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St September 2004

Читайте также:
  1. Barn House, September 30
  2. Battle of the Marne: 6-10 September 1914
  3. By VLADIMIR V. PUTIN Published: September 11, 2013
  4. From the September 2009 issue; published online October 6, 2009
  5. From the September 2009 issue; published online October 6, 2009
  6. I was curious to see this version of George, but I was leaving for Scotland next day and did not see him till September of that year just before my death.
  7. Saturday 23 September

We read in S&H, “Every object in material thought will be destroyed, but the spiritual idea, whose substance is in Mind, is eternal” (267:1-2). Of course, nothing true ever could be destroyed, and it is the material thought about every object that has to be translated from the object of sense into the idea of Soul. Then it is found safely and eternally in the divine Mind.

We read quite a bit about the mortal being temporal and temporary but in no way does this mean that mortality and materialism are even for a moment temporarily true. The word “temporal” simply means belonging to the time world, and Mrs. Eddy says that “this time-world flutters in my thought as an unreal shadow…” (My. 268:20). It is never true, because time is no part of eternity. When we see the apparent and universal breakup of a material sense of being, we can be entirely happy because it represents the passing of shadow before the sunlight of Truth. Your only experience is your identity with Truth, and not with any shadow which passes.

No Date

I have been studying the chapter on Genesis. At one level, seven days represents the unfolding understanding of God in all His aspects. At a more spiritual level, we find these days, or aspects of divine unfoldment, are not sequential but simultaneous in operation and application.

The first day is the declaration that Mind is all, is apparent as Mind, and there is no matter.

The second day shows the function of Spirit, evident as the understanding that does not distinguish between good and evil, but denies evil with the finality of Truth, as having no part in the allness of good.

The third day is “an important one to the human thought” (508:28-4). The human does not think and “…never projected the least portion of true being” (S&H 126:8-9). When permeated by divine understanding, thought ceases to seem human and is found to be divine. This may appear as a more expansive awareness of what is, and so corresponds to Resurrection. But this does not imply “a higher idea of immortality, or spiritual existence” but rather “material belief yielding to spiritual understanding” (593:9-11).

We should beware of misconstruing this third day, or aspect of God as Soul. Matter, a term for limited perception, does not get better but less. (See 210:25-28 and margin) Soul is “dependent upon no material organization” (509:3-4). There is in Truth no human evidence because no mind to think in those terms (505:1-3). Soul and its identity or body are forever outside the flesh—“…a supposition that life, substance, and intelligence are in matter; an illusion…” (S&H 586:18).

Finally, do read Un. 3:20-26. Since the first name for God is I AM, you can read this subjectively as this I. I AM Myself. There is nothing else.

Barn House, 29th November 1997

I think I said that the pages in Science and Health page 306 until the Platform on page 330 deal with the struggle between material and spiritual sense. The story of Jacob from 308:14 to 309:26 is worth a lot of thought.

308:16. Jacob was alone. The apparent struggle that ensues was the objectification of the duplicity that characterised the state of thought called Jacob. (See 589:4) It was a mental conflict. He was not “talking with God” (line 14-15). The angel that appeared was the self-assertion of the Christ as consciousness, even though it seemed to Jacob that it was a spiritual evangel (line 24). In line 29 we see how Jacob was asked his name. The dawning awareness of his true nature was accompanied by the recognition that much of Jacob had been dropped. His name (nature) had been changed somewhat so that his new sense of identity was Israel, a prince of God. The basic error was being self-seen. However personal sense remained, so that he still objectified what was happening by asking ‘thy name’ (309:1). This could not be answered since there was no ‘thy’, for he was alone. The only name, or nature, was really ‘I’. As Jesus said, “all thine is mine”. What was taking place was “truth urging upon error its resisted claims” (S&H 223:29).

