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Barn House, 11 December

Читайте также:
  1. Barn House, 18th April 1997
  2. Barn House, 19th January 1998
  3. Barn House, 25 February 2000
  4. Barn House, 28th May 1997
  5. Barn House, 4th March 1999
  6. Barn House, 7 January

I think you could usefully study S&H 258:1-8. This chapter on “Creation” is really about conception, for Mind conceives thought only. It shows us how we do not try to attain something from a standpoint outside the fullness of being, but we begin with the spiritual fact that I, Mind, express My idea or man, the infinite idea forever developing itself, starting from a boundless basis and not trying to get there. As we look out from the standpoint of God we see the fulfillment of being from that altitude, and thus the limited human capacities appear to be enlarged because the limited sense of the one and only capacity—that of Mind—fades out. We thus find there is no human capacity, because Mind alone is capable.

Barn House, 29th December

S&H 301: 6-9 shows that to begin with this erroneous sense of identity, which is only real to itself, and then try to make things work out for it, is likely to be abortive. You begin outside of that dream, and of course, that which begins outside the dream is not a person turning over a new leaf, but is Mind itself that has never thought or experienced in any other way.

I, Mind, Love, Truth, only know in terms of fulfillment and celebration—never in terms of unrequited effort. Only person could feel this way, and personal sense is just another name for mortal mind!

No Date

I am sure the answer is to keep it simple, if only because it is impossible to comprehend an infinite God with a finite mind. It is easier to understand that your present capacity to understand and feel good is the divine, making itself felt despite the belief you have a human mind. The latter is terminology only. It is also helpful to see that the divine Mind, God, is not an agency or something outside you but is the altitude of consciousness that contains no human sense element, whereas personal sense—the adamant of error—is not you or something you are reluctant to drop, but just a limited, inaccurate viewpoint. The reference I gave you was not chastisement, but rather a reminder that this adamant is simply obscurity. It is not anything you are, but it hides what you are. Therefore there is no point in retaining it. The way we do this is just to watch thought, so that what guides and constitutes our life and thinking is not obtained through the senses, but direct from God, our highest sense of good at any moment. God is your Life and Mind and nothing less. Never doubt that every right thought you have is Mind knowing, and so carries the power of omnipotence.

Page 83:9-14 might help you to see that there is no divine intervention. God does nothing for you, but your attunement with the divine lifts you above the level of problems into that of whole, satisfied and joyful being.


There is a sentence which reads, “Science reveals the glorious possibilities of man [thought] forever unlimited by the mortal senses” (S&H 288:27-28). Mrs. Eddy also talks in many places of “pure Mind”. Pure Mind is consciousness without a single element of material sense. It is your true status, and in dropping the material sense of things, nothing is lost but all is enhanced. It is from this standpoint that S&H 207:8-13 becomes meaningful. You are not being challenged by some problem too big to contain, but that the inadequacy of material sense is exposed.

All evil is untrue, not because you know it is but because it is. The belief, as opposed to the Science of Life, contains within itself all problems. But the only problem is just a belief about, an inversion of, the truth.

A lecturer once remarked that, when a cat meets a dog, and the cat arches its back, you remove the dog. You don’t treat the cat for curvature of the spine! There is no curvature of the spine, or any other error. You remove material sense.

No Date

I trust all is well with you. You see, the entire mortal scene is simply a projection of mortal mind, or mesmerism, and remains in this mind and has absolutely nothing to do with your record of being. The only reason that a human situation seems to conform is that when the true idea, God’s idea of anything, is present as consciousness, the human belief, and all it contains, begins to fade out, thus revealing more clearly what already is. We put off, but do not try to patch up, ‘the old man and woman’. (See S&H 172:22 and Col. 3:9) We live as the serene, optionless, manhood and womanhood of God, not of man. You have nothing of your own to lose or retain, but you are all by reflection.

