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Fixed contamination of surface (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see contamination (загрязнение). 8 страница

GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 1 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 2 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 3 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 1 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 2 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 3 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 5 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 6 страница |

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A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Enriched uranium” (Обогащенный уран).

High enriched uranium (Высокообогащенный уран) uranium with the enrichment of at least 20% by uranium-235 isotope. (NP-030-12)

Low enriched uranium (Низкообогащенный уран) uranium with the enrichment of at least 0.73%, but no more than 20% by uranium-235 isotope. (NP-030-12)

Natural uranium (Природныйуран) – uranium containing natural mixture of uranium isotopes (approximately 99.28% uranium-238 and 0.72% uranium-235 by mass). Small amount of uranium-234 is present. (NP-053-04)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Natural uranium” (Природный уран).

Non-irradiated uranium (Необлученный уран) – uranium, containing no more than 2·103 Bq plutonium per 1 g of uranium-235 and no more than 9 MBq fission products per 1 g of uranium-235 and no more than 5·10-3 g uranium-236 per 1 g of uranium-235. (NP-053-04)

urban development regulations (регламент Градостроительный) – forms of allowable use of land plots within the boundaries of appropriate territory along with everything over and under the surface of the land plots, which is used during construction and subsequent operation of capital construction objects, limiting (minimum and maximum) sizes of land plots and limiting parameters of allowable construction or renovation of capital construction objects, as well as limitations imposed on the use of land plots and capital construction objects. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

VALVE TRIM (Исполнение арматуры) – design of a specific type of a valve with the following defined parameters: purpose, nominal diameter, operating pressure, material of main components, method of control and of connection to the pipeline, etc.

valve type (Тип арматуры) – classifier characterizing functional properties and design specific of a valve, e.g. wedge valve, regulating valve. (NP-068-05)


Bellows-type valves (Арматура трубопроводная сильфонная) (valves with bellows sealing) valves in which bellows is used for providing leaktightness to moving parts (such as stock, piston) with respect to outer media. (NP-068-05)

Bistable valve (Клапан двухпозиционный) – a relief valve, the slide valve of which can be immobile only in the limiting positions. (NP-068-05)

Check valve (lifting valve) (Клапан обратный (клапан подъемный)) – valve, designed for automatic prevention of fluid backflow. (NP-068-05)

Check valves (арматура трубопроводная обратная) protection valves designed to automatically prevent backflow of fluid. (NP-068-05)

Cutoff valves (арматура трубопроводная отсечная) protection isolation valves with automatic control. (NP-068-05)

Electromagnetic valves (Арматура трубопроводная электромагнитная) – valve having electromagnet controlled by electric signal as one of the components, inclusively for auxiliary functions (lock, change of actuation pressure, etc.). (NP-068-05)

Fast response pipeline valves (арматура трубопроводная быстродействующая) safety valves with the actuation time of no more than 10 seconds. (NP-068-05)

Gate valve (Задвижка) – a valve in which regulating or isolating component moves perpendicularly to the axis of fluid flow in the flow pathway. Gate valves are predominantly used as isolating valves, being usually fully open or fully closed. (NP-068-05)

Isolating and regulating pipeline valves (арматура трубопроводная запорно-регулирующая) –regulating valves, capable of being used as isolation valves. (NP-068-05)

Isolating and throttling pipeline valves (арматура трубопроводная запорно-дроссельная) valves designed for decreasing pressure of fluid, capable of being used as isolation valves. (NP-068-05)

Isolation valves (Арматура запорная) – components (gate valves, taps, etc.) or their combinations (including drainage valves and air vents between them) designed for isolation of systems, components and sections of piping systems (pipelines), including fast response pressure reducing stations. (NP-062-05)

Leaktight valve (Гермоклапан) – leaktight electrically driven isolation valve, with flange connection. (NP-068-05)

Pilot valve (Клапан импульсный) – direct action or controlled relief valve, opening of which leads to opening of the main valve in the pilot-operated relief valve system. (NP-068-05)

Pipeline isolation valves (арматура трубопроводная запорная) - valves designed for blocking fluid flow with the degree of leaktightness determined in accordance with the requirements of applicable regulations, codes and standards. (NP-068-05)

