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Barn House, May 29, 1997

Читайте также:
  1. Barn House, 11 December
  2. Barn House, 18th April 1997
  3. Barn House, 19th January 1998
  4. Barn House, 25 February 2000
  5. Barn House, 28th May 1997
  6. Barn House, 4th March 1999
  7. Barn House, 7 January

Thank you for your card. All correct reasoning comes from and as Mind, reveling in the freedom of its own being. This is your Mind, and there is no other. The false testimony yields to what is, because it never had any life, truth or substance in it. S&H 516:4-8. To try and put the dream right from within the dream by holding oneself as a dreamer is stifling, to say the least!

It is the self-assertion of Truth that prepares the human mind (so-called) for a change of base, for there is nothing in this mind that could do anything on its own for it is mesmerism, neither mind nor Mind. Just be like a lily, not toiling or spinning but basking in your option-less God-being. (See Matt. 6:28)

S&H 107:8-14. This is your experience, for the one Mind is the dis-coverer: its light of understanding removes the covers of belief from Truth. God prepares thought for many years—both before and after the Christian era—by the self-assertion of His own sovereign everpresence, delivering the children of men from all earth-born taint, and so from the belief that they are children of men. Religion and medicine are Mind and earth-born taint is removed from both. Thoughts acquaint themselves intelligently with God because they are always God’s thoughts emanating from and as God. This heavenly conviction is always the law of Life and Love unfolding as you—as your consciousness—the demonstrable facts in 108:6-8 and the consequent truth that the only sufferer is mortal mind,—the dreamer dreaming its dream.

S&H 108:21-29 shows that the Science of Being is God-manifest. The belief of being is false testimony. Margin note: “Light shining in darkness”. You are the Light shining in darkness and you have never heard of darkness. Let this be your heavenly conviction, for it is!

No Date

There is no God and no man outside of your Mind which is all. You are the Mind and so the substance of your universe. You constitute of yourself, as Mind, all that appears as experience, and this appearance is your divinity, even if the world may see it as humanity. Living your divinity, you embrace all experience appearing as your humanity and as the “…highest human corporeal concept of the divine idea…” (see definition of JESUS, S&H 589:16-18).

Your Christ embraces, nurtures, prospers, unfolds and constitutes your Jesus.

But note S&H 114:2-3. Sick, sinful, repentant humanity is mortal mind disguised in these ways. Do not be fooled. Humanity in these terms is nothing but mortal mind, and to think of yourself as any sort of humanity and then try to see the effect of your divinity on it, is the wrong way. Your divinity is the only fact here and now, and has never included any sort of mortal sense. This is why “…the former things shall not be remembered, nor come into mind” (Isa. 65:17)because Mind begins now, and there is nothing back of Mind since Mind is original, and so there is no antecedent to what I AM now. This is the real message, the message of the Christ, that you voice to your world. The article you sent was a lovely tribute from someone who sees you as a wonderful mortal, but you know better!

The fact that “All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation…” (S&H 468:10-11) (man), automatically means that there is no life, truth, substance, or intelligence in matter or person. They are two perspectives of the same truth that all is Mind. S&H 569:6-11 and margin, and 52:10-23 are relevant. Also 505:28-2 and Un. 14:27-2.

Any science has a set of rules, laws, ideas, that constitute the body of knowledge of that science, and bases its practice. In divine Science, this body of knowledge is the knowledge, or understanding, of God, and this understanding is man. We take the book, eat it up. This is My body, the embodiment of My thoughts about Myself (S&H 14:10-11). As you read this book from cover to cover you learn about yourself. It is your autobiography. As you do this, you are constantly re-defining in the light of understanding what you are. You leave the theological for the scientific, and the physical for the metaphysical, and so find the ideas that lie behind the words, until all there is left is the Word of God saying I AM ALL.