As we learn more of Truth—that is, as Truth asserts itself more and more as our consciousness—we see the inadequacy of belief. (S&H 258:6-8) But this is nothing to perturb us, for this appearing of mortal inadequacy only serves, by inversion, to remind us of the infinite ability and wholeness of Truth.

No Date

God so enjoys what He is saying, for it is the Word saying to the darkness on the face of error, I AM ALL.

God speaks the words of God. I love the Anglican prayer: “O Lord, open thou my lips that my mouth shall show forth thy praise.” (See Ps. 51:15)

Psalm 66:16-17 and Psalm 139:9-14 give this sense of God as the speaker and man as the speaking.

Mind speaks to itself, presents Itself to Itself. There is no personal sense. Enjoy this!

Yew Arch, 2nd July

We dwell solely in a world of consciousness, enjoying only that which is true from the standpoint of Principle, and rejecting anything that is said from the standpoint of personal sense. There is no personal right, because this false sense of right is always in contrast to a personal sense of wrong, and so is the basic error or duality. It is so interesting that Mrs. Eddy equates “stolidity” with “vice” in the same sentence. (See S&H 365:25-30) I am sure we see in our Movement this sense of personal right trying to assert itself and draw us into this false conflict. This is why we find that the letter kills. Spiritual sense knows that “He doeth according to His will” for it is always God that does God’s will without a human partner propping Him up!

S&H 503:20-22 is interesting because it does not add “fourth, in the effect of effect”! Idea and form is effect. The idea of God is the idea called man. It is not an idea about man, church, home, etc., but the idea which is man. We let the idea only abide in consciousness, for it is this alone which is “immovably fixed in Principle” (Ret. 93:12-13), as opposed to that which tries to be stolid in human rectitude!

Dan. 2:22 puts it so beautifully when it shows us that the Mind of God, your Mind, knows only the harmony of being, and not harmony versus something else.

Barn House, 8th November 1997

People think that they have to deal with a situation, and then fear that it is dealing with them. What thinks this? Does Mind think such a thing? If not, then it can only be mortal mind talking to itself about its own misconception of being. If this is so then it is not what mortal mind is saying that you dispute, but the belief that there is any mind whatsoever outside of God.

Mortal mind, being a term for nothing, never made a disease, a lack, a mistake, a scapegoat. The statement that it does never made it true. There are none of these things. Being is God, good. The acceptance in thought of a misstatement is all there is to it. Mind does not accept it, and “Brain or matter never formed a human concept” (S&H 259:24-25).

Please read S&H 470:5-10. To accept the basic error of more than one mind leads to loss, loss, loss. So the reverse is true, and the recognition of one Mind leads to gain, gain, gain. To hold ourself as a mortal trying to regain something that is lost is abortive. Why? Because the mortal is a myth. See S&H 478:24-26 and 476: 13-15. You cannot tinker with a myth. (See also S&H 150:31-1)

The dreamer (mortal mind) and its dream, the sinner (mortal mind) and its sin, are one package deal, and a lie at that. You live as the Adorable One consisting of Mind and its thought, Love and its inviolate manifestation.

Give up the belief that personal identity has any more to do with you than a photo of yourself in a shop window has. See S&H 416:16 only. The whole personal story is just a bad novel, and its author is mortal mind. Go to a library and get a book with a new author! “Those instructed in Christian Science have reached the glorious perception that God is the only author of man” (S&H 29:14-16). Mind constitutes its own evidence and history. Mind, the one I, antedates Abraham and the whole mortal story.

No Date

Thank you for your last letter. There is no waiting in Science, since our starting point is the present perfection of being in every detail, with nothing outside of your infinite selfhood that has to come into line with what you eternally are. Remember the infinite is one, and this means that there is not a divine and a human sense of anything. There is only the divine seeing, knowing, moving etc. What we call human sight or movement is not an alternative to the infinite one, but is a suggestion that the one functioning could be hidden and at some point improved. The human sense is no sense. S&H 505:23 says that Mind demonstrates (shows forth) the divine sense. It is the divine sense, Mind’s sense of everything, that is true now. The human sense or concept is nothing in its own right and can only disappear in the presence of the divine. An improved human concept is simply the divine fact, less and less hidden by the belief it is human.