The result was, so to speak, an intermediate one, for in the continuing sense of duality the experience was seen in terms of a victory of Spirit over error. He had fought a good fight; he had demonstrated the power of Spirit over the senses. (See 566:29-6 which refers to the Old Testament) Thus this state of thought was to father the children of earth who followed his example (S&H 309:12-16). They were to continue the earnest striving because their starting point was the earth, and so they had to use the power of Truth to overcome error. These Children of Israel are typical of the mainline Christian thought today. The Messiah has to rename, renature, them; and the new name is “Hallowed be Thy name”. Thy nature is holiness. You are not a Child of Israel (583:5). In most cases where she refers to “Christians” she refers to these Children, not to man.

If this new understanding was lost, as would be apparent today in the CS church, where people have forgotten that there is no good in the human concept and so no power to heal, and no merit in human striving, (S&H 309:17-20), thought would be led back, by Science or suffering, to be re-named in Christian Science. This time the new name is ‘I’ and it is accompanied by the recognition that being is subjective (309:24-26). Christian warfare yields to the Christ Science. (See 562:11-16 and margin; 567:6-13; 568:5-8)

However, the whole of this story of the corporeal mortal is effaced in S&H 309:24-26 where the basic error of ever believing that man had a separate entity from God, and so had to work his passage back to God, is denied.

The passage now from 309:29-17, shows that Soul, the one Ego, is never in anything. It is untouched by the mutations of material sense (310:31-32). Matter can never confirm or deny Mind (311:3-6). If it is not Mind it is not Me, so it is nothing.

Th September 2003

You might like to consider the verse, “Thou canst not see my face and live” (Ex. 33:20). This simply means that you cannot fathom the infinite from some standpoint outside of the infinite. The only way that you can see God’s face is by looking with Mind, as Mind, into the mirror and seeing Him reflected. Then you are no longer seeing through a glass darkly but are seeing “face to face” (see 1 Cor. 13:12), and corporeal personal sense is no more a factor.

In the light of this you could read S&H 302:19-24, remembering that God is described as the Father-Mind and that the man, or manifestation, of God is thought. Reading this sentence from the standpoint of the one I or Ego you could paraphrase it as follows: The Science, as opposed to the belief, of being reveals thought to be perfect in the same proportion as you are accepting the Father-Mind as its source, and the reason is that I, the only I, am the Soul or Mind of the spiritual manifestation of Myself, and because real thought is governed by Soul, Me, instead of sense.

Barn House, 5 October 1997

You might just like to think about that verse “…say unto this mountain [the mountainous problem], Remove hence to yonder place…” (Matt. 17:20). When a seemingly mountainous physical problem is cast into the sea—reduced to mortal mind—then it is removed, for in its place we see the ever-presence of divine Love that dissolves the adamant of error.

Christian Science “resolves things into thoughts, and exchanges the objects of sense for the ideas of Soul” (S&H 269:14). We are only dealing with thought. To try and pray about a physical problem is “…mental quackery” (Rud. 12-11).

Barn House, 11 June 1997

The statement in S&H 304:9-11 is made by divine Love, not by manifestation.

I, Love, am saying that I cannot be deprived of the loveliness that expresses Me. I, Mind, am saying I cannot be deprived of My own consciousness of Myself which is My manifestation, or man. I, Soul, cannot be deprived of My embodiment, or body, which is as perfect as I AM.

I AM the Mind of My universe. There is no other mind. I AM all substance, Life, Truth, Love: all intelligence. I AM the one I or Ego. “A knowledge of aught beside Myself is impossible” (Un. 18:25-26). My knowledge of Myself manifests what I AM and is My image and likeness. I have no past history or future experience for I AM all here now. I AM not evolved from anything less than Myself for all that I AM is the underived. In Me there is no excess or deficiency. I govern, because I constitute, all growth, action, functioning; all faculties, all comprehension. My thoughts of Myself remain in Me and are inviolate. There is nothing in Me to threaten, jar, aggravate, conflict with, or hurt Me, for I AM Myself only and am All. I AM not allergic to anything because there is nothing outside of Me to which I could react. There is nothing but Me to know what I AM because there is no standpoint outside of Myself from which to know My all-inclusive being; to see, comment on, or reverse what I AM. I AM whole, all-inclusive, underived, inviolate. My own nature constitutes and characterises all being.

