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Barn House, 7 January

Читайте также:
  1. Barn House, 11 December
  2. Barn House, 18th April 1997
  3. Barn House, 19th January 1998
  4. Barn House, 25 February 2000
  5. Barn House, 28th May 1997
  6. Barn House, 4th March 1999

S&H 303:10-14 is worth pondering. If we try to conceive things in human and divine terms, then we enter the world of crucifixion where there is always struggle. The Christ does not struggle, because the Christ is that consciousness which emanates from divine Love and so does not know anything to oppose, threaten or invade I AM.

To retain a sense of the human concept as identity is to be liable to one phase or another of error’s dream, because the purpose of Science is not to patch up but to abandon the human concept. This is not hard, as it is only a limited sense of that which is unlimited, and who wants to retain that?

Barn House, January 16, 1999

S&H 29:20-26 and 191:8-15 are important. The only full recognition that being is Spirit is Spirit’s own recognition of itself. Mary’s recognition was not full, since she was conceiving in both human and divine terms. That which is both humanly and divinely conceived, reckoned, is always in the realm of crucifixion, because it is a state of duality. I, Spirit, am not in that sepulcher. See 313:10-14. The only capacity to conceive, and so recognise Truth, is Truth, Spirit, itself. I, Spirit, conceive all in terms of Myself—My wholeness, My universality, My indivisible eternal perfection. This is your only true capacity because your Mind is God, the divine Mind, now.

When the Principle of man, with which you are identified, dawns upon human (not your) thought, the misapprehension that existence is material fades out, and the phenomena of that misapprehension fade with it. In the full recognition of being as Spirit, we find that the human mind and its point of view is not something to be educated out of itself, but starts as and remains pure supposition.

Man does not have a right understanding. Man is the divine understanding, the divine sense of being that Love forever holds within itself.

S&H 335:7-8. I conceive all to be in and of Myself, no ‘other I’.

Barn House, 28 April 1998

There is no person to say I AM. Nor can image, man, say I AM. Science reveals that ‘I’ is the name of God, not man. It never was man. “Error says ‘I am man’” (S&H 478:23). Man, as image, can no more say I am, or initiate a statement, than can your image in the mirror. It is false education to believe that there is a capacity in man. Mind alone feels, sees, hears, acts, knows. S&H 485:4-5 and also 591:16-18. “He that is born of God [thought that originates in and as Mind] speaketh the words of God” (John 3:34). God speaks: man is the speaking.

Mind, I, is original. There is nothing back of Mind, no antecedent. Your actual Mind is God now, however much you may have to subordinate the false claim of personal identity. Mind is original. It is the source and condition of all, and being original, it is always there first, preempting error.

You write, ‘God is the knower [correct] and I am the knowing [incorrect]’. Why? Because thoughts cannot say anything. God can say I AM all knowing and what I know of Myself constitutes My manifestation, or man. But man cannot say anything. Man consists of thoughts or ideas and ideas never leave the Mind that conceives them. Thoughts do not have thoughts. They are the thinking Mind is doing. In a sense you could say Mind, God, is thinking you! The question in Recapitulation, What is man?, is really God asking, What am I? And the answer is that My manifestation, or man, is the evidence to Me of what I AM.

When the ideas of God constitute your knowing it is Mind knowing and not you knowing about Mind. When situations occur, remember S&H 315:6-10. If matter, sin, etc. were not Mind they were not Ego, so were not him. They were just suppositions, suggestions knocking at the door. You live as Mind to your universe, because your Mind is your universe. (See S&H 114:10-11)

“Jesus, whose humble prayers were deep and conscientious protests of Truth” (S&H 12:13-14)—that is, they were the statements of Truth protesting and asserting its allness, with no person in the way.

I regret to inform ‘you’ that there never has been a little ‘me’ to fit in anywhere. I antedate a little ‘me’. I have always lived as I. The little ‘me’ and what it claims to experience is the illusion. (See S&H 293:9-10 and 416:16 only) I never knew it.

