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Dorset, 11th August 1994

Читайте также:
  1. AUGUSTINE Confessions, II, 3
  2. AUGUSTINE Confessions, II, 3
  3. Augustus Gloop Goes up the Pipe
  4. Barn House, August 21, 1997
  5. Chapter 1August 1962
  6. Excerpt from Miss Julie by August Strindberg, the Play Seen by Natalie and Markus on Their Second Date

There is one business and one Principle that carries it on. It is not conducted through the medium of matter. My. 349:11-10 (and indeed, much else on that page) is lovely. You and your whole experience are clothed in Truth, and the only investment is the glory of God which you are. The fact is not applied to the personal sense of things, but is the eternal truth in place of the upside down view of substance that is presented by mortal mind from a non-existent standpoint outside the focal distance of infinite good.

You live as the body or embodiment of good, and not as a person with a body. You live as the experience of all that Principle is knowing about itself.

Dorset, 3rd August 1994

“God’s thoughts are perfect and eternal, are substance and Life” (S&H 286:21-22). These thoughts, emanating from, resting upon, divine Principle, are Principle’s own interpretation of the one universe and constitute its experience, or man. So-called thoughts, such as fear, doubt, regret, etc., are not from the one Mind, the one Thinker, the one source of thoughts, and so are nothing. They are not even mentality. Just mesmerism, and with no power to touch you. Never get into battle with error. It is nothing. If God fills all space, then there is no place for a personal mind or a personal experience and body.

The Father’s business is the only one, and consists of the knowing that the Father is doing. This knowing is the only activity. My Father works/knows, and I work/know, because it is the same Mind. This knowing is infinite, indivisible, universal. Not, truth here and not over there. It is allness.

Reading Science and Health

Barn House, 31st January 1999

It is always a pleasure to answer any questions I can. In the structure of Science and Health we are led from chapter to chapter towards the key one, called “Science of Being”. After a brief appeal to “unbiased Christian thought” in the chapter on “Prayer”, MBE gives us two “marriages” (called in a later margin ‘espousals supernal’). The first, on Atonement, is the oneness of God and man. The second is the all-inclusiveness of God’s one indivisible image, or self-reflection, man, as representing both male and female qualities of being.

We then have a chapter dealing with “Science, Theology and Medicine”, which are three modes of human thought to be seen in a new light as three modes of divine understanding.

Then comes “Physiology” which, as a term in Webster’s dictionary, is referred to as the “organisation of parts”. The whole of human experience seems to be this: the parts of a body, of a family, of a business, or even of the world, called United Nations. They all have to cooperate. This is just error. Being is one.

Next is an important chapter called “Creation”. Because we live in a world of thought, this word is better understood as “conception”. We find two views, or conceptions, of the universe: one from the standpoint of material sense and the other from that of Mind. Only the second gives the true idea.

Now, we see how “Footsteps of Truth” fits in. Conceived from the standpoint of material sense, these footsteps appear to be uphill, struggling. Everything is seen from the standpoint of that which has fallen from grace, and has to work its passage back to perfection. This thinking starts from the basis of man as reproached by God, ever since Adam, and this is the teaching of old theology. But scientifically these footsteps are really the retreating steps of a false sense before the light of Truth. It is not man who is reproached by Truth, nor is it man approaching Truth, but always Truth reproaching error. We read that “Perfection is gained only by perfection” (S&H 290:19-20). Starting with the perfection of being as it really is, all that does not constitute this perfection just falls away like darkness before the light. Hence the key words in this chapter are yield, dissolve, disappear (in reference to error) and reveal, disclose, uncover (in reference to Truth) e.g., page 200:16. When you dis-robe error, or take off its disguises, you dis-cover Truth.

