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Glossary of nuclear terms 1 страница

GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 3 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 1 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 2 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 3 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 5 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 6 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 7 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 8 страница |

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For any sphere of human activity it is important that the terminology applied should be unambiguous. And regulation of nuclear and radiation safety is not an exception. This Glossary was developed to assist readers, including foreign ones, in finding an accurate interpretation of terms and expressions that are used in the Russian regulatory documents pertaining to nuclear and radiation safety regulation (and primarily, to the use of nuclear energy at nuclear plants).

This Glossary contains terms and definitions thereof that are used in the Russian regulatory documents associated with relations in the area of nuclear energy use. This Glossary primarily contains the terms and definitions from legislative and regulatory documents currently in force in the Russian Federation. However, if new editions of federal rules and regulations had been issued in accordance with the existing procedures for development of federal rules and regulations, then they were taken into consideration in the present Glossary. In addition to mandatory documents (such as federal laws, decrees issued by the Government of the Russian Federation, federal rules and regulations on nuclear energy use, sanitary rules and hygienic standards, codes of practice, etc.), this Glossary includes the terms applied in the safety regulations that were approved by the Russian Regulatory Authority. A full list of regulatory documents used for the compilation of the Glossary is given in Appendix A.

The below listed approaches were pursued when selecting terms from legislative acts and regulatory documents for inclusion in the present Glossary:

- consideration was not given to the regulatory documents that do not pertain to the use of nuclear energy, as well as to those regulations that have an implicit or practically zero relation to activities during nuclear energy use at nuclear plants;

- regulatory documents, requirements and/or recommendations of which are not applicable to nuclear plants, were not taken into account;

- consideration was not given to the regulatory documents that provide guidance solely on financial issues or justification of investments in nuclear plant construction, cost estimate of activities associated with design, licensing, siting, construction, operation and decommissioning of a nuclear plant, as well as compensation of damage related to the nuclear plant construction,, operation and decommissioning;

- the regulations exclusively focused on regulating preservation of state secrets were not considered;

- consideration was not given to documents that solely regulate the issues related to the nuclear plant private security;

- consideration was not given to documents that solely regulate the issues related to certification of equipment and products;

- consideration was not given to documents that solely regulate the issues related to labor protection (except for the documents containing requirements or recommendations related to radiation exposure of plant personnel and contracted staff);

- unpublished and confidential regulations were not considered.

In the Glossary, the terms and definitions are arranged alphabetically. Expressions (phrases) with the same basic term are combined into blocks under this basic term. The basic terms are printed in capital letters, while the derivative terms are right-shifted after the basic term and are printed in bold italics. Each derivative term appears in the Glossary once again at its alphabetical place, and a reference is given to its basic term under which a definition of the derivative term is available. In addition, for each term a reference source (document title) is indicated from which the text was extracted (a brief designation of the corresponding regulatory document is given, while a full document title is provided in Appendix A hereto.) A number of definitions were refined by the editor. For the terms that have corresponding terms in the IAEA Nuclear Safety Glossary, a comment is included with explanation of the differences between them. The IAEA documents used during compilation of this Glossary are also listed in Appendix A hereto.



ACCELEROGRAM (АКСЕЛЕРОГРАММА) –dependence of oscillation acceleration upon time. (NP-031-01)

Analogue accelerogram (акселерограмма аналоговая) –accelerogram recorded during a real earthquake and adopted for analysis of seismic resistance based on its conformance with seismic, tectonic and soil conditions of nuclear plant site.

Earthquake accelerogram (акселерограмма землетрясения) –accelerogram of the free ground surface during earthquake. (NP-031-01)

Floor response accelerogram (акселерограмма поэтажная) –response accelerogram for individual elevations of a structure, on which equipment is installed.

