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Glossary of nuclear terms 2 страница

GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 1 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 2 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 3 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 5 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 6 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 7 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 8 страница | LIST OF REGULATORY DOCUMENTS |

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Snow-rock and rubble-rock avalanches (Лавины снежно-каменные и щебенисто-глыбовые) – a process consisting in concerted sliding of snow and rock or rubble and rock masses from mountain slopes under gravity force and dynamic loads (seismic or explosive). (NP-064-05)


Natural radiation background (Естественный радиационный фон) – radiation dose caused by space radiation and radiation of natural isotopes naturally distributed in the ground, water, air, other elements of biosphere, food products and human organism. (Federal Law No. 3-FZ “On radiation protection of public”, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Natural background” (Естественный фон).

Technogenically altered radiation background (Техногенно измененный радиационный фон) – natural radiation background altered by human activities. (Federal Law No. 3-FZ “On radiation protection of public”. (PRB AS-99)

BARRIER (Барьер) – an obstacle on the way of propagation of ionizing radiation, radioactive substances (radionuclides) into the environment. Leaktight enclosures of rooms and storage facilities, containers, equipment and pipelines containing radioactive equipment, or physical and chemical form of conditioned RW can serve as barriers. (NP-002-04)


This term is fully equivalent to the same term in the IAEA Glossary. However, it is formulated broader – not only as a physical obstacle on the way of propagation of ionizing radiation, radioactive substances (radionuclides) into the environment, but also an obstacle preventing or precluding penetration of people or propagation of some other phenomena (e.g. fire).

Barrier (барьер) – a component of natural geological formation or engineering structure, preventing radionuclides and (or) ionizing radiation from propagating into the environment. (RB-014-2000)

Barrier ensuring protection of public and environment (барьер для обеспечения безопасности населения и окружающей среды) – packaging of radioactive waste, engineering structure of radioactive waste storage facility or their parts, or an element of natural geological formation preventing ionizing radiation from propagating into the environment (Federal Law No.190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)

Physical barrier (Физический барьер) – an obstacle on the way of propagation of ionizing radiation and radionuclides into the environment. (NP-058-04)

Physical barrier during decommissioning of a nuclear power plant (Физический барьер при выводе из эксплуатации блока АС) – engineering structure, hardware or system, limiting release of radioactive substances or ionizing radiation into the rooms of nuclear power plant or to environment. (NP-012-99)

Protective barriers (Защитные барьеры) – barriers consisting of a complex of hardware designed for confining radioactive substances and ionizing radiation within the boundaries prescribed by the nuclear facility design. (NP-064-05)

bases of buildings or structures (ОСНОВАНИЯ ЗДАНИЯ ИЛИ СООРУЖЕНИЯ) – base of a building or structure (hereafter – base) is the mass of soil receiving loads and impacts from the building or structure and transferring to the building or structure the impacts caused by natural or technogenic processes occurring in the soil bulk. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

basic event (Базисное событие) – an elementary event included into probabilistic model of a nuclear plant and characterized by a set of quantitative probabilistic parameters. (RB-024-11)

batch of radioactive substances (radioactive wastes (Партия радиоактивных веществ (радиоактивных отходов)) – totality of RS (RW) contained in the accounting units, quantitative and (or) qualitative composition of which, for the purposes of RW and RS accounting and control is determined based on single set of data and measurement results recorded in the accounting documents. (NP-030-12)

bedrock (Порода коренная) – primary rock or other formation characterized by the velocity of propagation of transversal (shear) waves of at least 700 m/s. (RB-006-98)

BELLOWS (Сильфон) – thin-walled (single- or multi-layer) tube or chamber.

bellows module (Сильфонный узел) – bellows together with welded end pieces. (NP-068-05)

beyond design BASIS accident (запроектная авария) – see ACCIDENT (АВАРИЯ).