Dream and Dreamer

Yew Arch, August 5, 1986

Many thanks for your letter. I think the passage quoted is telling us that when a flower unfolds, it does so from within. The seed contains all that is necessary. So your “calm and exalted thought” (S&H 506:10) is at peace because your understanding tells you of the completeness and perfection of being. From this spiritual standpoint, the mists that hide what exists begin to roll back and you call this “the dawn of ideas goes on, forming each successive stage of progress” (S&H 506:13-14).

Certainly the word “watch” is important, because we are watching the spiritual fact and not the material testimony. I also like the word “let”. “Let there be light” is simply telling the fearful human sense to get out of the way so what already is shines through.

Man and God are not partners. If you believe that, you will believe that one partner may fail. God is cause: man effect. As God is with us, as our thinking, the effect in daily life will be Godlike.

Barn House, December 8, 1998

Do study S&H 303:10-14. That which is born of human conception is identified with the crucifixion or duality, but there is no such conception. There is only mortal mind’s upside down view of conception. So the one conceiver has no partner, and there is no duality in the divine idea, so no conflict and no threat. You have no concern with corporeal sense because it does not exist. There is one source for all thinking, feeling and acting.

Mortal mind sees itself, its own mirror image. See 220:18-21. Mortal human mind is the kitten. It is not you. It thinks that there are others talking, fearing, etc., but there is no kitten image separate from the kitten and Science shows there is no kitten. It is never your thought.

Barn House, January 14, 1999

“God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite…” (S&H 465:9). God is the great I AM (S&H 587:5).


I am incorporeal—without physicality. Hence page 465:9-10

I am divine, not human. Hence page 465:10-11

I am supreme, with no competitor.

Hence page 465:11-12

I am infinite, without bounds or duality. Hence page 465:13-15

It follows that I am not in the human concept or supposition, which is all that is ever, in belief, buried or resurrected, all that has sinned or been redeemed, all that has been sick and then healed. As the Christ, “that blending with God”, I live as “the everlasting I AM” and never as supposition, or flesh.

March 5, 1991

I was glad to hear about the rain. I had written to someone near your part of the world on the matter of elements. The temptation is to expect something from the material elements, rather than recognizing that “from the infinite elements of the one Mind emanate all…” (S&H 512:21-22). The law of harmony prevails, and this may appear as rain or as drought-resisting plants!

September 24

When we cease to believe the dream, then its outcome ceases to concern us, i.e., we have nothing to do with the dream or dreamer. You see, the whole of mortal existence is a state of self-deception because its claim to origin is outside the infinite range of Mind (see S&H 513:26-6). So nothing stated on this premise can ever be true.

We start from the standpoint of present perfection, and know that the unconscious mortal mind (and this mind is always unconscious) cannot dictate terms to consciousness since “All consciousness is Mind, and Mind is God” (Ret. 56:18). Living outside all material form, nothing that is said to or about this form has anything to do with you, and you pursue your life with no regard to it. There are not two lives.

Barn House, July 1997

The temptation is to think that ‘we have to see through an illusion’. That is not so. Your Mind is God now, and does not dream the dreamer’s dream. All the information that comes to you through the five so-called physical senses is mortal mind’s dream, its upside down view of the one and only Life you are. Nothing that it says about you, a house, a sale, an agent, or anything else is ever true, even when it seems good. Please see S&H 277:24-32. Nothing in the dream of material existence—the material, human sense of existence—is true. For this reason, you do not try to know the truth about some human situation, because it is not possible to know something about nothing. You stay with God and His idea, and this means that your only concern is ever with what God, Love, Life, Truth, etc. is knowing about Himself in place of the picture. The “all-knowing” is only knowing its own contents. There is no material situation; just the eternal Truth in its place, and this alone is what dissolves the mist of mortal mind which is the illusion or mirage.

You stay in the realm of Mind enjoying all that is within it, and the “time-world flutters in my thought as an unreal shadow…” (My. 268:20) and is never part of your consciousness.

