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Exercise 10. Complete the sentences with a word in relation with the one in brackets.

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English using the required form of the participle. | Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English using the Objective Participle Complex. | Exercise 2. Use the words in brackets in the correct form. | Exercise 2. Complete the sentences. | Exercise 10. Choose the correct variant. | Exercise 16. Translate into English. | Exercise 1. Read and remember the following phrasal verbs. | Типи питальних речень | Словотворення (Word building) | Negative prefix in-with nouns and adjectives |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons.
  2. Arrange the sentences you have made into a single paragraph.
  3. B Complete the sentences using the words from exercise 3a.
  4. B Read the text. Complete each sentence (A-E) with one of the endings (1-5).
  5. B Underline the correct alternatives to complete the sentences.
  6. Business Relationship Management
  7. Card 3 Let’s talk about family relationships.


1. There was a small (NTRIVOEPMEM) in the economy of this year (improve).
2. They gave a fine (AFOCREMPNRE) (perform).
3. There has been another decrease in the number of (RRSEAIGAM) in America (marry).
4. The (SBTEANME) of the house was very large and they decided to make it into a studio (base).
5. The police begin their (IIENVNTIOATGS) by searching the house (investigate).
6. They closed the building because it was (UANSFE) (safe).
7. His (NRUYJI) was not as serious as first thought (injure).


8. The house had large rooms and was very (RAETOMOBFCL)(comfort).
9. They will make their (INIODCSE) tomorrow (decide).
10. He is a very (LECBIAOS) person and loves to go out (social).


Дієслово (The Verb). 3

Неозначені часи дієслова (Indefinite Tenses Active). 3

The Present Indefinite Tense (Active). 3

The Past Indefinite Tense (Active). 5

The Future Indefinite Tense (Active). 7

Відмінювання дієслова to be (Indefinite Tenses Active). 8

Конструкція there + to be в Indefinite Active. 9

Відмінювання дієслова to have (Indefinite Tenses Active). 11

Тривалі часи дієслова (Continuous Tenses Active). 12

Перфектні часи дієслова (Perfect Tenses Active). 15

Вправи на всі вивчені часи. 17

Пасивний стан дієслова (Passive Voice). 20

Пряма і непряма мова (Direct and Indirect Speech). 25

Модальні дієслова (Modal Verbs). 29

Hеособові форми дієслова (Non-Finite Forms of the Verb). 36

Інфінітив (The Infinitive). 36

Дієприкметник (The Participle). 46

Герундій (The Gerund). 56

Умовний спосіб (Subjunctive Mood). 62

Умовні речення трьох типів (Conditional sentences of three types). 62

Речення з As if (As if – sentences). 64

Wish-sentences. 65

Речення з If only (IF ONLY-sentences). 67

Прийменник (The Preposition). 70

Типи питальних речень (Types of interrogative sentences). 73

Переклад кластерів (Translation of the clusters). 77

Словотворення (Word building). 78


[1] У сучасному англійському мовленні з першою особою однини і множини вживається переважно допоміжне дієслово will.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-24; просмотров: 157 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Exercise 4. Form the new words adding the suffix -ion (-ation, -tion, -ution, -ssion) and translate them into Ukrainian.| По проведению конкурсов, соревнований и чемпионатов по хендлингу

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2025 год. (0.005 сек.)