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Barn House, 19th January 1998

Читайте также:
  1. Barn House, 11 December
  2. Barn House, 18th April 1997
  3. Barn House, 25 February 2000
  4. Barn House, 28th May 1997
  5. Barn House, 4th March 1999
  6. Barn House, 7 January

You answer your own questions very well! The whole belief that man is in charge is false. ‘As a lily’, man is just the evidence of all that divine Love is pouring forth in unchanging abundance minute by minute. We are told to “take no thought” for tomorrow, (see Luke 12:22) and the reason is that man is not a thought-taker. Idea does not have ideas. Mind takes thought, and man, image, consists of the thoughts that Mind has about Mind, Love has about Love, Life has about Life, etc. Mind-manifest is what I, Mind, know about Myself. But man is not a knower, doer, arranger, forecaster, controller, etc.

When mortal mind begins to recognise its own inadequacy that is the moment to agree with your adversary and say ‘my dear mortal mind, of course you feel tongue-tied, inadequate, out of place, uncertain, depleted, because there is no substance, truth or life in your fictitious personal sense of self!’ It is only finite personal sense that looks out from a supposed standpoint outside the focal distance of infinite Spirit, sees everything upside down, and then fears for what it sees (S&H 301:24-29). It has no basis: and that is why it is easily overthrown.

You are not responsible for your own career or for the well-being of others, for your life is simply Mind’s response to Mind’s ability. Nebuchadnezzar learned that he had no capacity of his own the hard way, as we see in Daniel 4. The better way is in Science through understanding.

Substance is Spirit, consciousness, and is never in the acquisition of things. There is nothing outside consciousness. When something comes into your experience as the result of demonstration it is safe. If it comes because you see something ‘over there’ that you would like, then it is on the wrong basis of sand. Abraham thought he had to give up Isaac, but he then saw that he only had to give up a false sense of fatherhood, typified by the ram.

Barn House, 11th August 1998

I can understand that person has a hard time trying not to live as person. But person cannot give up a sense of person just because the false sense is itself all there is to person. On the other hand, God, Mind, does not have any problem living as God, and so I do not have a problem living as I. It is from that standpoint of the allness and oneness of My own being, that there has never been a personal sense to drop since I have always lived as I. I antedate Abraham and the entire mortal story. Begin with God, not person.

When you begin with Mind you will see there is nothing outside your all-inclusive divinity and you recognise everything to exist as idea. Therefore you, as Mind’s idea and as the omnipresence of all good, are not in anything—an aeroplane or anything else—since the word in is obsolete in Science. On the other hand, you already include the right idea about which the aeroplane is just the human illustration and the name that the so-called human mind gives to its concept. The aeroplane, so to speak, is in you and you cannot be afraid of yourself. Nor does omnipresence have to go anywhere to be omnipresence.

This is actually very important.

London 1981

In the allegory, Adam stands for the basic mistake of thinking one has a life that is less than or separate from God, and revolves in an orbit of its own. The consequence of this initial mistake is all too well known. But we are told that the remedy for Adam, which is a state of thought, is the Christ because the Christ is always confirming man’s oneness with his cause, in the words “I and my Father are one” (John 10:30). As we find our relationship to the one Father-Mother God, we cannot help finding all that belongs to the knowledge and experience of God. And this certainly does not include fear or pressure.

London 1979

Perhaps I am less concerned than you about exams. The inward takes care of the outward, and thought expands into expression. We have seen an expanding sense of ability and peace, and this will be expressed. The temptation is to see a human fulfill human demands, and this can suffocate. Love lets the flower open from within in its own way, and does not fear that it will not do so. The seed contains within itself all that is needed to become a flower, and the mental soil in which it grows is Love not fear. Human thoughts seem to develop lopsidedly. Spiritual development follows God’s pattern and is safe.


Don’t you love Proverbs 8:22-30 and Psalms 90:1, 2.

