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Fixed contamination of surface (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see contamination (загрязнение). 1 страница

GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 1 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 2 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 3 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 3 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 5 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 6 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 7 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 8 страница | LIST OF REGULATORY DOCUMENTS |

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fixed RADIOACTIVE contamination OF surface (фиксированное радиоактивное загрязнение поверхности) – same asNON-REMOVABLE SURFACE CONTAMINATION (НЕСНИМАЕМОЕ ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ).

flame propagation, LOWER CONCENTRATION limit (предел распространения пламени Нижний концентрационный) – seeLOWER CONCENTRATION LIMIT OF FLAME PROPAGATION (Нижний концентрационный предел распространения пламеНИ).

FLAMMABLE MEDIA (ГОРЮЧАЯ СРЕДА) – media capable of ignition under the influence of ignition source. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

flash flood (Паводок) – rapid short-term increase of water level in the river, followed by rapid decrease and occurring irregularly. (NP-064-05)

flooding (Наводнение) – inundation of territory within a river valley and townships located above the regular flood plain caused by precipitation in combination with other meteorological phenomena, e.g. repeated rainstorms and snow melting. (NP-064-05)

FLOW PATH cross-section (Сечение проходное) – the smallest of the areas formed by the gating (or regulating) element and the valve seat. (NP-068-05)

focus (Очаг) – area in the earth crust, where process of non-elastic failure of rock occurs as a result of “instantaneous” relief of tectonic stresses. (RB-006-98)

fragments (ОСКОЛКИ)

Primary fragments (Первичные осколки) – products of destruction of vessels or containers during explosions inside objects (buildings, structures or complexes). (RB G-05-039-96)

Secondary fragments (Вторичные осколки) – non-fixed objects located on the territory of facility or structures, set in motion by the explosion pressure wave from emergency explosion. (RB G-05-039-96)

fresh nuclear fuel (Свежее ядерное топливо) – new NF or non-irradiated NF made through reprocessing of irradiated nuclear fuel. (NP-061-05)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Fresh fuel”(Свежее топливо).

fuel assembly (сборка Тепловыделяющая) – a product of mechanical engineering containing nuclear materials and designed for obtaining thermal energy in a nuclear reactor at the expense of controlled nuclear reaction. (NP-082-07, NP-080-07, Federal Law No. 170-FZ “On the use of nuclear energy”)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Fuel assembly” (Топливная сборка).

fuel assembly of nuclear reactor (Тепловыделяющая сборка ядерного реактора) – see FUEL ASSEMBLY (сборка Тепловыделяющая).

fuel channel (Технологический канал) – a tube in the reactor designed for installation of fuel assembly. (PNAE G-7-008)

fuel element (Тепловыделяющий элемент (твэл)) – individual assembly unit containing nuclear materials and designed for generating thermal energy in nuclear reactor at the expense of controlled nuclear fusion reaction and (or) for accumulation of nuclides. (NP-082-07, NP-080-07)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Fuel element” (Топливный элемент).

FUEL ELEMENT DAMAGE (ПОВРЕЖДЕНИЕ ТВЭЛ) – violation of at least one of the damage limits established for fuel elements. (OPB-12, NP-082-07, NP-080-07)

fuel element destruction (Разрушение твэла) – loss of integrity of a fuel element resulting in loss of geometry enabling its designed cooling.
(NP-082-07, NP-080-07)

FULL SCOPE SIMULATOR INSTRUCTOR (ИНСТРУКТОР ПМТ) – a person who has undergone appropriate full course of training and having the right to train operators of a nuclear plant. (NP-003-97)

FULL SCOPE SIMULATOR INTEGRATED TESTING REPORT (ОТЧЕТ О КОМПЛЕКСНЫХ ИСПЫТАНИЯХ ПМТ – report containing analysis of the results of integrated testing of full scope simulator (verification of compliance of the simulator with the technical specifications and requirements of the existing regulatory documents, determination of completeness realization of functions and training capabilities of the simulator, verification of consistency of the processes modeled by the simulator with experimental and analytical data for the prototype unit) containing testing program, results, and simulator mathematical model verification report. (NP-003-97)