You start with what is true now. The human concept, “always erroneous”, can tell you and give you nothing. (See Mis. 103:21-23)

December 2001

Nothing is going on ever but the one, infinite, indivisible and universal Mind unfolding itself as Mind-manifest, or man in His likeness. Hence in Misellaneous Writings: “Divine Science demonstrates Mind as dispelling a false sense and giving the true sense of itself God, and the universe…” (S&H 190:4-6). The whole operation takes place in Mind: there is no human partner, and the initiative lies entirely with Truth, that which is, asserting itself over the beliefs of mortal mind, or illusion.

We just stay with the fact that Reality is, and is good and is All: and the false pictures, apparent only to material sense, have no entity but are simply inverted pictures of the good that is here now. “So evil and all its forms are inverted good” (Un. 53:2). So we stay with and proceed from and rejoice in that which is already present without option.

February 2004

I cannot stress sufficiently what I have probably said before which is that our work in Science is never reactive. We do not take what human sense says is a problem and try and make it into what human sense says is a solution. We are outside of the whole judgment arena where we humanly try to distinguish between good and evil. That immediately puts thought into duality and “…the uncertain sense of right…” (S&H 326:24). Our starting point has to be that, no matter how human sense may interpret it, the only thing going on is Good, God.

It may be that, through conscientious study, mental self-discipline, etc., we may effect a change of belief; but this is not Christian Science healing. True healing starts and stays with the fact that all is Mind here and now. Mind manifesting itself constitutes God, man, and the universe. The message that “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5), is that of Science. This is the revelation—a word that means to reveal or lift the curtain on—of man as coexistent with God. (See S&H 557:18-21) This revelation includes no human effort and no human mind. It causes the belief in a human mind, in which every problem resides, to fade out as darkness before the light. But this is only the human sense of that which, to the divine Mind, is unknown. This Mind knows neither crucifixion (the disappearing of the mortal) or resurrection (the reappearing of Truth). It lives in and as the ascension, (the exaltation above all material conditions) which is unaware of anything taking place outside of God-being. (See No and Yes 36:6-20) This refers to your true and conscious being.

In the First Edition Mrs. Eddy writes, “the purpose of Jesus was not to heal the sick but to reveal man”.

July 2003

I am glad things go well with you. Do stay with S&H 502:29-3. The unfolding idea, which is the true creation or conception of being, exists in its fullness in the divine Mind, and Truth is sweeping it down the centuries. How it deals with the apparent ignorance that it dissolves is not our business, since our identity is entirely with Truth and not the appearance. “…the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind” (Isa. 65:17) because they were never in Mind.

No Date

Yes, you are right when you say that the healing takes place in the mind of the healer.

But the only healer is the divine Mind, not person, and it heals because it knows nothing to heal.

No Date

May I commend S&H 409:9-10 and 19-20. The human mortal mind, or matter, is always unconscious because “All consciousness is Mind, and Mind is God” (Ret. 56:18). Unconsciousness cannot dictate terms to consciousness.

If you look up S&H 372:1 only, and 259:24-26 you will see that brain (unconscious mind) never formed even a human concept. A brain concept, relying on nerves as messengers, is nothing at all. A human concept is not something in its own right either, but is a limited sense of that which is divine. So neither a brain concept nor a human concept has ever been a part of your make-up. You live as Mind in self-expression.

Th June 2004

In thinking about yourself never adopt a standpoint whereby you consider yourself as a separate entity from God, hoping, if you pray hard enough, that you will be at the receiving end of more good. The co-existence of God and man, Principle and idea, means that man has exactly the same access to the experience of good as does God. Man is the outpouring of Truth. Man does not have to struggle to stay with Truth: he lives as Truth in self-expression. And the onus of perfection lies with Truth and not its idea.

