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Fir Tree Cottage, 6th April

Читайте также:
  1. April 2010 Shopping 101
  2. Barn House, 18th April 1997
  3. Immigration and Sexual Abuse — Protecting Undocumented Children By April Dirks-Bihun, PhD, LISW, MSW Social Work Today Vol. 14 No. 2 P. 22
  4. Lansquenet, April 1999
  5. Place in April.

Many thanks for your letter. It occurred to me just to add something to our correspondence that you might like to ponder.

The paragraph in Science and Health on page 275:20-24 mentions two alls. But, there is only one infinite. So this means that Mind and manifestation, Principle and idea, God and man, exist as one Being, one Life, one consciousness, one operation. All is cause when viewed from the standpoint of effect: all is effect when reviewed from the standpoint of cause. They are one, infinite, indivisible, reciprocal being. Principle cannot be without effect: effect cannot be without Principle.

The same goes for buyer and seller. There is no buyer without a seller and no seller without a buyer for they are two aspects of the same transaction, the same operation, which is the Father Mind-ing His own business! All there is to buyer or seller is included in the understanding of God. Your only relationship to either lies in your understanding of God.

No Date

Never think of yourself as a realtor who is a Christian Scientist. Know yourself as Christ Science, despite what personal sense says you are or do. Then you will see that your role is not that of an agent, but is to live as “…the individual ideal of Truth…” (S&H 30:19)—the ideal of everything true and good that is indivisible from its source, Mind. So you live as—you are the presence of—Truth’s ideal sense of home, as “the house built without hands” (S&H 454:8), forever one, infinite, indivisible, omnipresent and universal idea. You are this ideal of Truth to the pictures of mortal mind. You are not trying to change some situation, but to be the presence of the only situation there is. Then you experience the promise in S&H 451:16-18: “If our hopes and affections are spiritual, they come from above, not from beneath, and they bear as of old the fruits of the Spirit.” Your concern is home, not houses. Mind always appreciates and enjoys its own idea, home.

Window-panes let through the light, but the light is independent of the panes. We know that all good is the good of God, and is never divided into portions of good here and there that have to be manipulated. The light is not divided. Hence there is no mine and thine, only Mine: just My wonderful, ever-present, unobstructed sense of home, of which I, Love, cannot be deprived.

Dorset, 1st February

In Science, in Truth, there is no mine or thine. There is just Mind, your Mind, unconscious of any sense of home but “…the house built without hands, ‘eternal in the heavens’” (S&H 454:8-9). This divine consciousness of home is what you are, and is true instead of the picture of houses many. It is totally right, necessary and perfect to Mind. It is dependent on no material circumstances. There is no mind to be aware of a wrong sense of home.

Divinity embraces humanity. The human concept is nothing in its own right but is a limited sense of the unlimited. The embracing—just as when light embraces darkness—is that of limitation and difficulties evaporating before the presence of eternal Truth.

Every idea is declaring I and my Mind are one. No idea ever leaves heaven, the divine Mind, for earth, and so has never been subject to earth’s climate.


Do not hold yourself as a medium through which the divine sense of home can be recognised and embraced! Mind does not employ an agent. “Spiritual understanding unfolds Mind, … and demonstrates [shows forth] the divine sense…” (S&H 505:22-24). This understanding is a quality of Mind, and it shows forth Mind, not matter. It shows forth what is present. The divine sense is Mind’s divine sense of being, and this is man. You live as this divine sense of everything. Just have one Mind, for this includes its own divine sense.

The question, ‘Can I sell this, or do that?’ is not asked by Mind. Nor can there be any useful action within the dream. (See S&H 301:5-9) Anything that starts with a mortal ego starts with error’s dream, because it starts from a supposed standpoint outside God.

Barn House, 14th July 1998

There is one idea, home, in Mind and it is the house built without hands, invisible to human sense. It is indivisible, unlocated, universal; and it is within Me as Mind. We are not in the realm of dream houses, though these are taken care of as the dream-sense fades before the true.

Because home is indivisible there is no exchange of one bit for another.

Th January

Life is always one whole. This means there is no transfer of bits from one place to another. Simultaneity means all good everywhere all the time now.