You see, we always get back to the Father’s viewpoint, the pure sense of being that has never been invaded nor impaired by any mortal testimony. It is because Love is the infinite that there is no room for fear. It is because Truth is that there is no room for error. It is because Life is God and all that there is no room for an alternative state of existence. It is what eternally is that takes care of what in fact is not!

The child of His care has never left His kingdom and so dwells forever in the secret place of the Most High, the omniscience of omnipotence which is God’s ever-presence.

I wonder if you know the poem of MBE,

O gentle presence, peace and joy and power;

O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour,

Thou Love, that guards the nestling’s faltering flight,

Keep Thou my child on upward wing tonight.

Th March

Now, this is not your fear or problem. You are not the patient. The patient is not a person but the belief that man is personal, and so that life is less than or separate from God. It is not your belief, not your dream. It is no more part of you than the morning mist is part of the landscape. The light of understanding removes patient from man as the light of day removes the mist from the landscape. Nothing can change or improve what you are, and knowing what you are takes care of what you are not.

This Lesson on ‘matter’ has been good because it shows so clearly that matter is the subjective state of mortal mind, and there is nothing to so-called mortal mind but a false standpoint of perception. On page 321 we see how Moses first understood that matter was nothing but a phase of mortal belief; and so the various aspects of matter, like the ‘dread disease’ were creations (conceptions) of mortal mind and not actual, and so in no way to be feared. The disease was an experience of mortal mind and not of Moses, and so nothing to do with the I AM.

You are not a person who has to see some truth in order to be changed. You live now as the wholeness of God’s being. “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation…” (S&H 468:10-11).

Th August

It is worth asking, How long is it before I feel humanly reassured after an event of this kind? Days, weeks, longer? Do I wait for a lapse of time to confirm that there is no repetition? Do I wait and watch to see that I am not exposed to circumstances that might bring it on? Well, we can wait forever that way!

Or do we see that the only way, and the only surety, is in knowing that we live above corporeal sense, and that nothing it has ever said to us, for good or ill, storm or shine, is ever true. Matter cannot inform us of anything. Iniquity shall not rise up a second time when it never rose the first. Your spiritual status is exempt from all evil. And this is your only status. That is enough.

You may like to ponder Rud. 11:13-15 and then to the end of the paragraph, and 12:16-23. We erase the belief we live in matter, and not just a phase of this belief.

Rud. 11:11. “What seem to be disease, vice, and mortality are illusions of the physical senses. These illusions are not real, but unreal. Health is the consciousness of the unreality of pain and disease; or, rather, the absolute consciousness of harmony and of nothing else. In a moment you may awake from a night-dream; just so you can awake from the dream of sickness; but the demonstration of the Science of Mind-healing by no means rests on the strength of human belief. This demonstration is based on a true understanding of God and divine Science, which takes away every human belief, and, through the illumination of spiritual understanding, reveals the all-power and ever-presence of good, whence emanate health, harmony, and Life eternal.”

Rd August

See Pan. 11:16-19. The point is that if one considers oneself to be a mortal, then it does not really matter if one calls oneself a CS or RC, or if one is in a prone or upright position, since the only true stature and uprightness is spiritual. It is always “…I [ Mind] will raise it up” (S&H 314:15). You do not associate with a sense of man that is materially fallen or upright, but with the God-like man who knows no lapse or fall.

Our standpoint is that “the heavens [Mind] declare the glory of God [which is you]; and the firmament [spiritual understanding] showeth his handywork” (Ps.19:1). Also that “the Christ is here…to give thee confidence for all thy fears” (Hymn 412).

Th January 1985

Pursuing the frivolous:

Page 599 tells us about being left-footed. Page 371:9 tells us about ghost stories. Page 374:21-22 tells us the effect of believing in ghosts.

So the total lesson is: Don’t be a left-footed ghost who was never made, walking on a precipice that is not there. Life is God. There is no alternative, and so there is no fear.