FULL SCOPE SIMULATOR MODEL VERIFICATION REPORT (ОТЧЕТ О ВЕРИФИКАЦИИ МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОЙ МОДЕЛИ ПМТ) – report, containing the results of testing and comparison of the processes in the simulator with experimental, design, and analytical data. (NP-003-97)

FULL SCOPE SIMULATOR OF A NUCLEAR POWER UNIT (ПОЛНОМАСШТАБНЫЙ ТРЕНАЖЕР ЭНЕРГОБЛОКА АС) – modeling software-hardware complex designed for group professional training of operating personnel of the main control room with the use of full scale model of a real MCR and integrated multi-mode mathematical model of the unit operating in real time. (NP-003-97)

FULL SCOPE SIMULATOR TESTS (ТЕСТИРОВАНИЕ ПМТ) – test of full scope simulator by means of solving problems with known answers with the aid of the simulator. (NP-003-97)

FUNCTIONAL FIRE HAZARD CLASS OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND FIRE COMPARTMENTS (КЛАСС КОНСТРУКТИВНОЙ ПОЖАРНОЙ ОПАСНОСТИ ЗДАНИЙ, СООРУЖЕНИЙ И ПОЖАРНЫХ ОТСЕКОВ) – classifier of buildings, structures or fire compartments determined based on the specifics of operation of the buildings, structures or fire compartment, including the specifics of technological processes performed in them. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

FUNCTIONAL GROUP (ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ ГРУППА) – part of control system assumed in the design, representing a set of automation means performing a given function of control systems. (NP-026-04)

FUNCTIONAL GROUP QUALITY CATEGORY (КАТЕГОРИЯ КАЧЕСТВА ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ ГРУППЫ) – combination of qualitative characteristics and quantitative measures of properties of a functional group, defined in the design documentation. (NP-026-04)


generic data (Обобщенные данные) – see DATA (ДАННЫЕ).

geodynamic conditions (Условия геодинамические) – location of nuclear plant with respect to geodynamic zones. (NP-031-01)

geological and engineering-geological processes and phenomena (Геологические и инженерно-геологические процессы и явления) – processes and phenomena of natural origin, occurring in the upper horizons of the earth crust and caused by influence of energy sources located within the earth crust (endogenous sources) or outside it (exogenous sources), or by a combination thereof. Exogenous and endogenous energy sources are classified into natural and technogenic ones. (NP-064-05)

Geotechnogenic processes, gravity slope (геотехногенные процессы гравитационно-склоновые) – processes occurring or are enhanced on slopes in case of deforestation, ditching of the slopes and filtration of water from canals, powerful explosion and other technogenic processes decreasing mechanical strength of the ground and increasing tension in the slopes. (NP-064-05)

GRADIENT OF TECTONIC MOVEMENT VELOCITY (ГРАДИЕНТ СКОРОСТИ ТЕКТОНИЧЕСКИХ ДВИЖЕНИЙ) – change of amplitude of tectonic movements of marking surface per unit of distance and time. (Refined definition of

ground acceleration (velocity, displacement) for design basis (Ускорение (скорость, перемещение) грунта для проектных основ) – peak free surface acceleration (velocity, displacement) with specified exceedence probability. (RB-006-98)

harmful natural processes and phenomena (ОПАСНЫЕ ПРИРОДНЫЕ ПРОЦЕССЫ и ЯВЛЕНИЯ) – earthquakes, mudslides, landslides, avalanches, flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes, soil erosion and other similar processes and phenomena causing negative influence on buildings or structures. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

HATCH (Люк) – a component of leaktight enclosure enabling entry of people and (or) transportation of the equipment across the structures enclosing the accident localization zone. (NP-010-11)

hazardous factor of fire (Опасный фактор пожара) – a factor of fire that can cause injury, poisoning or death of human and (or) material loss. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”), “Code of practice. Nuclear power plants.Fire safety requirements”.SP 13.13130.2009)


hurricane (Ураган) – destructive wind (level 12 or above on the Beaufort wind scale), characterized by extensive duration and velocity of 35 m/s or more. (NP-064-05)

HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING FACILITIES (ГИДРОТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ СООРУЖЕНИЯ) – dams, buildings of hydro power plants, water discharge, release or draining structures, tunnels, canals, pumping stations, ship locks, ship lifts; structures designed for protection against flood, degradation of banks and bottom of water reservoirs or rivers, structures (dams) surrounding liquid waste storage facilities of industrial or agricultural enterprises (except for centralized hot and cold water supply systems and (or) water disposal systems), specified in the Federal Law “On water supply and water disposal”; structures, preventing.erosion of canals and other structures designed for use of water resources and prevention or negative impacts of waters or liquid wastes. (Federal Law No. 117-FZ “On safety of hydraulic engineering facilities”)

HYDROGEN EXPLOSION PROTECTION (ВЗРЫВОЗАЩИТА ВОДОРОДНАЯ) – properties of the nuclear power plant and engineered measures preventing detonation of hydrogen-containing mixtures accumulated in the containment during normal operation and abnormal operation, including accidents, and mitigating the effects of combustion of the hydrogen-containing mixtures upon the containment walls and other safety related systems and components of the plant. (OPB-12, NP-010-11)

hydrometeorological processes and phenomena (Гидрометеорологические процессы и явления) – processes and phenomena occurring in atmosphere and hydrosphere and characterized by the parameters of air mass movement, moisture circulation, atmosphere thermal properties, hydrological properties of rivers, seas, oceans, and other parameters. (NP-064-05)

hypocenter (Гипоцентр) – a point at the earthquake source where the process of movement along the fault initiates during earthquake; it is characterized by geographic coordinates and depth. (RB-006-98)

Instrumental hypocenter (гипоцентр инструментальный) – a point at the earthquake source where the process of movement along the fault initiates during earthquake as determined by the data from seismic stations. (RB-006-98)

Macroseismic hypocenter (гипоцентр макросейсмический) – a point at the earthquake source corresponding to maximum density of released seismic energy as determined by macroseismic observations. (RB-006-98)

hypocentral distance (Расстояние гипоцентральное) – distance between hypocenter and observation point. (RB-006-98)

ice gorge (Зажор льда) – accumulation of unconsolidated ice material in a river bed. (NP-064-05)

ice jam (Затор льда) – mass of ice in the river bed that congests water flow in the river and causes an increase of water level at the location of the ice jam and upstream of it.

immobilization of products (Иммобилизация продуктов) – transfer of products classified as radioactive wastes into a form preventing, at the present technical level, extraction and further use of nuclear materials contained in the RW. (NP-072-06)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Immobilization” (Иммобилизация).

IMPACT (Воздействие) – a physical action (mechanical or influence) upon buildings, structures, systems, components or personnel of a nuclear facility, public and environmental objects. (NP-064-05)

External impact (воздействие внешнее) – impact caused by natural or technogenic phenomena, processes or factors that are external to the nuclear facility. (Refined definition of NP-064-05)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “External event” (Внешнее событие).

Natural (external) impact (воздействие (внешнее) природное) –impact caused by natural phenomena, processes or factors that are external to the nuclear facility. (NP-064-05)

Technogenic (external) impact (воздействие (внешнее) техногенное) – impact caused by human actions directly or as a result of use of engineered facilities or technologies. (NP-064-05)

Technogenic impacts (техногенные воздействия) – hazardous impacts resulting from accidents in buildings, structures, or transportation systems, fires, explosions, release of various types of energy, or impacts resulting from construction activities in the adjacent territory. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical Specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

incident (инцидент) – failure of a machine and (or) equipment, deviation from normal operation or violation of operating procedures. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

incipient stage of fire (Начальная стадия пожара) – a stage of fire characterized by linear development of fire according to the fire load, up to the point of flashing of all flammable materials in the room. (“Code of practice.Nuclear power plants.Fire safety requirements”.SP 13.13130.2009)