No Date

As we see that our Mind is God, and is the only Mind, we cannot suffer from another’s thoughts. We cannot take in the contagion of world thinking. We are a law unto ourselves.

You do not live as a person with or without a problem. Life is nothing less than God. We act as if this were so because it is. We are never praying about something, or knowing the truth about a problem, for this would keep both the truth and the problem in thought, and this is not the “Pure Mind gives out an atmosphere that heals and saves” (Mis. 260:25-26”).

The demand is to “…leave the mortal basis of belief and unite with the one Mind…” (S&H 424:6-7). In this way we experience the pure, problemless being of that Mind. We do not wait for some problem to yield before we start to live this way. We cease here and now to identify ourselves with a misconception, for better or worse, because we recognise that it simply is not and never was our identity. It is a lie and so we do not wait for it to give permission to live without it.

I think S&H 473:10-15 would interest you. Jesus did not heal. The Christ, which is a blending of God and man as one consciousness, heals, and this Truth appears through and despite person just as the sunlight appears despite the cloud. This Christ is your true identity, and living that we find does its own work.

No Date

There is no answer in personal self. It is always personal sense, finite sense, that speaks in this way and not the I of your being. Finite, personal sense starts, by definition, with a sense of what it is not and what it has not got. It looks outside for completeness of every kind, and then even condemns itself for not rising above its own limitations.

But the answer is not to be found in personal sense, nor can finite sense get rid of itself. The whole religious purpose has been to bolster, comfort, complete, reimburse, satisfy and give purpose to that which is really a non-self. It is a dream character in Adam’s dream. See S&H 71:14 and margin and also 528:22-27. You cannot start as a dream character, and then try to work your way out of it. Nor can you accept its terms of reference, and then try to find your answer within it.

The prayer of Jesus was: “…glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was” (see John 17:5). Not a self like thine but the same and only self for all being. Your Mind and Life are God now, and therefore you rejoice at what you are, and do not work to quell something that you never were. This great self that is God is self-expressed, self-complete, self-sustained, self-manifest, and is all there is to you now.

So do not waste a moment trying to look at the adequacies or inadequacies of you or others. There are no others. There is just My being, My joy, My completeness, My purpose. There is just My-self.

Yew Arch

Un. 30:3-6 defines the only way in which human renovation takes place, for God is both Principle and idea, and so it is the spotless, flawless nature of your own omnipotent, omnipresent being that causes the belief of a limited, precarious sense of human self to fade out. John 17:5 shows this flawless self to be “Thine own self”, not a self like Thine, for there is one self, one experience for God and man.

Mis. 3:20-24 shows that all problems are contained in a false sense of self and that the truth of being asserts itself over the belief in its opposite.

You are a law to yourself when you see this one self and realise that “…governing Himself, He governs the universe” (Mis. 258:14).

Yew Arch, January 18

We read that “In the world ye shall have tribulation…” (John 16:33) but we also read that “I have overcome the world” and that we are “free from the law of sin and death” (Rom. 8:2).

As long as we are identified with the world—with the theology that says man left heaven for earth—we identify also with its conditions. One of these is the belief that “…in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children” (Gen. 3:16). Another is the literal spilling of blood as sacrifice. Both these beliefs are, in fact, redeemed in the Gospels, for we find that “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Cor. 15:22). We find that the spiritual meaning of sacrifice is lives made sacred by the Christ, and we find that the only parent is God. Most of all, we find that the promises were never made that we could stay ‘in the world’ (that is, remain with a level of thought that accepts world pictures) and then find peace and safety within this level. Instead we are shown how the Christ-man, the Christ consciousness, always lives and moves above “earth’s angry troubled sea” (Mis. 397:5) and so, as Jesus proved time and time again, we are not conditioned by what the world is saying and doing.