Barn House, 30th April 1998

As pure Mind you are unable to harbor any sense of fear, emptiness, frustration, or the like. There is no room for such feelings in the one all-knowing, all-feeling, all-acting Mind that is the I of your being and is your only capacity to know or feel.

Mind is original. That means that everything begins with Mind, with Truth, Life, Love. There is no antecedent to Truth: nothing ever happened after either, since Mind is all presence. “Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning…” (1 John 2:24).

Th January 1985

Several points for you. S&H 373:14-18 deserves careful study in terms of the three degrees. “The fear of disease and the love of sin are the sources of man’s enslavement. ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,’ but the Scriptures also declare, through the exalted thought of John, that ‘perfect Love casteth out fear.’”

First, fear of disease and love of sin. Sin is just the mortal sense of things, and if we love that or give it reality then we accept the duality of all things mortal; we believe in alternatives and so we fear. Fear is always about alternatives. Hence S&H 366:3-5: “In order to cure his patient, the metaphysician must first cast moral evils out of himself and thus attain the spiritual freedom which will enable him to cast physical evils out of his patient…”.

An opposite is not an alternative but a misstatement, and so is Truth in reverse. The fear of the Lord is the second stage, for this means that we begin to trust and obey something called the Lord, and this is moral. But perfect Love (the underived) casteth out fear, alternatives.

As I wrote to your friend, S&H 371:9: “Mortals are believed to be here without their consent and to be removed as involuntarily, not knowing why or when. As frightened children look everywhere for the imaginary ghost…” The marginal note shows us that mortal experience is a ghost story, and belief in it is always on the edge of a precipice, wondering what will come next. S&H 374:22: “It is like walking in darkness on the edge of a precipice. You cannot forget the belief of danger, and your steps are less firm because of your fear, and ignorance of mental cause and effect.”

But a ghost is inanimate, and perfection does not animate imperfection but the animate is governed by God alone. You cannot have your mental and spiritual demonstration paralysed by fear. 376:30-31: “To fear and admit the power of disease, is to paralyze mental and scientific demonstration.”

So it is back to the fact that you live as I AM, never in belief.

Our unfolding sense of Science goes on. Jesus declared the Son. Mrs. Eddy declared the womanhood of God. Divine Science shows us the Bride, this weddedness of all good, and the inseparability of the Adorable One—Father-Mother-child (see Mis. 18:18-19)—as aspects of your own eternal being.

Target Out of Range

Barn House, 22nd September

Once again, never start with the problem. If you say ‘I have this or that problem’ it makes you the patient. If we see that what appears in this disguise is impersonal, unidentified, unlocated error saying this is ‘me’ then from the outset we disassociate that which is speaking from our experience, and so meet it as its master.

The fact here is the great heart of Love and that “the accuser is not there” (S&H 568:28). There is one heart for all being divine and it is this great heart of Love. No accuser (mortal mind) has ever seen it, interfered with it, localised it or personalised it. The accuser is never here, and so there is no accusation and no accused. It is the great lie and that’s all. It is your spiritual innocence of all that mortal mind has ever said or thought about you (even if it could) that is your exemption from any condition of matter. In our work we do not fight evil, but we do lay down that which evil would try to fight. It cannot fight that which it cannot see or know. Hence the importance of lines 30-32 on the same page.

There is nothing to you but “the living, palpitating presence of the Christ” (S&H 351:14). You will remember that “…the doctrine of Christian Science: [is] that divine Love cannot be deprived of its manifestation…” (S&H 304:9-11). Man, as the emanation of Love, is the loveliness that is proof to Love that Love is.

August 17th 2003

You say, ‘I know the belief and believer are one’. The Father does not know this.

Neither aspect of that which is entirely mesmerism is known to the one Mind, or I.

The point is that this whole experience no more touches you than a shadow cast on the wall touches the wall. To get rid of it you do not do anything to the shadow, you turn on the light. You are the light of understanding, and only that which is the experience of God can be your experience since man is the experience, not the experiencer, of all that God, good, is being and knowing. Man takes place entirely in God, Mind, not in man, just as your image in the mirror takes place in you, and not in itself.