Bistable valve (Клапан двухпозиционный) – see VALVES (АРМАТУРА).

blowhole (СВИЩ) – a defect in the form of conical or tube-shape indentation in a weld.(PNAE G-7-010-89)

BREACH IN ACCOUNTING AND control of racioactive substances and radioactive wastes (Нарушение в учете и контроле радиоактивных веществ и радиоактивных отходов) – lack or excess, unauthorized use and/or illegal translocation of RS and RW, errors in the accounting or reporting documents, damage of access control equipment and systems, inconsistency of predicable attributes of accounting units with records, violation of the procedures for use and transfer of RW and RS. (Refined definition of NP-064-067-11)

building (ЗДАНИЕ) – result of construction represented by a major construction system with above-ground and (or) underground parts including rooms, engineering networks and utilities, and support systems; it is designed for accommodation and (or) activities of people, industrial activities, storage of products, or livestock housing. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical Specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

burn-through (Прожог) – defect in the form of reach-through hole in the weld formed due to efflux of part of liquid metal of the weld pool during welding process.
(PNAE G-7-010-89)

cadastral registry of radioactive waste storage facilities (Кадастр пунктов хранения радиоактивных отходов) – systemized documentary information about radioactive waste storage facilities, owners of the facilities and about the wastes stored therein. (Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)

CALCULATION UNCERTAINTY, SYSTEMATIC COMPONENT (компонента погрешности расчета Методическая) – see SYSTEMATIC COMPONENT OF CALCULATION UNCERTAINTY (Методическая компонента погрешности расчета).

calibration of instruments (Калибровка средств измерений) – set of operations performed for determining actual metrological properties of an instrument. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Calibration” (Калибровка).

capital construction object (Объект капитального строительства) – building, structure, facilities, construction of which is not complete (hereafter – incomplete construction objects), except for temporary buildings, kiosks, tents and similar structures. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

category (of packaging or overpack) (Категория (упаковки или транспортного пакета)) – designation of radiation hazard level determined based on the radiation levels on the surface and transport index. (Refined definition of NP-053-04)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Transport Index (TI)” (Транспортный индекс (ТИ)).

CATEGORY OF EMERGENCY RELEASE (Категория аварийного выброса) – combination of end states with emergency release grouped based on the attributes affecting the quantity and composition of radioactive material (ionizing radiation) released into environment. (RB-044-09)

CATEGORY OF RADIONUCLIDE SOURCE IN TERMS OF POTENTIAL RADIATION HAZARD (Категория радионуклидного источника (РНИ) по их потенциальной радиационной опасности) – parameter of a radionuclide source determined by radiation hazard for personnel and public in case of a potential radiation accident. (NP-073-11)

caving and sinking (Оседания и провалы) – terrain relief forms occurring due to collapse of roof of karst, thermokarst or mining cavities, or due to water, oil or gas extraction. (NP-064-05)

CERTIFICATION OF MEASUREMENT METHODS (TECHNIQUES) (Аттестация методик (методов) измерений) – investigation and confirmation of compliance of measurement methods (techniques) with the established metrological requirements. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

certification of type of standard specimenS or instruments (Утверждение типа стандартных образцов или типа средств измерений) – properly documented decision about recognition of compliance of standard specimen type or instrument type to metrological and technical requirements (characteristics) based on results of tests of standard specimens or instrument for the purpose of type certification. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

check valve (Клапан обратный) – see VALVES (АРМАТУРА).

CLOSING BODY (Запорный ОРГАН) – a part of valve shutter, normally movable and connected to the valve actuator, enabling in interaction with the valve seat to control (cut off, isolate, distribute, mix, etc.) the flow(s) of fluids by means of changing the flow cross section. (NP-068-05)

CLOSURE OF RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL SITE (Закрытие пункта захоронения радиоактивных отходов) – activities aimed at bringing the radioactive waste disposal site to the state ensuring safety of public and environment for the period of potential hazard caused by the radioactive wastes located therein after completion of placement of the radioactive wastes. (Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Closure” (Закрытие).

COLLECTION OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES (Сбор радиоактивных отходов) – accumulation of RW in the specially allocated and equipped locations. (NP-058-04, NP-002-04)

COMMISSIONING (ВВОД В ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЮ) – a process, during which systems and components of a nuclear power unit or nuclear power plant as a whole start functioning and undergo tests for consistency with design, including pre-startup adjustments, initial criticality, connection to the grid, trial operation, and finalized by acceptance into commercial operation. (OPB-12)


This term is fully equivalent to the same term in the IAEA Glossary. The latter, however, does not define stages of commissioning.