We can never manipulate the dream, but we can fail to be impressed by it. Your real interest is home: not houses. All the qualities of home—comfort, harmony, peace, space, etc.—emanate from and as Mind. They are not dependent on material circumstances. They are just as omnipresent as health. You blot out, entirely, the seeming upside down picture of mortal mind, wherein persons are dwelling in material, localised, purchased-by-money houses. In Mind’s consciousness of the one, indivisible idea, ‘home’, the total satisfaction and completeness that this implies emerges, through the mist of error, as infinite self-expression.

The immediate object of understanding means im-mediate, with no medium between “Principle and its idea…” (S&H 465:17). You stand as Principle to this situation, not as a medium.

Fir Tree Cottage, 6 April

Thank you so much for your letter. There is no problem with home since there is one, infinite, omnipresent and indivisible idea, home, and this is God’s intelligent idea and contains nothing wrong. The claim is not that something could be improved in home. This is the disguise. The claim is simply that mortal mind, or mesmerism, with its false sense of home, can masquerade as your consciousness. It can’t.

A lie is always a lie about the truth, just as in photography a negative is just the positive negatively stated. The reverse of error is true. All is Truth, either stated as Truth or stated in reverse. So we stay rejoicing with the truth of everything.

No Date

It was nice talking with you the other night.

More and more—I think you said this—I see that if we do not accept the radicalism of Science, which overthrows and replaces the old framework of thinking, then the human alternative is left or right-wing extremism.

Home: Am I not a God—good, home, activity, etc.—at hand, and not afar off? If what is to be classified as truth, or Science, is comprised in a knowledge of God, then is not Truth all that constitutes man, or the understanding of God, including the idea of home? And if so, is not this understanding ever present, and unconditioned by any mortal and fluctuating sense of existence in matter? Is there any waiting for that which I AM? I am where Thou art. There is nothing outside the infinite range of My thought, and nothing within it that is not perfect and harmonious this moment.

“Being possesses its qualities before they are perceived humanly” (S&H 247:19-21). All that I include is possessed of being. “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of [that are already possessed of being as a result of] thy law” (Ps. 119:18).

Because you do understand your relation to the divine, you can have no other sense of home but His.


We start, as always, with the spiritual idea, the truth of home as perceived by Truth. This idea is established, present, never localised, never material, containing no superfluous feature, no encumbering mortal molecule, dependent on no material factor or condition. There is only one right idea home, and it is Mind’s idea. There are no duplications, or alternatives.

In belief, there is a chain of inter-dependent buyers and sellers. In Science, there is only the “chain of scientific being” in which all good is happening simultaneously all the time everywhere. (See S&H 271:2)

You do not have a home. As Mind-manifest you know home, and “for God to know is to be” (No and Yes 16:1-2). What I know, I AM. The illustration will always conform to our highest appreciable sense as we seek the substance, the understanding, of home; and not the illustration.

No Date

S&H 512:21-24. All that comes forth is Mind. You may call it by names that are familiar to you,—the form of the fourth in the furnace, the job or the income, or this or that. But the appearance is just the illustration of that which is already subjective to the divine Mind, and is already your own being.

Looking from and interpreting as Principle, you see one, infinite, indivisible, universal, omnipresent manifestation, or man. Only that which supposes it looks as a bit of being sees other bits, and thinks in terms of sharing, portions, rations, etc. You enjoy but do not share, or compete for, good. You can have all the 6’s or 7’s there are without stopping me doing the same. Ideas are not limited. You can likewise have all the substance, activity, home, family there is, because being is one whole. Stay in the realm of spiritual ideas and do not watch the appearing. The new birth is the spiritual idea of everything from the standpoint of Principle, and we do not watch the material circumstances surrounding it. Then it comes forth without travail. (See 463:6-20)

Barn House, 23 September

I will try and answer at two levels. The first and real way to deal with anything, is to “Allow nothing but His likeness to abide in your thought” (S&H 495:15-16). Whose thought? Love’s likeness abides in Love’s thought, and this is why Love never loses sight of loveliness. The world is holding imperfect models before ‘your’ thought (not My thought) and presents these through TV, radio, papers, personalities, etc. But the fact is that none of these are going on, and are only apparent to a so-called mind that is not God and is not anyone’s. It is sheer animal magnetism, mortal mind talking about itself, and it is not happening.

