonds markets evolution
- Syndication of Eurobonds markets.
- Other foreign bond markets- evolution, lending instruments.
- Bond indexes.
- Bond ratings.
- Bond portfolio strategies.
- Interest rate exposure.
- Hedging interest rate exposure.
- Notion of international migration
- Types of international migration.
- Notion of legal migration.
- Price of labor.
- Skilled vs unskilled international migration.
- Illegal migration.
- Promoting equal labor rights.
- Migrant remittances.
- Coping with illegal and transit migration
- Notion of global economic crisis
- Asia crisis.
- Latin America crisis.
- Eastern Europe crisis.
- World economic crisis of 2008-2009.
- USA mortgage lending crisis.
- EU sovereign debt crisis.
- Ukraine economic crisis.
- Anticrisis policy
- Global corruption.
- Global ecological problems.
- Emission quotas.
- Kyoto protocol.
- Effectiveness of international financial institutions.
- Global ethics.
- Economic safety.
100. Global economic problems.
101. Food safety problem
102. Energy safety problem
103. Raw materials scarcity problem
104. Demographic problems.
105. The problem of military production conversion.
106. Objective and subjective indices of quality of life.
- Beim D. and Charles C. Emerging Financial Markets, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
- Bożyk P. Globalization and the transformation of foreign economic policy.-Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.- 2006 – 262p.
- Burki M. and Edwards K.. Latin America After Mexico. The World Bank.- 1998.-23 p.
- Demirguc B. and Detragiache V. The Determinants of Banking Crises.// Policy Research Working Paper 1828. The World Bank. Washington DC.- 1997.-145 p.
- Eichengreen A. and Mussa S.Capital Account Liberalization and the IMF in IMF, Finance and Development. -1998.-125p.
- Erik S. R.Globalization, economic development and inequality: an alternative perspective.-Edward Elgar Publishing.- 2004 - 339 p.
- Higgins B. and Donald J. S. Regional development theories and their application. –Unity press.-2007.-386 p.
- Hurrell A., Woods N. Inequality, globalization, and world politics.- Oxford University Press.- 1999 –353 p.
- Jones A. Dictionary of globalization. –Chicago press.- 2006.-377 p.
- Levinsohn J., Deardorff A.V., Stern R.M.. New directions in trade theory.-Chicago press.-2007.-345 p.
- Litan R. A Three-Step Remedy for Asia’s Financial Flu// Policy Brief #30 of The Brookings Institution. Washington DC. -1998.-226 p.
- De Long B. The Mexican Peso Crisis, in Foreign Affairs. Full version on Brad De Long’s//website: 1996.
- Lucas R. International Labor Migration in a Globalizing Economy.-Carnegy Paper No. 92.- 2008.- 189 p.
- Mishkin F. Financial Markets and Institutions.- Prentice-Hall.- 2009.-423 p.
- Murphy C. Global Institutions, Marginalization and Development.-Routledge.- 2005.- 222 p.
- O'Brien R.J., A.M. Goetz, and M.A. Williams. Contesting Global Governance: Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social Movements.- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.-2000.-366 p.
- Paul J. J. Welfens. Globalization, economic growth and innovation dynamics.- 2005. -234p.
- Puvimanasinghe S.F. Foreign investment, human rights and the environment: a perspective from South Asia on the role of public interntional law for development.- Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.-2007 – 284p.
- Rodrik. D. One Economics, Many Recipes: Globalization, Institutions, and Economic Growth.- Princeton University Press.- 2007.-278 p.
- Schneiderman D. Constitutionalizing economic globalization: investment rules and democracy’s promise.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.- 2008.-340 p.
- Solnik B. International Investments.- Addison-Wesley.-2000, 4rd edition.-322 p.
- The World Bank. East Asia: The Road to Recovery. Washington DC.- 1998.-232 p.
- Waters M. Globazation.-Routledge.- 2001 – 247p.
I. International organizations
UN agencies
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO):
International Labor Organization (ILO):
International Maritime Organization (IMO):
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS):
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF):
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP):
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP):
United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO):
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC):
World Health Organization (WHO):
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO):
Migration organizations
International Organization for Migration (IOM):
Maritime organizations
International Hydrographic Organization:
International Maritime Organization:
International Seabed Authority:
Arms control and nuclear power organizations
European Atomic Energy Community:
International Atomic Energy Agency:
Nuclear Energy Agency:
World Association of Nuclear Operators:
Financial, trade, and customs organizations
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD):
European Investment Bank (EIB):
Inter-American Development Bank (IADB):
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD):
OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID):
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD):
Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC):
World Bank Group
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD):
International Development Association (IDA):
International Finance Corporation (IFC):
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA):
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID):
World Customs Organization (WCO):
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