Commissioning of instrumentation (Ввод в эксплуатацию средства измерений) – properly documented readiness of instrumentation for intended use. (Federal Law No.102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

common use territories (Территории общего пользования) – territories, used by unlimited number of individuals without restrictions (including squares, streets, drives, embankments, shores of common use water bodies, parks, boulevards). (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

comparison OF REFERENCE STANDARDS of units (Сличение эталонов единиц величин) – set of operations establishing relation between the units represented by reference standards of the same accuracy class in identical conditions. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

COMPENSATORY MEASURES (МЕРЫ компенсирующие) – technical and organizational measures aimed at partial or complete exclusion and (or) limitation of influence of safety deficit. (NP-017-2000, NP-024-2000)

complicated environmental conditions (СЛОЖНЫЕ ПРИРОДНЫЕ УСЛОВИЯ) – presence of grounds of specific state or composition and (or) risk of hazardous natural processes and phenomena and (or) technogenic impacts on the territory where construction, maintenance, and operation of building or structure is to be performed. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

COMPONENTS OF A NUCLEAR PLANT (ЭЛЕМЕНТЫ АС) – equipment, instrumentation, pipelines, cables, structural elements and other products enabling performance of intended functions on their own or within systems and viewed in the design as structural units of reliability and safety analysis. (OPB-12)


Also see the terms “Active system (component)”, “Passive system (component)”, “Independent systems (components)", “Safety systems (components)”, “Systems (components), important for safety”.

COMPOUND (КОМПАУНД) – matrix material with RW included into it.

CONCAVITY (Вогнутость)

Angular weld concavity (Вогнутость углового шва) – maximum distance from the weld surface to the line connecting the edges of its surface in one cross-section (assessed by the maximum depth of location of the weld surface under the aforementioned line). (PNAE G-7-010-89).

Weld root concavity (Вогнутость корня шва) – a depression on the surface of a welded joint with single-sided weld at the location of its root (assessed by the maximum depth of location of the root surface counted from the surface level of the welded components). (PNAE G-7-010-89)

CONFIRMATORY measurements (Подтверждающие измерения) [10] – measurements, results of which are used for confirming all or part of accounting data for accounting unit or nm batch. (NP-030-12)

confirmatory measurements (Подтверждающие измерения) [11] – measurements, results of which are used for confirming all or part of accounting data for radioactive substance or RW. (NP-067-11)


connector (Разъем) – component for connecting or disconnecting electric cables. (NP-086-12)

connector (соединительное устройство) – see COUPLING BAR (Соединительное звено).

CONSERVATIVE APPROACH (КОНСЕРВАТИВНЫЙ ПОДХОД) – approach to design and engineering, under which values of the parameters of the unit are assumed so as to intentionally provide more unfavorable results. (OPB-12, RB-022-01)

conserved radioactive waste storage facility (хранилище радиоактивных отходов Законсервированное) – storage facility, placement of RW in which is over, and a complex of measures to bring it to the state ensuring safe long-term storage of RW and storage facility monitoring for the entire period of conservation is implemented. (NP-067-11)

construction (Строительство) – creation of buildings, structures and installation (inclusively in the place of demolished capital construction objects). (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Construction” (Строительство).

CONSTRUCTION SITE (ПЛОЩАДКА СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА) – territory within the selected limits, on which main and auxiliary buildings and structures of the plant are located. The site includes the territory within the fence perimeter (industrial site) and territory beyond the perimeter, where the switchgear, outer waterworks, cooling ponds, cooling towers, inlet and outlet flumes, processing systems, waste disposal sites, construction base, transshipment base, residential area, etc. (SP PNAE-87)


Non-removable surface contamination of (Неснимаемое загрязнение поверхности) – radioactive substances that are not transferred to other objects during contact and cannot be removed during decontamination. (Refined definition of NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99, NP-053-04)

Removable contamination of a surface (Снимаемое загрязнение поверхности) – radioactive substances that are transferred to other objects during contact and can be removed during decontamination. (Refined definition of NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99, NP-053-04)

CONTROL (КОНТРОЛЬ) – a part of control function aimed at assessing the value of parameter (identifying) or determining the state of controlled process or equipment. (NP-026-04)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Control” (Контроль). However, in English the meaning of this term is broader and often means the equivalent of the Russian term “Управление” (Control).

control and protection system (Система управления и защиты) – combination of hardware, software and information support intended to ensure safety of nuclear fusion chain reaction. (NP-082-07)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Protection system” (Система защиты).