No Date

Thank you so much for your letter. I must say I am amazed that the medical dictatorship demands a whole check-up, as in this country people make an appointment and the thing is done in ten minutes and that is that. But the real point is that there is only one treatment, which is the Truth, no matter how human sense perceives this at any level of thought. This is why adherence to Truth does open the way for the correct “use for temporary and eternal means” (S&H 444:10) since the only means are the modes of Mind.

There is a temptation to think that one has humanly got to see something before the reward comes of a healing. This is the same as saying you have got to see in order to see! Truth is unconditional, and material sense cannot impose anything upon the operation of divine Principle. Your Mind is unaware of any other sense of being but itself, and this means there is nothing to be attained, nothing to be put right, and nothing to be dropped. Any thought or action that does not proceed from this Principle, your Mind, never took place.

No Date

There is a very obvious connection between what we accept as Science and what we accept as world experience. My. 13:4-15 sounds fine, until you read the definition of Jerusalem in the Glossary and see where the claim of the human mind, or the five senses enthroned, lies.

And then we read in S&H 274:17, “when the five senses are mis-directed…”. Unless we heal this sense of despotism, and unless we see that the Manual sets out the terms for all government, both of the individual and the nation, as allegiance to Principle, not to person, the out-picturing of this mistake will go on appearing as wars. The two great wars should never have appeared if Scientists had seen what the Manual was saying.

Th June 1997

S&H 478: margin at line 5. Why waste time trying to deal with an inhabitant of this domicile when no inhabitant is there in the first place?

Your Mind has never been conscious of anything but its own glorious Life, and so has never known anything to change, retrieve, or heal. Science “restoreth my soul [spiritual sense]” (S&H 578:8). There is nothing else to restore for to spiritual sense nothing has ever happened to upset the harmony and completeness of being.

November 1997

A further note to ask you to ponder S&H 568:1-8. It is the spiritual purity and innocence of being that precludes the possibility of anything foreign to itself appearing. You do not try to fight, argue, or reason with error at its level, but you know that anything that is said that is not the Word of God announcing its own wholeness, harmony, and peace, has never been said. Error cannot fight what it does not know or see, and your Mind is innocent of any knowledge of anything outside of itself. This is the only way that overcomes error. You remember how Goliath said, “Give me a man that we may fight together”. David was too wise to descend to that level and fight error with error—the belief it was really something.

Being is just as it should be and is inviolate. The supposition of another state has never made one.

July 8th 1998

S&H says “Suffer no claim of sin or of sickness to grow upon the thought…” (S&H 390:20-21). The only place where anything can grow or develop is thought, for everything is thought. Since Mind is the source of all thought, we read again that “…growth is the eternal mandate of Mind” (S&H 520:26). The only thought is divine, and nothing alien to this divinity that you are can possibly emerge.

Th May 1999

Thank you for your call. I think we can get the simple answer to your question as we start with God as Mind. The offspring of Mind can only be thought. So the man (or manifestation) of Mind has to consist of thought. As Mind is the only source of thought, man is indeed the thinking that Mind is doing. This is why Principle (the one cause, source) cannot be in its idea. If you decide to cook something, the idea of what you want to cook is in your mind. But you are not in the idea. If you were, you would be subordinate to it. So man exists as the thinking, the expressing, the reflecting, the knowing, the experience of Mind itself. As we see that Mind is also Love, Truth, Life etc., it is clear that your whole existence is characterised by the thoughts that come from all these aspects of God.

“Principle and its idea is one…” (S&H 465:17); though not the same but two aspects of one being. Mind and manifestation exist as one consciousness. You cannot say where Mind stops and thinking starts. They are one. But Mind is not in its thinking. The thinking is in Mind. It’s like the singer and the song. You cannot say where the singer stops and the song begins.