The demands of Soul, the only I or Ego, are that Thou canst have no other life, substance, truth, love, mind, or sense of being than Mine. S&H 467:3. All men have one Mind which exists instead of the picture of all men. What is termed mankind is improved because the belief of many minds fades out in My presence. There is no mortal mind to manifest itself as sick or well, poor or rich, old or young “mankind”. Mankind is a term for a false perspective of the one man, and nothing else.

December 1984

There comes a point when the ascending thought has to give place to the thought that descends from heaven as a bride wedded to its Principle, Love (S&H 561:12). On page 533:26-7, we see four stages in the developing sense of womanhood. But even the third, Mary at the sepulcher, only “rose somewhat” and then had Science reversed by mortal sense. Mortal sense could not ascend far enough. But the fourth stage sees the wholly spiritual origin of all, with no earth-born taint. No and Yes 36:12-18 shows that the Jesus—ascending thought—had a resort to his higher selfhood, but the Christ knows no other selfhood.

S&H 533:26-7: “Truth, cross-questioning man as to his knowledge of error, finds woman the first to confess her fault. She says, ‘The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat;’ as much as to say in meek penitence, ‘Neither man nor God shall father my fault.’ She has already learned that corporeal sense is the serpent. Hence she is first to abandon the belief in the material origin of man and to discern spiritual creation. This hereafter enabled woman to be the mother of Jesus and to behold at the sepulcher the risen Saviour, who was soon to manifest the deathless man of God’s creating. This enabled woman to be first to interpret the Scriptures in their true sense, which reveals the spiritual origin of man.”

S&H 493:28. “If Jesus awakened Lazarus from the dream, illusion, of death, this proved that the Christ could improve on a false sense. Who dares to doubt this consummate test of the power and willingness of divine Mind to hold man forever intact in his perfect state, and to govern man’s entire action? Jesus said: ‘Destroy this temple [body], and in three days I [Mind] will raise it up;’ and he did this for tired humanity’s reassurance.”

St August 1989

I like the Lesson which tells you “you are not your own” and that “you are bought with a price” (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

You have no strength, function, or faculty of your own. Man is sensationless body because man is the sensation of Soul, the exact opposite of material sensation. So you live as the experience of all that Soul is feeling, Life is enjoying, etc.

You are bought because Love, the underived, redeems man from the law of matter. To redeem is to pay the pledge that takes something out of the pawn shop!

You have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear (Rom. 8:15) because you do not accept the fetters of man’s finite capacity forged by the illusion that you live in body instead of in Soul (S&H 223:4).

By all means you can be weary of the fleeting and false (68:6-8), but nothing else.

Th January 1985

I think we should realise that mortal thought will always be the ebbing and flowing tides of mortal fear, for it cannot be otherwise. So we should not be surprised if earth’s sea never manages to present a picture of unchanging calm. It can’t help being troubled and angry. But the Christ walks o’er it, knowing that Life is Soul, ‘outside body, never bringing to the body life and sensation’. The Children of Israel on page 566:1-9 have nothing to do with you. You are identified with the spiritual idea that does the guiding.

The spiritual idea comes down from heaven wedded. It is that state of completeness that is forever intact. If you look at 493:28-4, and then start with the last instead of the first, you will see that living as “I, Mind” appears incidentally, but progressively, as the physical healing typified by Jesus, the understanding of the Christ Science, as we have it, the proof that the one man is forever intact. But you live as I, Mind.

I would like one day to do a paper on the womanhood of God embracing its manhood.

Th October 1985

S&H 568:26-30. “A louder song, sweeter than has ever before reached high heaven, now rises clearer and nearer to the great heart of Christ; for the accuser is not there, and Love sends forth her primal and everlasting strain” shows that the accuser never comes anywhere near the great heart of Christ, and this is the only heart there is. Not a Christ heart and a human heart, but One heart for God and man, which is the living, palpitating presence of the Christ.