There is no divine authority for believing that we must suffer now and wait for our promised heaven. Our heaven is not in time or place, but in altitude of thought and that is always now. We rise from the level of thought where the sorrows of the world seem so real, to that altitude that Jesus reached on the walk to Emmaus, when he was so conscious of his true and eternal Life that he could say to his disciples who were so troubled, “What things?” (Luke 24:19).

I feel the need is to accept the kingdom now. It is God’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

Nd March

A line before we go away. You do not live in person, and you cannot put person right by trying to do something to person, but only by letting the true sense of what you spiritually are push out the limited, inadequate misconception of yourself as a person. Your Life is God now, in every detail, and this leaves no room for promoting or retaining any other sense of life and identity. You cannot bring Truth down into the human concept of anything, but this limited concept fades out in the consciousness of Truth. You can lose nothing true: only the human inadequacies.

Let all your study and all your prayer be a constant reminder of what you now spiritually are. You can do this all the time. The conceiver constitutes what is conceived, so is it a human mind with a human concept, or, the divine Mind with its pure, limitless conception of being, that is your consciousness?

Barn House, 7 July 1997

Your statements of the one I are correct. But since you have always lived as I, you cannot accept the suggestion that ‘I’m relinquishing the old framework and finding that God knowing is all there is to man’. You see, I, Mind, never said this. Personal sense, being non-sense, does not drop something and find something else. Mind never thought in these terms. And it would be too difficult for a personal mortal sense to find a new base. Hence S&H 476:13-15. That which ever thought from a personal basis is as unreal as the thoughts it had. All thoughts from that false base constitute “the children of the wicked one…” (Matt. 13:38) (See S&H 476:15-17; 478:24-26; and 353:31-32)

That which has always lived as ‘I’ never knew something to dissolve or change. The light does not know the morning darkness that flees in its presence, and the divine does not know the finite human sense that it dissolves by already being all. “The divine must overcome the human at every point” (S&H 43:27). It is your present divinity as Love in self-expression that causes the misconception of yourself (not your misconception) to fade out in its eternal presence—your eternal presence.

“A false belief is both the tempter and the tempted…” (S&H 393:30-31). That which sees a problem and the problem is one lie. It is never your thinking, for to think so would be to depart from your oneness with the divine Mind. The “…mighty wrestlings…” (Ret. 57:1) only seem to be so to that which tries to make two of itself—a person seeing the truth and a truth to be seen. The “wrestling” carries with it all the break-away from old opinions held by yourself and others. But, since I never knew any of them, I am not engaged in wrestling, and this was the lesson of Jacob at Peniel.

This is very important, so I do not mind how much you come back until it is totally clear.

Th June

That which does not occur does not recur. There is no repetition of evil because there is no start to it. Whether an error claims to be chronic or acute it remains a present belief of the absence of good, and since Mind is God now, it cannot masquerade as your consciousness. The fact is that “…I will put my law in your inward parts” (Jer. 31:33) and “…I will take sickness from the midst of thee” (Ex. 23:25). This ‘I’ of your being does not and cannot know something so novel as an upset. The now of your being cannot know a past or a future.

The higher, clearer views, of which we read on S&H 262:14-15, “…inspire the God-like man [the Christ-man which is how you are] to reach the absolute centre and circumference of his being”. The centre is your oneness with your Principle, the hub of your being; and the circumference is the all-inclusive nature of your divinity which allows nothing but the consciousness and experience of perfection to be your lot.

There is no ‘what if’ since there is no alternative to the scientific statement, I AM ALL HERE NOW. There is no person, so no vehicle for error.

“When we fully understand our relation to the Divine, we can have no other Mind…” (S&H 205:32-1). Man is the divine sense of being (see Un. 21:18-21). Man is God’s conception of all that is good and immaculate. This precludes any other sense of being. This is your exemption, your innocence of the world.

Th November

S&H 301:23-29. “Mortal man seems to himself to be material substance, while man is ‘image’ (idea). Delusion, sin, disease, and death arise from the false testimony of material sense, which, from a supposed standpoint outside the focal distance of infinite Spirit, presents an inverted image of Mind and substance with everything turned upside down.”

