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Barn House, December 18, 1997

Читайте также:
  1. Barn House, 11 December
  2. Barn House, 18th April 1997
  3. Barn House, 19th January 1998
  4. Barn House, 25 February 2000
  5. Barn House, 28th May 1997
  6. Barn House, 4th March 1999
  7. Barn House, 7 January

Thank you for your beautifully typed letter which puts mine to shame!

MBE speaks of beliefs that linger, but the basic belief is that there is a believer. You do not have a personal mind to be conscious of a personal experience, for better or worse, and it is more important to know this than to know what is right or wrong with a personal body. Mind forms its own likeness, and our one concern is to let that Mind be in us—to be all there is of us—so that all thought is proceeding from and as Mind, and not from or as a so-called personal mind. If we accept a personal mind it is hard not to start with thinking that we have a personal, physical disease, and anything we then do from that basis is mental quackery.

Instead of asking, How can I be healed?—we should ask, What is divine Love telling me? What is Love forcing mortal mind to give up just in order to reveal what is already and eternally perfect and true?

Person does not get rid of person. You begin with Mind, God, and start each day and continue through each day knowing what is already true from the standpoint of each of the synonyms of God, regardless of what the personal picture may be saying. We are not applying Truth, but knowing and loving Truth for its own sake.

On the question of inheritance, you cannot work from the material picture. The fact is that “My world is sprung from Spirit” (Mis. Foreword) and there is no mortal inheritance. If you were to accept this in one aspect you would admit it in any other. Justice is a quality of Principle, God, and not human law, and the understanding of this appears as what is just and right to human affairs.

You are right. There is no patient (or practitioner for that matter) because there are no persons.

No Date

Thank you for your last card. S&H 76:6-10 is helpful. You see, the phenomena of error are never the real culprit. It is not the belief that you do not have control over this or that but the belief that there ever was a personality in an orbit of its own, and therefore not subject to Mind. We read that “Every function of the real man is governed by the divine Mind” (S&H 151:20-21) That which Mind controls is thought. We have nothing to do with effect, only with what we are accepting as Mind, or cause. “…thought expands into expression” (S&H 255:2-3).

You have nothing to do with a human body, which is but a form of human belief. You just do not have to carry that misconception around with you. Let the true sense of man, Love’s sense, occupy thought. Take Love’s thought about Love with you and leave the other behind.

It is not what the belief is saying, but the belief that there is a believer called Tom, Dick or Harry that is the basic error. You have no mind to say ‘I am better or worse.’

Barn House, August 1, 1997

Thank you for your card. What feels material? A material sense of Life claims to emanate from a mortal mind, and so this and not what it is feeling, is the real culprit. The one Mind that you have, which is Love, is so happy, satisfied, free, and appreciative of itself! Being divine Love, this sense of being is underived from a single material circumstance. Love, feeling its own divine sense of everything, is present where a mortal sense claims to be feeling otherwise, and this divine sense of being is all there is to you.

Do accept the statements on page 205 of Mis. 13-22, 28-30 as true of your experience now. “‘The last shall be first and the first last…’” (S&H 116:8-10). Therefore, this third baptism is not a goal but is the first and only state of being now. Act as possessing all power: because this is how you put desires into practice, by acting as if the truth you desire is the truth now—which it is!

Barn House, July 27, 1997

S&H 222:7-10 is useful. God sustains man because God constitutes man as the embodiment or body of the ideas that constitute God’s flawless body. But, Love preserves, sustains, upholds, nourishes, perpetuates and satisfies the ideas that express Love. It does not and could not sustain anything else, being oblivious of anything apart from its nature. Therefore, in Science we live the ideas that express Love, Life, Truth, etc. To the extent that the ideas of God occupy consciousness, to that extent all there is to consciousness and so experience is the presence of God Himself, and you live in Truth as the functioning presence of God.

You will see the importance of asking all the time: “Are thoughts divine or human?” (S&H 462:23) for this really means ‘What am I accepting as my body?’