S&H 252:32. “I am Spirit. Man, whose senses are spiritual, is My likeness. He reflects the infinite understanding, for I am Infinity. The beauty of holiness, the perfection of being, imperishable glory,—all are Mine, for I am God. I give immortality to man, for I am Truth. I include and impart all bliss, for I am Love. I give life, without beginning and without end, for I am Life. I am supreme and give all, for I am Mind. I am the substance of all, because I AM THAT I AM” is the statement by the I of your being about its own perfect body, or man, because your Soul, or Mind, is God. This is your statement. “The Science of being reveals man as perfect, even as the Father is perfect, because the Soul, or Mind, of the spiritual man is God, the divine Principle of all being, and because this real man is governed by Soul instead of sense, by the law of Spirit, not by the so-called laws of matter” (S&H 302:19).

No Date

I would take exception only to one remark in your letter where you speak of ‘getting closer to God.’ In fact this is impossible because it implies a starting point outside God and therefore eternally separate from Deity. God and man coexist as God-Principle and idea.

Your work is entirely from the standpoint of the Adorable One which, being All, knows nothing outside of itself to get closer, to improve, to threaten, or change anything.

When we read this week, “Emerge gently from matter to Spirit” (S&H 485:14), it is rather like the sun emerging through the mist. The sun is as complete as it ever could be and is untouched by the mist. Only that which views the situation from the standpoint of the earth sees the sun emerging gently and the mist dissolving. The woman clothed with the sun, consciousness clad in the divine Mind, is unaware of the mist or an emergence.

The basic fact is that everything exists as the Christ—“…that blending with God, his divine Principle, which gives man dominion over all the earth” (S&H 316:21-23). Divine Science simply means the Science, or understanding, of the present divinity of everything, even though a different standpoint might interpret this as humanly improving.

Barn House, 16th November 1995

Eye hath not seen God, and if it cannot see God, All, then it is not much good anyhow! But Science, the revelation of Mind, reveals that which eye hath not seen. What is that? It is the fact that all is God, good; all is light with no darkness; all is Love with no discord; all is Spirit with no matter; all is Principle with no deviation from itself.

“Sick and sinful humanity is mortal mind” (S&H 114:1-6). We do not replace sick, poor, unhappy humanity with another and better kind of humanity. We take the scales off the eyes to find that divinity is the present fact of everything everywhere. This is why this spiritual consciousness is a present possibility. All that is true of you or me or anyone is the one Mind enjoying, unfolding, being itself. We find man, or manifestation, in Mind and nowhere else, for the Bride means, “…conceiving man in the idea of God…” (S&H 582:14). This is the reality of all things brought to light.

S&H 390:7-9 shows that it is our ignorance of God that causes apparent discord and the right understanding of Him restores harmony. Again, we read that man possesses this recognition of harmony in proportion to his understanding of God, since all there is to man is the understanding, this recognition, this idea of God—God’s idea of Himself. S&H 576:23-25. This idea is the body of God which is man. But the fact is that “The divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness” (S&H 536:8-10). The material sense of things, being a supposition of the absence of Spirit, is itself without even a supposer.

Barn House, 30 August 1996

S&H 16:margin to line 9; then lines 20-23. The first ‘indicates’ the second. The latter is the prayer of Soul because it indicates Soul-awareness in place of sense-awareness. Rising above material sensuousness—all reasoning through the material senses and its consequent sin or objectification—we find the spiritual consciousness that is heaven born because it emanates from the divine Mind, Soul, as Mind’s own self-cognition. It heals instantaneously because it has never known anything to heal. This heavenly consciousness is indicated in the prayer of Christ Jesus, but is experienced as Christ Science.

There is nothing outside the sense of it. “Material sense is the so-called material life” (Un. 30:7-8). The divine sense of being is true individuality. (Un. 21:19-21 and 22:2-4) The divine sense of being emanates from “pure Mind” and is unaware of anything but its own self. The material sense of being emanates from a so-called mortal mind, and so is nothing. We cannot heal persons, places or things, because they are but fading forms and fleeting concepts of the human mind. They have no real existence because they are not part of eternal Truth.