S&H 204:5-11. “…that mortal error is as conclusively mental as immortal Truth; and that there are two separate, antagonistic entities and beings, two powers,—namely, Spirit and matter,—resulting in a third person (mortal man) who carries out the delusions of sin, sickness, and death.”

You see, mortal mind is simply a term for a false viewpoint, from which everything appears inverted. But there is no point outside the focal distance of infinity from which to have this view, so there is no place where delusion can arise, and there is no mortal man to carry out delusions.

Let the ‘you’ say what it likes, it is not I speaking. Agree with this adversary that its life is terrible, but do not associate with it. Your experience is the experience of Life itself.

Love has no capacity to feel fear. Truth has no capacity to know error. Mind has no capacity to recognise matter. Soul has no capacity to feel pain. This means that your conscious being, which stems from and as God, has no capacity either.

Truth brings up the reverse of itself in order that it may be seen for what it is, the denial of Truth. But it is a misstatement of Truth, and so its reverse is true. What you are causes what you are not to be self-seen and self-destroyed. A palpitating mortal is the denial and reverse of the living palpitating presence of the Christ. A mortal heart is the denial and reverse of the great heart of Love. A mortal sense of age is the denial and reverse of immortal manhood. But the reverse of error is true. Stay with that. You do not live as a mortal but as the God-like man.

Th October 1986

Man is the reflection of Soul. He is the direct opposition of material sensation or sensitivity.

You might consider S&H 560:17-21. “Again, without a correct sense of its highest visible idea, we can never understand the divine Principle. The botanist must know the genus and species of a plant in order to classify it correctly. As it is with things, so is it with persons.” Mankind is a “species” of man. The genus, or class of man that we are interested in is “man”, the generic term for all mankind. This is why we must not falsely estimate anyone by holding them as persons, least of all ourselves.

Barn House, 12 June 1997

Thank you for your card. It is never a matter of what ‘i’ am saying about my ‘self’ or what ‘i’ think God is knowing about my ‘self’ or what ‘he’ says, ‘she’ says, or ‘they’ say. All of that is in the dream. All that is taking place right where these statements are being made is I, Mind, knowing Myself and the perfection that I AM.

See S&H 390:7-9. Turn back, to God. Seeking God, we find man. Understanding God is being man, for understanding, as a quality of Mind, is man.

Person cannot disassociate from person. But I, Love, have never entertained a personal sense of anything! Do ponder S&H 191:8-15.

Th December 1986

The bit I gave you on Mis. 63 makes it clear that there is only a divine happening. The human concept of anything remains in the realm of crucifixion, but the purpose of the crucifixion—the complete “sub-dual”—is to show the existent supremacy of Spirit.

You might like to remind yourself of the “Allegory” beginning on page 323 of Miscellaneous Writings. The point is not that you are the traveler trying to lug size 14 boots up a steep mountain, but that, identified with the Christ, you always survey every scene from the summit of bliss, as we read on the last page. This is where you start and stay, and this carries any apparent baggage and then drops it when appropriate.

I AM the light and might of My own vast creation, conception.

Lester’s Cottage

We read in this week’s Lesson that “…mortal existence is a state of self-deception and not the truth of being” (S&H 403:14-15). That is why it is only “To himself, that mortal and material man seems to be substance…” (S&H 303:5). In fact the problem that appears to be within or attached to you, and causes pain and anxiety, is not where you think it is at all for “Disease is an experience of so-called mortal mind” (S&H 493:20-21) and therefore it is not your experience and is not disease. It is just hypnotic suggestion, and it can only come to you to give itself up in your presence.

Nothing can alter the fact that you live as your oneness with your Principle and that everything that is true of man takes place in this Principle, Love, and not person. Disease has no God in it and so no man in it. It just does not exist, however much the self-deceptive senses might say it does.

You can never improve what you are now and you cannot escape identity with the divine. Truth alone is at work and this moment you live as the safety, freedom, harmony and boundless bliss of your divinity.