INCLUSION (Включение) – cavity in the weld metal or weld overlay metal filled with gas, slug, or other foreign matter (pore, slug or tungsten inclusion). (PNAE G-7-010-89)

Slug inclusion (Шлаковое включение) – a cavity in the weld metal or weld overlay metal filled with slug. (PNAE G-7-008-89)

INCOMPLETE FUSION (Непровар) – incomplete welding in a welded joint or built-up (overlaid) component between the main metal and the metal of the weld (overlay) or between individual beads. (PNAE G-7-010-89)

increased planned exposure (повышенное планируемое Облучение) – see EXPOSURE (Облучение).

INDEPENDENCE PRINCIPLE (ПРИНЦИП НЕЗАВИСИМОСТИ) – principle of enhancement of reliability by means of functional and/or physical separation of trains (components), so that failure of one train (component) cannot cause failure of another train (component). (OPB-12)

INDEPENDENT SYSTEMS (COMPONENTS) (НЕЗАВИСИМЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ (ЭЛЕМЕНТЫ)) – systems (components), for which a failure of one system (component) does not cause a failure of another system (component). (OPB-12)

index (ИНДЕКС)

Criticality safety index (CSI) (индекс безопасности по критичности (ИБК)) – a number defined for a package, overpack or cargo container with fissile nuclear materials, used for monitoring the total amount of packages and containers with fissile nuclear materials. (NP-053-04)


This term is fully equivalent to the same term in the IAEA Glossary – “Criticality Safety Index (CSI)” (Индекс безопасности по критичности (ИБК)).

Transport index (TI) (транспортный индекс (ти)) – a number assigned to a package, overpack, cargo container, reservoir or unpacked materials with low relative activity or with surface radioactive contamination, used for radiation safety control during transportation of radioactive materials. (NP-053-04)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Transport Index (TI)” (Транспортный индекс (ТИ)).

INDICATION (ИНДИКАЦИЯ) – information function of a control system aimed at displaying information for operations personnel with the aid of automated instruments.

INDUSTRIAL SITE (Промышленная площадка ) – territory, on which main plant facilities are located. (PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Site area” (Территория площадки).

INHERENT SAFETY OF REACTOR UNIT (ВНУТРЕННЯЯ САМОЗАЩИЩЕННОСТЬ РУ) – a property of the unit ensuring safety based on natural feedbacks, processes and characteristics. (OPB-12)


This term was introduced into the Russian regulatory framework under the influence of the Main safety principles of nuclear power plants (INSAG-3), issued by the International Nuclear Safety Advisory Group of the IAEA General Directorate in 1988, which were later updated in the report INSAG-12. However, neither these reports, nor IAEA standards or IAEA Glossary provide definition of the equivalent term. The term appears in the text dealing with safety principles as the “Inherent Safety” principle.


INITIAL STATE OF FULL SCOPE SIMULATOR (ИСХОДНОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ ПМТ) – set of values of parameters of the simulator characterizing a specific state of the prototype unit, from which modeling process can start. (NP-003-97)

initiating event (Инициирующее событие) [19] – event, occurrence of which leads directly to unsuccessful end state or can lead to such state in case of failure to perform safety functions. Based on the specifics of PSA methodology, IEs are divided into three classes: internal IE; IE caused by internal impacts; external IE: IE, caused by external impacts. (RB-032-04, RB-024-11)

Initiating event caused by external impacts (инициирующее событие, вызванное внешнним воздействием) – an initiating event caused by natural or technogenic phenomena, external with respect to the power unit. (RB-032-04)

Initiating event caused by internal impacts (инициирующее событие, вызванное внутренним воздействием) – an initiating event caused by fire, flood, missile, or other technogenic impact within the nuclear power unit, which is not an internal initiating event. (RB-032-04)

Internal initiating event (инициирующее событие внутреннее) – an initiating event caused by failures of plant systems and components, or errors of the plant personnel actions. (RB-032-04)

INITIATING EVENT (ИСХОДНОЕ СОБЫТИЕ) – failure of a plant system (component), external event or operator’s error, or combinations thereof defined in the Federal rules and regulations, leading to deviations from normal operation and creating a potential for violation of safe operation limits and (or) conditions. Initiating event includes all consequential dependent failures. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Initiating event” (Исходное событие).