You start from perfection as understood from the standpoint of the only I or Ego, and thus you dispense with the struggling, anticipating, and disappointment that was the experience of the Children of Israel, who thought the Promised Land was outside of consciousness, at the other end of a desert in space and time. Science does not teach just another way to cross the desert of human hopes. If it did, what would be the good? It teaches instead the present oneness of God and man and the kingdom within: within Mind’s correct view, or conception of being.

So you start and stay with the perfection, freedom, harmony, and glory of your own omnipresent, omnipotent being, because you live as Truth in self-manifestation.

No Date

The great thing about Science and Health is that it is illumined. We can read what others may write, and that helps us to see something in a new light. But these writings never have the unique quality of the Textbook, which unfolds all the time from within. No matter how much we study it, it is always fresh.

Th October 2003

Many thanks for your letter. It seems to me that you have reached a wonderful point, since when the human mind says ‘I don’t know’, this is the first step towards that so-called mind giving up all pretense that it ever could know anything. The one Mind, or God, is “the all-knowing” (S&H 587:5) and it is for this reason that your only capacity to know God, or Truth, is the Mind that is itself God. You therefore look at the Textbook in a new way, because you are no more trying to learn about God from a standpoint outside of Him but are reading the Textbook as the Mind that is God unfolding itself as your consciousness. In a sense you are reading your own autobiography, accepting what is true of God as your own being, and discarding what might be called the educational bits that related to the human sense of things disappearing.

Sussex, 28th December 1984

The two accounts of Genesis are two views of one creation. The first is everything seen from the standpoint of God, the creative intelligence that “…is of purer eyes than to behold evil…” (S&H 243:22-23). The second is the view that starts with the evidence of the physical senses, and then reasons back to what is supposed to be the creation of “…the Lord God [Jehovah]…”. (See S&H 520-543) One reasons correctly from cause to effect; the other from effect to cause. To say that the material universe is unreal requires explanation, for it is very real to that level of awareness that believes it is conscious through the senses. On the other hand, it is not real to that true level of consciousness that the Bible describes as that Mind that was “in Christ Jesus”. (See Philippians 2:25) The basement and the top storey views of anything are characterised by the viewpoint.

The basis of Judaism and of much Christian theology is the assumption of a fall, because this is the only way in which things can be explained from the standpoint of the senses. Given this basis of sensory perception, the best human efforts are then directed to patching up or redeeming the picture before them. But, as with Humpty Dumpty, the king’s horses and doctors cannot always put him together again!

The other approach is to accept the first account of creation as true and final, and to accept then, that the material, fallen view of creation is not an alternative but a misconception of the true. And a misconception always disappears when the true conception is understood. Hence “…ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32).

If we accept the second approach, then the curse on human motherhood of “…in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children…” (Gen. 3:16) and all the difficulties that belong to what is called human womanhood, are progressively annulled because they do not measure up to the yardstick we have accepted of the first account of creation. One of the early Christian symbols of woman was a bleeding swan that had drawn her own blood in order to protect and deflect attention from her children. This is surely not the one, indivisible, “‘male and female’ of God’s creating” (S&H 249:5).

The Bible tells us that “…the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind” (Isa. 65:17). The sorrows and fears of the human sense of things do not belong to the Mind that was in Christ Jesus. And this is your only Mind.

Barn House, 30th November 1998

Do ponder S&H 507:3-6 where we see that which appears in the line of spiritual conception is the divine fact embracing the appearance in the sweetest way. We work with the spiritual fact, and do not look at the appearing. Also see 331:23-24. We conceive as Spirit, as I, and not about something separate from Me.

Barn House, 6th December

You may like to look at Mis. 167 where you have the questions and answers. Only the latter (the answers) apply to the truth. The truth is all that the divine conceives. Also ponder S&H 263:1-6. There is nothing to the human concept but swaddling clothes.

I think this whole chapter on Creation is useful to you, but read “Conception” for Creation. Mind conceives only its own divine idea.

