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Fixed contamination of surface (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see contamination (загрязнение). 5 страница

GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 1 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 2 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 3 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 1 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 2 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 3 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 7 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 8 страница | LIST OF REGULATORY DOCUMENTS |

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Temporary radioactive waste storage facility (Пункт временного хранения радиоактивных отходов) – radioactive waste storage facility, operating lifetime of which is defined by the design, as well as decommissioning activities and actions. (Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)

radioactive waste storage (Хранение радиоактивных отходов) – temporary storage of radioactive wastes in the tanks (repositories) providing radiation protection and confinement of RW with intention of their subsequent withdrawal. (NP-058-04, NP-002-04)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Storage” (Хранение).

radioactive waste storage facility (Хранилище радиоактивных отходов) – stationary object (facility), designed for storing radioactive wastes, located within the territory defined by the design and equipped with systems and tools required for RW handling. (NP-058-04)

radioactive waste storage facility (Хранилище радиоактивных отходов) [23] – engineered facilities for temporary storage of RW with possibility of subsequent withdrawal for transportation to disposal sites. (NP-002-04)

radioactive wastes (Отходы РАДИОАКТИВНЫЕ) – substances in any aggregate states, materials, products, equipment, objects of biological origin, radionuclide sources, contaminated environmental objects, contaminated soil containing radionuclides in the amounts exceeding the levels prescribed by radiation safety standards, which cannot be further used. (NP-058-04, NP-002-04, NP-019-2000, NP-020-2000, RB-023-02, NRB-99/2009)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Wastes, radioactive” (Отходы, радиоактивные).

Gaseous radioactive wastes (Отходы газообразные радиоактивные) – RW in the form of aerosols, noble gases, vapors of iodine and its compounds. (NP-002-04)

Liquid radioactive wastes (Отходы жидкие радиоактивные) – RW in liquid form (water or organic solutions) or in the form of pulps, containing dissolved or suspended radionuclides. (NP-002-04)

Radioactive wastes generated during mining and processing ores of radioactive materials and other minerals (Отходы радиоактивные, образующиеся при добыче и переработке руд радиоактивных веществ и других полезных ископаемых) – rock, ore, enrichment and leaching wastes, slums, process solutions and contaminated materials, equipment, soil containing radionuclides in the amounts exceeding the levels specified by radiological safety standards, which are not further usable, extracted from underground and placed in the tail storages or rock depositaries. (NP-058-04)


This term corresponds to the IAEA Glossary term “Mining and milling waste (MMW)” (Отходы добычи и переработки (ОДП)).

Solid radioactive wastes (Отходы твердые радиоактивные) – RW in the solid form. (NP-002-04)

Solidified radioactive wastes (Отходы отвержденные радиоактивные) – LRW transferred into solid form. (NP-002-04)

radioactive wastes (радиоактивные Отходы) – see WASTES, RADIOACTIVE (Отходы радиоактивные)

rate of EMISSION, effluent (Мощность выброса, сброса) – radioactive emission or effluent per unit of time. (PRB AS-99)

RATE OF NEUTRON FLUENCE ACCUMULATION (СКОРОСТЬ НАКОПЛЕНИЯ ФЛЮЕНСА БЫСТРЫХ НЕЙТРОНОВ) Ф – time-averaged accumulation rate of fast neutrons (e.g. campaign or irradiation period) reduced to the nominal level of reactor thermal power. (RB-018-01)

rated height of angular weld (Расчетная высота углового шва) – length of the perpendicular dropped from the junction point of welded components to the direct line connecting the edges of the surface in one cross section or on a tangent to the surface of the welded joint parallel to the above specified line.
(PNAE G-7-010-89)

rated rarefaction (for leaktight enclosure) (Разрежение расчетное (для герметичного ограждения)) – vacuumetric pressure of media within the accident localization zone, specified by the designer organization, under which strength of the leaktight enclosure is guaranteed. (NP-010-11)

rated temperature (Температура расчетная) [24] value of temperature of media in the accident localization zone, or temperatures of the components of leaktight enclosure (containment) specified by design (architect engineering) organization, at which operability of the containment is ensured. (NP-010-11)

reactimeter (Реактиметр) – instrument (measuring complex), recording changes of neutron flux (neutron power) with the aid of detectors located inside or outside of the core and performing initial signal processing in order to obtain measured reactivity based on the previously known law or algorithm. The complex can include statistical processing of primary data, accounting for the background current of the detectors for obtaining final reactivity values. (RB-074-12)

reactivity (Реактивность) – measure of difference of neutron breeding factor from 1.