Response accelerogram (акселерограмма ответная) –accelerogram of a structure defined from analysis of forced oscillations during seismic impact. (NP-031-01)

Synthesized accelerogram (акселерограмма синтезированная) –accelerogram obtained analytically based on statistic treatment and analysis of a number of accelerograms and (or) spectra of real earthquakes taking into account local seismic conditions. (NP-031-01)


ACCIDENT (АВАРИЯ) [1]– a deviation from normal operation of a nuclear power plant associated with release of radioactive materials and/or ionizing radiation beyond the limits specified by the design documentation (hereinafter – design) in the amount exceeding the established safe operation limits. An accident is characterized by an initiating event, progression sequence and consequences. (OPB-12)

– destruction or damage of machinery and (or) equipment, occurrence of uncontrolled explosions and (or) release of hazardous substances during operation of machinery and (or) equipment. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)


In the IAEA Glossary there are two terms corresponding to this one – “Accident” (Авария) and “Accident conditions” (Аварийные состояния)[2]. However, they are defined rather qualitatively than quantitatively, whereas the Russian definition specifies clear quantitative boundaries for such events: release of radioactive materials and/or ionizing radiation beyond the limits specified by the design documentation in the amount exceeding the established safe operation limits. Such a definition for an accident at a nuclear power plant is assumed because radioactive materials and ionizing radiation generated during the plant operation are specific to the nuclear power plants and are the main hazards for personnel, public and environment to be protected against. In the IAEA Glossary, “Accident state” is defined as a more severe deviation from normal operation than “anticipated operational event", which is defined as deviations from normal operation not leading to damage of safety related equipment or to the state that is expected to occur at least once in the lifetime of the plant. The radiological consequences are not mentioned in the definition. However, in the definition of “Accident” radiological consequences are indirectly mentioned by using the expression “radiation protection”.

Beyond design basis accident (Запроектная авария) – an accident caused by an initiating event not considered for the design basis accidents or accompanied by additional failures of safety systems beyond a single failure or operator errors.(OPB-12)


The IAEA Glossary contains the same term. However, in the later IAEA standard SSR-2/1 it was replaced by the term “Design extension conditions” (Состояния расширенного проекта).

Design basis accident (Проектная авария) – an accident, for which initiating events and end states are defined by the design, and safety systems are in place ensuring that the consequences of the accident are within the limits established for such accident taking into account single failure principle for safety systems or single operator error independent of the initiating event. (OPB-12, NP-031-01)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Design basis accident” (Проектная авария).

Nuclear accident (ядерная авария) – an accident, accompanied by fuel element damage beyond the established safe operation limits, or an accident caused by:

– degradation of control and monitoring of chain fission reaction;

– occurrence of criticality during refueling, transportation and storage of nuclear fuel. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Nuclear accident” (Ядерная авария). However, it is defined through a more generic term "Accident" (авария), and does not contain such specific attributes, as in the Russian definition.

Radiation accident (радиационная авария) – loss of control of ionizing radiation source caused by equipment malfunction, inappropriate personnel actions, natural catastrophes or other causes that resulted or could have resulted in exposure of people above the established limits or to radioactive contamination of environment. (Federal Law No. 3-FZ “On radiation protection of public”, NRB 99/2009)

Severe beyond design basis accident (тяжёлая запроектная авария) –beyond design basis accident with damage of fuel elements above maximum design limit. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Severe accident” (Тяжелая авария). The Russian definition of this term is given on the quantitative level, whereas IAEA definition is qualitative.

ACCIDENT CONSEQUENCES (ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯ АВАРИИ) – radiological situation resulting from accident, causing harm and losses due to excess of established limits of radiation impact on personnel, public and environment. (OPB-12)

ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT (УПРАВЛЕНИЕ АВАРИЕЙ) – actions aimed at preventing development of design basis accidents into beyond design basis accidents and at mitigating consequences of beyond design basis accidents. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Accident management” (Управление аварией).

ACCIDENT SEQUENCE (Аварийная последовательность) –a sequence of events leading to a certain end state of a power unit of a nuclear power plant. This sequence includes an initiating event, events associated with successful or unsuccessful performance of safety functions by the plant systems and/or personnel, and successful or unsuccessful end state. (RB-032-04, RB-024-11)

ACCIDENT SEQUENCE (ПУТЬ ПРОТЕКАНИЯ АВАРИИ) – sequence of states of plant systems and components during accident progression. (OPB-12)


ACCOUNTING DATA (Учетные данные) [3]– information about present amounts, composition, location and state of RW and RS, predicable attributes of accounting units used for accounting purposes. (NP-067-11)