INSPECTION (ПРОВЕРКА) – in-service inspection of component or system in order to assess their operability or inoperability state and identify malfunctions. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “In-service inspection" (Инспекция в процессе эксплуатации).

installation organization (Монтажная организация) – organization performing installation of equipment and pipelines at a nuclear facility and (or) developing technology for installation. (PNAE G-7-008)

instrument (Средство измерений) – hardware designed for measurement purpose. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

instrument GAUGING (follow-up calibration) (Поверка средств измерений) – complex of operations performed in order to verify compliance of instrumentation with metrological requirements. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

INTEGRATED ENGINEERING AND RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY (ОБСЛЕДОВАНИЕ комплексное инженерное и радиационное (КИРО)) – complex of measures performed for designing nuclear power unit decommissioning activities and aimed at collection of information about technical state of buildings, structures, structural elements and equipment, as well as about radiological conditions in the rooms and on the site of the unit, volumetric and surface radioactive contamination of rooms, compartments, equipment and site of the plant unit, qualitative and quantitative composition of radioactive wastes at the unit. (NP-012-99)

INTEGRATED TEST OF ACTUATOR (ПРОВЕРКА КОМПЛЕКСНАЯ ИСПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОГО МЕХАНИЗМА) – test of actuator as a part of reactor protection and control system. (NP-086-12)


inter-balance period (Межбалансовый период) – period between two sequential physical inventory-takings. (NP-030-12)

interim storage of radioactive wastes (хранение радиоактивных отходов Промежуточное) – storage of radioactive wastes that were not brought into compliance with radioactive waste acceptance criteria.(Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Interim storage” (Промежуточное хранение).

INTERLOCK (БЛОКИРОВКА) – control function aimed to prevent or terminate actions of personnel, automatics or equipment. (NP-026-04)

Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC) (Контейнер средней грузоподъемности для массовых грузов (КСГМГ)) – transportable packaging with the following properties:

a) inner volume of no more than 3 m3;

b) design, enabling mechanical processing of cargo;

c) resistant to loads occurring during handling and transportation of cargo, as confirmed by tests;

d) designed in accordance with the standards outlined in the chapter containing recommendations applicable to intermediate bulk containers, Recommendations of the United Nations Organization on transportation of especially hazardous cargos (section 16 of the UNO publication ST/SG/AC.10/1). (NP-053-04)


This term is fully equivalent to the same term in the IAEA Glossary “Intermediate Bulk Container (IBC)” (Контейнер средней грузоподъемности для массовых грузов (КСГМГ)

INTERVENTION (Вмешательство) – activities aimed at decreasing the probability, or dose, or harmful effects of radiation exposure of public during radiation accidents, in case of detection of radioactive contamination of environment or increased levels of natural radiation on territories, in buildings and structures. (NRB-99/2009)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Intervention” (Вмешательство).

INTERVENTION LEVEL (УРОВЕНЬ ВМЕШАТЕЛЬСТВА) – parameters and characteristics determining radiation situation and its dynamics, combination of which requires implementation of measures to protect personnel and public. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Intervention level” (Уровень вмешательства).

INTERVENTION LEVEL (УРОВЕНЬ ВМЕШАТЕЛЬСТВА) – level of radiation factor, after exceedence of which certain protective measures should be undertaken. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)

inundation (Затопление) – formation of free surface of water on a territory as a result of high flood, storm surge or increased water level. (NP-064-05)

inventory taking (ИНВЕНТАРИЗАЦИЯ)

Inventory taking of nuclear substances and radioactive wastes (Инвентаризация радиоактивных веществ и радиоактивных отходов) – process of determining actual presence of radioactive substances and RW in the organization and comparison with the data contained in the accounting documents. (NP-067-11)

Physical inventory taking (Инвентаризация физическая) – determining actual amounts of nuclear materials in the material balance area. (NP-025-2000).