control and protection system actuator (Рабочий орган СУЗ) – means of reactivity control used in the control and protection system.

control overlay (наплавка Контрольная) – welding overlay performed with the use of control welding (surfacing) materials in order to test the properties of weld deposited material in the process of testing of welding (surfacing) materials.
(PNAE G-7-010-89)

control rod group (Группа рабочих органов СУЗ) – one or several control rods with common controls, moved simultaneously in order to change reactivity. (NP-082-07)


CONTROL SYSTEM (СИСТЕМА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ) – system consisting of a combination of object of control and controlling system. (NP-026-04)

control weld (сварной шов Контрольный) – a weld of a joint welded with the tested welding materials in order to check the properties of the metal of the joint in the process of testing of the welding materials. (PNAE G-7-010-89)

control welded joint (сварное соединение Контрольное) a welded joint made during manufacturing process qualification in order to make sure that the welding technology undergoing certification provides the required characteristics of the weld metal.(PNAE G-7-010-89)

Manufacturing control welded joint (сварное соединение производственное контрольное) – a welded joint made for the purpose of verification of compliance of the metal properties of the manufacturing welded joint with the established requirements. (PNAE G-7-010-89)

CONTROLLING SYSTEM (УПРАВЛЯЮЩАЯ СИСТЕМА) – part of control system, controlling the object based on preset targets, criteria and limitations. (NP-026-04)

convexity (Выпуклость)

Angular weld convexity (выпуклость углового шва) a part of an angular weld protruding over the line connecting the edges of its surface in one cross-section (assessed by the maximum height of location of the weld surface under the aforementioned line). (PNAE G-7-010-89)

Convexity (excessive penetration) of weld root (выпуклость (превышение проплавления) корня шва) – a part of single-sided weld on the side of its root protruding over the level of the welded components (assessed as maximum height of the root surface over the component’s surface). (PNAE G-7-010-89)

Convexity (excessive penetration) of abutting weld (выпуклость стыкового шва) – a part of a butt-endweld protruding over the level of the welded components (assessed as maximum height of the weld surface over the surface specified above). (PNAE G-7-010-89)

core (Активная зона) – part of the nuclear reactor, in which nuclear fuel, moderator, absorber, coolant, means of reactivity control and structural elements designed for realizing controlled chain nuclear fission reaction and transferring the energy to coolant are located. (NP-082-07, NP-080-07)

CORRECTIVE MEASURES (МЕРЫ корректирующие) – measures to eliminate identified non-compliances and prevent their recurrence. (NP-011-99)

COUPLING BAR (Соединительное звено) – components of actuator (executive mechanism), connecting movable parts with the reactivity control rod. (Refined definition of NP-086-12)

cps drive (Привод СУЗ) – a component designed for changing location of the control and protection system actuator and for maintaining its fixed position. (NP-082-07)

CPS ROD POSITION INDICATOR (Указатель положения рабочего органа СУЗ) – device for determining the position of control and protection system actuator (control rod) in the reactor core. (NP-082-07)

cracks (Трещины) – defects in the form of rupture of metal of welded joint or overlaid component (item). (PNAE G-7-010-89)

crash of aircraft or other missiles (Падение летательного аппарата и других летящих предметов) – technogenic factor characterized by a combination of load parameters (mechanical, fire, heat) on the territory of a nuclear facility, buildings, structures, systems, components, occurring due to crash of an aircraft or its fragments in case of flight accidents, or caused by missiles (fragments of structures, buildings or transportation vehicles) moved by excess pressure or shockwave occurring during explosions, high winds, hurricanes or tornadoes. (NP-064-05)

CRITERIA OF ACCEPTANCE OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES FOR DISPOSAL (Критерии приемлемости радиоактивных отходов для захоронения) – characteristics of RW that the wastes have to meet after collection, reprocessing, storage and conditioning. (NP-058-04, NP-072-06, Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)

critical group (Группа критическая) – group of representatives of general public (at least 10 individuals) homogeneous in terms of one or several attributes – sex, age, social or professional conditions, location of residence, or diet – which is exposed to largest radiation exposure for a given exposure route from a given radiation source. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)

cryosolic (CRYOGENIC) geological processes (Мерзлотно-геологические (криогенные) процессы) – processes characterized by frost crack formation and frost buckling occurring under periodic freezing and thawing of soils. (NP-064-05)

cumulative operation (Наработка) – duration or scope of operation of a machine and (or) equipment. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

CURRENT STATE OF FULL SCOPE SIMULATOR (ТЕКУЩЕЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ ПМТ) – values of parameters and states of modeling systems and components of the plant, determining the state of full scope simulator at present time.

cutset, minimum (сечение Минимальное) – see MINIMUM CUTSET (МИНИМАЛЬНОЕ СЕЧЕНИЕ).