January 20th 2003

There is no human mind making the grade or not making it, being prepared or not prepared to receive Truth. Truth prepares the ground for its own reception and is irresistible. It is the Christ, or spiritual idea of God, that does the work by effacing the ignorance of the human mind and revealing man’s present status to be the Son, or consciousness, of God. As this consciousness or Son permeates thought, we see the fulfillment of the statement, “…as he is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17). It is all thought.

Barn House, 1st October

In Science we drop all preconceptions, and start out with the acceptance that what is said in the Textbook is true now.

One of the things we learn is that divinity is what we actually are now, and while this divinity embraces every aspect of what appears as our humanity, the fact is the divine, not the human. This means that you do not start off as a human, a patient asking for Truth to come to you and help what you feel is wrong within the mortal terms of reference. You start by identifying with Truth itself, for do we not read that “Principle and its idea is one, and this one is God”? (S&H 465:17)

It is your divinity that blazes forth and causes the bane of human experience to fade out. We read this week that “the realization that all inharmony is unreal brings objects into human view in their correct light” (S&H 276:12-14). Why? Because the correct view is to see that all that is true about what appears as the human is the divine now, and so including no baneful element. And thus we find that the inharmony fades out in the presence of the divinity that you are, revealing all to be light for “in him [in Me] all is light and there is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5).

December 1985

I have been staying with the fact that as Christ Science I am alone, all one, with my own being. I live as the, not a, Christian Scientist, as the God-like man, enjoying the centre and circumference of My own being and knowing nothing outside My own glorious being.

We have to leave personal sense. It was ‘OK’ years ago, but we move on to the real message of Science, namely, that generic man is the truth about which all mankind is the misstatement. There is one man, because there is one God, and the term spirits, ghosts, corporealities, personalities is equated with gods and so is improper. If we divide man into men we cannot help dividing God into gods.

Th January 1988

Of course you know you act as possessing all power—act as omnipotence—because you have no other power. Mind is not a power-sharer. By the time you get this you will have returned home and proved this fact. Since you are alone with your own being, there is no other to sap you. All error is based on otherness.

Barn House, 8 February 1999

“Agree with thine adversary…” (Matt. 5:25). This means that when mortal mind speaks and says that it is incapable of doing this or that, that is the moment to say, ‘Yes, indeed, you are incapable, but this is being shown because Mind demonstrates (shows forth) the inability of matter, and the infinite capabilities of Spirit to be all’.

Never start or come down to what mortal mind is saying about itself, and never even think in terms of what God knows about you, but always start with Principle. Principle’s thoughts about itself—what divine Principle, Love, is knowing of itself—exists in the very place where anything else is claiming to take place. I AM upright, well, and free. I AM omnipotence. I AM whole. I AM safe, ageless, abundant, joyous, now.

The only self is “the glory which I had with thee before the world [the so-called mortal history] was” (John 17:5). There is no matter self. Only the selfhood of Love, which consists of Love’s thoughts about Love. The embodiment of these thoughts constitutes the only body, which you are.

Barn House, 3rd December

You do not live as a bit of existence called a human anthropoid, trying to get or keep your place in the sun and your portion of good. You live as infinite Mind, infinite Love, infinite Principle, in self-experience. You live as the self-approval of divine Love; the self-enjoyment of Soul; the self-sustenance of Truth. You live as nothing of your own—but allness as the reflection of your Cause.

No Date

Dear John,

A lady in church asks me to send a question to you about “Generic Man”, your paper on the subject. She asks, “Can I say that ‘I am Generic Man, individualized’—or is that a perpetuation of personal sense?”