Pipeline valves (арматура трубопроводная) – a class of components installed on pipelines and vessel nozzles and intended for controlling flow (isolation, distribution, regulation, discharge, mixing, phase separation) of fluids (liquids, gases, liquid-gas mixtures, suspensions, etc.) by means of changing flow path cross section. Pipeline valves are classified by the following attributes: purpose, operating conditions (pressure, temperature, type and composition of fluid), nature of interaction of the isolating or regulating component with the fluid, nominal cross-section of the flow path. (NP-068-05)

Pneumatic valve (Пневмоарматура) – a valve operated by pneumatic drive. (NP-068-05)

Proportional valve (Клапан пропорциональный) – relief valve, the slide valve of which can rest in any intermediate position depending on the pressure in the volume it protects. (NP-068-05)

Regulating valve (Клапан регулирующий) – a valve designed for regulating the parameters of fluid by means of changing flow path cross section and controlled with the aid of external source of energy. (NP-068-05)

Regulating valves (арматура трубопроводная регулирующая) valves designed for changing parameters of fluid by means of changing its flow rate. (NP-068-05)

Relief valves (арматура трубопроводная предохранительная) protection valves designed for automatic protection of equipment and pipelines against unallowable increase of pressure by means of discharge of the fluid. (NP-068-05)

Tap valve (Кран) – a valve, in which the regulating or closing element has the shape of rotation solid or part of it, rotates around its own axis oriented arbitrarily with respect to fluid flow. (NP-068-05)


Software verification (верификация пс) – justification of usability of the software within the declared area of applicability and uncertainty of calculations of the parameters by means of comparison with the experimental data, results of calculations with the aid of other software, results of analytical tests, and theoretical analysis. The concept of Software Verification (Верификация ПС) in the Russian regulatory documents combines the concepts of Software Verification (Верификация ПС) and Software Validation (Валидация ПС). (RB-061-11)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Model verification” (Верификация модели).

Verification of a mathematical model of full scope simulator (верификация математической модели пмт) – an established process of confirmation of the results of analysis on the full scope simulator of stationary and dynamic operation modes of the prototype unit by means of comparison with design and analytical data. (NP-003-97)

VIBRATION RESISTANCE (Вибростойкость) – ability of an item to maintain mechanical strength, stability, leaktightness, integrity and operability during and after exposure to vibration. (NP-068-05, NP-086-12, NP-031-01)

violations in the nuclear material ACCOUNTING and control (Нарушения в учете и контроле ядерных материалов) – errors in the accounting and (or) reporting documents that did not result in abnormalities in accounting and control of nuclear materials and special non-nuclear materials; damaged tamper control seals, inconsistency of predicable attributes of accounting units with records, non-compliances of the procedures of production, use, transfer of nuclear materials, placement of accounting units with the requirements of regulatory documents.

volcano eruption (Извержение вулкана) – process of ejection from the volcano crater of hot ash, sand and stones, eruption of molten lava, formation of lava streams and hot avalanches, glowing clouds, ash falls, mud slides, and release of toxic gases.

VORTEX (ВИХРЬ) – atmospheric formation with rotational movement of air around vertical or inclined axis. (RB-022-01)

warning protection (Предупредительная ЗАЩИТА) – see PROTECTION (ЗАЩИТА).

WARNING protection signal (Сигнал предупредительной защиты) – signal, generated and recorded by control and monitoring systems for initiation of warning protection functions and personnel notification of possible violations of normal operation conditions. (NP-082-07)

WASTE WATER (СТОЧНЫЕ ВОДЫ) – water discharged into water bodies after its use, or which is discharged from contaminated territory. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)

WATER AREA (АКВАТОРИЯ) – water space within natural, artificial or conventional boundaries. (Federal Law No. 74-FZ “The Water Code of the Russian Federation”)

WATER BODY (водный объект) –natural or artificial water reservoir or water stream flow, temporary or permanent mass of water in which has characteristic forms and attributes of water regime. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)

WATER CONSUMPTION (ВОДОПОТРЕБЛЕНИЕ) – consumption of water from water supply systems. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)