Barn House, 25th October 1998

I have been enjoying the chapter on Physiology, which in Webster is defined as the study of the organisation of parts. It is the basic denial of Science, for at every level of belief, from the United Nations to the parts of a family to the bits of the body, the whole false law believes in the interdependency of bits and parts. And when these do not cooperate there is trouble. But being is one infinite indivisible whole, and is perfectly knit together as One.

Passages like 187:29-4 and 188:11-17 are clear. The human mind holds in belief a body which appears to the human mind to live, but neither this mind nor this body has any real existence, for it is all the dream and you do not live in it. This is why we read that “…disease does not dignify therapeutics” (S&H 149:27). The whole of material existence being a dream, what is called disease or health, poverty or abundance, in matter is simply a state of theoretical mind (with a small ‘m’) and so never touches the reality of infinite Mind and its idea.

We can never accept a false identity and then try to put right what we think is wrong with it, for the truth does not lie in the mortal/human terms of reference. Hence S&H 186:7-10. The only place Truth and error seem to mingle is the human personality, but there is not such a thing, and so no place where these opposites ever touch. This is why your Life is exempt from all evil.

Barn House, 17th December 1998

S&H 91:2-7 has an interesting statement on control. MBE asks if we have ever imagined a universe inhabited by spiritual beings under the control of supreme wisdom. It sounds good, but wait! The next sentence begins with the words “Let us rid ourselves of the belief that man is separated from God.” She might have begun that sentence, ‘If you have imagined this, you had better stop doing so!’ Why? Because it is not possible to divide Being into beings, since Being is one infinite, indivisible whole. And if there are separate beings, then the concept of something being obedient to something else is there.

Someone once asked MBE if there is anything to man but obedience. She replied, “What vision!” Man is not obedient to something else. Man is obedience. He is the evidence of all that his infinite cause is being, and has no capacity to be or do otherwise. True control is exercised by Mind over its ideas, because Mind constitutes these ideas of Himself and they remain in Mind.

The Christ, which is the truth about yourself as much as about Jesus, was never at Calvary, and that was the real demonstration and not what the disciples interpreted it to be. Do look at No and Yes 36:6-20.

A man called yesterday. He is new to Science but has got the right idea of it. His sister was in hospital with cancer and had all sorts of treatments like chemotherapy. He had been reading the chapter on Recapitulation and my new book on this. He said this: “I, the only I, never had cancer: so no one has. If cancer was an idea it would be infinite, indivisible, and everyone would have it. But because the I is wholly good and is God, no one has it.” He went to visit his sister a couple of weeks ago and found her completely healed and about to be dismissed from hospital. Likewise, you have never had a physical problem because if something is not the experience of God, Mind, it cannot be the experience of man, idea.

Editor’s Note: The book referred to here is “They Shall Be All Taught of God”, available through Mulberry Press.

Norfolk, 6th May 2003

It is helpful to remember that the large portion of the Textbook is simply there for denial. As the physical or merely moral degrees of thought yield to the eternally spiritual, the limited human sense takes backward steps as it yields to Truth. These are ‘the footsteps of Truth’. All that concerns us is the third degree where, because there is no mortal mind, there is no corporeality and nothing to make a material sense of man. Health belongs to the third degree (S&H 555:2 only). In the same way, in the third baptism in Miscellaneous Writings page 205, all that is true of man is the “disembodied individual Spirit-substance and consciousness.”

In both cases, because “…the last shall be first, and the first last…” (Matt. 20:16) we start and stay with the absolute Truth, and feel no impulsion to join the host of pilgrims trying to climb up another way. In the picture in Christ and Christmas called “The Way” have you ever tried holding it upside down and thus, so to speak, making the last first? You will see that the Way of the light does not actually pass through the crosses on the way of ‘endeavour’.

Th December

You might like to study and ponder the short chapter in S&H on Creation. Physically, creation is an event in time. Spiritually, conception is a standpoint of thought. We saw last week that God is the only cause and conceiver, and that man is not a conceiver. The only correct conception of being is conception unconfined as seen from the divine Mind. Any other point of view is misconception and so inconceivable!