Does this help? This is why you have dominion over body, because body is idea and your Mind is God.


There is neither a slow nor a fast learner in Science. That which says it is a slow learner is no more true than the belief that there is a learner, or something to learn, in the first place.

You do not live in any degree of mortal mind—not even the third. You live as Immortal Mind—the oneness of Mind and its idea. In this presence, the clouds of mortal mind, or mesmerism, dissolve, and the true image is revealed. But you have nothing to do with this process, nor does this so-called process add to or take from a single bit of your present being.

There is not a human and a divine. The human and divine coincidence is the disappearance of the human limited concept, so that all that remains is the divine. The “…coincidence of God and man as the divine Principle and divine idea” (S&H 561:23-24) is all that really exists.

I have found the following references interesting: S&H 543:9-15 and margin; 301:6-9; and Mis. 3:20-22. They are all saying that the dream experience is real to itself but never merges into real being. There is no emergence from matter to Mind; but if we start with Mind there is no awareness of another state.

Human prognosis is always projecting the future from a present picture of the material senses. It never leaves dreamland. A real prophet is never looking over its shoulder to see if an error has gone. I am sure you are well acquainted with the testimony, “Born Again” on page 667, especially the last paragraph or so.

April 2003

S&H 72:2-3. Mind’s communication is in terms of self-understanding. It speaks to, sees, hears, itself. It does not express itself through or to a medium. (See page 73:30-32 and margin) You have eyes because you see, or rather, because Mind sees. The symbol is present because God is present even though human sense will label this presence in terms of its highest point of perception. This point changes as the clarity of Truth makes the symbol increasingly redundant. It does not improve the symbol but lets it fade out in the presence of the idea behind it. But, make no mistake, the symbol is God-present however it may be interpreted, otherwise God, good, would be absent so far as you are concerned.

Mortal belief, called discord of any kind, cannot touch God-present in the form that you can appreciate. It claims to cast a shadow thereby giving the impression that something is wrong. But, the lesson here is in Ps. 115:2-9. The material body is just such an idol. There was never any power or presence resident in it, and only belief or mirage, says there was. Remember, the straight line and the circle may appear to touch but they never actually do, and you live as the sphere of good. In this sphere or circle only God is going on.

Th December 1998

“Dwelling in light, I can see only the brightness of My own glory” (Un. 18:4-5). There is no waiting for nothing to become nothing, nor for something to be the something it always is. There is no mind becoming conscious of Truth. Mind is Truth, full of its own thoughts about itself and these thoughts are substance and Life.


Again, the oneness of God and man is the oneness of consciousness with the Mind that is conscious. You live as this consciousness. Love is always conscious of the loveliness of its own being. You live as this loveliness. Principle is always conscious of its direction, control, and unerring uprightness, and this is your experience. And so on.

You cannot escape from this oneness with your divine source, and in its constant acknowledgement any other sense of being has to evaporate. We are never dealing with physicality, because there is no matter. All is thought and the only true thought is that which emanates from Mind and which is the manifestation, or man, of Mind.

Th June

S&H 180:25-27. Man consists of thought—God’s thought about God—and thought that emanates from the divine Mind is governed by Mind and thereby preserved in every function and faculty. Thoughts are not thinkers, so thought governed by Mind takes on the sense of Mind’s own capacity, freedom, activity, strength, balance, etc.

Thought that is governed by Mind is Mind-knowing, and so is aware that all things are possible. This is your experience as you let the sense of Mind, not brain, govern and initiate all your thinking.

You have nothing to do with results, but the one Mind does outline itself as all that is right and free in a manner that is appreciable.

May 8, 1998

It is not what God knows about person, or what ‘she’ knows about God. But always what God, divine Love, is knowing about itself in place of the human picture. This love of God is expressed as completeness, safety, abundance, joy, freedom, because your divinity is your innate and invulnerable fact. The Bible calls it the “holy thing”, or state of wholeness, that is the Son, or consciousness, of God. (Luke 1:35) This is how you live.