Barn House, July 21, 1997

Do look at S&H 222:7-10; 442:22-25; 258:1-8. There is not a divine and human life. There is just the divine, and the human is a limited sense of the divine and not something in its own right. It is always “fed by Thy love divine we live, for Love alone is Life” (Hymn 30). Love, the underived, needs and has nothing from the outside to satisfy it. This fact feeds the famished affections and the most normal state ensues.

Eternal Life is the consciousness of Truth, and Truth is that which is. There is no other life, so no substance or satisfaction in that which Life is not.

Lester’s Cottage, September 30

Everything is thought. Body is not a thing you have, to think about separate from consciousness. Body is consciousness. In belief, the body consists of thoughts or information which comes from the five physical senses. You could call this the brain-body or ‘theoretical consciousness’. This belief-body is the embodiment of false information, and is devoid of truth, substance, intelligence, or identity. It is not an entity but a supposition.

In Truth, body is the embodiment of God’s thoughts and these thoughts are Life and substance. Man is the body of God, the Mind-body that the one Mind constitutes and maintains.

In belief and in Truth, thought does not control or affect the body: it is the body. Hence the importance of the question, “Are thoughts divine or human?” (S&H 462:23). You live as the one, divine thought-body, and this contains no beliefs about body as material. The source and condition of all embodiment is perpetuated by the divine Mind as its own flawless image.

Jesus said “Take no thought for your life…” (Luke 12:22). This is for two reasons. First, man is not a thought-taker, but consists of the thoughts that his Principle is taking. Second, body is not a thing which you think about separate from consciousness, but is itself, as I’ve said above, consciousness. There is no-body else. Man, body, temple, experience, are synonymous words, and all refer to what divine Principle, Mind, is being. Man is not a person with the Mind of God, but is Mind in self-manifestation and so is a term for the fullness of God’s experience, which in turn informs God about what He is.

The promise of Science is “…I will show thee the bride” (S&H 574:8-9). ‘Bride’ is defined as “conceiving man in the idea of God” (S&H 582:14). This means that whatever we wish to know about man is found in the idea of God, that is, in God’s idea of Himself. So, for example, to experience health is not the result of trying to know about man, but of letting the consciousness of the wholeness of God be our thinking. Then we find that the consciousness of God’s wholeness is the idea of wholeness, called healthy man. In every case, “for God to know is to be” (No and Yes 16:1-2) and the knowing that God, Mind, is doing constitutes all that Mind is being, and this being is man.

We know that in the heavenly city or consciousness, there was no physical structure or temple. But we also know that temple is defined as body, the idea of God. So we don’t just ignore body nor decry the way in which it is apparent to us at the moment, but we do in our thinking translate the beliefs of a matter-body into the spiritual understanding of Mind’s body, the embodiment of Soul that we truly are.

You might like to read the following passage on page 56 of S&H, lines 8-13: “…the spiritual creation [or conception] is discerned intact, is apprehended and understood, and His kingdom is come as in the vision of the Apocalypse,—where the corporeal sense of creation was cast out, and its spiritual sense was revealed from heaven…”. This is all in the present tense, and incidentally, is the true vision or correct conception.

Fir Tree Cottage, February 28

I like the statement, “nor mere personal attachment” (Man. 40:5). You see, you would not recognise a lump if you met one walking down the road unless it was attached to a person. But, there are no personal lives and minds. They are the shadows that try to hide man’s true individuality. They are like the apparently bent stick in the water and like the mirage. The fact is, that what Love knows about itself constitutes the only body there is. Your whole time should be taken with rejoicing in what Love is knowing right now. If Science did not offer another way than fear and suffering it would have no message for us. The only struggle comes from thinking that we have to deal with a physical problem, instead of a mental impression. “Matter is an error of statement” (S&H 227:27-28) but is never an error of fact. I AM immortal, inviolate, unchallenged, now. I live as the self-expression of divine Life itself, and Life does the expressing.

How do you know when you are healed? Gal. 3:3: “…having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?” No! It is when the flesh—the supposition that life, substance, and intelligence are in matter—no longer claims a foothold in our consciousness and so we stop fearing it, that we know there is nothing to heal. Then the picture fades out for lack of witness. Our starting and staying point is the total perfection of being this minute that has never been invaded.