April 3rd 2003

We know that we have a faculty to see, hear, feel. Otherwise we could not make the statement I hear, I see, etc. We learn in Science that “Mind … sees, hears, feels, speaks.” (See S&H 485:4-7). We also know that “Every function of the real man is governed by the divine Mind” (S&H 151:20). The fact, which is eternal and without alternative, is that the source of every function, every faculty, all information, is the divine Mind.

What the Lesson calls ‘educated material sense’, makes a claim that these faculties and functions are material and physical. In no way does this make them so, nor is a belief anything except a belief about what is true. The impressions of educated material sense are mirage and do not have to be changed or improved. They dissolve, as does a mirage, into nothingness as we maintain our correct relationship to the light. All this means that there is no problem in a faculty or a function. They are all exactly as Mind knows them to be, and they are all good. This is why we do not work from the problem back to Mind, but start with Mind which is unaware of a problem.

Lester’s Cottage, 11th February 2004

There is no mortal mind anywhere to hold an image of man as a mortal. To admit that there is, is all there is to such a mind or to you as a mortal. If you admit that someone can think falsely about you, this false thinking is going on as yourself, since the admission of a mortal mind anywhere is all there is to you as a mortal, and so a target. The belief in a false mind includes both the thinker and its thinking. If you declare that you cannot be mesmerised by aggressive mental suggestion, but still believe that error has a way of thinking, you still accept the mesmerism despite your declarations to the contrary. And if you say that the thinking of others cannot mesmerise the Christ consciousness, and still admit a mind that is trying to, the Christ gets hidden. The admission that there is a belief is all there is to the false believer. (S&H 218:1-2)

The bottom line is that “…nothing inharmonious can enter being, for Life is God” (S&H 228:5-6). There is no they, he, she, but just I. Then the inward voice is found to be the voice of God. This is your inoculation against mental intrusion.

October 25

Many thanks for your letter and of course for the testimonial, for which I am very grateful.

Let us deal with several points—yet really only one—which is that you have no private life separate from God. The only demand is to know the oneness of God and man. This is the whole [duty] of man. “Truth, Life and Love are the only legitimate and eternal demands upon man…” (S&H 184:12-13). All that is going on is Mind unfolding itself as yourself and the whole of being. This Mind unfolds in perfect balance, demanding the evidence that demonstrates itself and supplies the demand in the process. See S&H 199:10-12. Thus does “The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in” (Ps. 120:8)—my outgoings and my income—in perfect wholeness. The balance is adjusted by Science by removing the belief that life is less than God, which is all there is to mortal experience. Your infinite self-containment could not look outside of itself for all that it needs, and what we call banks, people, etc., is simply the illustration of what you already include. Stay with what you are. “…hold fast which thou [hast]…” (Rev. 3:11) and let the illustration take its place naturally.

This deals with the belief of overwork, which is all there is to the throat. I said you should treat that bit of furniture called body with care, because, care, tenderness, thoughtfulness, maintenance are divine qualities and their opposites are not part of your being. The belief of expendable energy is dealt with by seeing that “…all my springs are in thee” (Ps. 87:7) and that man is the flow of being not the source.

Truth does not depend on your thinking it, or on human thinking removing substance called matter. That would be absurd. “Brain or matter never formed a human concept” (S&H 259:24-25) let alone a divine one! The capacity to know Truth is Truth itself, and Truth destroys mortal error, called matter, because to Truth all is Truth and there never was an alternative. You don’t ‘think away’ error but the Christ understanding that you are precludes error. That is why it is the Saviour.