The key words in the chapter are concept, conception, view, idea, etc. Having the Mind of God, we “…conceive such omnipresence … as infinite Spirit or Mind” (S&H 331:23-24). There is nothing outside of this Mind to conceive. Only Mind conceives. “All we correctly know of Spirit comes from God…” (S&H 84:28).

To conceive from and as God is to let all scales fall from our eyes. Personal sense is blindness because it is obstruction. It has no light of its own. We cannot live as persons called Christian Scientists and then expect to perceive Truth. Truth perceives Truth. God sees what God has made and sees it as good, or God.

How we conceive determines what we perceive. The viewpoint determines the view. You have been shown that “Not materially but spiritually we know Him [as] divine Mind…” (S&H 140:7-8).

Sussex, 31st August

I have been enjoying Recapitulation. The first three questions on page 465 start with the basic one: What am I? You see, Principle and idea is God, and you can only know from the standpoint of the one I. Then on page 475 comes the question about man, and again ‘I’ answer this question. Only Principle, Mind, can know idea. Idea cannot know idea. This is the oneness in which we see that the only capacity is always Mind, cause, and is never resident in man. This is what God has joined together and no man can put asunder. It is this that is “…immovably fixed in Principle” (S&H 93:12-13).

Your whole Life is this one, indivisible, infinite, “…omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent Being…” (S&H 465:18-1) with nothing taking place in bits, portions or locations. Everything of God is infinite indivisible Being, and you leave the mortal terms of reference in their entirety. You do not try to patch them up for “Even Christ cannot reconcile Truth to error…” (S&H 19:5).

Th August 2003

This Lesson takes us through several stages of emerging light, and the key is S&H 333:19-23. It is always the same light, whether it seems to be a glimpse or the full radiance. First, we have the glimpse of spiritual foundation in Abraham. Then, the transformation of character from Jacob to Israel. Then, the Children of Israel, who are the striving children of earth being guided.

Fourth, we have man as the exact opposite of material sensation, i.e., spiritual awareness. Then, the kingdom of heaven in whose light we see light because we are looking out from God.

Lastly the land of Christian Science, where there has only ever been light and you know that the last shall be first. Nothing is going on except “Truth’s immortal idea is sweeping down the centuries…” (S&H 55:15) with no persons involved.

Barn House, 20th May

I have been enjoying Footsteps of Truth. The whole thing is that matter does not approach Spirit, but Spirit reproaches matter. In this chapter we find that belief yields, melts, dissolves, disappears, is disrobed; and understanding, or Science, is revealed, disclosed. These are the key words. Old theology tries to graft holiness onto unholiness, that is, to make the mortal more God-like, but this is building on a false foundation and it is not possible to add nothing to nothing and make it into something. There is not better ignorance, only less. Perfection is the fact, and perfection is only gained by perfection. Error is flooded out by pouring in Truth through flood-tides of Love. Error dis-robed of its disguise as person, place or thing, is Truth uncovered, or discovered. The Footsteps of Truth are therefore the retreating steps of error in the presence of the eternal divine.

The justification of Jesus that he made himself the Son of God meant that the abandonment of the human concept, called Jesus, left only the Son or consciousness of God, which was God’s self-understanding without any person. This is the effect of God understood by God. (See 203:7-12)

There is no third something, called a mortal man, to provide an arena where Truth and error mingle. Mortal man cannot improve, but Truth disproves the mortality of man. (294:31). The tares (belief) are separated from the wheat (understanding) in the time of harvest through the understanding that the harvest is now, not four months away, and so the ever-presence of good precludes the belief of evil (207:18-19 and 300:17-22).

Whatever blesses one in Science blesses all because there is no ‘otherness’ to bless.