Lester’s Cottage, September 19, 2004

There are two points I would like to make. The first is, when some problem is identified as a future and perhaps difficult experience, the natural desire is to preempt the problem. Then comes the question, How do I know when it is healed and the work can stop? I think the answer is that a belief is healed the moment one ceases to identify oneself as the believer. In a dream, the dreamer is a product of the dream itself. The dream dreams its dreamer. Within the dream there is no apparent answer. The remedy, as we know, is the waking condition, or return to consciousness, where neither dream nor dreamer have ever existed. In this connection it is helpful to recall S&H 250:6-25 and 492:29-32. Also, on page 409:9 we read that “Unconscious mortal mind—alias matter, brain—cannot dictate terms to consciousness…”. Mortal mind is always unconscious, and “All consciousness is Mind, and Mind is God” (Ret. 56:18). The demand, therefore, is to turn away from trying to deal with some belief, and let our concentration be directed to finding our unity with the one true consciousness which never believes, because it knows.

Now this matter of body. Everything is thought. Body is not something you have to think about separate from consciousness. Consciousness is body. In belief, the body consists of thoughts or information which comes from the five physical senses. You could call this the brain-body or ‘theoretical consciousness’. This belief-body is the embodiment of false information and is devoid of truth, substance, intelligence, or identity. It is not an entity, but a supposition.

In Truth, body is the embodiment of God’s thoughts, and these thoughts are Life and substance. Man is the body of God, the Mind-body that the one Mind constitutes and maintains.

In both belief and in Truth, thought does not control or affect the body: it is the body. Hence the importance of the question, “Are thoughts divine or human?” (S&H 462:23) You live as the one, divine thought-body, and this contains no beliefs about body as material. The source and condition of all embodiment is perpetuated by the divine Mind as its own flawless image.

S&H 371:9-11 prompts the question, Who ever said mortals were here without their permission?

Barn House, November 23, 1997

Every thought relates to its Principle, where it begins. Your manhood is one of the ideas that makes up God’s compound idea, man, and this relates to Mind, the divine Principle that conceives it, and not to persons. Living as omnipresence, and not partial presence, you live as the fullness of infinite presence. This is all there is of what appears as you or another. This unfolding self-expression of good is God’s plan, God’s activity, God’s substance, and you have no say in it! Let thought relate to Principle, not person: then only what stems as thought from I, Principle, can declare My status.

There is not one body for you and another for me. There is one infinite embodiment of good which is the enjoyment of all, and no partial, local, personal, material body anywhere. Mortal mind’s upside down view of the one infinite body as bodies many never made them so. See 466:20-23 and 336:1-2. One Mind—one body or man.

February 16

Every faculty of Mind is infinite and indivisible. We do not seek to replace bad infinite hearing with good finite hearing, since the all-hearing Mind is indivisible. If there were such a thing as bad hearing anywhere, then God and man would be hearing badly together, eternally, infinitely, indivisibly! You could not change it.

So the belief is not bad hearing, but the error of thinking that hearing could be personal and finite in the first place. Your faculties are not threatened by mortal mind, but infinite Love does threaten false belief because it does not permit such a thing to be.

Dream experiences never touch consciousness. No matter how protracted the dream appears to be, it vanishes with the day. There is no material history; no dream calling itself a dreamer. I, Spirit, never dream. I, Mind, multiform in office, see, hear, act, move, know. There is no separate life or mind.

“…the author calls sick and sinful humanity mortal mind…” (S&H 114:2-3). MBE does not say that humanity suffers from mortal mind, but that mortal mind constitutes all that appears as sick and sinful humanity. But there is no mortal mind. All that falsely appears as sick humanity is Life, Mind, Truth.

It is not that ‘my’ (mortal) hearing is worse or better. But that I, Mind, AM all-hearing and ‘My glory will I not give to another.’

January 28

Thank you for your letter. I have thought about it and I would be glad to work with you.