A “lurking lion”! More likely a caged lion and as I said, don’t get into the cage of ‘life in matter’ with it. Then it can’t bite. No mortal situation is a cause. So it does not have an effect. Mind is cause. We are not persons, trying to know the truth or suffering for not doing so. We live as divine idea, as the understanding of the Mind that is God. Man never smoked, and smoke is not a cause. Error does not shoot at you but at its misconception of you, called a mortal. You are not more ‘in this’ than Constantine was in his statue. So you are a target out of range. Don’t get into the cage! Don’t get into person. Then you cannot be dragged down. S&H 84:24-27.

Start each day with the clear understanding that it is God’s endless day, the irradiance of light, (see S&H 584:1-2), the effortless unfolding of all the intelligent activity that Mind is being—and that you are the unfoldment, the experience of this, but not the unfolder.

Th March 1996

Stay the course—and like Nehemiah when he was building the wall, do not come down to that which, in fact, is powerless.

You are not only a target out of range, you are not a target. The infinite, indivisible One is not targeting Itself, and so anything that claims to be outside this One is mirage, illusion, nothing. You cannot do something about nothing, and there is nothing true about nothing to know. ‘All men are brothers’ is a misstatement of a spiritual fact of ‘the brotherhood of man which consists of [holds together with] Truth and Love.’ The first tries to build one out of many. The second starts and stays with One.

I find page 568:1 (only); 5-8; 30-32 very helpful. You cannot fight nothing without appearing to build it up. But you do drop that which error claims to see and fight. Then there is no warfare. “The Gabriel of His presence has no contests. To infinite ever-present Love, all is Love…” (S&H 567:6-7).

Your work, which is knowing the truth, continues uninterrupted. “My Father worketh hitherto, and I work” (John 5:17). It is the same I.

There is no ‘environment’ in allness, because allness is not surrounded by anything.

Barn House, 2nd January 2000

Remember, the “Footsteps of Truth” are never progressive steps toward Truth, but always the mortal misconceptions of Truth taking backward steps in its presence. You do not get better mist: only less mist. All Scientific advancement is from the standpoint of present perfection. Were this not so, where would Truth be whilst waiting for you to get there!

No Date

Never treat something as your problem however much it feels that way. Any claim comes to you simply because your nature is the exact reverse of what the claim seems to be. You are not meeting a woman’s problem but as the male and female of His presence, perfect in balance and inviolate in nature.

There is an interesting statement about Jesus healing the woman with an issue of blood where MBE says that “…he neither held her error by affinity nor by infirmity, for it was detected and dismissed” (Un. 57:15-16). This means, that we neither soak up the impressions of mortal mind because we are in sympathy with them (thieves attract thieves), nor are we taking on the infirmities of others. I think this is important to remember, when people care deeply about what is going on around them, want to help, and yet can allow their sensitivity to take in the mortal pictures that are presented. Your Mind can’t.

There is no crusade against the ills of the world. No ‘Mr. Valiant-for-Truth’; just Truth doing its own work of dispelling mist and revealing what already is.

If you have a copy of Unity of Good, there is a useful bit on page 54:3-10

Th April

Do not stay with the mortal having moments of understanding, for that leaves you at the receiving end of Truth, with Truth such a long way away and so many things in between! You see, Truth is absolutely all there is. There is only God’s kingdom, God’s consciousness, now. There never has been any other to get rid of or heal. We restore health not by eradicating disease, but by waking to the omnipresence of Truth and Love. Every problem is reduced to the belief in a life or mind or substance separate from and other than God. “The basic error is mortal mind” (S&H 405:1). All there is to a lump, a bankruptcy, a quarrel, is mortal mind, illusion. It is never the one and only kingdom. It is never your experience. It is real to itself only, and this self is nothing, nowhere, never. The only claim, the only problem, is the belief of a mind that is ignorant of the truth. You are not ignorant.

You cannot seek or desire anything but what is already your own, for you could not be conscious of some good, even as a desire, if it were not already part of your consciousness and so part of your being. You do not need a healing of anything, but just to lift your head above the belief that you could be ignorant of the ever-presence of infinite perfection now.