ACCOUNTING DATA (Учетные данные) [4]– parameters of products, NM, predicable attributes of accounting units collected and stored in the framework of accounting. (NP-030-12)

ACCOUNTING UNIT (УЧЕТНАЯ ЕДИНИЦА) [5] object containing nuclear materials, having an individual predicable attribute or individual set of predicable attributes, parameters of which are recorded in the accounting documents, and integrity is confirmed by access control measures from the moment of recording of the accounting information.
(NP-030-12, NP-025-2000)

Accounting unit of radioactive substances or radioactive wastes (Учетная единица радиоактивных веществ или радиоактивных отходов) – identifiable object containing RW or RS, characteristics of which are recorded in a document and /or an entry (line) in RW or RS accounting documents, and integrity of which remains unchanged over a certain period of time. (NP-067-11)

accounting, operative technical (учет Оперативно-технический) – see operative technical accounting (Оперативно-технический учет).

accumulated radioactive wastes (Накопленные радиоактивные отходы) – Radioactive wastes generated before adoption of Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments of certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” and radioactive wastes registered in the radioactive waste registry according to the procedures prescribed by the federal legislation. (Refined definition of Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)

ACT OF SABOTAGE (ДИВЕРСИЯ) – any intentional action with respect to nuclear materials, nuclear installations, storage facilities, radiation sources, radioactive substances or means of transportation for nuclear material, nuclear installation, radiation sources, radioactive substances or radioactive wastes, and such action can directly or indirectly cause an emergency situation and jeopardize health and life of people due to effects of radiation or can cause radioactive contamination of environment. (Refined definition of NP-034-01)

ACTIVE FAULT (РАЗЛОМ АКТИВНЫЙ) –tectonic fault, in the vicinity of which relative displacement of adjacent blocks of earth crust by 0.5 meters and more occurred in the Quaternary period of geological development, or their relative displacement with velocity gradient of 5·10-5 per year or more is presently observed (Refined definition of RB-019-01,

ACTIVE SYSTEM (ELEMENT) (АКТИВНАЯ СИСТЕМА (ЭЛЕМЕНТ)) – a system (component), the functioning of which depends on normal operation of another system (component), e.g. control safety system, power source, etc. (OPB-12)


In the IAEA Glossary, there is a corresponding term “Active component”, the operation of which depends on such factors as actuation, mechanical movement or power supply. There are several differences here. Firstly, “Component” in the IAEA Glossary is simply a discrete part of a system, i.e. it is the most generic definition. The term “Element” in the OPB-12 has a special definition, and is not therefore fully equivalent to the term “Component”. Secondly, the property of activity in the Russian regulations is not only a property of an element, but also of the system, of which the element is a part. Thirdly, unlike the IAEA standards, in the Russian rules and regulations existence of mechanical motion is not an attribute of activity. It depends on the source of the movement – external source of energy or the event causing translocation. In the latter case, the system (element) is considered passive, as it works based on the passive principle of operation.

ACTIVITY (Активность) – measure of radioactivity. For a given quantity of radionuclide in a specific energy state at a given moment, activity A is expressed as:

where dN is the anticipated number of spontaneous nuclear transformations from a given energy level over time interval dt [6] . (NP-053-04, NRB-99/2009)


This term is fully equivalent to the same term in the IAEA Glossary.

Equivalent equilibrium volumetric activity (of radon daughters) (эквивалентная равновесная объемная активность (эроа) (дочерних продуктов изотопов радона)) – weighed sum of volumetric activities of short-lived products of decay of radon isotopes 218Po (Rae); 214Pb (RaB); 214Bi (RaC); 212Pb (ThB); 212Bi (ThC), respectively:

where Аi are volumetric activities of decay products of radon isotopes. (NRB-99/2009)


Corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Equilibrium equivalent concentration” (Эквивалентная равновесная объемная активность).

Minimum significant activity (Минимально значимая активность (МЗА)) –activity of an open source of ionizing radiation in a room or at a workplace, exceedence of which requires obtaining a permit from the state sanitary and epidemiological regulatory authority for use of such a source, provided that minimum significant specific activity is also exceeded. (NRB-99/2009)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Minimum significant activity” (Минимальная значимая активность).