Dear Writer,

A lovely surprise to get your letter. I am delighted to answer your friend’s question this way:

I feel that what you are saying and feeling could be expressed a little differently so that it is not in danger of being misinterpreted. Only Mind, God, the only Ego, can say I AM. Man, as image, can no more say this than your image in the mirror can say anything. “Error says ‘I am man’” (S&H 487:23). It is always error to say I AM from the standpoint of image. I feel it might be better to say something like this: ‘I AM expressing Myself as the centre and circumference of all being. The circumference implies the totality and all-inclusiveness aspects of Myself and indicates My generic nature beheld from and as My great heart of Love. The centre suggests the individual/undivided nature of Myself in which My idea, My own divine sense of being, is eternally showing forth My oneness as divine Principle and idea, Mind and My thoughts, forever inseparable, coexistent and coeternal.’

Speaking from this standpoint, you could properly say, ‘I AM manifesting Myself as the generic and individual nature of My being and this is generic and individual man’.

If this does not fully answer, do not hesitate to come back. And if you ever felt you had further questions I would be delighted to try and answer them.

Publisher’s Note: John elaborates on this theme in the booklet, “Generic Man”, available from Mulberry Press.

No Date

I have been enjoying page 465, where we see that the four words describing God (which means the infinite One called Principle and idea) really define all that is. Then when we turn to page 275:10, we see that in order to grasp, we have to stop any reasoning as the ‘you’ (S&H 599:3) and reason as I, Principle, Life, Truth, Love, etc. Then we find that all substance and intelligence and everything else belong to Me, and are within Myself and are Myself, and there is no other. Thus I AM incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Life, Truth, Love, etc. I include no physical sense of body. My divinity is the only fact. My supremacy is that of allness. My infinity allows no bounds nor any sense of another.

Above all, there is no medium called person, place, or thing through which any of them has to be expressed.

No Date

I was interested in the new funding possibilities. Money is just one of the symbols which illustrate the infinite idea of abundance, whether appearing as a sack of gold, or anything else. As you use ideas like 6 or 7, you can use and use them and never use them up. “I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed” (used up) (Mal. 3:6).

As we recognise that the mortal is “…a self-constituted falsity…” (Ret. 61:14) it becomes clear that all the impediments that belief says are required to sustain and support it fall away as inconsequential in the divinity of your being. Beginning with God, the mortal illusion is not a factor in your reckoning.


I would like you to ponder S&H 242:15-20. The adamant, or hard lump, of error is always identification as a mortal, for this is resistance to the truth itself. Science and Health defines “will” as “…the sensuous reason of the human mind…” (S&H 111:3-4) and this means all reasoning through the senses instead of asking what is true from the standpoint of I, Principle. Self-justification is always the attempt to justify what one sees and does from the standpoint of these senses, and self-love is giving life, power, presence to a sense of life that is separate from Love itself.

Living as our oneness with the divine Life, means that there is no other self to be a partner or a medium through which this Life has to be expressed. It is the sunlight unobscured by the cloud. This Life has never had any hard knocks in it. It is never frustrated but always fulfilled. It is not partially but wholly complete, symmetrical, happy, abundant, peaceful. It is Life as the Mind, or consciousness, that is Love never losing sight of the loveliness of its own being (see S&H 248:3). It is looking out from and as the divine Mind and seeing “…The God of the whole earth shall he [I] be called” (Isa. 54:5) Everything in My universe is saying ‘this is Me’.

Paul said that when we are children we know in part, but that then we shall know even as we are known. (See 1 Cor. 13:9) To know from the standpoint of a bit of life called a mortal is to know in part. To know from the standpoint of Principle is to know as we are known. This is why there is no partial, incomplete faculty or ability in your make-up. You see, move, speak, as the Father with nothing of your own.

No Date

I am not a person trying to know Truth, but live as the knowing that Truth is doing. I am not a person experiencing divine Love, but live as Love’s own experience of itself. I am not a person demonstrating Life, but I live as Life demonstrating Life. My prayer is Truth itself, living and demonstrating Truth. The substance of my devotion is the demonstration of divine Love—by Love.