Th July 2003

We can let the spiritual idea, which is Mind’s concept of everything, do its own work, which may appear as the sweeping down the centuries and removing what is not true, or it may appear as the Children of Israel being guided through the Red Sea. It is always the universal and indivisible presence of God at work, and precluding any sense of a personal problem or of persons, places, and things being a factor.

Universal Truth is reflected as universal manifestation, or man. In the paragraph beginning on page 249:5, the word “let” appears several times. When it says “Let us” it means that you are talking to the belief of a mind that thinks it has to work something out, and are saying: Let the only I or Us do its own work without thinking that ‘you’ are a factor, or that, in some way, Mind must be manifested as matter.

Th July

MBE does speak of chemicalisation, and the stirring up of thought, as when an alkali destroys an acid. But she always talks about mental chemicalisation. It only takes place in a so-called mental realm where there are believed to be two powers. There is no spiritual chemicalisation, because the allness of Spirit, God, does not know anything to destroy. The great thing is to remember that you are identified with the stirrer, and not the stirred.

All that is going on is one infinite and indivisible Life unfolding as the detail of your experience. As this unfolding goes on, the inadequacy of the mortal concept of anything is thrown up only so that we see, by inversion, the total adequacy of Truth. There is one stature of man, “the stature of the fulness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13), and you are not any lesser man than this.

Science simply teaches this one Life seen from the standpoint of the divine Mind, instead of a so-called human mind. In this ‘pure Mind’ there is no sickness, no pain, no other law, and “…the former things are passed away” (Rev. 21:5-6).

Jesus was clad in the seamless robe. Robe or garment, in the Bible, always meant consciousness. So we read in John 19:23 of his garment woven in one piece from the top. This is your true consciousness, proceeding from the top, from the divine Mind, without seam or rent, without evidence of repair or need for repair. Hold this sense of Life, your Christ Life, your safe, unthreatened Life seen from the standpoint of God, and all unlike it flees away in your presence.

Barn House, 6thMarch 1997

In our initial study of Science we think in terms of trying to apply it to the human body and mind, despite S&H 293:9-10. But we read on page 91:32-2 that it is an erroneous postulate to believe that man has a material body which is part of himself. To believe this erroneous postulate is then to think that this body is our responsibility to feed, clothe, employ, exercise, complete and satisfy, forgetting that the lilies of the field get on well without human attention!

The fact is that man does not have a body but is the body, the embodiment, the experience, the expression of infinite Love, and that all sensation, intelligence, substance and life reside in the Mind that is manifesting this body of ideas, never in body.

Personal sense is outraged by this thought, but the fact remains that the mortal is a ‘self-constituted falsity’ assuming itself to be something, when Science exposes human, material nothingness. See S&H 345:26-30, 301:5-9 and 24-29. Man is “…that which has no separate mind from God…” (S&H 475:19) and this means that the only way in which to be conscious of the real man/universe (they are synonymous) is from the standpoint of the divine Mind itself. This Mind never knew and so never had to un-know a material body. I know it not.

Dorset, 28th March

It was because of the glory bestowed upon Jesus that sin, sickness and death could not tempt him. The same goes for you, for you live as “…the spiritual outpouring of bliss and glory” (S&H 574:14-15) the heavenly City or consciousness that is not tempted to believe in another. Living as infinity, there is nothing else within the range of your experience. Error cannot hurt that which it cannot see or know.

The basis of Science is that there is just one Mind, the I of your being that can know and experience only good. Keep it that simple, and never weigh the human picture in the scale with the divine. The admission of error as consciousness is all there is to it.

Barn House, 23rd March 2000

We have nothing to do with outcomes. One fact should occupy the thought, namely, the spiritual idea. Intelligence governs. Love presides. Principle alone adjudicates. Reflection has no say in anything. I am sure the natural sweetness of the children is being appreciated, and there is nothing to cause pressure because there is no outside.