2 Tim. 2:19. The foundation on which you stand is sure because it consists of Mind knowing its own ideas of itself. This sealed up sum total of good is you. You are not made up of flesh, blood and bones, but of ideas like joy, goodness, freedom. Watch thought, that only such ideas are present. Thought from Mind forms its own likeness, or body.

Barn House, June 27, 1999

We have to love sufficiently to give all for Christ—that is, to drop off the belief that matter is the source or condition of any bit of existence—for the spiritual fact is that you exist as infinite Love in self-expression here and now. CS is the only method that is not trying to patch up the old man, but is offering instead a new man—a new view of man—that shows him to be whole, one with and perfect as the Father here and now. Science reveals your divinity, and not a new way to use your divinity to patch up your humanity. What the world sees to be humanity, consisting of a lot of personal lives and minds, is not man, and never can be, and it is a misuse of Science and a betrayer of hope to think that in any way Truth can come down to patch up that bit of humanity that you think is not functioning as it should whilst allowing you to stay in false identification as a mortal. The only healing is the falling away of misconception, ignorance, so that the underlying and present perfection is revealed.

Give up your belief that brain is the source of intelligence, that physique can determine movement, that eyes can see and ears hear, that you began a mortal life a number of years ago and that the experiences since cradle are your history. It is all the dream, the illusion. You don’t have to try and do something to a material condition. You let it fade out, naturally and necessarily, in the conscious presence of the spiritual fact. Let all your study be to know more of the spiritual fact, and love it as the true substance of yourself, and not to try to use what you are learning to make some human condition conform to what you humanly think should be the norm.

Love yourself for what you divinely are, and rejoice in what you really are, and take attention away from the reports of the body for better or worse. That which talks about matter is mortal mind talking about its misconception of man, and so has nothing to do with you. But, understand how to see CS correctly and not as an alternative method of curing a physical or personal problem.

Barn House, October 15, 1999

The whole thing is that I have never lived in person. The so-called ego that has lived as the dream character of mortal mind’s dream—that has been born, grown up, had experiences, hopes, disappointments, successes, failures, friends and enemies, or has consorted with other mortal egos—is all just not true. I, Mind, the only Ego, have always lived outside of this whole procession of snowflakes chasing each other to the ground. I live as the total experience of the allness of Good, unthreatened because there is nothing external to this allness to threaten. I have always been blissfully satisfied with the completeness and the beauty of My own presence.

April 29

You are not trying to get rid of anything. The completeness of being cannot be increased nor diminished. That is why there is no depletion or deficiency. There are no human goals to meet, but our spiritual goal is so to get out of the way that the fullness of God’s being is increasingly evident as our experience. Always start from the standpoint that you live as “…the stature of the fullness of Christ” (S&H 515:20-21) and as nothing less. What you divinely are causes what you are not to retreat.

You can spend and spend without diminishing what you are. The symbol called money will always be there in proportion that the qualities of Spirit, and not the anxieties of person, occupy our consciousness.

“Soul has infinite resources with which to bless mankind” (S&H 60:29). Soul is your spiritual sense, which does not judge by the human evidence.

I like S&H 196:15-18. Error has no power base, so it is impotent.

Paul thought he was a person trying to do the right thing, and so failing. “The good that I would, I do not….” Then he learned the futility of working from a wrong basis, for he discovered that nothing could separate him from the Love of God. The oneness of God and man as one Life, one Mind, one Being, is the fact.

The mortality of man is just one big hoax. Mortal mind, mesmerism, invents a mortal, ascribes to it problems, and then invents organizations called science, theology and medicine to explain, redeem and heal this misconception of being. Don’t be duped!

Fir Tree Cottage, March 18

Thank you so much for your letter. I am happy to continue, because it is just rejoicing in the wholeness and safety of your inviolate kingdom, it is not trying to change anything.