At another level, I obviously see many teenage situations and my observation is that it is in the families that are close and have their internal bonds that the temptations are least. I mean families who do things together: who insist on at least one meal each day where they sit down together, where there is a constant discipline to be exercised until self-discipline is strong enough to take over. I am convinced that the time and trouble you take with the children will pay dividends and that you cannot let up.

Also, we can remember that there is no immature man. The cycle of mortality called birth, growth, maturity and decay is termed in Miscellaneous Writings “the phenomena of mortality, nothingness” (286:23). There is no growth from immaturity to maturity. Man, coexistent with God, is also coeternal, ageless, with God.

Th June 2003

With regard to home, or anything else, the key is that creation (conception) consists of the unfolding of spiritual ideas. They begin in Mind and are expressed as Mind, even though human sense (not your sense) labels the form of appearing in such ways as house, job, income, etc. It is always “Truth’s immortal idea is sweeping down the centuries” (S&H 55:15) unfolding and revealing the divinely royal manifestation of God. Thus the idea, home, may appear in experience in different suitable ways, but it is always Mind’s idea, perfect and eternal, already existing in Truth.

“Being possesses its qualities before they are perceived humanly” (S&H 247:19-21) and “Human thought never projected the least portion of true being” (S&H 126:8-9). Your expanded sense of home, supply, etc. accompanies the unfolding of these ideas as your consciousness.

December 18, 1989

Mind’s divine sense of home has no material element attached to it, nor is it dependent on any material condition. Mrs. Eddy speaks of “…the abode of Spirit [of spiritual consciousness alone] from which “…only reflections of good can come…” (S&H 280:5-6), and we read that “the acme of this Science” (S&H 577:30) is that we dwell in the house, the consciousness, of Love forever. And Love is “the underived.” (See Mis. 249:29)

August 6, 1989

“The abode of Spirit” is not just where you are but what you are, for you are the consciousness of all the qualities that make up this abode or dwelling place of infinite Love now. Buying and selling imply duality. Being is one. “The Lord preserves my going out and my coming in”, my outgoings and income, because they are aspects of one Being. (Ps. 121:8)

The infinite, indivisible One is not engaged in getting rid of something outside of itself to somewhere outside of itself.

June 5, 1990

The apartment. You could usefully return there, if not physically then mentally, to remind yourself of what it meant to you at the time: the qualities you both loved and cherished as your home. It does not matter if you have now outgrown it. The point is that it was beautiful and desirable to you then. Love it for what it represents to that level of thought. “Love is reflected in love…” (S&H 17:7). That which is attractive to you must be so to others for all is consciousness, and the consciousness of attractiveness invites attraction. Don’t discard it because outgrown.

Your identity was never as a bit of existence called a mortal, defending or attacking, proving itself, making its way. The whole of your experience is but the humble servant of your restful Mind. S&H 568:30-32 is useful. You do not fight error but you lay down—cease identification with—that which error claims to fight. That which is fought and that which fights are two aspects of the same dream.

Th March

“…thy home is heaven…” (S&H 254:31-32) and heaven is “Perfect and infinite Mind enthroned…” (S&H 266:25-26). So wherever Mind is enthroned as your consciousness there is home, and it has nothing to do with bricks and mortar, buyers and sellers, market conditions, etc. “…I will dwell in the house, [the consciousness], of the Lord [Love] for ever” (Ps. 23:6-7). There is no other dwelling place, and the false sense, which was never part of your Mind’s experience, simply fades out.

But the idea that you are a mortal running around with a material concept of home, or homes, is absurd!

Who answers the question in Science and Health on page 475 “What is man?” I do. Read it this way.

Th January

Keep your sense of Life entirely separate from the dream. This is not to ignore the human need but to embrace it in the divine fact, so that the sense of possession displaces the sense of need. Our only work is described on S&H 26:16-18. It is to dispel the clouds of human perception, thus revealing what is already true. But it is not to tinker with this perception. This is what is meant on page 548:10 in Science and Health. Radical reliance (the word means rooted) means planting all thought in the eternal Truth, the Christ, and not in the human picture.

