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Altai State Technological University.

Читайте также:
  1. A. State Substantive Criminal Law
  2. Accounting personal statement
  3. Action and state verbs
  4. Advertising and Marketing Communications personal statement
  5. Agree or disagree with the statements using the following

The Altai State Technological University (ASTU) is one of the largest higher institutions of our country. It is also the leading educational, scientific center of the Altai region.

Our university was founded in February 1942 on the basis of the Zаporozhye Engineering Institute. It consisted of 2 faculties: the faculty of mechanical engineering and the faculty of agricultural engineering with a student-body of 360 people. In 1959 it became the Altai Polytechnic Institute. In May 1965 the Institute was named after I.I. Polzunov. In 1992 the Polytechnic Institute was transformed into the University. The student-body of ASTU is over 11 thousand people. At present Rector of the Altai Technical University is Vladimir Vasilyevich Jevstigneev, a doctor of Physics and Mathematics, a professor, an honored scientist, a member of the International Academy of High school and the International Academy of Information.

There are four forms of training in the University: full-time, part-time, extra-mural and distant. After passing entrance exams successfully, students are enrolled into the University on the competitive basis. The course of studies lasts for five years. Part-time and extra-mural students study for six years. Classes begin in September, they are over in June. Students study in 2 shifts. Student’s work is given a mark on a five point or fifty-point scale. The academic year is divided in 2 terms. After every term students take exams. After every session students have vacations – two weeks in winter and 2 months in summer. Senior students have their practical training in different enterprises of Altai Region. Students who study well get grants or stipends.

Student research work is a natural part of training. Leading scientists of the University act as students scientific advisers. In the final year students write diploma papers and take state exams. On graduation students receive degrees of Bachelor and diplomas of specialist.

There are 14 faculties in our university. Distant education is carried out in many districts of the Altai Region. Among the teaching staff of the University there are 44 Academicians and Corresponding members of the Russian Academies and New York International Academy.

There is a post-graduate course in the University. ASTU participates in the Tempus and Intas international programs, collaborates with members of international organizations such as DaaD, ASTR, ACCELS, IREX. It has bilateral agreements with major Universities in USA, Germany, China, the Netherlands and England.

Students of the University have 7 academic buildings, a complex of hostels (including hostel for family students), a big scientific library, a computing centre, a publishing house, a student club, the «Kaleidoscope» student theatre, a preventive clinic, a skiing lodge, sports and rest camp by the river Ob.

Faculties of the University:

1.mechanical technological

2.automobile and tractor

3.chemical engineering

4.power engineering

5.civil engineering

6.faculty of food industry

7.physical engineering

8.engineering pedagogic and computer engineering

9.new information technologies and business


11.economic engineering

12.military faculty

13.social service and tourism

14. architecture and design


III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1:

– Hello. What classroom are we in?

– Hello. I don’t know. Let’s look up the time-table. Here it is. English class, classroom 410, main building.

– Oh, goodness. How awful, I thought we had a lecture on history at that time.

– What difference does it make?

– It does make a difference to me. I planned to do English home-assignment during the lecture.

– You are lazy-bone. You are sure to fail in your English if you go on like that.

– I bet I shan’t: idle away my time during the term and cram the last fortnight. Goes like clock-work. An excellent method I must say.

– It’s no good with language training. I know it from my own experience. Speech skills and habits need hard and regular work.

– Well, we’ll see.

Dialogue 2:

– Hello. Haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

– Hello. I am well at present. You see, I have been ill for a month and now I have many problems.

– Have you any health problems?

– No, I haven’t. I have fallen behind in some subjects. Especially, I can’t cope with math.

– As for math, I can help you. I am good at math and have passed the exam in math ahead of time.

– I shall be very grateful to you.

– As far as I know you left school 22 and you are on good terms with English, aren’t you.

– Yes, I am. English is one of the first subjects I have passed my credit tests in. I can really give you a helping hand with English.

– When shall we start?

– I think as soon as possible. Let it be this Saturday 10 a.m.

– Agreed. So, good bye. See you on Saturday.

– Good bye.


IV. Ask your friend:

1.когда он поступил в университет.

2.на каком он курсе.

3.что он знает об истории университета (когда он был основан, политехнический институт, на базе какого института он был открыт, когда политехнический институт был преобразован в университет).

сколько студентов обучалось в институте в год его основания (обучается сейчас).