Our starting point, of course, is that we are not talking about hearing with half a material ear or with two such ears! “The indestructible faculties of Spirit exist without the conditions of matter…” (S&H 162:14-15). ‘Matter is not the medium for Mind.’ The suggestion is not that you cannot hear but that hearing was ever a faculty of man in the first place. ‘He that made the ear shall He not hear?’ God hears: man is the glad sound that He hears. When you are hearing the glad sound—the announcement of infinite Love—you are hearing with God’s ears. You are hearing the “…amplification of wonder and glory…” that is “…consonant with [sounding together with] ever-present Love”. See S&H 501:10-13

The all-hearing Mind is not an auditory nerve. The ear of your auditor is Mind, incapable of hearing the utterance of mortal minds. They do not exist. See S&H 424:20-22

Specifically, you cannot be deprived or shut off from living as the full experience of all that God is being. You do not have a personal life, circumscribed, limited, apart from the rest of existence. You live “alone—all one—with your own being and the reality of things” (’01 20:8) and so you live as the infinite all-inclusive presence of functioning Love, with nothing outside your Kingdom. You are innocent of either a full or limited human experience, for you live as the immediate (mediumless) object of understanding.

Let us work on these lines, knowing that this whole picture is not one of a person suffering from some belief but simply belief calling itself suffering person, and so without identity, location, cause, history, substance or effect in the whole of infinite being.

December 9, 2003

If you could have an idea about God you would need to embrace God in your thought, and this is impossible. In the same way, you cannot have an idea of Truth through study if Mind, God, is all-knowing. There is nothing else to know. There is no mortal mind to make or alter a mortal body. We know that “the human mind and body are myths…” (S&H 150:31-4). They are no-body.

What is called knowing the truth, is really Truth’s own knowing operating here and now as your consciousness. It is only error that wants to work about something, because there is nothing apart from Truth for Truth to know.

Know yourself. Know yourself from the standpoint of I, which is how God sees you. There is no mortal mind, and the body it claims to construct is simply a lie about the one and only body which you are. It has no cause, effect, history, substance, identity, or location.

There is nothing in your experience conditional upon human effort. “Mind is its own great cause and effect” (Mis. 173:12).

Barn House, March 4, 1999

Personal sense cannot get rid of personal sense. So don’t try!

I, Mind, never knew a personal mind, and this is why we read that “…the human mind and body are myths” (S&H 150:32-1). You can’t work about a myth. You dissolve its pretence to reality in the light of understanding.

There is one universe, and it is wholly good because it consists of Mind’s consciousness of Mind, and contains within this infinite Mind all that is going on. Mythical mortal mind is not a challenger or an alternative, but is a misstatement of the One. It is a limited, upside-down view of that which is upright and perfect; and it is the correct view, Mind’s view of everything, that apparently heals the sick because it sees all to be perfect now.

There is no evil: what appears this way is inverted good, a limited sense of what is true. There is no false appetite; just Love’s appreciation of all it includes. You therefore do not deny eating, sleeping, clothing, for as long as they seem necessary, but you realise that the truth behind them is the Christ that feeds and clothes every object until the material yields to the spiritual sense of everything. There is no vacuum, unless you want to be a nun and go into a convent. Just enjoy everything here and now as your divinity appearing in a form you can understand, and not as unbalanced humanity.

November 23, 2003

“…mortal mind constructs the mortal body with this mind’s own mortal materials” (S&H 402:13-15) It calls this body ‘me’ and claims to give it a personal name, yours or mine. But these materials are themselves only nameless thoughts without identity, location, history, or substance. While they claim identity, they are no more than a collection of mesmeric beliefs and so can only constitute a lie about the one body. This true body is the embodiment of God’s thoughts. It is the identity of God, and is the temple of the living God, “The shrine celestial” (S&H 576: margin note) that I AM, which God constructs, constitutes, and maintains.

Mortal mind cannot put right its own body with its own materials, because this body is not separate from but IS itself mortal mind. Hence the injunction, “Blot out the images of mortal thought and its beliefs …” (S&H 391:3). Note the word “its”. They are not your beliefs, nor is the mortal thought that produces them anything to do with you. If we accept the thoughts as coming from our mind then we invite the experience of these thoughts as our body. But neither this mind nor this body are Me. They remain an impersonal lie about Me, indeed about anyone, since they have no identity in Mind’s infinite universe.