“…thy home is heaven…” (S&H 254:31-32) If there was ever a mistake, it only occurred in the dream and has nothing to do with the one “Perfect and infinite Mind enthroned…” (S&H 266:25-26) which is heaven. The fact is that I am where Thou art. I dwell in the consciousness of Love, and this is independent of any material circumstance. (See also Pul. 3:11-12 and 4:20-22) No law but good operates in this kingdom.

You are not a bit of existence with a home of your own, but you express and include all the qualities that constitute Mind’s divine sense of home. There is not a right and a wrong home; just the one true sense.

Th January

To repeat: you do not try to relate the divine to the human, for this at once means a premise of duality. The one spiritual fact has to outshine the dream mirage. The personal sense of home or homes is the dream. It is the belief that there is something called a person who has something called a home and something called a problem, and sometimes that dream seems to be a nightmare!

The true consciousness of home or of anything else is undivided. It says of Jesus’ ‘garment’ (consciousness) that it was ‘woven from above in one piece’ (see John 19:23). That is, it proceeded from the divine Mind as one infinite indivisible whole. This is your Science consciousness now. The dream variations, conditions, threats, promises, have nothing to do with you.

You don’t ignore what is called the human but you embrace it as the divine. “Divinity embracing humanity…” (S&H 561:17). How? How does light embrace the darkness? By being light. What happens to the darkness? It dissolves. So, in the consciousness of the divine, the limited human sense of things, and the problems it contains, fade out.

No Date

It is sheer ‘cruel creed’ to think that some human mistake errs because it is human. Fair enough. But “Mind does not make mistakes and subsequently correct them” (S&H 206:29-30). And, “there is neither place nor opportunity in Science for error of any sort” (S&H 232:32-1). “In Science” means in the Mind of God.

So we do not waste a second asking where we humanly did or did not go wrong, since this gets at once into the mirage of mortal experience. Instead, we get back to the one spiritual fact that should occupy thought and know that I and My divine sense of home are one; that I dwell in the house, the consciousness, of Love forever; that matter, economic climate, etc. can make no conditions for man; that there are not two homes—one to get rid of and one to enjoy; and that there is no mind or life other than or separate from God. This, alone, melts the mirage so that the highest and most appreciable situation prevails.

Saul of Tarsus’ uncertain sense of right yielded to a spiritual sense that is always right. The spiritual sense of something has no alternatives. (See S&H 326:23)

Human opinions never touch the Science of Being. Don’t waste time on them. They always reason from the material picture backwards. They try to analyze the dream instead of dropping it.

Barn House, 9th April 1997

“…cling steadfastly to God and His idea” (S&H 495:14-15). This means there is only Mind’s idea about anything. There is only Mind’s idea of home, and that is present wherever Mind is. There are not two ideas of home, one to be sold and the other to be acquired. And because idea is the immediate (mediumless) object of understanding, the only sense of home is present as your Mind, without the involvement of any medium called agent, money, or economic factors. Home is divine idea, and the elements that constitute it are constituted of Love without any external factor. Bricks and mortar have nothing to do with it. Love, the underived, alone is Life, home.

No Date

Do not think of yourself as a personal shadow seeking another shadow called home! S&H 331:1-3 shows you live outside form. You include the right idea of home and everything, and this is because your Mind is God and “in this Mind the entire being is found harmonious and eternal.”

You have nothing to do with form: only with maintaining Mind’s standpoint. Hence 240:10-14. Everything in your experience takes place in its Principle, and you are the experience of good and not the experiencer. Mind experiences: man is Mind’s entire experience.

December 1989

There is not God and a home. There is only Mind, appearing as forms of Mind. S&H 505:10-11. So there is nothing to what you are humanly pleased to call home but some aspect or form of intelligent and harmonious Mind, and never matter. Your God-being reflects this intelligent, infinitely co-ordinate harmony of God.