You see, evil, dis-ease of any kind, is never mentality but mirage, mesmerism. The great fact is that evil is not mind (small ‘m’). I do not fear it because I do not know it, and the state of fear concerning error is the same as the error itself. One lie. Mortal mind—a term only—takes cognizance of its own phenomena; so the problem is never in its phenomena, but the basic error of belief that a mortal is really an entity with its own mind and life, both of which are vulnerable. You have nothing to do with this. Always remember that the consciousness of man remains in the Mind that conceives man, and not in man. This is why you have no capacity to be conscious of anything that God is not. (See S&H 205:32-3) You have the same Mind, the same Life. And that which thinks otherwise is just the dreamer experiencing its dream and is not you, any more than the experiences of the sleeping dream ever touch what you are. You are so right that Life is not in the body, and S&H 27:10-18 puts this very well. The belief that there is a separate life from God is a myth and a non-starter. It just isn’t. You never have to protect against something. Allness never knows something outside to threaten it. S&H 27:14: “The I—the Life, substance, and intelligence of the universe—is not in matter to be destroyed.”

A doctor can only talk about his misconception of you, however dedicated his motives. We do not prophesy the future from a false basis of corporeality. True prophecy is reading the present correctly, knowing that all that is truly present must come forth and it is all good. But the sense of relief and freedom which you so rightly desire is not found within the terms of reference of the mortal person, for it belongs to your true identity which, here and now, is the outpouring of all that is resident in the divine Mind. This is your experience as you let only those thoughts proceeding from the divine I, the I or Mind that is Love, constitute your thinking. God’s thoughts constitute man: thoughts of joy, peace, completeness, patience, etc. These are the thoughts, or children, of God and they constitute the real man that you are. When these thoughts occupy your consciousness then all there is to you is the idea of God, so totally exempt from all that mortal sense has ever said or thought about you. True freedom is not ‘freedom from’ but the freedom that knows no alternative to being all that God is being.

Barn House, February 15, 1998

Sin is “The sinful misconception of Life as something less than God…” (S&H 542:29-1) and “The belief of life in matter sins at every step” (S&H 542:1). The belief constitutes the believer, just as the dream constitutes the dreamer and sin constitutes the sinner. The basic sin of ‘otherness’ includes all the variations on this subject that humans normally refer to as sin.

Barn House, October 2, 1997

Do look at S&H 442:19-22. The only improved belief is a melted one, not just a changed one. That which never was can never return. “…the place thereof shall know it no more” (Ps. 103:16).

Error is not nothing because you know it, but because it is nothing.

January 15, 1998

Mortal mind always tries to make things complicated, and this is because it has many factors before the thought instead of one fact, namely, spiritual existence. But mortal mind’s misinterpretation of the simplicity of the Christ as the labyrinths of its own dream has no power, presence, substance or truth in it. It is the mythical dreamer dreaming the dream about itself. The upside down view of mortal mind suggests that you have to relate to and balance a number of external pictures—persons, jobs, responsibilities, income, projects, etc. Yet all there is to any of these is the presence of infinite Love expressing itself in this or that language at any moment. The Bible says “Take no thought for your life…” (Luke 12:22) (job, income, etc.) and the reason is that man is not a thought taker. God takes thought, and man consists of the thoughts that God has about God. Man is not a thinker, or a doer, or a worrier, or an author, because thoughts are not thinkers and they never leave the divine Mind that alone does the thinking or knowing. That is why the lilies of the field get on much better than Tom, Dick or Harry appear to! They don’t try to do what they cannot.

Is the Adorable One divided up into clients, sellers, bosses, colleagues, or ‘otherness’ in any form? No! All there is to any of these is the Christ experiencing itself as one indivisible whole of good. No wonder it is exhausting if one tries to do the work of the Christ when anyhow it is already done! You have no responsibility except to enjoy your oneness with divine Principle, and your consequent separateness from all ‘others’. You cannot serve two masters: that is, you cannot identify yourself both as a personal mortal, with all the problems of finite sense, and with the God-idea, or Christ Science, which is Mind in self-expression.