Un. 54:3-10 says we must be insensible to every claim of error. That which is error cannot at some point become insensible to itself and then call this healing. That which is whole is insensible to error and always has been. This is why we begin with God (see S&H 467:30) and never with a problem for God to solve. Soul is the one Ego, that by being sensible only to itself is forever insensible to anything unlike itself. “The only conscious existence in the flesh is error of some sort.” Unity 57:28.

To hold in thought both the truth and a claim for truth to overcome is impossible. This would be a duality of consciousness that denies Science. Hence S&H 92:29-31. Duality is always evil even when one half calls itself good, and it is thus by denying the oneness of good that it asserts its superiority.

A lie about something is not an alternative to that something. It simply is not going on. “Therefore all that really exists is in and of God, and manifests His love” (S&H 340:13-14).

Lester’s Cottage, June 2003

S&H 278:12-14: Matter (the human concept) “exists only in a supposititious mortal consciousness” and where is that? Nowhere! Hence the importance of seeing there is no mortal mind rather than trying to deal with the phenomena of that so-called mind. “…the human mind and body are myths” (S&H 150:32-1) There is no human, mortal mind to form a human concept or a material body. That which believes in either of these myths or claims to experience them, is itself as much of a myth as that which experiences it. It is one conspiracy. You therefore cannot try to use one part of the myth called mind to deal with another part called matter, since they are both aspects of the same dream/dreamer complex. Your Mind does not and never did know them.

The sense of something is all there is to it. Man does not have a sense of anything, any more than the mirror image has anything separate from the original before that mirror. Man (manifestation) is the sense of everything that the original holds. For instance, man does not have strength, or even a sense of strength, but is simply the name that omnipotent Mind gives to its own sense or experience of power. Similarly, man does not have supply, a home, a companion, or a job, but exists as the sense or experience of God, Spirit, the source of the expression. Form, colour, outline, and all other aspects of good are not in the expression or confined to it, but exist as the boundless expression or experience of all that divine Love is knowing about its own sense of Life. Man is the experience, but not the experiencer. God experiences. Only the belief that man is or has something of his own separate from God is liable to threat or loss.

Matter, the human concept, is always erroneous, and has nothing to do with the manifestation or man of God, to whom it remains forever unknown. All there is to matter is material thought, but material thought never made any matter. See S&H 282:23-25.

Barn House, 25th August 1998

The material body is not the seat of Mind, and that which believes it is in it, is encased in an unreal cell. The one, and only, body is the embodiment of God’s thoughts about God, and this is the universal, indivisible, eternal, infinite body of God, the temple or shrine celestial of Love. There is no human mind, so nothing to feel pain or discomfort. I have just been reading that interesting Q&A in Mis. 44:13-4. However real it is to itself, it is not your experience. It claims to be in body, but in fact is in mortal mind which is nowhere. See S&H 281:18-20.

“…this day have I begotten thee” (Ps. 2:7). This is said to the Son, the divine idea or consciousness of Mind, and it is one endless day in which there is nothing taking place but infinite Love being conscious of its own manifestation. Abraham rejoiced to see this day, because it antedated the belief of Abraham. The highest human corporeal concept was not “the express [expressed] image of His person [infinite Mind]” (S&H 313:10-11). You live as the divine idea, the Christ. You do not belong to the “era of Jesus” (see S&H 138:17-22) for you do not try to be Christ-like, but you live instead as the Christ. This is the post-Christian era, or state of thought, in which we find we live here and now as the Son, and not as the human concept. The latter is found to be supposition, the dream, mirage, illusion, the unreal.

The condemnation that too many Scientists accept is the need to till the soil, whereby they try to make the human concept demonstrate the divine idea. It cannot be done. We begin with the one Mind that only knows its idea of itself. If that is not true now it never was and never can be, for eternity does not change. Jesus was appointed to speak the word of God. Science is the Word of God, and you are one with that which speaks it, and so have the power and presence of omnipotence.