The tendency to try to reconcile a material sense with the divine, and thus to apply Truth to error, has to be abortive, for it starts with duality instead of with the infinite One, and duality in the premise retains duality in the conclusion. “…man is in a degree as perfect as the Mind that forms him” (S&H 337:10-11). Mind’s divine sense of being remains in Mind, and so is as eternally perfect as Mind. In the divine Mind there is no sense of error.

There is one infinite, self-existent consciousness which embodies itself as thought,—Mind’s thoughts about Mind, Truth’s about Truth, Love’s about Love, Life’s about Life. The thoughts are the embodiment, or body, of Mind and constitute man. “Mind always has its body with it and this body is subject to what Mind says about it” (10th Edition).


January 8, 2004

It seems we are all educated to think that which gets up in the morning, goes through its day, and goes to sleep at night merits the name ‘I’. In fact, S&H says that “…whatever is a mortal is composed of human material beliefs and of nothing else” (S&H 478:25-26). This account of how ‘I’ spend my day is a sequence of beliefs only.

A teacher once said, referring to this little ego claiming to be I, “give it the ‘T’ treatment”. He explained that when the mortal used the word I, it was necessary to put the letter T after it to turn it into “IT”. When you neuter a cat you make it into an “IT” and take away its potency. S&H says “Science both neutralizes error and destroys it” (157:30-31). It makes error into an ‘IT’ without power.

We must remember always that I is the name of God, not of man, and there is but one I or Ego. It is the false sense of identity only that thinks it has to work its way out of problems, instead of enjoying problemless being now.

No Date

It is most important to remember our starting point that “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation…” (S&H 468:10-11).

The word “all” means under every circumstance and is all that is going on in place of the picture presenting itself to the material senses. Therefore, what appears as an individual seeking more health, supply, freedom, etc. is not really what is going on.

What is happening is the eternal existence of man’s spiritual status, outside of all material selfhood and with which you are identified, asserting its own wholeness, abundance, and perfection as your consciousness. It is not someone seeking Truth, but Truth asserting itself as your present, irresistible experience, and demanding its own self-identification as all. Thus that which appears to seek healing is already healed, because the fact that these qualities seem desirable can only appear so because they exist already.

You may remember the words of the French philosopher Pascal, “You could not have sought me if you had not already known me.”

Barn House, June 19th 1998

You see, the divine and the human are not two but one, for all there is to what appears as the human concept is a finite sense of that which is really existing as divine idea. That is why the human concept, or Jesus, “disappeared” as a reward for his faithfulness. (See 34:26-28) There is no substance in the Bethlehem Babe, for it is just the shade of the God-idea, Life encrowned. S&H 191:8-15 sums it up so beautifully.

We do not hang onto the misapprehension, because the true concept is so infinitely more substantial and wonderful. To ask for an improved human concept of anything is really asking for improved limitation! Mrs. Eddy sums it all up in that sentence on page 301:24-29. The upside down view is the misapprehension of that which is forever upright. It is the mirage, with no origin, location, identity, substance or truth in it.

Th June 2004

In thinking about yourself never adopt a standpoint whereby you consider yourself as a separate entity from God, hoping if you pray hard enough that you will be at the receiving end of more good. The co-existence of God and man, Principle and idea, means that man has exactly the same access to the experience of good as does God.

Man is the outpouring of Truth. Man does not have to struggle to stay with Truth: he lives as Truth in self-expression, and the onus of perfection lies with Truth and not its idea.

Barn House, August 18, 1998

The Lesson makes it clear that the material body is not the seat of Mind, and so cannot inform you of anything true. The false, personal sense of ego talks to its self and makes good to its self its claim. (See S&H 210:26-28) But it never leaves the realm of mirage and is never you.

You live as “…the Son of man which is in heaven” (John 3:13). In other words, although others may see you as the son of man, and person, you know better and know that your identity is with the divine Mind, the one I, and this is heaven itself. The Ego is God, and every belief of human experience is incidental to the belief that your name is Tom, Dick or Harry, instead of I.