January 24

Thank you for your call. The whole point is that we cannot analyse or rationalise the dream. We cannot ask why one dream character does this or that; why the relationship of one goes this way or that from another; what the cause of some dream effect may be. The whole combination of dream and dreamer—mortal mind’s dream of material existence—remains mirage. This mirage can only dissolve; you cannot change its form. But, in the dissolution, the underlying perfection of being is more clearly revealed, and is appreciable in the highest form that we can take. Remember, there is only one universe, and the removal of the mist of mortal mind does not do anything to it except reveal it.

The only relationship is from Principle to its idea—not idea to idea. The sunlight relates to the sun, but rays do not relate to each other. The fact that you include your womanhood in perfect balance with your manhood, since you live as the self-expression of the one Father-Mother God, is all you need to know, and you enjoy this before, and not because of, the illustration, however that may appear.

Never look for cause in a mortal past. The “belief of life in matter sins at every step” (S&H 542:1) and “the human sense of things errs because it is human” (S&H 99:16”). The mistake is not what the mortal has done, but in identifying with the mortal in the first place. This is mirage identity. The purity of your being, in which there is no duality and so no infection, rests on the fact that “…nothing inharmonious can enter being, for Life is God” (S&H 228:5-6). Spiritual purity, spiritual innocence, is always the purity of oneness, to which there has never been an alternative or option. You have never been a miserable sinner! Life is exempt from all evil. There is no accuser, no accused, no accusation. The story of evil is always written in the dust, the nothingness, of the ground. True identity is instant absolution from all the mortal has ever claimed to have done and so from its consequences. There is no merit in wearing a hair shirt. The Prodigal thought he had to work his passage back to the father by doing a spell of service, but he wasn’t allowed to, for the Father, Divine Principle, never knows anything but its own perfect, sinless expression.

June 15

So good to hear from you, and you surely did not need to introduce yourself! I shall be happy to work with you, and we know that our starting point is the emphatic present tense that declares what is right and not what has to be put right. We see this in passages like S&H 151:20-21; 275:10-12; and 516:4-5. What is termed mortal mind is not a conscious, living presence, and has no more power to disturb what is than the morning mist can touch the landscape that it appears to hide. The human, mortal mind and the pictures that it contains is mirage only. We read in Retrospection 67:19 that “…error made its man mortal…”, but error’s man is error’s dream, and all that its man is supposed to experience is part of its dream. You are never the dreamer, and have nothing to do with the dream.

Man is not active. Man is the activity of Mind. “…God’s laws, and their intelligent and harmonious action, constitute his individuality in the Science of Soul” (No and Yes 11:5-7). In this Science, Principle is above what it reflects, and this means that the activity, abundance, safety and continuity of everything exist in their Principle before the mirror and never in the image. Man does not live in man, any more than the image lives in the image. Image lives in its Principle, and has no capacity of its own separate from this Principle. Hence No and Yes 10:27-1, which puts your entire experience out of reach of the deflections of mortal mind.

Watch Principle, cause, and not effect, for man is the consciousness or knowledge of God, and it is “our ideas of divinity that form our models of humanity” (Peo. 14:10). Knowing God is being man. Knowing some aspect of God is being that aspect of man. Knowing the activity and completeness of God constitutes all there is to active and complete man. Effect does not see effect. Image does not have a right idea: image, man, is the right idea, the true divine sense of being.

The mortal picture is only the mirage. We expect nothing from it and lose nothing to it. See Miscellaneous Writings 365:18-19 only. The one, spiritual fact is your innate completeness, abundance, safety. The one Mind’s thoughts constitute you and your experience. All else is suggestion, not fact.

There are no alternatives and no decisions in Mind. The one spiritual fact held in thought outlines itself in the sweetest way; but the human illustration is not a result of Truth doing something to a human situation, but of the limited human sense of things fading out in the presence of eternal Truth, just as the blurred view in the early morning fades before the light of day. You are the light.