“Matter is an error of statement” (S&H 277:26-27). So all there is to any material manifestation is the statement of it. Mortal mind never actually made a discordant condition of any kind. It merely said there was one! A condition would be ‘out there’, but an error of statement comes to you at the point of consciousness ‘here’ and tries to masquerade as your consciousness and say ‘I’. It cannot, since Mind is the only I.

So you merely watch what you are accepting as thought—an error of statement, or the spiritual idea of God? (See S&H 88:9-14). “Are thoughts divine or human? That is the important question” (S&H 462:23).

Barn House, July 6, 1998

There is no outside. That is why nothing comes to you either to injure or bless. Divine self-completeness does not allow for duality in any form—a house to be sold and another to be bought. Good is always indivisible, and the house where we dwell is the consciousness of Love that is hidden from the world.

No Date

Isaiah 45:22 says “Look unto me, and be ye saved…”. This is an important new orientation of thought, since personal sense is understandably more concerned with knowing the truth about itself than in knowing the true idea of God, the only Self. Yet there are many passages in the books that show us that in knowing God we are being man, and in knowing some aspect of God we are being that aspect of man. Knowing cause is being effect, since all there is to man, effect, is the consciousness or knowledge of Good, cause. And when we say ‘knowing God’ we mean that it is always God knowing, for idea has no power to know. Idea is what God knows. So look at S&H 258:16-19; 290:6-9; Peo. 14:10-11; Un. 6:4-6.

We read too, that “For right reasoning there should be but one fact before the thought…” (S&H 492:3-4)—and so, not many factors. So we do not start with the many human conditions, trends, and factors but with the spiritual fact that abundance is as present and untouched as honesty and is a quality of God, and not a factor of material conditions. The failure of material conditions merely proves their inadequacy to support the true idea. The Love which alone is Life is ‘the underived’, owing nothing to anything outside of itself.

You do not have a home; or an income; or anything. If you think you have something, it can be taken away or threatened. But the idea of home, the idea of abundance, the idea of safety, are integral parts of your being. You live as “…the compound idea of God, including all right ideas” (S&H 475:14-15). So you include the right idea of all these things. “Error begins by reckoning life as separate from Spirit…” (S&H 539:3-4). But there is no separate life, substance, activity, or separate anything else. Man “as the humble servant of the restful Mind…” (S&H 119:32) is simply the showing forth of all that Mind is effortlessly being. So if you think you have something you can think you don’t have it. But neither thought is true!

Mortal mind never made a lack: it appears that way. Hence you do not deal with lack, which is the disguise, but with the basic claim that mortal mind can masquerade as your thought and say ‘I am’, thus taking the name of the Lord in vain. Just watch what you allow as your thought and what is saying ‘I’ in your experience. That is where we put things right. It is all mesmerism. All problems are an experience of mortal mind, not of Mind, or man.

The Shunamite woman poured oil (inspiration) into every vessel (every aspect of experience) in her house, her consciousness, until all were full. The Prodigal turned from seeking an answer in matter and went to his Father, looked to cause and not effect.


December 17

Human effort can only unveil a fraction of what you already are. The kingdom is never taken by force or by labour. “…other men laboured, and ye are entered into their labours” (John 4:38). That is folly! As we gain the true idea by looking out from the Mind that always holds it, objects that were before invisible become visible. But they are there all the time. Nothing can be added to infinity. The Christ, Truth, was unveiled by Jesus, but not invented.

Just watch thought all the time so that you are looking out from Principle, not person. You tread on forces but they are spiritual forces, and do not stop being so because material sense calls them market forces, economic trends, labour markets, etc. Don’t be taken in by wrong names. Being is just what it is. We subordinate false testimony, but do not tinker with it (S&H 516:4 onwards). Everything is circling harmoniously in the one system of your Mind and Life.

Rd April

You do not have a job, a quota, a target, a responsibility. You do not have anything. The Bible says “…he [the Christ] will take of mine and shew it unto you” (John 16:15). You are the observer, the awareness, the experience of all that God is doing. You do not meet a target, but God is showing you His plenitude. You do not have, nor are you in, a business, but the Father’s business, so full, safe, abundant and successful, is shown to you. “God giveth not the spirit by measure unto him” (John 3:34). God does not transmit a portion to you: He expresses Himself as your experience.