What appears as friends, family, etc., throwing error in your face is never that disguise but is always some phase of mortal mind, mesmerism, trying to masquerade as your thinking. “…hold that fast which thou hast…” (Rev. 3:11). Hold to the Truth you are, and the completeness and inviolate perfection that is your being. Truth holds to you: you don’t stick to Truth! You help what appears as others by lifting your own thought. The beholder heals himself not what he beholds: that appears as others being helped. You just give off God like a flower gives off perfume.

I AM. When we say ‘I’ we refer to the place our thinking has its inception. When we say “AM” we refer to the effect of that thinking. They are one. When thought arises from the testimony of the senses, that is the mortal. When thought originates from the divine Mind, that is the immortal and is the fact. The roller coaster is a level of experience that does not smooth out, because that is its nature. You live above that turbulence. You begin to recognise that it is not your level as you begin to gather the facts of being from the divine Mind. Then you don’t coast with it!

Barn House, 27th February 1997

Never get fussed about the pictures of mortal mind. When Truth asserts itself, it also shows up the futility and unreality of what is not Truth. When you learn that 2x2=4, it shows up the fact it is not 5 or 6. Therefore you do not get fussed about 5 or 6 but rejoice that they are not so. What Truth is asserting is throwing up the untenability of so much that material sense has thought true—about church, weather, government. Never stand aghast at nothingness, but know that what is not true is not true with that which fades.

Askers House, 26th August 1994

Truth cannot lapse or collapse out of itself. Unity 10: 11-20. Love faileth never. So any picture to the contrary is contained in the mirage, and is therefore nothing.

On the RC question. If you think you are treating persons then it is better not to stir up certain types of thought. If you understand that the Christ does not treat anything, but is conscious only of the impersonal, indivisible, universal and omnipresent truth of being, into which nothing alien can enter, then you are taking part in CS healing.

See the difference between the two pictures in Christ and Christmas—‘Treating the Sick’ and ‘Christian Science Healing’.

Barn House, 25th August 1998

It is so restful to remember that we do not have to hold on to Truth, for it is Truth that constitutes its own manifestation. There never was a separation between God and man, so no need to try and bridge the gap through any sort of medium, or by hanging on!

S&H refers to the material sense of existence as illusion, dream, mirage, unreal. It is nothing. MBE said that error is a zero with the rim rubbed out. What is left? There is not anything—not even something to be known as nothing.

Barn House, 22nd October 1998

S&H 167:20-31 and 288:3.

Flesh is defined as “a supposition that life, substance, and intelligence are in matter…” (S&H 586:18-19). It is the belief that there is an I, or ego, to say ‘I am in matter, I am subject to matter, I have a life and a mind of my own’. This is in conflict with the I that is Spirit, or spiritual consciousness alone, and the only Ego. This is a mental conflict between understanding and belief. It does not exist.

Radical reliance is not staying with the physical identity called person, which is the only place where the duality takes place, and then stoically trying to rely on Science instead of matter. That is duality, because it is a so-called mind that contains a consciousness of the truth and the error. To stay with God and His idea means to keep all sense of identity with the infinite One that consists of God and what God is knowing about Himself—what I, Mind, Life, am knowing and experiencing as My idea of Myself. Then this infinite truth dissolves belief, but does not try and do something to it. To think there is a truth and a patient, is a half-way position and fruitless.

The scientific government of experience is by the divine and only Mind constituting its own manifestation. “The body is not controlled scientifically by a negative mind” (i.e., mortal mind).

Radical reliance just means having thought rooted in the one Mind, and thus being unconscious of anything else to change and heal. This alone is what heals—because it only knows what is true. Light does not know darkness, even as a proposition. Yet it dispels darkness.

No Date

We stay with the emphatic present tense of such statements as S&H 151:18-24. Truth does not have an effect on error: it exists instead of the mortal picture, and the only thing it can do to error is to cause it to fade out in its presence. We do not watch Truth and error; only Truth. There is no material function, human heart, personal life. There is just the infinite, all-constituting, Adorable One. See 513:27-6.