It is a waste of time—and money!—to wallow about in the recesses of the human mind. “All consciousness is Mind, and Mind is God” (Ret. 56:18). There is no human mind—conscious, subconscious, or unconscious. It is terminology only. You cannot get to the bottom of it, because the ultimate tool that a doctor or a psychiatrist uses is the human mind itself. That is self-contradictory. One Mind precludes any other sort of mind.

But you must begin with Mind. You begin by knowing that this Mind is your only capacity now to think, see, hear, act. This Mind is your present divinity and precludes all else. This Mind never had a bad experience because it antedates the whole mortal story. This Mind is not applied to a human situation but replaces it.

March 1997

S&H 291:13-18. You live as that ‘divine state of Mind’ in which there is no capacity to know, feel, experience, see, hear, move or enjoy separate from God, because in this state of Mind, manifestation is nothing of its own, having no inherent qualities or capabilities, but is the Mind of the Lord in self-manifestation. In this state of Mind there is no consciousness of error of any kind, either appearing as one’s own or another’s experience, because “The divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness” (S&H 536:8-9). There is no personal rightness or wrongness, because there is no personality. There is no identification with that upside down view of man called a mortal and so no experience of anything that this illusion includes.

Mind, being the source of all life and action (margin on page 283:6), the belief of man as physical, structural, functioning materially, has no reality. It is the belief that man is separate from God, and that Science is something to be used for human betterment, that appears to lose the true sense of Mind’s power (283:21-24 and margin). And it is this belief alone that has to dissolve, because in the omnipresence and universality of Truth it is forever unknown.

It is only the supposition that man has a life of his own that is crucified, because it would bury the truth in the sepulcher of the human concept, and it is this concept that antagonises the divine that you are. (Mis. 309:22-24) The demonstration is never in that which was crucified being resurrected, but in the fact that the true idea of being was never in the human concept and so never went to Calvary.

The belief that life is the “…objective state of material sense” (S&H 283:17), being the opposite of the divine state of Mind, is false identification which in turn says, ‘I am man; I must feed, clothe, heal, support, finance, maintain this concept’. But this is untrue. S&H 416:16 only: “The material body, which you call me, is mortal mind.” Everything is here and now taking place exactly as Mind, I, know it.

March 1997

Clouds break up before the light. Muddy river beds (inhabited by hippopotami) are stirred. But you are identified with the light and the stirrer and not that which is being broken up or stirred. The one simple fact is that Truth is, and is All, and that which is not, remains a suggestion only. A suggestion has no embodiment. Its only reality to us would be its acceptance as our mind, and we are too wise for that.

Whenever something is said that is not God speaking, then nothing has been said. We do not give it an ear and then a mouth to repeat it!!

April 1996

We have accepted the one Mind as ours and therefore we are concerned only with what we are admitting as our thinking, knowing the right idea to be already included in Mind and the false belief forever precluded. Un. 7:8 is lovely, because the reason that the infinite can recognise no disease is that, being infinite, it antedates all supposition that there is anything unlike itself.

“In the beginning [the only], … the earth was without form and void.” (See S&H 520:21-6) Matter is always without form. It is not a condition, a person, a location, a substance, a cause, a process, or an effect. It is void because it has never had the chance to appear on the horizon of the infinite.

Looking out from and as the one Mind, we see only the infinite: the eternality of Life, the nature of Love, the unassailable facts of Truth.

Barn House, 20th February 2000

Intelligence is imparted by Mind in the most free and effortless way. Nothing is imparted by person and no person receives intelligence. Intelligence constitutes all, as one infinite, indivisible whole, untouched by the belief of personal intelligence, capacity or effort.