December 29, 1993

Many thanks for your letter and enclosures. Bicknell Young used to say, “I looked into the Mind that was God, and if it was not there, it was not anywhere.” We do not ever start with the dream, but always with Mind. Only what Mind, I, knows is true. All else is just mirage. It is just mortal mind’s upside down view of that which is already perfect and eternal.

Starting with Spirit (spiritual consciousness alone) as the only Life, we do not need another consciousness to confirm or deny what we are. See S&H 311:3-4.

So on we go rejoicing in the new birth in which everything is from above and is as irresistible as the dawn.

February 6

Thank you for your letter. I feel the need is to see that the whole of mortal history is the record of dreams, and none of this dream ever took place outside the mind of its author, mortal mind, any more than the characters and episodes of “Alice Through the Looking Glass” had any existence outside the mind of the author. This is why you cannot rehearse, explain, tinker with or rationalise the dream. You cannot associate with it. “The abiding consciousness of wrong doing tends to destroy the ability to do right” (S&H 405:24-25). Since everything is consciousness, it is the consciousness of what is right that alone banishes the consciousness of wrong-doing, either as cause or effect. Total innocence is your lot!

In the story of Jacob, told on pages 308 and 309 of Science and Health, none of this story took place at the level of Jacob, but at the level of “Mind dispelling a false sense and giving the true sense of itself” (Mis. 190:4-6). It was not Jacob trying to improve, but Truth disproving Jacob, thus revealing a higher identity called Israel. And even this had to go, for we read that he had to be renamed; and the new name, ‘written on a white stone’, is ‘I’.

You will find Unity 6:4-6 helpful. Just ‘behold [keep in sight] the Lamb of God’. That is all that is ever true of you. You live as ‘the light of the world’ and not as a window pane trying to clean up the face of it! What you are, has nothing to do with material conditions through which it seems to pass. “…for the place where thou standest is holy ground” (Acts 7:33). Remember, the fact about any error is that “the wind [the omnipotence of God] passeth over it and it is gone, and the place thereof shall know it no more” (see S&H 597:27-29).

In S&H we read that “We have no trials for sickness before the tribunal of divine Spirit” (S&H 441:33-1). Soul is the innate sinlessness of being, and this has never been on trial. You live above sin or frailty. The perfection and innocence of your being has never been open to question.

Specifically, do not start from the premise of what might have seemed wrong in relationships with another. To start with ‘another’ is the wrong way round and nothing will be truly right on that basis. It is the fact of your present self-completeness that is already established, so that you include all the qualities you would humanly seek in another. As this spiritual fact abides in consciousness, it asserts itself over the belief in its opposite, and the illustration is always the highest you can appreciate. But you don’t go after that which in itself can only be imitative.

“Naught is the squire, when the king is nigh…” (S&H 144:6). Don’t start with that which has to be second best, when the first is your present experience.

A physical diagnosis of disease merely reinforces belief in it. On the other hand, there is no merit in saying I have a belief of a physical problem, but as a faithful student I am going to work it out in Science! First, the belief, or claim, is all there is to it. Second, unless you see that a physical problem is not physical then there is no merit in choosing spiritual rather than material means to deal with it. The fact of Mind healing is that there is no disease; that “Disease is an experience of so-called mortal mind” (S&H 493:20-21) and that ‘a false belief is both disease and its cause’; and that you have nothing to do with dreamer or dream.

Do not even yearn to be embraced by the one Father-Mother, but know that your oneness with this Parent ensures your present experience of everything that Parent is knowing about its completeness now.

Thou art whole.

April 13

I was so happy to get your letter.