Barn House, 11th April 1996

The “…infinite recognises no disease…” (Un. 7:9-10). What is this infinite? It is the I AM. It is Life demonstrating Life; Mind apparent as Mind; Love conscious of ever-present Love; Truth conscious of its own infinitude. There is nothing outside. From this standpoint of perception where I, Mind, alone am perceiving, there is only the infinite range of (man’s) thought, because this man or manifestation of Mind consists of Mind’s thought about Mind. In this infinite recognition, the earth as matter is without form and void, for matter has never had form, never been a condition, is never substance, location or identity. It is nothing.

The Spirit of God, the one Ego, moves upon the face of the waters to form the perfect concept. The declaration of this Spirit is found in S&H 252:31-10 ending with the statement “your divine rights”. There is one Bill of Rights for God and man since there is only the one Mind and Life and nature for both. We live as this one, called Principle and idea (Mis. 182:26). This is why your sonship is your present unity with God (Mis. 181:7) in which you know, feel, see, hear, experience as God is doing. We find that man as the manifestation of God has never been lost in physique; substance in shadow; completeness in person; immortality in time. This is the only reason why the perception of man’s actual existence in and of his Principle appears in ‘time’ (in the time or temporal world, and not as a result of the passing of time) as the redemption of the body (see Mis. 182:5-11). Man’s knowledge of preexistence annuls the claims of time and history (Mis. 181:5). This understanding unveils the omnipotence of the arm of the Lord, and the will of the Lord manifest as Truth, as God, and not matter.

September 26, 1997

Do ponder S&H 296:23-26. The only place where this mingling seems to take place is the human personality, and this is mirage. It does not exist, as you will see in the study of page 204. There is no third something. So there is nothing in you that is being worn away by time.

Barn House, 22 September 1996

S&H 204:3-22; 91:31-1; 466:7-10, 19-21; 396:23-26 and margin.

The starting point is “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation…” (S&H 468:10-11). The basic error is the belief that we live as a person, wherein the Christ, or consciousness that emanates from above, mingles with the children (or thoughts) of the wicked one, which emanates from beneath. This fictitious meeting place is the realm of struggle, limitation, blight, age, which “…time is wearing away” (S&H 296:25-26). There is no such meeting place. The Ego is Principle, not person. Man is the full, eternal experience of Principle. The Christ-man relates to his Principle, not to persons or external events, just as numbers relate to the principle of mathematics, and not to each other or to personal opinions.

On the other hand the mortal, being composed of beliefs, is illusion. It is a state of self-deception, a self-constituted falsity that says I am man, but is not. Person, matter, exists only in a supposed mortal consciousness and as we approach Spirit, the one Ego, we lose our consciousness of matter. I never knew a mortal error any more than the principle of mathematics knows a mistake.

The fact is that here and now I live, and always have lived, as the Ego, as the everlasting I AM, as eternal Mind, as Soul outside of body, as Principle in self-manifestation. Therefore, I have nothing to do with the suggestion of personal identity, so-called, with its experience and its attempt to use Truth to deal with error at its level. My Life is inviolate now, exempt from all evil, unconscious of error, disassociated from personal sense. I live as the divinity of the Christ, unconcerned with, while appearing as, the humanity that others see. I am not involved in problem-solving. The purpose of any science is to announce the truth, not to show a way of dealing with a problem. The truth does this. There is no sick, sinful, evil, old or young, impoverished, impaired, worried person. Just no person. There is no mingling place for good and evil. Just the one Ego—not even a practitioner or patient mind. Just one Mind.

The dreamer’s dream (mortal mind’s dream of material existence) takes place in dreamland, outside the focal distance of infinity, and so nowhere. In “pure Mind” (Mis. 260:16) former things (thoughts) are passed away. All thoughts are new, from Mind.

