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Glossary of nuclear terms 3 страница

GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 1 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 1 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 2 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 3 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 5 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 6 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 7 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 8 страница | LIST OF REGULATORY DOCUMENTS |

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design BASIS accidenT (проектная авария) – see ACCIDENT.


DESIGN LIMITS (ПРОЕКТНЫЕ ПРЕДЕЛЫ) – values of parameters and characteristics of the state of plant systems (components) and plant as a whole, established in the design for normal operation, and abnormal operation including pre-accident states and accidents. (OPB-12, NP-003-97)


There is no such a term in the IAEA Glossary. However, the IAEA standard SSR-2/1 dedicated to nuclear plant design there is a requirement with the same title, fully consistent with the Russian definition.

Maximum design limit of fuel element damage (Максимальный проектный предел повреждения твэлов) – allowable values of parameters and characteristics of fuel elements under design basis accident conditions, exceeding which can result in critical damage (destruction) of fuel elements. (NP-082-07)

Operating limits (Эксплуатационные пределы) – values of parameters and characteristics of the state of systems (components) and of the plant as a whole, established by the design for normal operation. (OPB-12)

Plant safe operation limits (Пределы безопасной эксплуатации АС) – the values of process parameters established by the design, deviation from which can result in an accident. (OPB-12, NP-003-97, PRB AS-99)

designer (проектировщик) – legal entity or individual entrepreneur developing design documentation for machinery and (or) equipment. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

System designer (Проектировщик системы) – a company or an individual entrepreneur developing design documents for systems of machinery and (or) equipment (process lines interconnected through production cycle). (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

designer organization (Организация-разработчик) – organization, developing design and/or architecture of nuclear facility systems, equipment, or individual assembly units and components of pipelines. (PNAE G-7-008)

DESIGNER’S SUPERVISION (АВТОРСКИЙ НАДЗОР) – supervision by the author of design documentation over compliance with the requirements of design documentation during construction. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

DETECTOR RESPONSE (ОТКЛИК ДЕТЕКТОРА) – characteristic of irradiated detector (e.g. number of reactions over the irradiation time, or average rate of neutron-induced reaction over the irradiation time), functionally dependent on the characteristics of neutron field. (RB-018-01)

DETERMINISTIC APPROACH (Детерминистический подход) – approach to design or engineering based on fully determined data on the parameters of impact and properties of the object with safety margins and non-exceedence of pre-determined standards with margin coefficients of the limiting values of the controlled parameters.



DETONATION (Детонация) – explosion of hydrogen-containing mixture within a limited volume when the reaction edge propagates at ultrasonic velocity creating high pressure and high velocity head. (NP-040-02)

developer (Застройщик) – an individual or a legal entity performing on the land he/she/it owns construction, renovation, overhaul of capital structures, as well as performing engineering surveys, preparation of design documentation for construction, renovation or overhaul. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

DEVIATION FROM NORMAL OPERATION OF A NUCLEAR PLANT (НАРУШЕНИЕ НОРМАЛЬНОЙ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ АС) – a violation in operation of the plant associated with deviation from established operating limits and conditions. Other design limits and conditions can also be violated, including safe operation limits and conditions. (OPB-12, NP-031-01, NP-003-97)


In the IAEA Glossary there is a similar term ‘Abnormal operation’ (не нормальная эксплуатация), but such a state does not exist on the chart of the plant operating states. In the text defining the term ‘Anticipated operational occurrence’ (ожидаемое при эксплуатации событие), which defines a state existing on the operational chart it is mentioned that some countries identify “abnormal operation” with this state. In the Russian regulatory practice, the term “Deviation from normal operation" is associated with any state of the plant differing from normal operation.

DEVICE (SOURCE) GENERATING IONIZING RADIATION (Устройство (источник), генерирующее ионизирующее излучение) – electrophysical device (X-ray unit, accelerator, generator, etc.), in which ionizing radiation occurs due to change of velocity of charged particles, their annihilation or nuclear reactions. (NRB-99/2009)

DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS (СИСТЕМЫ ДИАГНОСТИКИ) – systems designed for obtaining, as a rule, continuously, information about the status of metal of equipment and pipelines, usually operating based on different physical principles of monitoring and testing (neutron, acoustic, vibration diagnostics, tensothermometry, etc.). (PNAE G-7-008)

DIAGNOSTICS (Диагностика) – a monitoring function, the purpose of which is to determine the state of operability (inoperability) or faultlessness (failure) of the subject of diagnostics. (NP-082-07, NP-026-04)

direct measurement (Прямое измерение) – see MEASUREMENT (MEASUREMENTS) (ИЗМЕРЕНИЕ (ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ)).

