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Exercise 16. Translate into English.

Exercise 5. Translate into English. | Exercise 2. Translate into Ukrainian. State the forms and functions of the infinitive. | Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English using the infinitive. | Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences into English using the Objective Infinitive Complex. | Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into English using the Subjective Infinitive Complex. | Exercise 2. Transform the following sentences using participle phrases instead of the subordinate clauses. | Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English using the required form of the participle. | Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English using the Objective Participle Complex. | Exercise 2. Use the words in brackets in the correct form. | Exercise 2. Complete the sentences. |

Читайте также:
  1. Amp; Ex. 6. Read the text and make its summary in English.
  2. B Complete the sentences using the words from exercise 3a.
  3. Exercise 1. Change the sentences according to the model.
  4. Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence .
  5. Exercise 1. Read and remember the following phrasal verbs.
  6. Exercise 10. Choose the correct variant.
  7. Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with a word in relation with the one in brackets.

1. І чому я не розповіла їй про це! 2. Якби ви знали, де вони зараз! 3. Якби він (тоді) прийшов вчасно! 4. Якби вона тільки так не хвилювалася на іспитах (завжди). 5. І навіщо вона розхвилювалася!6. Якби вони (тоді) не збилися з шляху! 7. І навіщо тільки вони сварились!


Exercise 17. Translate the sentences with Subjunctive Mood + Indefinite Infinitive

1. It would be unwise, however, to attach too much significance to a purely formal title.

2. It should be stated that we are assuming throughout this chapter that the primary condition that the system be stable is already satisfaction.

3. It is desirable that the output signal be a linear function of the input signal.

4. It is important that the satellite not be dependent upon orientation relative to the sun or the earth.

5. Air cooling instead of water cooling would also reduce the weight of the engine, but a larger blower (fan) would be required to keep the engine cool.

6. For a system to be in complete equilibrium it is necessary that there be mechanical equilibrium.

7. For example, you may choose to work late rather than go home; but you wish that the option of working late were unavailable.

Exercise 18. Translate the sentences with Subjunctive Mood + Perfect Infinitive

1. There are many factors that could have contributed to this relatively small imbalance.

2. It is evident that the motor car of today could not have been produced in the quantity and quality without the liberal use of forgings.

3. It was considered at first that a cubical design of telescope would have been adopted.

4. If the Telstar satellite had been built using the state-of-the-art of a decade ago it would have been a very different satellite.

5. Although these mechanisms work, it is a key area of DA 4 that could have been designed better.

6. They would have preferred to have stayed on to continue the fight against the enemy, but this was refused them.

Exercise 19. Translate the sentences with Subjunctive Mood paying attention to modal verbs

a) 1. I should agree with him. 2. Anyone would agree with him.3. He proposed that we should go fishing in the evening. 4. We insist that the problem be dealt with by the Security Council in its full composition. 5. Without your help the work would have had much more mistakes. 6. In the entrance exams he missed some questions which a schoolboy could have answered. 7. It is not surprising; therefore, that Rome should begin to take a greater interest in the affairs of Greece. 8. The load finally became unbearable. The people refused to pay taxes and asked that all debts be cancelled.9. It was inevitable that William the Conqueror (1) should feudalize England. 10. This custom would have seemed strange to us.11. He arranged that they should be relieved of their work for that time. 12. Milton (2) demanded three things of poetry: that it be simple, sensuous and expressive.13. I hope that I can indicate methods that might be developed further.14. Regrettable as that may be in view of the antiquity of our texts, the material is certainly too ambiguous.

b) 1. They demand that their trusts and monopolies be given free access to these countries. 2. Pound (a poet) is a master of rhythmic invention in verse; there is probably no one who would want to deny this. 3. But being a Frenchman he had pushed his researches further than any Englishman at this period would have dared to. 4. The bailiff had to keep his eye on the unwilling workmen lest they should sit down for half-an-hour at a time at the end of every furrow.5. They dared not come out in the day-time lest they should be noticed. 6. It was entirely undesirable that this information should be given away. 7. As a conclusion to this section, however, it is therefore, entirely proper that we quote one of his chapter headings. 8. The title of the first story is taken from the name of the hero. It is the best known of the series, and has been published separately, as if it were the entire work. 9. In that age of reason it was necessary that clearness of expression should be joined to precision of thought. 10. This is a hypothesis which could be proved only by the actual discovery of remains of this race.


c) 1. It is remarkable that the common plural should be formed from the feminine singular. 2. Under whatever economic system a people may live, their language serves alike the activity of consolidating and defending that economic system, and also of changing it and replacing it by another. 3. Burns' (3) poetry is really more universal than this distinction would imply. 4. There are three other passages where a similar cure might well be applied. 5. A main theme in Chartist history was the attempt to create a sense of class unity which would bind together these three groups. 6. Lest it should be thought that we are making an unwarranted postulate, we may cite examples in languages other than English.7. It would be a mistake to think that they are unaware of the fact.8. Feeling less, Hamlet would have less inclination to act; thinking less, he would have more power to act.

(1) William the Conqueror – Вильгельм Завоеватель.

(2) Milton – Джон Мильтон (1608 – 1674), великий английский поэт.
(3) Burns – Роберт Бернс (1759 – 1796), знаменитый шотландский поэт



(The Preposition)

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Exercise 10. Choose the correct variant.| Exercise 1. Read and remember the following phrasal verbs.

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