where kэф1,2 – effective breeding coefficients of initial and final states; r is also known as calculated reactivity. Effective breeding coefficients are determined from the solution of the stationary problem with the aid of software models of the reactor core, and represent the ratio of total generation of neutrons to total absorption and escape of them. (RB-074-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Reactivity, ρ” (Реактивность, ρ).

reactivity coefficient (Коэффициент реактивности) – reactivity effect relative to the magnitude of change of a corresponding parameter, assuming that other parameters are constant. (RB-074-12)

reactivity control rod (Орган воздействия на реактивность) – a component, containing solid parts, change of location of which enables change of reactivity in the reactor core (NP-086-12)

reactivity effect (Эффект реактивности) – changes of reactivity caused by change of one of parameters of the reactor unit, e.g. power, average temperature of fuel or coolant, concentration of liquid absorber (boric acid), xenon concentration. The interval of changes of the parameter, and, wherever necessary, spatial distribution function are to be specified. (RB-074-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Reactivity, ρ” (Реактивность, ρ).

reactivity, obtained as a result of analytical modeling (Реактивность, полученная в результате расчетного моделирования измерения) – reactivity, obtained by analytical modeling of reactimeter, parameters of which are recommended to select so that they coincide with the parameters of the reactimeter used for actual measurements. The following conditions are recommended to comply with. Distribution of neutron flux (neutron power) in the core is calculated with the aid of software for joint modeling of non-stationary distribution of full scale neutron field and heat generation. The values of neutron flux in the locations of ex-core detectors of the reactimeter are recommended to be calculated with the aid of software with known uncertainty. (RB-074-12)

REACTOR COOLANT CIRCUIT (PRIMARY CIRCUIT) (КОНТУР ТЕПЛОНОСИТЕЛЯ РЕАКТОРА (ПЕРВЫЙ КОНТУР)) – circuit, including the pressurizer system, designed for coolant circulating through the reactor core in the operating modes and conditions specified by the design. (OPB-12)

reactor core damage, severe (повреждение активной зоны реактора Тяжелое) – see REACTOR CORE DAMAGE, SEVERE (Тяжелое повреждение активной зоны реактора).

REACTOR CORE REFUELING (Перегрузка активной зоны) – nuclear hazardous activities associated with loading, unloading and translocation of fuel (fuel assemblies), control rods and other components affecting reactivity for the purpose of maintenance, replacement or removal. (Refined definition of NP-082-07)

REACTOR PLANT (РЕАКТОРНАЯ УСТАНОВКА) – complex of systems and components of a nuclear plant designed for transforming nuclear energy into heat, including reactor and systems directly associated with it and necessary for its normal operation, emergency cooling, emergency protection and maintaining safe state, conditional to performance of auxiliary and support functions by other systems of the plant. Boundaries of the reactor islet are defined for each nuclear plant in the design. (OPB-12, NP-082-07)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is a broader term “Nuclear facility” (Ядерная установка), covering all types of nuclear facilities.

REACTOR POWER HISTORY (ИСТОРИЯ МОЩНОСТИ РЕАКТОРА) – changes of total thermal power of the reactor in time with respect to rated power. (RB-018-01)

reactor shutdown system (Система остановки реактора) – system designed for transferring reactor to subcritical state and maintaining subcriticality with the aid of reactivity control means. (NP-082-07)

REAL TIME SCALE (РЕАЛЬНЫЙ МАСШТАБ ВРЕМЕНИ) – modeling of dynamic processes with the same interrelations between time, sequence, duration, rate and acceleration, as in real process. (NP-003-97)

recession between BEADS (Углубление между валиками) – longitudinal depression between two neighboring beads (evaluated by maximum depth). (PNAE G-7-010-89)

RECORDING (РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ) – information function, purpose of which is to record the information on a carrier allowing its storage. (NP-026-04)

RED LINES (КРАСНЫЕ ЛИНИИ) – lines designating the existing or planned (modified, added) boundaries of common use territories, boundaries of land allotment on which electric power transmission lines, communication lines (including cable lines), pipelines, motorways, railroads or other similar facilities (objects) are located. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

REDUNDANCY PRINCIPLE (ПРИНЦИП РЕЗЕРВИРОВАНИЯ (ИЗБЫТОЧНОСТИ)) –principle of reliability enhancement by means of using several systems and components (identical or different) for performing the intended safety function regardless of the state, including failures, of any of them. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Redundancy” (Избыточность).