There is, as you know, no answer to the dream from within the dream. I like S&H 258:11-12. God’s idea of God constitutes reflection, but we do not stop there. To talk about God, or about He, or Mind, etc. is to objectify and to try to know God from the outside. This is impossible, for the lesser cannot contain the greater. See S&H 257:30-31. But God means ‘Principle and idea,’ and so you learn to read the definition of God in the Glossary from the standpoint of I, and you find that My idea of Myself constitutes all there is. My idea of completeness, strength, freedom, innocence, abundance, joy, safety, home, etc. is all. “A knowledge of aught beside Myself is impossible” (Un. 18:25-26). This means that everything that the dream postulates is mirage only. It is never a condition, a conscious presence. It is never person, or substance, or law. It is myth, so nothing, non-sense, non-entity. I know you not!

S&H 258:31-32. Spiritual sense means Spirit’s own sense. So again, Spirit’s, God’s, sense of all is discerned from the standpoint of God, the heart of divinity which sees the circumference of its own Being, and knows there is nothing else.

In this way, too, we see the ideas of My own Being, instead of mortal mind’s upside down view called the human concept, that is always limited, fallible, precarious, and untrue! The inversion of mortal mind, called persons, places and things, never touches what I AM in all My completeness.

May 26

Within the dream, the ‘operator’ (mortal mind) makes his subjects (mortals) believe they cannot handle themselves as they should. But you are not a mortal mind character, and what error says about error’s man is all within the dream, and is no part of your experience.

On page 392, you will note how often Mary Baker Eddy uses the word ‘you’, but if you look up this word on page 599 you will see that it refers to only the mortal, and again, not to you.

MBE once said, “The allness of good realized will redeem the past and capture the future, and then it will never be too late to experience the allness of good”.

October 31

In Revelation we read of one who sat on a great white throne, before whose face the heavens and earth fled away. The one is Principle and idea, God and man. The enthroned state is the “reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love” (Man. 41:21) already established as all that is true of you. The false sense of heavens and earth flee (they do not even have to be chased) before the face of this One.

In many places in the Bible we read how, at moments of great inspiration, the face of someone shone. And we read how Jacob saw the face of man as it were the face of God the moment he first saw the face of God. This is the only face. It is flawless.

The dream, in all its detail, is only ever known to the dreamer, theoretical mortal mind; and neither dream nor dreamer has ever formed part of the knowledge of your Mind. They are forever non-existent!

October 15

The great thing is to see that we are entirely separate from the dreamer’s dream. In this dream, the same whether waking or sleeping, there may be all sorts of events. Personal lives, needs, jostles, lacks, all come along—but like the characters in a novel, they do not exist outside the mind of their author, the dream itself termed mortal mind. They are unknown to your Mind. See S&H 188:11-21; 491:21-4 and margins. Never get into the dream to try to improve it. Pour in Truth through flood-tides of Love: flood out the error with the actual truth of being.

June 25

The reverse of harmony is only apparent to material sense. S&H 477:13-17. I am unaware of it, and do not fear it. There is no dearth in the land of Christian Science, the consciousness of the oneness and allness of Divine Love, the underived. This is why the light that you are is untouched by the conditions of the window pane through which it shines. S&H 514:1-3: The plane of persons, and limited bits of existence, does not exist.

S&H 259:17-18: “The true likeness cannot be lost in divine reflection.” When you see your image in some water it may be cloudy, clear, ruffled or serene. Mortal mind is a harp of many strings. But when you move away from the water there is no reflection left. You take it with you. You deduce, therefore, that mortal mind’s image, good or bad, present or lost, is a phenomenon of mortal mind. An objective, externalised reflection is no image, for it is but the phenomenon of mortal mind.

But “in divine reflection” the image is never separate from, and does not leave, the Principle that forms it and knows it. It cannot be lost, but is always present to that Principle or Mind. Mind always has its reflection or body with it, and this body, reflection, is subject to the Mind that forms it. Hence, “…have but one Mind, even God; for this Mind forms its own likeness” (S&H 216:32-1) and keeps it!

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