4.сколько факультетов (общежитий, корпусов) сейчас в университете (было в год его основания).

5.есть ли филиалы университета в других городах.

6.чье имя носит университет.

7.какие формы обучения (отделения) существуют в университете.

8.платное ли обучение.

9.есть ли аспирантура в нашем университете


V.Act out the situations:

1.Вы встречаетесь со своим другом в последний день экзаменационной сессии. Обсуждаете итоги своей экзаменационной сессии. Один сдал все экзамены, и видимо будет получать стипендию. У другого - сессия продлена по болезни.

2.Два школьных товарища встретились на вечере, посвященном дню первокурсника. Они обмениваются новостями: на каких факультетах учатся, трудно ли было поступить в университет, жизнь в общежитии, расписание занятий.

3.Начались каникулы, экзамены сданы, студенты строят планы: где и как можно провести свободное время. Один хочет поправить свое здоровье – с этой целью пойдет в профилакторий, другой думает заняться спортом, будет посещать лыжную базу, готовиться к лыжным соревнованиям.

4.Готовитесь к экзаменам по математике. Обсуждайте со своим другом расписание экзаменов и планируйте когда и как готовиться к ним.



I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:

1. messengers - посланцы

2. subsidiaries - филиалы

3. metal-cutting lathes - металлорежущие станки

4. forge presses - кузнечно-прессовые машины

5. technical carbon - технический углерод

6. steam-boilers - паровые котлы

7. tyres - шины

8. engines for machinery - двигатели для машин

9. machines - станки

10. radio equipment - радиооборудование

11. cotton and synthetic fibres - хлопок и синтетические волокна

12. chemical and textile goods - химические и текстильные изделия

13. foot-wear - обувь

14. home appliances - предметы домашнего обихода

15. furniture - мебель

16. matches - спички

17. faceted diamonds - изделия из алмазов

18. lawyer - юрист

19. the Puppet Theatre - кукольныйй театр

20. the Young Spectator’s Theatre- молодежный театр

21. to mark the 100th anniversary - отмечать годовщину

22. to house masterpieces - находятся шедевры

23. to render services - оказывать услуги

24. track-and-field hall - легкоатлетический манеж


II. Read, translate and retell the text:


Barnaul is the capital of the Altai Region. It stands on the left bank of the great Siberian river Ob. It was founded in 1730 by messengers of the Urals factory-owner Akinfy Demidov as the centre of mining industry. Since 1771 it has got the city status.

In former times the development of Barnaul was strongly influenced by the culture of St.Petersburg. History of Barnaul is connected with the life of many celebrities: Ivan Polzunov - a talented mechanics engineer, who invented and built a steam engine, Kozma and Peter Frolov-talented engineers, P.P.Anosov-metallurgist, N.M.Yadrintzev-writer, archeologist and explorer of the Central Asia, V.Ya. Shishkov - engineer and writer etc.

Barnaul was the city of wooden architecture and it has burnt twice. The fire destroyed the greatest part of the town. But some of the buildings have been well preserved in Krasnoarmeisky prospect, Internatzionalnaya and Anatolia streets.

In 1937 Barnaul became the center of the Altai region.

The total area of Barnaul is 30847 hectares. About 700.000 inhabitants live in the city. The city is divided into 5 administrative districts: the Central district, the October district, the Railway district, the Lenin district and the Industrial district.

The visiting card of the city is the building of the largest provision store “Under the spire” in October square. But the centre of Barnaul is Soviet square. The Local administration, the Central Hotel, the Central Department store, the Central Post-Office and the University are situated there.

Along the main prospect of the city there are several educational institutions: the Medical University, the Altai State Technical University, the Altai State University, The University of Law, The Institute of Culture and Arts, the Music school, the Russian-American School, the Technological college etc. There are also the Agrarian and Pedagogical University in Barnaul.

Besides Lenin prospect is a busy shopping street. It stretches through the city for nine kilometers from the River Station to the industrial areas.

Barnaulers are proud of their new motor bridge across the river Ob, transportation loops and roundabout highways, which help to improve the environment of the city.

Barnaul is one of the most highly developed industrial cities of Siberia. The main industrial enterprises produce diesels and metal-cutting lathes, forge presses and technical carbon, steam-boilers and tyres, engines and machines, cotton and synthetic fibres, chemical and textile goods, furniture and matches, faceted diamonds and so on.