REFERENCE LEVEL (контрольный Уровень) – a value of monitored doze, dose rate, radioactive contamination established for operative radiation monitoring purposes in order to maintain the achieved level of radiation safety and enable further decrease of exposure of personnel and general public, as well as radioactive contamination of environment. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)


The IAEA Glossary contains the same term “Reference level” (Контрольный уровень). However, it is defined in a broader and more generic sense.

REFERENCE STANDARD of a unit (Эталон единицы величины) – appliance designed for reproduction, storage and transfer of measurement unit of a parameter. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

REFINEMENT OF GENERAL SEISMIC ZONING (УТОЧНЕНИЕ ОСР) – complex of geological, geophysical, geodynamic and seismological activities performed to identify geodynamic zones, active faults, zones of possible earthquake origin and determine their parameters, justify nuclear plant siting within the limits of a uniform block of earth crust without active faults, refinement of seismicity of the area and determination of parameters of SSE and DBE at the plant site for average ground types (NP-031-01)

refueling (Перегрузка) – see reactor core refueling (Перегрузка активной зоны).

regulating valve (Клапан регулирующий) – see VALVES (АРМАТУРА).

REGULATORY AUTHORITY (РЕГУЛИРУЮЩИЙ ОРГАН) – federal executive authority authorized, according to the Russian legislation, to perform state safety regulatory functions and supervise the use of nuclear energy, and acting as regulatory authority in terms of the Nuclear Safety Convention. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Regulatory Authority” (Регулирующий орган).

REMOTE CONTROL (УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ДИСТАНЦИОННОЕ) – control of an object from a distance, which can be performed manually or automatically. (NP-026-04)

removable RADIOACTIVE contamination OF surface (снимаемое радиоактивное загрязнение поверхности) – same as REMOVABLE SURFACE CONTAMINATION (СНИМАЕМОЕ ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ).

removable surface contamination (снимаемое загрязнение поверхности) – see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ).

renovation (Реконструкция)

Renovation of capital construction objects (Реконструкция объектов капитального строительства) (except for linear objects) – change of parameters of a capital construction object, its parts (height, number of floors, surface areas, volumes), including addition of superstructures, reconstruction, expansion of a capital construction object, replacement and (or) restoration of load-bearing structures, except for replacement of individual components of such structures for identical ones or for the ones with enhanced parameters. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

Renovation of linear facilities (Реконструкция линейных объектов) – change of parameters of linear facilities or their parts (sections) leading to change of class, category and (or) initially assigned functional parameters (power, lifting ability, etc.), and requiring change of the boundaries of land allotments or protected zones of such facilities. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

REPAIR (РЕМОНТ) – set of actions aimed at recovering operability or functions of object (system or component) and/or restoration of its residual life. (OPB-12, PRB AS-99)

Major repair of linear facilities (ремонт линейных объектов капитальный) – change of parameters of linear facilities or their parts (sections) not leading to change of class, category and (or) initially assigned functional parameters (power, lifting ability, etc.), and requiring change of the boundaries of land allotments and (or) protected zones of such facilities. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

Major repair of capital construction objects (ремонт объектов капитального строительства капитальный) (except for linear objects) – replacement and (or) recovery of structural elements of capital construction object or parts of such structures, except for load bearing structural components, replacement and (or) recovery of engineering and technical support systems and engineering and technical support networks of capital construction objects or their components, replacement of individual components of load-bearing structures, except for replacement of individual components of such structures for identical ones or for the ones with enhanced parameters, and (or) restoration of such components. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

reporting data (Отчетные данные) – information about products and nuclear materials, directly (without recalculations) used for generating reporting documents for the MBA or reporting zone of an organization. (NP-030-12)

required evacuation time (ВРЕМЯ ЭВАКУАЦИИ НЕОБХОДИМОЕ) – time since the moment of occurrence of fire, within which people must be evacuated into safe area without harm to their life and health caused by hazardous factors of the fire. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

reserve of the federal management body for RADIOACTIVE waste management, special (резерв органа государственного управления в области обращения с радиоактивными отходами Специальный) – see SPECIAL RESERVE OF THE FEDERAL MANAGEMENT BODY FOR RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT (Специальный резерв органа государственного управления в области обращения с радиоактивными отходами).