The mortal is by definition deficient, for it represents the attempt to reduce infinite good to a limited concept. Everything is Life fulfilled—filled full—because “…of his fullness have all we received…” (John 1:16).

His work is done. His standards are maintained. There is no other factor to threaten or reduce or limit what God has done.

October 1997

Miscellaneous Writings 18:19-21 shows the oneness of Father, Mother, Child. “Principle and its idea is one…” (S&H 465:17). The Child has no separate Mind from its Parent and the one Parent is the Father-Mother God. It is not what the so-called human mind sees, but the belief that there is such a thing as a mind other than God, that is the culprit. Love, the only Mind, never loses sight of its loveliness. (See S&H 248:3)

The word “person” comes from the Latin “persona” which meant a mask that people carried in processions to hide their identity. Personality is always a mask, and is never true. The Mind of Love sees Love, and nothing else. “God’s thoughts are perfect and eternal, are substance and Life” (S&H 286:21-22) and God’s thoughts about God constitute man. Thoughts remain in the Mind that conceives them and have no separate life to tumble about. Love looks into the mirror of its own consciousness and sees itself, and nothing else.

Man does not have a business. Man is the business of his Principle, and the Father’s full time, unchanging, unfluctuating business is being God. Never think that supply comes from your business. Supply has one source, and the Lord (spiritual sense) preserves your going out and your coming in—your outgoings and income. On page 249 of Miscellaneous Writings you see the article on Love, and Love is defined in part as “the underived”. Nothing in your experience is derived from outside of Love, and Love constitutes all in and of itself. To think your well-being is derived, opens the way for it to be deprived by the same circumstances. You cannot owe any man, nor can any man owe you—not because of any moral law, but because the divine law of oneness does not permit bits deriving good from other bits. There is no person involved in this divine fact.

Never work about the human concept, but rejoice in the purity, incorporeality and perfection of your divinity. This appears as the highest humanity, because the fact of being is divine and this cannot be hidden by the mirage of the human concept. Again, because Love is underived, there is no human inheritance. The stuff that your being is made of is Love. It is all the substance there is. But when we read about no “mere personal attachment” (Man. 40:5) it means that there is no personal identity to which error can attach itself. No wonder that Mrs. Eddy says, “There is no personality, and this is more important to know than that there is no disease.”[2] There is no adamant of error, because no person.

Omnipresence, as I said to you, does not travel anywhere to be omnipresent. You remain as the central stillness, and what you experience is just the kaleidoscope of events passing before you, as a procession, without ever moving you from your standpoint. Man lives in God, not in man. You have your being in and as God. Your safety lies in the fact that you are never in any material form. S&H 258:9-12.

I think it is time you stopped thinking of yourself as a Christian Scientist and realise that you live as Christ Science, divine idea (Mis. 167:14). A Christian Scientist “must live under the constant pressure of the apostolic command to come out from the material world and be separate” (S&H 2-4). Christ Science, the Life divine, is already and eternally entirely separate from the belief and dream. I gave up living under pressure many years ago!

May 25

There is one fact, and this fact is not divided nor absent. The only human observation I have had sometimes is that there is always a danger of overstretching in small businesses and taking on too much extra too quickly. If something was not based on the unfoldment of Principle, then this alone might have to fall into the ground to be born anew. But this is Mind’s job.

Nothing can be added to nor taken away from what God has done. What God has joined together cannot be put asunder. Deity is satisfied with His work. S&H 509:1-8 shows that as we know Life to be God, dependent on no material organisation, this appears to the student as the healing and resurrection. Always reckon yourself from the standpoint of God, the “released sense of Life in God and Life as God” (Mis. 189:19), and never as the student. The indestructible Christ is apparent as a resurrected Jesus, but you must never hold yourself as other than that which was never on a cross.