Generic data (обобщенные данные) – information on the IE frequencies and equipment reliability parameters obtained from the sources not directly related to the analyzed unit (plant). (RB-024-11)

Specific data (специфические данные) – information on the IE frequencies and equipment reliability parameters obtained from the sources directly related to the analyzed unit (plant). (RB-024-11)

DATA BASE (БАЗА ДАННЫХ) – combination of design, experimental and analytical data on the prototype reactor unit used for creation and operation of nuclear plant full scope simulator. (NP-003-97)

Nuclear plant decommissioning database (база данных по выводу из эксплуатации блока АС) – a set of documentally confirmed and ordered information about plant operation, engineering and radiological surveys, results of analysis, design information required for planning and performing nuclear plant decommissioning, as well as about results of activities performed at each stage of decommissioning.(NP-012-99)

DECOMMISSIONING OF A NUCLEAR POWER UNIT (ВЫВОД БЛОКА АС ИЗ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ) – implementation of a set of measures after removal of nuclear fuel precluding the use of the nuclear power unit as a source of energy and ensuring safety of personnel, public and environment. (OPB-12, NP-012-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Decommissioning” (Вывод из эксплуатации). However, the latter is defined with respect to a nuclear facility, and contains an objective of providing possibility for cancellation of some or all the regulatory controls.


Declaration of safety of a hydraulic engineering facility (декларация безопасности гидротехнического сооружения) – a document justifying safety of a hydraulic engineering facility and defining measures to ensure its safety taking into account the facility class. (Federal Law No. 117-FZ “On safety of hydraulic engineering facilities")

Fire safety declaration (декларация пожарной безопасности) – compliance assessment form, containing information about fire safety measures intended to maintain the fire risk at the protected facility within the prescribed limits. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

decommissioning of radioactive waste storage facility (Вывод из эксплуатации пункта хранения радиоактивных отходов) – activities performed after removal of radioactive wastes from the storage facility aimed at bringing it to the state precluding its further use as a radioactive waste storage facility and ensuring safety of public and environment. (Federal Law No.190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)


In the IAEA standards, the term “Decommissioning” (Вывод из эксплуатации) is not used with respect to storage and disposal facilities. The IAEA standards use the term “Closure” (Закрытие).

decontamination (Дезактивация) – removal of radioactive contamination from a surface or media, or decrease of such contamination. (NRB-99/2009,
PRB AS-99)


This term is fully equivalent to the same term in the IAEA Glossary.

deflagration (Дефлаграция) – explosion of hydrogen-containing mixture within a limited volume when the reaction edge propagates at subsonic velocity creating moderate pressure and thermal loads (explosive combustion). (NP-040-02)

degree of fire resistance of buildings, structures and fire compartments (Степень огнестойкости зданий, сооружений, строений и пожарных отсеков) – classifier of buildings, structures or fire compartments determined by fire resistance limits of structural elements of these buildings, structures or compartments. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”, “Code of rules. Nuclear power stations. Fire safety requirements”. SP 13.13130.2009)

delamination (отслоение) – defect in the form of violation of continuity of fusion of welded overlay metal with the main metal on components (products) with anti-corrosion welding surfacing or with pre-welded edges, or on other surfaced or overlaid components. (PNAE G-7-010-89)


depleted uranium (Обедненный уран) – see URANIUM (УРАН).

DESIGN BASES (Проектные основы) – set of input data about the required parameters and characteristics of a nuclear facility, its systems, components, buildings, structures, including information about operation conditions, operating modes and their parameters, postulated external events required for designing the facility, manufacturing its equipment, systems and components, installation and adjustment, construction of the facility, and for ensuring its normal operation for the assigned lifetime and decommissioning. (NP-064-05,


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Design basis ” (Проектные основы).

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