The plane of persons is itself the mirage. The only Life, the only Mind, is God, and the stuff your daughter is made of, are God’s thoughts of peace, strength, joy, safety, etc. She is out of range of all that mortal opinion has ever said about her.

Divine Subjectivity

Barn House, June 14

Thank you for your good letter. I am glad things worked out and I hope the whole thing was enjoyable.

Since it is only mortal mind that claims to move from place to place, and since you live as the eternal stillness and immovable omnipresence of Love, there is no aftermath to your journey. You rest on and proceed from divine Principle, and this is the only foundation.

Progress is just the dropping off of misconception, and this never had anything to do with you, but only to mortal mind’s misconception of man. Mortal mind never made a condition. It is all there is to a mortal condition.

Barn House, August 29, 1999

You will remember the man that said his problems were Legion. The beauty of Science is that it shows that the belief of any or all problems obtains in the one misconception of man as mortal. It is not your misconception, but mortal mind’s, and false identity is not your mistake, but mortal mind’s. You begin with God, and man is that which identifies God, Life, Truth, Love, etc., in every detail.

Never accept Adam’s name for something and then try to work about it. The flesh (the supposition that life, substance and intelligence are in matter) has no name, no location and no identity. It is suggestion. And in the words of the Bible you can say to each suggestion, “Who art thou that repliest to Spirit?” (S&H 181:4) Who are ‘you’… talking to Me? Look up the word ‘you’ in the Glossary. (S&H 599:3) There is no personal you, because the I is Spirit, spiritual consciousness alone.

This is not your problem. It is mortal mind’s experience, and the work is to know that there is no mortal mind, no personal mind anywhere to hold a false concept of anything.

Full support, and keep in touch.

Barn House, September 6, 1999

S&H 301:23-29 is so important. The dreamer seems real to itself within the dream, but when you are awake neither the dream nor the dreamer are found to have anything to do with you.

You cannot put right the dream from within it, since it is just a ‘self-constituted falsity’. You cannot correct mortal mind by starting with that as your identity. You begin with God and know what is true of God as Life, Truth, Love; and you find that “We know no more of [and no less of] man as the true divine likeness, than we know of God” (S&H 258:16-18). Knowing God is being man, since man is the knowledge or understanding of God, inseparable from the Mind that conceives this man. What you are evaporates what you are not, without you having to fight it.

Barn House, 14 September

We read: “…Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” (Gal. 5:16). The ‘flesh’ is defined in the Glossary as “a supposition that life, substance, and intelligence are in matter…” (S&H 586:18-19) and it is this that cannot be fulfilled, filled full or satisfied, for it is illusion. To ‘walk in the Spirit’ is to walk as ‘I reveling in My own allness, oneness, completeness, universal happiness, indivisible satisfaction’, and all for no material reason whatever but simply because this is the way My being is. It has never been interrupted by suggestions of a mortal mind which is non-existent.

Barn House, September 28, 1999

The difference between matter and Spirit is one of point of view. There is only one universe, which in every detail proceeds from and as Mind, and is as perfect, safe, free and abundant as Mind. This Mind is the only I, or Ego. I, Mind, enjoying My own perfect view, AM not only perfect in every detail, but I AM unconscious of anything unlike Myself.

There is not Me here, and a potentially hostile world ‘there’. I and My body are one, for that which I manifest remains in Me and cannot depart in nature or experience from what I AM being.

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Читайте в этой же книге: Barn House, 25 February 2000 | Barn House, 11 December | Barn House, November 17 | Barn House, 28th May 1997 | St September 2004 | Barn House, 7 January | Barn House, May 29, 1997 | Barn House, August 21, 1997 | Barn House, June 7, 1996 | Barn House, December 18, 1997 |
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Sussex, 2nd September| Barn House, September 30

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