There is no partnership between Mind and matter, Principle and person, the divine and the human. In each case the latter recedes in the presence of the former, as belief steps back in the presence of understanding. This receding constitutes the Footsteps of Truth. These are never the steps of the mortal approaching the immortal, but always those of the immortal reproaching the mortal and causing it to give itself up. These spiritual footsteps constitute the milestones of progress. They are the dissolving footsteps of the unreal in the presence of the underlying reality of being. The only foundation on which to build is the presence of the underlying reality of being. We dis-cover Truth and dis-robe error.

S&H 253:32-15 begins with the only scientific approach, which is perfection now. The human footsteps leading to perfection are, as we have seen, dissolving ones. We are not identified with imperfect mortals grasping the ultimate slowly because we start with this ultimate—with Truth’s ultimatum. Perfection does not result from a battle between Spirit and flesh but rests on the fact that there is, in reality, no battle. We begin aright and thus avoid the consequences of beginning from any standpoint outside of infinite Spirit.

Barn House, 16th January 2000

S&H 566:1-11 is important because your identity is never with the Children of Israel being guided, but always with the spiritual idea that does the guiding. This idea of God—God’s idea of Himself—prepares the way and goes before you to open up the entire reality of being that is already here.

There is no attainment through struggle but just the acknowledgement here and now of Love’s allness.

Barn House, 20th January 2000

To hold oneself as a person, even as a student of CS, is to invite every sort of obstruction and opposition, because identity as person always means the acceptance of other identities as other persons.

But your identity is in Mind, for man is the information that tells Mind what Mind is, and so is the identification of Mind, of Love, etc.

Man, as man, has no identity of his own, but as infinite Mind in self-expression man is the identity of Mind itself.

Th August 2003

There is no person involved. If you think of yourself as a person who has got through life without asking for help and now has to ask for it, then you are down at the level where persons appeal to good outside of themselves. They struggle to attain it, are conscientious in their efforts, and often disappointed in their results. The entire impetus lies with Truth’s immortal idea: with the spiritual idea or sense of being which the divine Mind holds, and which enforces itself just as the sun enforces the conditions for the dawn.

You speak today in terms of your right to be free. This is not a human right, and your divine rights consist of true freedom from all the restrictions of the mortal ego. Again, you are not a person with rights, but you do live as the rightness of divine being.

You will note in the first section of this Lesson that the first two adjectives describing God are incorporeal and divine. Because “Principle and its idea is one…” (S&H 465:17), these words apply to you. Nothing that does not refer to your divinity has any concern to you.

No Date

The infinite is one. The infinite consists of Mind and Mind’s idea. The human concept is always a limited concept of that which is divine. It is a misapprehension of existence, and of course you cannot have a mis-apprehension without a true apprehension being there in the first place. Otherwise you could not ‘miss’ it!

We read that Jesus came “As the individual [indivisible] ideal of Truth…” (S&H 30:19). This ideal was all there was to him and it did the works by off-setting human misconceptions. He lived as Truth’s ideal sense of abundance, home, activity, joy, safety, etc. And so do you, because this is the Christ identity, untouched by the limitations and duality of a so-called human concept.

No Date

The eternal fact is your divinity. Living as your divinity here and now is made manifest as the highest form of humanity at any moment. But this is not your concern. All that is true is the divinity of everything. (S&H 267:27-28)

Because “Being possesses its qualities before they are perceived humanly” (S&H 247:19-21) everything in your divinity is intact and permanent now. All that is being is being now. “Christ, Truth, gives mortals temporary food and clothing”—so it appears—but the fact is that Christ, or Truth, about everything. It is because this Truth exists that it cannot be hidden by the mirage of the human concept. It has to appear here and now. It is not just food and clothing but everything that is deemed useful and necessary for human experience, “until the material is transformed by the ideal” (S&H 442:22). It appears despite and not because of what is termed the human concept.

S&H 537:10-11 refers to the beginning, the only. Error never has a name or a location. And universal Mind, Life, is never located. MBE speaks of the tenacity of belief, but this is really the tenacity of belief in a believer. There is no believer in error because there is no mortal/human mind. Spirit, the one I, does not believe, it knows.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 152 | Нарушение авторских прав

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