You cannot accept and enter a false definition of yourself as person, and then try to work your way out with the help of Science. You never entered it. This whole aggressive illusion, by whatever name, remains nothing.

September 2002

There has never been a physical body anywhere. On the letter’s content, the same applies in that what is called a physical claim is a mental suggestion, and is never what or where it claims to be. It is nowhere and the one Mind does not know it.

Always begin with Mind. It is the idea of God, not the idea of man, that heals. The idea of God is just God’s idea of Himself. Man is the experience of Love, not the experiencer. Idea has no capacity to experience. Man (manifestation) is what Mind, Love, is being. Man is what Mind knows of itself, and is as much Mind as God.

On school fees, remember that there is nothing that you can possibly buy with money that is not already yours by reflection now. There is nothing that can come to Life. Life is experiencing all. There is no medium through which the fullness of Life has to be manifest. What is termed mind, dependent on matter for manifestation, is not Mind.

Nd March 2002

I have been struck by the following references in the chapter on Christian Science Practice: 399:11-13, 23-28; 402:8-15; 403:14-16. The point is that neither mortal mind (the dreamer) nor its body (the dream) ever leave the precincts of illusion, for good or bad, and so never encroach upon your being, which is outside of all material selfhood here and now.

Man does not have a personal, private body, life, or mind. Man lives as Mind-manifest, as the embodiment or body of God. In the 10th Edition, MBE actually wrote “man is God’s body”. How could the body of Mind be other than thought? God’s thoughts constitute all you are and Mind is thinking them.

No Date

We read this week “Detach sense, or matter, which is only a form of human belief…” (S&H 261:21-22). You see, the mortal picture of yourself is only a form of belief.

The one and only body is the body or embodiment of good. God’s thoughts about God are the embodiment of God, and these have no mortal history, no material conditions, no limitation, no exposure to anything outside of God.

Take time to ponder the meaning of Love’s thoughts about Love, Life’s thoughts about Life, Truth’s thoughts about Truth, and realise that these thoughts constitute all you are or could ever be.

November 1984

220 pounds of palpitating matter has no place in the living palpitating presence of the Christ, and the latter is all you are, untouched by the belief of flesh and bones. Luke 24:39. “Spirit [I] hath not flesh and bones, as ye (mortal mind) see me have.” In this Lesson, we can remember the tale of Humpty Dumpty, who had a great fall and all the king’s practitioners could not put him together again! If we accept the basic belief of a separate life (Adam) we then accept the consequences called Fallen Man. Fallen Man with all his problems is the dream experience of Adam. But there is no Adam dreamer, no belief of separate life, and so there is no dream experience. There never was a fall!

A margin on page 536 says “fall of error” and this is the only fall there is.

November 1984

S&H 399:8-13 is all good. “No gastric gas accumulates, not a secretion nor combination can operate, apart from the action of mortal thought, alias mortal mind. So-called mortal mind sends its despatches over its body, but this so-called mind is both the service and message of this telegraphy.”

Mortal mind talks to itself about itself. Hence 210:25-29: “What is termed matter, being unintelligent, cannot say, ‘I suffer, I die, I am sick, or I am well.’ It is the so-called mortal mind which voices this and [appears] to itself to make good its claim.” And page 416:16 only, “The material body, which you call me, is mortal mind…”

What you know is the eternal Christ and antedates Abraham. It is the seed of Truth which constitutes real identity. What you believe, that is, what the senses tell you, is the seed of error. Its so-called beginning and ending never merge into real being.

Page 204 shows there is no “pig in the middle”, no third power in which the other two meet and struggle. To admit identity as a person, standing for good against evil, is to admit all the error there is. Page 92 shows that the admission of the reality of evil leads to belief in its superiority. The admission is all there is to it. “The mistake of thinking that error can be real, when it is merely the absence of truth, leads to belief in the superiority of error” (S&H 92:29-31).