discontinuity (Несплошность) – generic term for cracks, weld-throughs, scaling, leaks, pores, incomplete welds and inclusions. (PNAE G-7-010-89)


Liquid radioactive waste disposal (захоронение жидких радиоактивных отходов) – placement of LRW in deep reservoir beds at the depth of several hundred meters within the mining license boundaries by means of injection through boreholes without intention of their subsequent retrieval. (NP-058-04)

Near surface disposal of radioactive wastes (захоронение радиоактивных отходов приповерхностное) – RW disposal in the structures located on the ground surface or at the depth of several tens of meters. (NP-058-04)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Near surface disposal” (Приповерхностное захоронение).

Nuclear power unit disposal (захоронение блока АС) – a nuclear power unit decommissioning option with localization of highly radioactive components of equipment, systems and structures by means of creating additional physical barriers precluding unauthorized access to them. (NP-012-99)

Radioactive waste disposal (захоронение радиоактивных отходов) – safe placement of RW without intention of their subsequent retrieval. (NP-058-04, NRB-99/2009, Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Disposal” (Захоронение).

Radioactive waste disposal in deep geological formations (deep disposal) (захоронение радиоактивных отходов в глубокие геологические формации (захоронение глубокого заложения)) – RW disposal in the structures located at the depth of several hundred meters without intention of their subsequent retrieval. (NP-058-04)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Geological disposal” (Геологическое захоронение).

DIVERSITY PRINCIPLE (ПРИНЦИП РАЗНООБРАЗИЯ) – principle of reliability enhancement by means of using two or more systems or components of different design or action principles for performing the same safety function in order to decrease common cause failure probability. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Diversity” (Разнообразие).

DOCUmented amount of nuclear material (Документально зарегистрированное количество ядерного материала) – the amount of nuclear material currently present in the MBA in the responsibility zone of an organization; this amount is determined based on the existing accounting data. (NP-030-120)

door (дверь) – a component of leaktight enclosure enabling entry of people and (or) transportation of the equipment across the structures enclosing the accident localization zone. (NP-010-11)

DOSE (Доза)

Absorbed dose (доза поглощенная) (D) – amount of energy of ionizing radiation transferred to substance


where ‘de’ is the average energy of ionizing radiation transferred to substance in an elementary volume, and ‘dm’ is the mass of substance in that volume.

The energy can be averaged over any definite volume, in this case the average dose will be equal to total energy received by the volume, divided by the mass of this volume[12]. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Absorbed dose, D” (Поглощенная
доза, D).

Dose per body organ or tissue (доза в органе или ткани) (dt) – average absorbed dose in a certain body organ or tissue:


where ‘mт’ is the mass of body organ or tissue, ‘D’ – absorbed dose in the mass element ‘dm’. (NRB-99/2009)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Organ dose” (Доза на орган)

Effective dose (доза эффективная) – magnitude of the effect of ionizing radiation used as a measure of risk of delayed consequences of radioactive exposure of human organism or its individual organs taking into account their sensitivity to radiation. It represents the integral sum of equivalent dose in organs and tissues multiplied by corresponding weighing factors:

where ‘HT’is the equivalent dose per tissue or organ ‘Т’; ‘WT’ – weighing factor for the tissue or organ Т.[13] (NRB-99/2009, Federal Law No. 3-FZ “On nuclear safety of general population”, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Effective dose, E”(Эффективная
доза, E).

Effective yearly dose (доза эффективная годовая) – the sum of the effective external exposure dose over a calendar year and committed effective dose of internal exposure due to intake of radionuclides over the same year[14]. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)

Effective collective dose (доза эффективная коллективная) – a measure of collective risk of occurrence of stochastic effects of radiation exposure equal to the sum of individual effective doses[15]. (NRB-99/2009)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Collective effective dose, S”(Коллективная эффективная доза, S).

Equivalent dose (доза эквивалентная) (ht,r) – a dose absorbed by a body organ or tissue multiplied by an appropriate weighing factor for this type of
radiation [16], WR:


where ‘DT,R’ is the average absorbed dose in the organ or tissue ‘Т’; ‘WR’ – weighing factor for radiation ‘R’. In case of combined action of several types of radiation with different weighing factors the equivalent dose is defined as a sum of equivalent doses for these types of radiation:

(NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Equivalent dose, HT” (Эквивалентная доза, HT).