There are no choices in Mind. “No wisdom is wise but His wisdom…” (S&H 275:17), and this appears as the wise and intelligent move at every level. There is no return to positions outgrown, and nothing static in Love. The one Mind, the one I, outlines everything but is not outlined. I like Ret. 56:22 only, 57:15-16, and S&H 260:28. The Principle is always above what it reflects, and man is the effortless reflection of indivisible intelligence, ease, safety, freedom, and joy. God does not have to struggle to be God.

There is no human ‘I’ trying to stay with the fact of one I. There is one I, one Mind, already present and so, by its presence, precluding every claim to an opposite. Any sense of stress could only come from thinking that you have to do something. The step in this moment is to enjoy this indivisible oneness of the divine Life, which is the same Life for “Principle and its idea…” (S&H 465:17).

The scientific statement of being begins with a denial and an affirmation (see S&H 468:8). The correlative scripture begins with the affirmation; and the statement that “it doth not yet appear” (1 John 3:2) is supposed denial of the present status of man. It is there to be denied, and not accepted. I cover this a bit in the new book where it deals with the scientific statement of being.

Barn House, 25 February 2000

S&H 89:18-19. Knowledge through the senses is always unnecessary! S&H 274:3-4 again means that because it is temporal, it is also unnecessary. The only intelligence is divine and it is this that is the godliness that animates you.

S&H 128:11-14. The point is that the human mind never increases in wisdom and knowledge, but wisdom and knowledge decrease the human mind. The human mind imbued with the divine ceases to be human.

We read that “a Christian Scientist is under constant pressure to come out and be separate” (S&H 451:2). But Christ Science, which is your name (Mis. 167:14), is divine understanding, which, knowing nothing outside itself, is under no pressure at all.

“The divine understanding reigns, is all, and there is no other consciousness” (S&H 536:8-9).

Fir Tree Cottage, 4th April

Don’t try too hard. If “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation…” (S&H 568:10-11) then that is true now. It means that error is not a power to be overcome because this would deny all. It means that error is just ignorance to be offset by the understanding of Truth.

This really means Truth’s understanding of itself, and Truth unfolds irresistibly as your consciousness, bathing your whole experience in a new light.

This moment all there is to you is I, Mind, knowing My one infinite manifestation.

You cannot know about Mind, you can only know as Mind, for one Mind means one thinker and one capacity to know. You subordinate the false, limited, material sense of things with the Mind you have and are; but you do not start off with any other mind than God.

No Date

You may like to ponder deeply S&H 332:9-11, 23-2.

The Christ is the Son, or understanding, of God, and is inseparable from God. “Principle and its idea is one…” (S&H 465:17) and you live as this Adorable One, the I AM. No fleshly element has ever entered this One.

Jesus, as the human concept of the Christ, was the highest type of expression that the age, or standpoint of perception at that time, could appreciate. The Christ was all that was true of Jesus, though the human concept itself was not the Christ, Truth. The eternal Christ was the divine message from God to men, speaking as the human consciousness though never to the human mind. This is because “All consciousness is Mind, and Mind is God” (Ret. 56:18). The human mind is never conscious.

The form of humanity in which the Christ appears to come at any time changes according to the need, and this form illustrates, though never constitutes, the spiritual agreement between God and man in His image. The form is temporary, and is never the truth, but at best is an approximation of Truth. The form appears to improve as the human element dissolves. The only constant is the Christ outside of human form.

The human attempt is always to try and distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, the desirable and undesirable on a human basis, and this is impossible since that which is spiritually right and desirable has no opposite, and that which is humanly good can never be absolute. No current fashion, no church edict, no personal pressure can produce a totally right answer for anything. So we do not deny the form of appearing just because it may conflict with some humanly preconceived opinion about what is right or wrong.

Please ponder this. The human ego or concept will be found doing the best and wisest thing within its terms of reference, in proportion that identity is found, not with this so-called ego but with the divine Mind or I. Christian stoicism, pride, habit, or fear are not Christian Science.

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