The admission constitutes its effect. The sin constitutes the sinner, the belief the believer, the dream the dreamer, and not the other way around. You live as the Christ consciousness, cognizant only of the things of God.

Th October 1985

Just to acknowledge your letter and to say I am working. There is no return to positions outgrown, and you have outgrown the belief that you have a private heart or life. There is one idea of heart and that is Mind’s idea. There is only one indivisible idea of anything.

You do not have a heart: you are the living, palpitating presence of the Christ, and thus are the heart-beat of being. You are untouched by the belief that heart is personal, localised, or organic.

Th September 1987

Any information coming from the senses is false. To worry about exercise or diet is the wrong way round, for it is to presuppose existence in a material body in the first place! We are told on page 279:27-28 “…there are not two bases of being, matter and mind, but one alone,—Mind.”

The marginal note is “Pantheistic tendencies.” Also page 216:30. “Give up your material belief of mind in matter, and have but one Mind, even God; for this Mind forms its own likeness” (S&H 216:32-1). The marginal note shows we give up personal identity. “…for matter can make no conditions for man” (S&H 120:11-12).

Th June 1988

It makes it so much simpler to remember that there is no material man and so we cannot tinker with the illusion that says there is. S&H 300:5-8. “The mirage, which makes trees and cities seem to be where they are not, illustrates the illusion of material man, who cannot be the image of God.” The consciousness that requires matter to confirm it, is not consciousness and so is not Me.

In this Lesson, the questions on page 468:8-4 (scientific statement of being; substance; Life), really start with “What am I?” God is the only I, and we know no more of man as His likeness than we know of God. So we live as the Adorable One, that omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent Being that is called “Principle and its idea…” (S&H 465:17). This one, this blending with God, is what MBE refers to as “…the white Christ…” (Mis. 124:22). There is no material man there, and nothing to disfigure the tablet of being.

There is no life now in matter. Whom do men and dermatologists say I am? Flesh? I, Spirit, have not flesh and bones, as ye, dermatologists, see me have.

I like S&H 494:11-14. “It is not well to imagine that Jesus demonstrated the divine power to heal only for a select number or for a limited period of time, since to all mankind and in every hour, divine Love supplies all good.”

We must not think that I heal others. I AM ALL and there is no other.


May 25

“…thy home is heaven…” (S&H 254:31-32) and heaven is “Perfect and infinite Mind enthroned…” (S&H 266:25-26). There is no other home, and this home is infinite, universal, and omnipresent. There is nothing else to be weighed in the scale with it.

“The belief that matter thinks, sees, or feels is not more real than the belief that matter enjoys and suffers” (S&H 294:9-10). The spiritual fact is more real than the human perception of home. The human appearing is entirely incidental to the eternal truth of any situation.

S&H 402:8-15. We drop the material, structural basis of everything—home, body, work, etc.—because this is mortal mind’s misconception of that which is already existing perfectly as divine idea. Idea is substance.

124:25-31 and 372:23-24 are interesting. There are no economic, social or other material forces. These are misnomers, but never make forces. The only force and law in your life is spiritual.

Jesus said “Come unto me, all ye that labour…” (Matt. 11:28). Come to my way of seeing everything, for this correct view heals and is true vision. There is nothing to change but the view.


“…we begin with Mind” (S&H 467:30). One Mind means one idea of home, and one, indivisible appreciation of the only home there is. To paraphrase S&H 369:19-22, ‘Jesus knew that man has not two homes, one to be sold and the other to be bought.’ I, infinitely and indivisibly appreciating My own divine sense of home, or consciousness, which is My abode, am All. Buying and selling houses has nothing to do with home. But we can remember that, in the precision of being, there is nothing superfluous or unwanted anywhere.

There are only spiritual forces, not market or economic ones. Human stagnation, fear, and immovability do not touch the omniaction of the forces of omnipotence. Love ‘unseals frozen fountains’ (Ret. 31:28-30).

MBE said that home is a power, not a place. Your work is for the world, not just a situation in this or that town.

“…the chain of scientific being…” (S&H 271:2) is the simultaneity of good, all good everywhere altogether now. There is no material or personal dependency.

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