Minimum significant specific activity (Минимально значимая удельная активность (МЗА)) –activity of an open source of ionizing radiation in a room or at a workplace, exceedence of which requires obtaining a permit from the state sanitary and epidemiological regulatory authority for use of such a source, provided that minimum significant activity is also exceeded. (NRB-99/2009)

Seismic activity (активность сейсмическая) – number of earthquakes of certain intensity per unit of time per unit of area. (RB-019-01)

Specific activity (активность удельная) – ratio of activity A of radionuclide in substance to mass of the substance [7]:



A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Specific activity” (Удельная активность).

Specific activity of material (Активность материала удельная) – activity per unit of mass or volume of material, in which radionuclides are generally homogeneously distributed. (NP-053-04)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Specific activity” (Удельная активность), which is defined both for materials and radionuclides.


Specific activity of isotope (удельная активность изотопа) –activity per unit of mass of the isotope. (NP-053-04)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Specific activity” (Удельная активность).

Volumetric activity (активность объёмная) – ration of activity A of radionuclide in a substance to volume V of the substance[8]:



actual presence of radioactive substances and radioactive materials (Фактическое наличие радиоактивных веществ и радиоактивных отходов) – amounts of RW and RS measured or analytically determined in accordance with formalized procedures existing in the organization and actually available in the organization at the present time. (NP-030-12)

actually present amount of nuclear material (Фактически наличное количество ядерного материала) – measured or otherwise determined in accordance with formalized inventory taking procedures mass of NM actually present in the MBA at a given time.

actuator, emergency protection (орган АВАРИЙНОЙ ЗАЩИТЫ Рабочий) –see EMERGENCY PROTECTION ACTUATOR (РАБОЧИЙ ОРГАН AЗ).

adverse FACTORS of explosion in the atmosphere (Поражающие факторы взрыва в атмосфере) – consequences of explosion processes hazardous for structures, equipment and human. Pressure waves in the air and seismic explosive waves, along with missiles (primary and secondary fragments, debris, components of equipment) have the largest damage potential. Secondary factor of explosion in the atmosphere is fire. (RB G-05-039-96)

airlock (Шлюз) – structure (room) or facility forming a part of containment system (leaktight enclosure) and designed for passage of people or transportation of cargo into (from) the accident localization zone without loss of leaktightness of the containment. (NP-010-11)




ALLOWABLE RISK (допустимый риск) – level of risk associated with the use of a machine and (or) equipment based on technical and economic capabilities of the manufacturer, which are to provide for the required level of safety for all the stages of the lifecycle of products. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)


Deterministic safety analysis (детерминистический анализ безопасности) – nuclear plant safety analysis for given operational states of the plant, postulated initiating events and given status of systems and components affecting the accident sequences, performed in order to confirm compliance of the plant with the established safety criteria or design limits. (OPB-12)


The IAEA Glossary provides definition of a similar term “Deterministic analysis” (Детерминистический анализ).

Importance analysis (анализ значимости) – analysis of influence of individual parameters of probabilistic model on the results of PSA. (RB-024-11)

Level 1 PSA (ВАБ АС уровня 1) – PSA of a nuclear plant consisting in development of probabilistic models of a nuclear power unit, identification of end states with damaged fuel, and evaluation of probabilities of occurrence of these states. (RB-032-04)

Level 2 PSA (ВАБ АС уровня 2) – PSA of a nuclear plant consisting in development of probabilistic models of a nuclear power unit for identification of probabilities of emergency releases from the plant into environment, including maximum emergency release. (RB-032-04)

Probabilistic safety analysis (вероятностный анализ безопасности) – qualitative and quantitative analysis of nuclear plant safety performed for defining the probabilities of occurrence of initiating events, accident sequences and end states, including probabilities of severe beyond design basis accidents and major releases.


This term corresponds to the IAEA Glossary term “Probabilistic safety assessment” (Вероятностный анализ безопасности)

Sensitivity analysis (анализ чувствительности) – assessment of influence of changes of input data of a probabilistic model on the values of probabilistic parameters of nuclear plant safety. (RB-024-11)

Uncertainty analysis (анализ неопределенности) – analysis of influence of possible uncertainties in determination of IE frequencies, equipment reliability parameters and human error probabilities, assumptions and limitations of the analysis, incompleteness of knowledge about development of physical processes, on the results of PSA.