We do not use arguments. MBE never did. “Truth is affirmative” and so does not argue. It is all. (See No and Yes 30:18-20)

On the other matter you mentioned, I like 568:5-8. We do not fight error. We lay down that which error sees and tries to fight. This is the only way we find the nothingness of error and the allness of Truth. Hence Mis. 209:32-1. “Divine Love, as unconscious as incapable of error…” does not fight or argue. S&H 577:4-11 is saying, ‘I will show you the Bride.’ I will show you how to conceive man in the idea of God, for knowing God is being man in the fullness of the ‘male and female’ of His presence.

Th August

When the Textbook says, “Entirely separate … is the Life divine…” (S&H 14:25) it means that your Life is forever separate from the dreamer (mortal mind) and its dream (called material existence). There is not a process of separation. This is why you do not have to follow this sentence from the Textbook with the words, ‘but I have to see this!’ There is no personal mind seeing or not seeing in Science. There is only the one, infinite, all-hearing, all-seeing, all-constituting Life that I AM, oblivious of any other state of being and knowing no dreamer or dream. The material record is the record of dreams, but of this dreamer, and not of ME.

So you are not a mortal hanging on to Truth! Ps. 110:1 really means ‘Spirit says to my spiritual sense, stay with the spiritual fact until matter is put under foot.’

S&H 33:22. “gives all for Christ” does not mean that you have to make a personal sacrifice and lose something that is real. That is martyrdom. It means that we drop all belief that there is any good outside of present consciousness, and we drop this false sense of good because our Mind already includes the maximum of good.

Never stay at the receiving end of Truth. It is your present, optionless identity with Truth that makes the experience of all good yours now.

Norfolk, 9th October 2004

I said I would make some notes about the chapter on Spiritualism, originally entitled “Imposition and Demonstration”. Spiritualism is all that is retrogressive, blighted, backward, confined. It is the opposite of infinite progression. Some of its phases include personal mediumship, control, recollection, and communication. It includes personal intervention, interference, inter-relationship, inter-dependence, etc. The word inter denotes a medium, and the attempt of this downward thought is to reduce understanding to the level of belief where the symbol, rather than the spiritual fact dominates. We have the symbol in our present sense of the universe only because God already exists. It is nothing in its own right, but merely the name that a limited appreciation of the idea gives to its own sense. The symbol is not a vehicle through which the idea must pass in order to be expressed. As thought approximates the divine Mind the symbol becomes redundant.

The basis of spiritualism is personal sense, which having no Truth to sustain it, diminishes into nothingness, as we see in the final pages. Personalities, spirits, ghosts, hallucinations, etc. are all equated. “There is but one Spirit” (S&H 70:6-7). Man is the spiritual activity of Mind, Spirit, but is not a spirit. As Mind’s own divine understanding of itself, man informs Mind what Mind is and so is Spirit, Mind, in self-expression. See such passages as S&H 70:9-11, 466:7-10, 71:29-32 and 594:22-24.

You will find a number of definitions of spiritualism in this chapter: 71:29-32; 73:10-14; 75: 8-9; 77:28-29; 79:11-12 and 84:24-27.

If you have a copy of S&H that you don’t mind writing on, it is worth underlining the key words as you go through it (i.e., return, backward, repetition, etc).

This chapter is most important, because after the initial discovery of the allness of good, as outlined in the first three chapters, MBE was forced to uncover the denial of Science, or what a margin calls “dangerous resemblances”. This follows the same pattern as Recapitulation, where the first three questions deal with God and the fourth question effectively takes up spiritualism. Unless the question on page 466 is understood, it is impossible to move on to the answer on page 467.

I hope this might give focus to our study; I find it an exciting chapter. I always love page 95:30-32 and margin.

Barn House, July 21, 1998

S&H 350:24-30 and margin, 74:26-28, and 316:3-7, and also No and Yes 30:7-8, are worth pondering.