Equivalent dose (ht (tau)) or effective dose (e (tau)) committed for internal exposure (доза эквивалентная (ht (тau)) или эффективная (e (тau)), ожидаемая при внутреннем облучении) – dose over a period ‘tau’ after intake of radioactive substances by the organism:

where ‘t0’ is the time of intake; ‘HT (t)’ is the equivalent dose rate by the time moment ‘t’ in the organ or tissue ‘Т’. When ‘tau’ is not defined, it should be assumed equal to 50 years for adults and (70 - t0) for children. (NRB-99/2009)


There are two corresponding terms in the IAEA Glossary:” Committed equivalent dose, HT(τ)” (Ожидаемая эквивалентная доза, HT(τ)), and “Committed effective dose, E(τ)”(Ожидаемая эффективная доза, E(τ)).

Equivalent yearly dose (доза эквивалентная годовая) – the sum of equivalent doses of external radiation received over a calendar year and anticipated equivalent absorbed dose associated with intake of radionuclides for the same year[17]. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)

Preventable dose (доза предотвращаемая) – predicted dose due to a radiation accident that could be prevented by protective measures. (NRB-99/2009)

DOSE LIMIT (Предел дозы (ПД)) – value of effective or equivalent dose of technogenic exposure of public and personnel due to normal operation of a radiation facility, which is not to be exceeded. Compliance with the annual dose limits precludes deterministic effects and probability of stochastic effects is maintained at acceptable level. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Dose limit” (Предел дозы).

dose rate (Мощность дозы) – radiation dose per unit of time (second, minute, hour). (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Dose rate” (Мощность дозы).

DOSE REGULATION PRINCIPLE (ПРИНЦИП нормирования) – non-exceedance of allowable limits of individual exposure dose for public from all sources of ionizing radiation. (Federal Law No. 3-FZ “On radiation safety of public”)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Dose constraint” (Ограничение доз).

DRAINAGE WATER (ДРЕНАЖНЫЕ ВОДЫ) – water removed by drainage facilities designed for diverting drainage water into water bodies. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)

drive (Привод) – a component designed for moving the locking or regulating element, or for creating force to ensure proper leaktightness of the lock. Depending on the type of consumed energy, a drive can be electrical (with electric motor or electric magnet), hydraulic, or pneumatic; depending on its location with respect to the valve it can be in-built or remote.

DRY SNF STORAGE FACILITY (ПУНКТ сухого хранения ОЯТ) – stationary object (structure) designed for SNF storage, in which heat is removed from SNF by air. (NP-035-02)

dry storage of spent nuclear fuel (Сухое хранилище отработавшего ядерного топлива) – storage facility intended for storing SNF in gaseous environment (air or noble gas). (NP-061-05 )


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Dry storage facility” (Сухое хранилище)

duration of seismic oscillations (Продолжительность сейсмических колебаний) – time, during which the amplitude of oscillations exceeds background oscillations by more than 10%. (RB-006-98)

dynamic characteristics (характеристики Динамические) – free oscillation frequencies, shapes and decay parameters.

DYNAMIC METHOD OF ANALYSIS (МЕТОД анализа динамический) – method of analysis of impacts in the form of accelerograms of ground oscillations at the base of a building by means of numeric integration of mechanical equations. (NP-031-01)

EARTHQUAKE (ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЕ) – subsurface shocks and oscillations of the earth surface caused by pulse-wise displacements and ruptures in the earth crust. (NP-064-05)

Design basis earthquake (DBE, SL1) (Проектноеземлетрясение) – an earthquake of maximum intensity on the plant site with the recurrence rate of once in 1000 years. (NP-031-01, RB-019-01, RB-006-98)


This term corresponds to the IAEA Glossary term “Design Basis Earthquake” (проектное землетрясение) of SL-2 level. (However, the IAEA Glossary does not explicitly refer to the recurrence level of SL-1 earthquakes; it does specify that in some countries SL-1 corresponds to the probability of 10-2 1/year. At the same time, the recurrence rate of once in 1000 years as per the Russian regulatory documents is equivalent to probability
of 10-3 1/year.

Local earthquake (землетрясение локальное) – an earthquake, the focus of which is located in the vicinity of the nuclear facility site (within a radius of less
than 30 km). (RB-019-01)

Proximal earthquake (землетрясение местное) – an earthquake, the focus of which is located in the radius of 30 to 300 kilometers from the nuclear facility site.

Remote earthquake (землетрясение удаленное) – an earthquake, the focus of which is located more than 300 kilometers away from the nuclear facility site.