Several specialized medical centers operate in Barnaul, using modern equipment and facilities: cardiological, oncological, diagnostic.

There are 5 theatres in the city: The Altai Drama Theatre, the Musical Comedy Theatre, the Puppet Theatre, the Young Spectator’s Theatre, the Small Musical Theatre and the concert hall with the organ. Every night they open their doors to lovers of drama, musical comedy, classical, pop music and dance. There are many art and musical studios and twelve cinema houses.

The monuments of the city are its history alive. The column called «Demidov’s Pillar» was founded to mark the 100th anniversary of mining industry in the Altai region In Lenin avenue you can see a common grave with the Eternal Fire, which was lit in memory of those who perished in the October revolution and Civil War, and Monument to A.S.Pushkin. The Glory Memorial on Victory Square is dedicated to the solders of the Great Patriotic War.

We have several museums in the city: the Museum of Local History, the Museum of History of Altai Literature, Arts and Culture. The pride of the city is the Fine Arts Museum, which houses quite a few masterpieces by old and modern artists. There are more than 80 libraries in the city. The biggest one is the Regional Library named after V.Shyshkov.

Dozens of sports buildings are at the disposal of our sportsmen: ten stadiums, 163 sporthalls, a special track-and-field hall, a hippodrome and a sport's airfield. The swimming pools «Ob», «Amphibia» and «Aurora» are popular with the inhabitants. The citizens are proud of the Palace of Sports, where Regional competitions, Exhibitions, Fairs, City celebrations and concert performances are held.

People can go to the Palaces of Culture, to the parks and boulevards, cafes and restaurants or to spend weekend outside the city. The Ob provides fishing for summer months. More than 40.000 families are the owners of private gardens and orchards.

Five hotels and restaurants of Barnaul render services to Barnaul visitors and residents. They are «Altai», «Barnaul», «Central», «Siberia» and «Kolos».

There are 4 stations in Barnaul: the railway station, the airport, the river station and the bus station which connect our city with different parts of our country and abroad.


III. Read, translate and reproduce the dialogues:

Dialogue 1:

- Excuse me, I am lost. Can you tell me the way to Central Hotel?

- I’m sorry. I’m afraid I can’t help you. I’m new here myself.

- Thank you, anyway.

Dialogue 2:

- By the way, what are your plans for tomorrow morning?

- Nothing special.

- Would you like to take a walking tour of the city?

- Thanks. I’d love to. What shall we start with?

- Let’s start with the Glory Memorial on Victory square. We’ll take an hour walking tour from there to the October Square and then down Lenin prospect to the River station.

- Is the museum of Fine Arts far from there?

- It’s only a few blocks north. We’ll be able to visit it tomorrow.

Dialogue 3:

- What should I see first, N?

- You should start with the Museum of Local History. I’ll stop by and pick you up at your hotel tomorrow morning. Will nine o’clock be all right?

- Yes, it suits me fine. Will we see the Pockrov Cathedral tomorrow?

- Sure. It’s not so far from the museum.

Dialogue 4:

- What should I see next?

- Have you been to the art gallery?

- No, I haven’t.

- You should visit it. They have a rich collection of modern painting there.

- Can I go there tomorrow?

- Sure. Moreover you can go to the Musical Comedy theatre in the evening.

- Is it far from here? How can I get there?

- Oh, it’s quite easy. Go down this street for three blocks, turn left and then go straight ahead for one block. You can’t miss it.

- Thank you very much.

Dialogue 5:

- Where were you born?

- I was born in Russia, in the Altai territory.

- What is your home city?

- My home city is Barnaul.

- Is it a big city?

- Yes, it is. It takes the 19th place in citizenship among 2200 cities of Russia.

- You said Barnaul is a capital city. What do you mean?

- I meant that in 1937 Barnaul became the capital of the Altai Territory.

- Are there any places of interest?

- Yes, there are many of them: the Museum of Local History, Glory Memorial, Arboretum, Planetarium, etc.

- What is the centre of Barnaul?

- The centre of Barnaul is the Soviet Square.

- Are the streets wide or narrow?

- They are both wide and narrow.

- Are the houses modern?

- Yes, they are. But there are old wooden and brick houses that are being reconstructed or pulled down.

- What is the area of the city?

- It is about 30847 hectares.

- What is the population of the city?

- It is over 700 000 people.

- What stations are there in Barnaul?