reservoir (Резервуар) – container, cistern car or tank wagon or vessel with the volume of at least 450 liters for liquids, powders, granules or mixtures and at least 1000 liters for gases. A reservoir must be transportable by land or water, able to be drained and filled without removal of structural components, equipped with stabilizing elements and transportation fixtures, and able to be lifted in the filled state. (NP-053-04)

residual life (ресурс Остаточный) – total operation time of a valve from the moment of inspection of its technical condition to transition into limiting state.
(NP-068-05, NP-017-2000)

resistance of system (component) to external impacts (Стойкость системы (элемента) при внешних воздействиях) – ability of system (component) to maintain its functions and parameters over the prescribed period of time in normal operation and under natural or technogenic external impacts (seismic resistance, vibration resistance, corrosion resistance, etc.) within the limits specified by design specifications and technical conditions for system operation. (NP-064-05)

RESPONSE (REACTION) SPECTRUM (СПЕКТР ответа (реакции)) – combination of absolute values of maximum response accelerations of linear oscillator under the impact represented by accelerogram taking into account eigen frequency and decay parameter of the linear oscillator. (NP-031-01)

Floor response spectrum (Спектр ответа поэтажный) – set of absolute values of maximum response accelerations of linear oscillator for a given floor impact accelerogram. (NP-031-01)

Generalized response (reaction) spectrum (Спектр ответа (реакции) обобщенный) spectrum, obtained by means of processing response spectra for a set of real (analogue) accelerograms corresponding to given probability of exceedence. (NP-031-01)

Narrow band spectra (Спектры узкополосные) – response spectra with the width of less than Rs= 0.5 comprising 1/3 of all the population of data available worldwide. (RB-006-98)

Normal spectra (Спектры нормальные) – response spectra having logarithmic width close to normal: Rs = 0.5-0.8 comprising 1/3 of all the population of data available worldwide. (Refined definition from RB-006-98)

Wide band spectra (Спектры широкополосные) – response spectra with the width of more than Rs= 0.8 comprising 1/3 of all the population of data available worldwide. (RB-006-98)

restraint (Упор) – limiter of stroke of executive mechanism movable parts.

REUSED MATERIALS (МАТЕРИАЛЫ повторного использования) – materials obtained during decommissioning of a nuclear power unit, the amount (or activity) of radionuclides contained in which does not exceed the limits specified by federal nuclear rules and regulations, and which are limitedly or unlimitedly usable for industrial or commercial applications. (NP-012-99)


REVISION OF QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM (ПЕРЕСМОТР ПРОГРАММЫ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЯ КАЧЕСТВА) – review of quality assurance program for confirmation of its compliance with regulatory requirements and identification of possibilities for its improvement. (RB-003-98)

rheological propertY of materials (РЕОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ СВОЙСТВО МАТЕРИАЛОВ) – manifestation of irreversible residual deformations and plasticity or creep under effects or loads and (or) impacts. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

risk (Риск) – combination of probability of damage and severity of the damage in the form of negative consequences (destruction, damage of a building, structure, system, component, violations in operation of nuclear facilities, accidents at nuclear facilities and associated hazards of damage inflicted to health and life of people and/or damage to environment (revised definition of NP-064-05)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Risk” (Риск).

Allowable fire risk (Пожарный риск допустимый) – fire risk, level of which is accepted and justified taking into account social and economic conditions. ((Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

Fire risk (Пожарный риск) – measure of possibility of realization of fire hazard of protection object and its consequences for people and property. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

Individual fire risk (Пожарный риск индивидуальный) – fire risk that can cause human casualties as a result of influence of harmful factors of fire. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

Radiation risk (радиационный риск) – probability of occurrence of any harmful effect of radiation for the exposed individual or his (her) children. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Radiation risks” (Радиационные риски).

Social risk of fire (Пожарный риск социальный) – level of hazard, causing death of a group of people caused by hazardous factors of fire. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

ROOM (ПОМЕЩЕНИЕ) – a part of volume of building or structure having a specific purpose and surrounded by structural elements. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical Specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

Room with continuous presence of people (Помещение с постоянным пребыванием людей) room, in which continued presence of people for more than two hours is anticipated. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

room microclimatE (МИКРОКЛИМАТ ПОМЕЩЕНИЯ) – climatic conditions in the room or compartments determined by combination of temperature, humidity and air velocity effecting human organism. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical Specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)


SAEFTY DEFICIT (ДЕФИЦИТ безопасности) – lack of a certain safety function in comparison with the scope defined by the current rules and regulations on the use of nuclear energy. (NP-017-2000)

safe (accountable) distance (Расстояние безопасное (учитываемое)) – distance from the source of hazard to a nuclear facility, beyond which possible external impact of natural or technogenic nature upon it can be neglected.