IONIZING RADIATION (ИОНИЗИРУЮЩЕЕ ИЗЛУЧЕНИЕ) – radiation generated in the course of radioactive decay, nuclear transformations, deceleration of charged particles in the matter, creating oppositely charged ions when interacting with matter. (Federal Law No. 3-FZ “On radiation safety of public”)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Radiation” (Излучение).

isolating unit ((устройство Изолирующее) – pipeline fitting (valve, gate valve) designed for isolation of accident localization zone from environment.

justification of safety (of machinery and equipment) обоснование безопасности (машин и оборудования) – document, which contains risk analysis, as well as information from design, operational, process documents on minimum necessary safety measures for a machine and (or) equipment for all of the stages of its lifecycle, augmented with the results of risk assessment in operation after maintenance or repair. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

JUSTIFICATION PRINCIPLE (ПРИНЦИП ОБОСНОВАНИЯ) – prohibition of all types of activities associated with the use of ionizing radiation sources, where the benefit for mankind and society does not exceed the risk of possible harm caused by radiation exposure in addition to natural background level. ((Federal Law No. 3-FZ “On radiation safety of public”)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Justification” (Обоснование).

karst (Карст) – a set of phenomena associated with effects of water (surface and underground) and consisting in dissolution of underground rock masses and formation of voids of different shapes and sizes, as well as in establishment of special nature of circulation of subsurface water and characteristic terrain relief and hydrographic system. (NP-064-05)

key measurement point (Ключевая точка измерений) – a location in the material balance area, where accounting and (or) verification measurements are performed. (Refined definition of NP-030-12)

LAND USE PLANNING (Территориальное планирование) – planning of development of territory, inclusively for establishing functional zones, determination of planned location of Federal objects, regional objects, or local objects.(“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

lapping (Наплыв) – a defect in the form of metal that leaked during welding (overlaying) on the surface of welded components or beads made earlier and failed to fuse with it. (PNAE G-7-010-89)


lead material science organization (Головная материаловедческая организация) – see MATERIAL SCIENCE ORGANIZATION (МАТЕРИАЛОВЕДЧЕСКАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ).

“LEAK BEFORE BREAK” CONCEPT (КОНЦЕПЦИЯ “ТЕЧЬ ПЕРЕД РАЗРУШЕНИЕМ”) – approach to designing pipelines based on the proven mechanism of crack development when a leak detectable by the instrument anticipated by the design occurs before it reaches critical size. (OPB-12)

leak of fuel element (Разгерметизация твэла) – fuel element damage with loss of integrity in the form of gaseous leak or direct contact of nuclear fuel with coolant. (NP-082-07, NP-080-07)

LEAK RATE (Значение утечки) – quantitative measure of leaktightness defined as mass or volume of fluid leaving the controlled volume at specified parameters within the time measurement unit. (NP-010-11)

Design leak rate (значение утечки проектное) – the leak rate specified for system (component) by its design documentation. (NP-010-11)

Actual leak rate (значение утечки фактическое) – the leak rate obtained through checking (testing) of system (component). (NP-010-11)

LEAKTIGHT CASK (ПЕНАЛ ГЕРМЕТИЧНЫЙ) – leaktight vessel designed for placement of SNF (spent fuel assemblies or spent fuel elements). (NP-035-02)

LEAKTIGHT CONTAINMENT (ГЕРМЕТИЧНОЕ ОГРАЖДЕНИЕ) – a set of components of a unit (including structures) shrouding the space around the reactor unit or other object containing radioactive materials and forming a boundary designed for precluding spreading of radioactive substances into environment in excess of the established limits. The space shrouded by the containment can consist of one or several leaktight rooms or compartments.(NP-010-11, NP-040-02)

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 83 | Нарушение авторских прав

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GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 4 страница| FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 2 страница

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