As “The highest human corporeal concept of the divine idea…” (S&H 589:16-17) we see Jesus as a type of thought rather than person. Indeed, in the First Edition where we now read on page 314 that “Jesus was the mediator between Spirit and the flesh”, Mary Baker Eddy wrote that he was “the intermediate belief.” Accepting this intermediate state of thought as our consciousness, we see divine Truth in terms of its effects on human minds and bodies because the Science of being has not yet been understood. We see a life-link forming the connection through which the real reaches the unreal, even though we read in the Textbook in many places that such a link is, in fact, impossible. There is no bridge across the gulf between the two.

But when the Christ Science is understood, the concern is no longer to heal human minds and bodies but to recognise that “…the human mind and body are myths” (S&H 150:32-1) and that “This so-called mind and body is the illusion called a mortal, a mind in matter” (S&H 293:9-10). We find that “God’s law reaches and destroys evil by virtue of the allness of God” (No and Yes 30:7-8). We leave the intermediate state described in Mis. 188:16-24, where the effects of Truth on the material senses are seen, for Spirit’s allness as revealed in Science.

In enjoying this new standpoint from the mount of vision where Mind sees Mind and all its forms apparent as Mind, the intermediary standpoint is discarded. We have left the Jesus thought for the Christ, thus fulfilling “…the new understanding of spiritual Love. It gives all for Christ, or Truth” (S&H 33:22-23). The Bethlehem Babe is only ever the shade of the God-idea, Life encrowned. (See Hymn 23, Christmas Morn)

We cannot cling to positions outgrown.

Editors’ Note: A further article on this subject, “Reading the Christian Science Textbook” by John Hargreaves is published in Monitoring My Universe, Mulberry Press, 2008, and is available through the online store at www.MulberryPress.com.

Truth for Truth’s Sake

Barn House, 19th October

In response to a letter from a mother concerned about her teenage daughter.

There is no person bearing witness to Truth: just Truth bearing witness to itself. Intelligence is the prime quality of eternal Mind, and this is beautifully expressed in Mis. 183:10-19. Also, in S&H 505:18-21 and margin, we see that the unfolding takes place from within, just like a flower opening, and not as a result of information being pushed in from the outside. It is also intelligent to refuse to opt for second best. The teenage talk of peers only hides an inner desire for completeness and satisfaction, and this is only because they do not know what either are. When you know what is true, there is no need to go for a substitute. Maintaining her relationship to her Principle, and not to the voices of others, nothing is lost but she will find that she will lift up others to her standard.

The English divine, James Russell Lowell, once said, “Be noble, and the nobleness that lies in other men, sleeping but never dead, will rise in majesty to meet thine own.” Her nobility of character is the natural effect of God-manifest. God and man are not two entities, knowing each other, but one being. Man is just what God is being, and in that way alone is inseparable from God. This is “…a divine influence ever present in [as] human consciousness…” (S&H xi:16-17).

Barn House, 16th December

Do look at S&H 416:16 only, in contrast to 467:3-4.

The prevalent attitude of students is to retain identity as the mortal ‘me’ which is just illusion, and then attempt to get Science to help ‘me’. It does not and cannot work. To begin with this ‘me’ is to begin with illusion and then try to tinker with it.

To begin rightly with God is to begin by recognizing that the only I or Me is Spirit, and that this Me never was personal or limited or sick or anything else. We do not try to apply this spiritual fact to the illusory ‘me’, which is just a false statement of what I AM, but we just let the false sense of identity fade out in the light of the realization that the only Life, the only identity, the only Mind, the only everything is the I or Me that is God and that this is ALL.

Person does not begin rightly, but God begins with God. I begin with I and I have always lived as I, and there has never been a personal finite ego in the whole of eternal Truth. The morning mist yields to the sunlight, but it does not get better. But as it dissolves, the one and only landscape which is always there appears more distinctly. Science does not heal the mortal but removes the illusory impression from man, thus revealing the one and only man to be just what he always is.

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