Mortal mind’s sense of organisation never touched Life, and you and all that is yours live as Life. The only thing that can dissolve is the error of thinking that life is in matter and the offspring of that error (see S&H 74:11). Mind and its idea is intact. We let the mortal sense of everything dissolve in the presence of indestructible Life and illimitable Love. We do not work to prop up misconception—the belief that life is organisation, but know that Life was never touched by organisation and its beliefs. Thus we do protect the highest sense of organisation. Ret. 49:11-13 is interesting on this.

Un. 60:26-28 shows that we never bring Truth down to a mortal situation but see the latter dissolve in the presence of eternal Truth. Be the Christ, Truth, to this situation and never part of the situation. It cannot alarm you because your Mind is God; no mortal created a true idea and no mortal can overthrow it: not even [person’s] fear or tiredness!

September 11

Man is not a doer! Mrs. Eddy says that if you lift a weight, the image in the mirror does likewise. But how much weight does the image lift? Man is “…the humble servant of the restful Mind…” (S&H 119:32) Just pause and ask yourself who is doing the work. You are the experience, without effort, of all that God is knowing and being, but you are not an experiencer!

S&H 368:14-19 and 297:28-31 are interesting. You see, the mortal can never have this faith. But the understanding of Truth from the standpoint of Truth leaves nothing over to challenge.

No Date

Many thanks for your letter. Now let us be absolutely clear that there is no matter, so no time, no pressure and no questions of having to stave off some event. I AM ALL HERE NOW. No good comes to you: you live as the self-expression of all the good there is now.

Your letter shows one mistake, which we must correct! You are still thinking in terms of the company as an idea that has come to one person to bless others. So you talk in terms of ‘abundance to meet the needs of others’ and ‘translating abundance into other people’s supply’. Now all this may be true from a human standpoint, but this is not the way we work.

To shut the door and pray, we have to shut out all sense of another. “…my glory will I not give to another” (Isa. 42:8) and there is no other. “The Christian Scientist is alone [all one] with his own being” (‘01 20:8). He who discerns in CS that there is only one I or Us is all one with the glorious embodiment of that fact and there is nothing else going on. I am not a person demonstrating supply: I am the everpresence of the substance that is God. I am not a person trying to do the loving and intelligent thing, but I am the functioning presence of the love and wisdom of God. Unselfed love (without any sense of self as a partner to God) heals and saves.

There are not two. There is one Life, one Mind, one Being, and you are the self-expression of all the good that is resident in God. “…the practical repentance, [turning around] which reforms the heart and enables man to do the will of wisdom” is turning away from all sense that we have a mind separate from God, and understanding that God does the will of God and man is the doing.

You may want to read S&H: Preface, page vii. The pale star is truth seen from the standpoint of the mortal waiting for truth to appear. The day star is the full light of Science in which we see that Truth, and nothing else, is all there is to appear. “He shall bring forth thy righteousness…” (Ps. 37:6) for there is nothing else to bring forth. (See Mis. 164:11)

Being is not divided into sellers and buyers. One Mind unfolds itself as All, indivisibly and intelligently. Mind is not apparent as person, place or thing, but despite them. All good that appears in this form is still God appearing in a form that is already present as your Life and your Mind.

The well-spring of Life is within consciousness and is inexhaustible. If you think there is another out there you will keep it out there, because the belief in another out there is all there is to it.

May 11, 1979

Jacob wanted to be content with the dawning of light in his consciousness and keep what he had seen in terms of what it might do to human experience. He was content with the “pale star” (S&H vii:4). But he was not allowed to do this and had to see that the “nameless, incorporeal impartation of divine Love…” (S&H 309:2-3) must transform his nature with the daystar that would ‘rend the veil of flesh from top to bottom’. (See Matt. 27:51) He had to see, not just that the devils were subject to him, but that his name was written (as) heaven.

Read Jer. 15:16. Everything is saying I AM: this is ME. Nothing has any other name but His holy name.

Nothing ever had a birth in matter, so nothing has to be redeemed from matter. The first coming saw the belief of a Saviour’s birth and the demonstration over death. The second coming, Christian Science, starts with the death of material sense and demonstrates over the belief of birth. The first is the pale star; the second is the day star.

See that nothing of your Business ever left heaven for earth. There was never a mortal parent of a spiritual idea, nor were there any mortal swaddling clothes.

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