No Date

This week I have been thinking much about the definition of Day as the spiritual idea of Truth and Love. This is what you are. It means that Mind, God, is being the whole of you, and that you have no life or mind that God is not being. You live as the effortless expression of all that this Principle is being. You live as the effect portion of the Adorable One, the holy, sacred nature of God’s being, and so as the presence that precludes all unlike itself all the time. It is only to the earth-viewpoint that day comes and goes, while to the Day it is always one endless day, in the presence of which darkness is dispelled but which knows neither dusk nor dawn.

Not for a moment do we live as a Christian Scientist trying to invoke or apply the divine Mind to the solution of some human problems but we instead identify with Truth itself. We live as Christ Science, or divine understanding, in the presence of which problems fall away for lack of identity and foothold. Error has no foothold in Truth.

There is nothing in you to be changed or improved, but what you are, causes what you are not, to be disproved!

All there is to the mortal is the material conception of being. Man is the immortal, immaculate conception of being: God’s concept of everything constituting His self-reflection.

Th February

The fact of being is that there is no deficiency, no imbalance. Your self-completeness as the full representation of infinite Mind means that there is nothing deficient in your make-up and activity in the first place and so no need to boost it with something external to yourself in the second. Being is complete, and your nature lacks nothing. This eternal Christ nature is unchangeable and cannot be shaken. All that can be shaken is a false foundation. You cannot be shaken. There is no lack of sweetness in your Life. Life is “most sweet” (Hymn 30) and it is the sweet sense of Life that is yours now. It needs nothing.

The only thing that could feel deficient and suffer from this feeling, is that which thinks it has a lesser and separate life than God. You have nothing of your own separate from God. There is one Life—in every detail—for God and man, Cause and effect, Mind and idea.

We are only dealing with thought so we only watch thought. Is thinking that of a deficient human, lacking in completeness in some way, not fulfilling its total manhood? Then that is not your thinking because it does not proceed from the one Mind, and so is simply imposition. “…if therefore thine eye [I] be single, then thy whole body [experience] shall be full of light” (Matt. 7:22). We watch the ‘I’ and not effect.

S&H 301:6-9 and 24-29 are helpful. To himself, person appears to be substance, and so he says ‘I can or cannot do this’, ‘I am or am not well’, etc. But this sense of substance involves error, because it arises from a supposed standpoint outside the focal distance of infinity, and so everything that is thought, said, or done from this supposed standpoint is going to be wrong, even when it says it is right. It is no sense, and so is non-sense. Substance is thinking that proceeds from and as the divine Mind, and is nothing else, and this is all you watch.

Now work from the standpoint of present perfection. There is nothing to put right: we just expose what is right.

Barn House, October 20, 1997

Thank you for your two cards. I hope you are having a happy time away.

With regard to the child, the only sin is the belief that there is a separate life from God, and it is not the child, but you that cannot sin, because your Mind being God, you cannot hold a false sense of man’s origin. Fear is always the belief of an alternative, but there is nothing additional to the oneness of divine Love and this Love is the essence, the substance, that you and the universe are made of.

I think it would help you generally if you pondered S&H 262:27-32. Original sin is the belief of an origin other than divine Mind—an origin of thought. But, “All consciousness is Mind, and Mind is God” (Ret. 56:18), and the children of the wicked one, the thoughts of the carnal mind, have no place in your omnipresence, no matter what disguise they may wear.

True freedom is not freedom from but the freedom of allness, to which there has never been an alternative.

Th June

We are told there are no ties of the flesh (see ‘flesh’ in the Glossary). There is nothing to tie you, as the Christ, to the supposition that mankind is man. Whatever the disguise, the human concept is never other than supposition.

Jesus knew that this was so and he knew that Love alone is Life. The ‘underived’ alone is Life. So well did he know, that he did not ask for even a bandage or fresh air to be derived from outside of his own being and drawn from supposition. “God, Life, is self-existent, self-expressed,” (S&H 213:9) and you live as this self-expression of infinite good.

Nothing comes from outside. Nothing goes on outside of your own being. No picture of mortal mind, by any name, has anything to do with your Life as Love.

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