Safe shutdown earthquake (Maximum rated earthquake, SL2) (Максимальное расчетноеземлетрясение) – an earthquake of maximum intensity on the plant site with the recurrence rate of once in 10 000 years. (NP-031-01, RB-019-01, RB-006-98)


This term corresponds to the IAEA Glossary term “Design Basis Earthquake” (проектное землетрясение) of SL-2 level. (However, the IAEA Glossary does not explicitly refer to the recurrence of SL-2 earthquakes; it does specify that in some countries SL-2 corresponds to the probability of 10-4 1/year. This probability is equivalent to the recurrence rate of once in 10000 years that is specified in the Russian regulatory documents).

EARTHQUAKE RECURRENCE LAW (ЗАКОН ПОВТОРЯЕМОСТИ ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЙ) – linear dependence of logarithm of the number of earthquakes in a given region over a given period of time upon the earthquake magnitude. (RB-019-01)

EFFLUENT (сброс)

Allowable effluent (Допустимый сброс) – a prescribed limit for yearly release of radionuclides with waste water into environment allowable for a nuclear facility taking into account optimization principle. (NP-058-04)


IAEA Glossary contains a broader term “Authorized discharge” (Разрешенный сброс (выброс)) referring to both liquid effluents and gaseous releases.

Allowable effluent of radioactive substances (допустимый сброс радиоактивных веществ) – prescribed maximum activity of nuclides released from the plant to the environment with waste water over a year. (PRB AS-99)

Corrosive effluents into surface and ground water (Коррозионные жидкие сбросы в поверхностные и грунтовые воды) – effluents of pollutants into water bodies in the amounts degrading composition and properties of water, causing corrosive impact on underground networks and structures. (NP-064-05)

Maximum allowable effluent (Предельно допустимый сброс) – the prescribed limit for release of radionuclides into environment with waste water over a year, calculated based on the quota for liquid radioactive discharges of the nuclear facility. (NP-058-04)

electromagnetic pulses (Импульсы электромагнитные) – pulses consisting of powerful short-term radiation from the electromagnetic field source. (NP-064-05)

electromagnetic radiation (излучение электромагнитное) – process of formation of free electromagnetic field.

EMERGENCY EXIT (АВАРИЙНЫЙ ВЫХОД) – a door, hatchway or other exit towards evacuation route, leading immediately outside or to a safe area. It is used as an additional rescue exit, but is not accounted for in assessment of the required number and dimensions of evacuation routes and evacuation exits, and it is to be compliant with the requirements of safe evacuation in case of fire. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements)

EMERGENCY LIGHTING (АВАРИЙНОЕ ОСВЕЩЕНИЕ) – lighting on the evacuation routes with autonomous power supply operable in case of fire, accident and other emergencies, actuated automatically by appropriate alarms or manually if there is no alarm or the alarm signal failed. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical Specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY BUSBAR OF HIGHEST NOMINAL VOLTAGE (Секции системы аварийного электроснабжения наибольшего номинального напряжения) – busbars with the largest design value of nominal voltage among AC emergency power supply busbars designed to supply power to the components of the second group in the given train of the emergency power supply system.(NP-087-11)

EMERGENCY POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM (Система аварийного электроснабжения) – support safety system consisting of a set of autonomous sources, transforming, switching and distributing components providing electric power supply in all states of the unit (including accidents and loss of off-site power). (NP-087-11)

emergency power supply system consumers (Потребители системы аварийного электроснабжения)

Emergency power supply system consumers of the first category (Потребители системы аварийного электроснабжения первой группы) – AC and DC consumers of emergency power supply system not admitting (from the nuclear plant safety consideration) power interrupts longer than the time of operation of automatic switches during normal operation of the plant or deviations from normal operation, including accidents and station blackout events.(NP-087-11)

Emergency power supply system consumers of the second category (Потребители системы аварийного электроснабжения второй группы) – AC consumers of emergency power supply system admitting power interrupts during transition to autonomous power supply sources for the duration of startup of the source, which is justified based on the nuclear plant safety considerations. (NP-087-11)

EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS LEVEL (УРОВЕНЬ АВАРИЙНОЙ ГОТОВНОСТИ) – established degree of preparedness of plant personnel, operating utility, organizations of the national system for prevention and mitigation of emergency situations, other participants of emergency response and equipment and hardware used for protection of personnel and public in case of an accident at a nuclear plant. (OPB-12)

emergency protection (scram) signal (Сигнал AЗ) – signal generated by the emergency protection instrumentation and controls in order to induce operation of the reactor control rods; this signal goes into the recording systems, as well as to the main control room and auxiliary control room for personnel notification. (NP-082-07)

emergency protection of technical and engineering support systems (ПРОТИВОАВАРИЙНАЯ ЗАЩИТА СИСТЕМ ИНЖЕНЕРНО-ТЕХНИЧЕСКОГО ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ) – set of components providing protection, prevention and (or) mitigation of harmful consequences of accidents during operation of technical support systems and increasing the lifetime (life) of such systems.

emergency protection system actuator (Рабочий орган AЗ) – means of reactivity control used in the emergency protection system. (NP-082-07)

EMERGENCY RELEASE DISTRIBUTION (Распределение аварийных выбросов) – dependence, presented in the following form: probability vs release source term. (RB-044-09)

EMERGENCY SITUATION (ЧРЕЗВЫЧАЙНАЯ СИТУАЦИЯ) – situation on certain territory caused by an accident, hazardous natural phenomenon, catastrophe or disaster, which can cause or have caused casualties, damage to health of people and to environment, significant material losses and degradation of living conditions of people. (Refined definition of the Federal law “On protection of public and territories against natural or technogenic emergency situations” No. 68-FZ)

EMISSION (ВЫБРОС) – release of a substance (mixture of substances in gaseous and (or) aerosol form into environment (atmosphere) from the emission source. (NP-021-2000)


The IAEA Glossary contains the term "Discharge” combining the two Russian terms – “Emission” (выброс) and “Effluent” (сброс).

Allowable emission (Допустимый выброс) – a limit of allowed yearly release of radionuclides into atmosphere established for the nuclear facility taking into account optimization principle. (NP-058-04)

Allowable emission of radioactive substances (Допустимый выброс радиоактивных веществ) – prescribed maximum activity of the nuclides released from the plant into atmosphere over a year. (PRB AS-99)

Emergency emission (Аварийный в ыброс) – release of radioactive materials and/or ionizing radiation into environment in the amounts exceeding the established safe operation limits. (RB-044-09)

Large emergency release (Большой аварийный выброс) – emergency emission of radioactive substances into environment during a severe beyond design accident requiring implementation of protective measures on the boundary of the zone of planning of protective measures established according to the siting requirements and standards and beyond these boundaries. (OPB-12)

Maximum allowable emission (Предельно допустимый выброс) – the standard value of the amount of radionuclides realeased from the nuclear facility into atmosphere over a year; this value is calculated based on the established emission quota for the nuclear facility. (NP-058-04)

Release of explosive, flammable, toxic vapors, gases and aerosols into atmosphere (Выброс взрывоопасных, воспламеняющихся, токсичных паров, газов и аэрозолей в атмосферу) – release into atmosphere of harmful substances (pollutants) in the amount and concentrations that change composition and properties of significant volumes of air masses and negatively affect people and environmental objects. (NP-064-05)

EMPLOYEE (РАБОТНИК) – an individual, temporarily or permanently working directly with sources of ionizing radiation. (Federal Law No. 3-FZ “On radiation safety of public”)

END STATE (СОСТОЯНИЕ КОНЕЧНОЕ) – stationary controlled state of plant systems and components after accident. (OPB-12)

Safe end state (состояние конечное безопасное) – stable state of the unit, in which the design limits for accidents are not exceeded. (RB-024-11)

Successful end state (состояние конечное успешное) – same as SAFE END STATE (СОСТОЯНИЕ КОНЕЧНОЕ БЕЗОПАСНОЕ). (RB-032-04)

Unsafe end state (состояние конечное небезопасное)) – state of the unit, characterized by design limits for accidents being exceeded. (RB-024-11)

Unsuccessful end state (состояние конечное неуспешное) – same as UNSAFE END STATE (СОСТОЯНИЕ КОНЕЧНОЕ НЕБЕЗОПАСНОЕ). (RB-032-04)

END STATE OF POWER UNIT AFTER DECOMMISSIONING (СОСТОЯНИЕ КОНЕЧНОЕ БЛОКА АС ПОСЛЕ ВЫВОДА ИЗ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ) – state of nuclear power unit specified by decommissioning program to be achieved after completion of all decommissioning activities (NP-012-99)

endogenous phenomena, gravity-slope (эндогенные явления гравитационно-склоновые) – phenomena consisting in sloughs, subsidence, rubble and rock avalanches, and mudflows, occurring in highly seismic areas (above 8) and active neotectonics on high mountain slopes, contributing to formation of unstable slopes. (NP-064-05)

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