The IAEA Glossary contains the same term “Uncertainty analysis” (Анализ неопределенностей). However, it is defined more generically as analysis performed for the sake of evaluation of uncertainties and boundaries of errors of the parameters used for solving a problem and of the ultimate results.

analyzed situation (РАСЧЕТНАЯ СИТУАЦИЯ) – combination of possible conditions determining analytical requirements to structural elements, engineering and technical support systems and parts thereof, taken into account in the analysis. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

ANNUAL INTAKE LIMIT (Предел годового поступления (ПГП)) – level of intake of a particular radionuclide into human organism within a year, which, under multi-factor influence causes exposure of a reference person with anticipated dose equal to corresponding limit of annual dose. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)


This term corresponds to the IAEA Glossary term “Annual limit on intake (ALI)” (Предел годового поступления (ПГП)).

APPROVAL BY lead material science organization (Согласование головной материаловедческой организации) – see MATERIAL SCIENCE ORGANIZATION (МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЧЕСКАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ)

ARRAY SPACING (Шаг решетки) – distance between the axes of neighboring fuel assemblies, casks or packages located in the focal points of a regular lattice. (NP-061-05)

assigned life (Назначенный ресурс) – cumulative operative time, at reaching which operation of machinery and (or) equipment is to be discontinued regardless of their technical conditions. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

Assigned life (of a valve) (Назначенный ресурс (арматуры)) – total operation time of a valve defined by design, after which its continued operation is possible only after special decision has been made based on performed operational safety analysis, e.g. after technical inspection (diagnostics). (NP-068-05)

assigned lifetime (Назначенный срок службы) – calendar duration of operation of a machine and (or) equipment, at reaching of which the operation of a machine and (or) equipment is to be terminated regardless of the technical conditions. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

Assigned lifetime (of a valve) (Назначенный срок службы (арматуры)) – calendar duration of operation of a valve defined by design, after which its continued operation is possible only after a special decision has been made based on performed operational safety analysis, e.g. after technical inspection (diagnostics). (NP-068-05)

ASSIGNED OPERATION (SERVICE) LIFE (СРОК эксплуатации (службы) назначенный) – calendar duration of operation of a nuclear plant specified by the design, subsequent operation after completion of which is possible only based on a special decision made after safety and feasibility analysis. (NP-017-2000)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Design life” (Проектный (расчетный) срок службы).

assigned storage life (назначенный срок хранения) – calendar term of storage of a machine and (or) equipment, after reaching which its storage is to be terminated regardless of the technical conditions. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

AUDIT (ПРОВЕРКА) [9] documented activities performed for assessment of effectiveness of quality assurance program. (RB-003-98)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Verification” (Верификация (проверка)).

AUTOMATED CONTROL (УПРАВЛЕНИЕ АВТОМАТИЗИРОВАННОЕ) – control with participation of personnel with the aid of automation aids. (NP-026-04)

AUTOMATED PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM (АВТОМАТИЗИРОВАННАЯ СИСТЕМА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ ТЕХНОЛОГИЧЕСКИМ ПРОЦЕССОМ) – a system composed of personnel (staff) and a complex of process control automation means. (NP-003-97)

AUTOMATIC CONTROL (УПРАВЛЕНИЕ АВТОМАТИЧЕСКОЕ) – control by means of automation aids without participation of personnel. (NP-026-04)

AUXILIARY CONTROL ROOM (РЕЗЕРВНЫЙ ПУНКТ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ) – part of the power unit located in the room designed to enable safe transfer of power unit into subcritical cooled down state and maintaining this state for as long as necessary, actuation of safety systems and obtaining information about the reactor status. (OPB-12)

availability factor (Коэффициент готовности) – probability of a component (object) being operable in arbitrary moment of time, except for scheduled periods during which its intended use is not expected to be required. (NP-068-05)


Snow avalanches (Лавины снежные) – a process consisting in concerted movement of snow masses falling or sliding from mountain slopes in the form of continuous body (wet avalanches) or pulverized snow (dry avalanches). (NP-064-05)

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