- There are four stations in Barnaul: the airport, the riverport, the railway station and the bus station.

- Are there many shops?

- Yes, there are. There are many shops, department stores and supermarkets especially in the main street of the city-Lenin prospect?

- What cultural facilities are there in the city?

- The city has twelve cinemas, five theatres, palaces of culture, Palace of Sport and Entertainment, Concert Hall with the organ, more than eighty libraries.

- Where can citizens go in for sport?

- Dozens of sport buildings are at the disposal of our sportsmen: ten stadiums, five swimming pools, 163 sport-halls, special track-and-field halls, a hippodrome and sport airfield.

- Is Barnaul a students' city?

- Yes, 43 000 students study at Higher Educational Establishments of Barnaul.

- Do you like the city?

- Of course. I am proud of being a Barnauler.


IV. Ask your friend:

1. когда и кем был основан Барнаул

2. какой район тесно связан с историей города

3. чем обеспечивают рынок предприятия Барнаула

4. каких специалистов готовят вузы города

5. какие специализированные медицинские центры действуют в Барнауле

6. какие спортивные сооружения имеются в распоряжении спортсменов

7. где жители города могут провести уик-енд

8. какие достопримечательности (памятники) есть в Барнауле

9. много ли культурных заведений нашем городе

10. чье имя носит краевая библиотека

11. какие вокзалы в нашем городе


V. Act out the situations:

1. В Барнаул приехал ваш зарубежный друг. Он расспрашивает вас о том, какие достопримечательности ему можно осмотреть в свободное время в первую очередь и как туда добраться.

2. Спросите у своего зарубежного друга, где он уже побывал в Барнауле? Посоветуйте ему посетить картинную галерею и краеведческий музей. Сообщите, как лучше туда добраться.

3. Спросите у своего зарубежного друга, какие у него планы на выходные и предложите прокатиться по городу. Сообщите, что вы сможете заехать за ним в гостиницу. Узнайте, какое время его устроит.


VI.Act out the following situations:

1. You are waiting for your British friends coming to Barnaul. Discuss with your family the sights and places you want to show them.

Your grandpa thinks you must take them to the Glory Memorial and the Eternal fire.

Your grandma suggests to take them to the Museum of Local History and then to the Concert Hall with the organ.

Your father says that you should take them to the Park of Melange Mill with Planetarium and attractions, lake and stadium.

Your mother says that you should have a stroll along the Lenin Avenue which is a busy shopping street.

Your sister thinks that you shouldn't forget to show them "Coliseum".

You think that you should take them to the boat trip along the river Ob.

So you think your British friends will enjoy their staying in Barnaul.


2. Your friends meet you in the street and invite you to the cinema. But you are very tired because you have been taking your friends from Great Britain round Barnaul. You have had enough impressions for today.

Your first friend asks you if you took them on a bus tour round the city.

You answer that you saw a lot of historical buildings, sights and state offices.

Your second friend wants to know if it was interesting for your guests to know more about the history of the city.

You say that they were glad, but it was a pity they couldn't enjoy much of the beauty of the streets, all of them swept past the bus window, besides there wasn't a chance to examine museum at leisure.

Your third friend is eager to get acquainted with your guests from Great Britain and promises to help you take them to a stroll or to drive them round the city suburbs or anywhere else any time.


The Altai Region


I. Words and word-combinations to be remembered:

1. to border on - граничить

2. rural district - сельский район

3. urban - городской

4. to be the personal property - быть частной cобственностью

5. you can’t but admire - нельзя не восхищаться

6. formed by the junction - образованная слиянием

7. radon baths - радоновые ванны

8. curing mud - лечебные грязи

9. consumer goods - потребительские товары

10. tourist equipment - туристическое снаряжение

11. to call the «Breadwinner» - называть житницей


12. to become the foremost producer- стать передовым


13. crop production - производство зерна

14. maral breeding - мараловодство

15. bee keeping - пчеловодство

16. livestock farming - животноводство

17. artistic articles - художественные изделия

18. The State Hermitage - Государственный Эрмитаж

19. Altai gave birth to - Алтай-это родина

20. to rank first in the output - занимать 1-ое место по

производству (выпуску


II. Read, translate and retell the text:

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 207 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: British families. | The Working Day of a Student. | Где расположен Алтайский край | Conversational Formulas | V. Weather Forecast | Impressions of an Outing (or of a Camping Holiday) |
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