SAFE AREA (БЕЗОПАСНАЯ ЗОНА) – area in which people are protected from hazardous factors of fire, in which hazardous factors of fire are absent or are within the allowable limits. (Federal Law No.123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

SAFE CHARACTERISTICS OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE (ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ЗДАНИЯ ИЛИ СООРУЖЕНИЯ) – qualitative and quantitative parameters and properties of structural elements, base, materials, engineering and technical support network and systems, by means of which compliance of the building or structure with safety requirements is achieved. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)


safe geometry (геометрия Безопасная) – geometric parameters of equipment for NF storage and transportation precluding occurrence of self-sustained chain reaction in normal operation, abnormal operation and design basis accidents. (NP-061-05)

SAFE OPERATION CONDITIONS (УСЛОВИЯ БЕЗОПАСНОЙ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ) – minimum conditions identified in the design in terms of number, characteristics, operability status, maintenance and testing requirements for systems (components) important for safety, under which compliance with safe operation limits and/or safety criteria is ensure. (OPB-12, PRB AS-99)


SAFE STORAGE OF NUCLEAR POWER UNIT (СОХРАНЕНИЕ ПОД НАБЛЮДЕНИЕМ БЛОКА АС) – stage of power unit decommissioning, completion of which implies preservation of structures, components and buildings on the plant site for extended period, until content of radioactive materials in them decreases to specified values at the expense of natural decay. (NP-012-99)


Fire safety of the protected object (Пожарная безопасность объекта защиты) – state of the protected object characterized by prevention of possibility of fire development and of impact of hazardous factors of fire upon people and property. (Federal Law No.123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements», “Code of practice. Nuclear power stations.Fire safety requirements”.SP 13.13130.2009)

Mechanical safety (Механическая безопасность) – state of structural elements and bases of building or structure, in which there is no unallowable risk associated with damage to life and health of people, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, health and life of animals and plants due to collapse or loss of stability of building, structure, or part thereof. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical Specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

Nuclear plant nuclear and radiation safety (безопасность АС, ядерная и радиационная) – ability of nuclear plant to limit radiation impact on personnel, public and environment during normal operation and during deviations from normal operation including design basis accidents within the established limits, to mitigate the impact in case of beyond design basis accidents, and to decrease probability of accident occurrence. (OPB-12)


The IAEA Glossary provides definitions of two terms – “Nuclear safety” (Ядерная безопасность) and “Radiation protection” (Радиационная защита). In the Russian regulatory documents, including OPB-12, when safety of a potentially hazardous object, such as nuclear plant, is discussed, it is defined through properties of the object not to create hazard for personnel, public and environment, or to maintain the hazard within the prescribed boundaries. If safety of someone exposed to hazard is meant, it is defined as state of his or her protection. In the IAEA Glossary the term “Nuclear safety” (Ядерная безопасность) is defined as reaching certain operational states, preventing accidents or mitigating their consequences to ensure protection of personnel, environment and public against unallowable radiation hazard, i.e. the activities making the object safe. In this sense, definitions of the IAEA Glossary and OPB-12 can be considered equivalent. Radiation protection (радиационная защита) is defined in the IAEA Glossary as protection of people against ionizing radiation and radioactive substances, i.e. activities aimed at achieving the state of protection, defined by the Russian regulatory documents. The IAEA Glossary specifies that extension of the concept of “radiation protection” to environment is questionable.

Radiation safety of public (радиационная безопасность населения) – state of protection of present and future generations of people against harmful effects of ionizing radiation on their health. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Radiation protection” (радиационная защита) or “Radiation protection or Radiological protection” (Радиационная защита или радиологическая защита).

Radioactive waste disposal safety (безопасность системы захоронения радиоактивных отходов) – property of RW disposal system to maintain radiation impact on public over the entire period of persistence of potential hazard from RW within the limits prescribed by radiation safety codes and standards. (NP-058-04)

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 49 | Нарушение авторских прав

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FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 4 страница| FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 6 страница

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