WATER DISPOSAL (ВОДООТВЕДЕНИЕ) – any release of water, including waste water and (or) drainage water, into water bodies. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)

WATER REGIME (водный режим) – changes of levels, flow rate and amount of water in the water body with time. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)

WATER RESOURCE REGION (ВОДОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННЫЙ УЧАСТОК) – a part of river basin with the characteristics allowing defining limits for withdrawal of water resources from the water body and other parameters of utilization of water body. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)

WATER RESOURCE UTILIZATION SYSTEM (ВОДОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННАЯ СИСТЕМА) – a set of water bodies and hydro-engineering structures designed for ensuring rational use and protection of water resources. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)

WATER RESOURCES (водные ресурсы) – surface and subsoil water that is located in water bodies and is being used or can be used. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)

WATER SUPPLY (ВОДОСНАБЖЕНИЕ) – supply of surface or subsoil water to water users in the required amount in compliance with the target water quality parameters in the water bodies. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)

water surge (Нагон воды) – increase of water level caused by influence of wind on water surface. (NP-064-05)

WATER USER (ВОДОПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЬ) – an individual or a legal entity entitled to use a water body. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)


Air shock wave (воздушная ударная волна) – a perturbation rapidly propagating in the atmosphere, on the front edge of which all the physical parameters (pressure, density, temperature and mass velocity) change in a stepwise manner. Air shock wave is characterized by existence of two phases – compression and rarefaction, with the pressure above and below atmospheric, respectively. (RB G-05-039-96)

Breakthrough wave (Волна прорыва) – wave formed as a result of breakup of waterfront of hydraulic engineering structure or natural formation (NP-064-05)

Seismic explosive waves (сейсмовзрывные волны) – perturbations propagating in the ground and causing oscillations of foundations of buildings and structures. Primary seismic explosive waves, propagating from the origin of the explosion, and secondary waves, including the ones generated by shock waves are distinguished. (RB G-05-039-96)

weighing factors (Взвешивающие коэффициенты)

Weighing factors for individual types of radiation for calculation of the equivalent dose (wr) (Взвешивающие коэффициенты для отдельных видов излучения при расчете эквивалентной дозы (wr)) – multipliers of the absorbed radiation dose taking into account relative efficiency of different types of radiation in inducing biological response:

Photons of any energy 1

Electrons and mu-mesons of any energy 1

Neutrons with the energy smaller than 10 keV 5

from 10 to 100 keV 10

from 100 keV to 2MeV 20

from 2 to 20 MeV 10

above 20 MeV 5

Protons with the energy above 2 MeV, except for recoil protons 5

Alfa particles, fission fragments, heavy nuclei 20

Note. All the values are related to the radiation incident to the body, and in case of internal exposure – emitted during nuclear reaction. (NRB-99/2009)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Radiation weighing factor, wR” (Весовой множитель излучения, wR).


Weighing factors for tissues and organs for calculation of the equivalent dose (wt) (Взвешивающие коэффициенты для отдельных видов излучения при расчете эквивалентной дозы (wt)) – multipliers of the equivalent radiation dose in body tissues and organs used in radiation protection for taking into account differences in sensibility of various tissues and organs in terms of occurrence of stochastic effects of radiation exposure:

Gonads 0.20

Bone marrow (red) 0.12

Colon 0.12

Lungs 0.12

Stomach 0.12

Bladder 0.05

Chest 0.05

Liver 0.05

Gullet 0.05

Thyroid 0.05

Skin 0.01

Bone surface cells 0.01

Other 0.05

(It should be taken into account in calculations, that “Other” includes adrenal glands, brain, extrathoracic part of respiratory organs, small intestine, kidneys, muscle tissues, pancreas, spleen, thymus, and alvus. In the exceptional cases when one of the listed tissues or organs receives an equivalent dose exceeding the largest dose received by any of the twelve tissues and organs, for which weighing factors are defined, a weighing factor of 0.025 should be attributed to this tissue or organ, and a cumulative weighing factor of 0.025 should be attributed to the remaining tissues and organs included into “Other”). (NRB-99/2009)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Tissue weighting factor, wT” (Тканевый весовой множитель wT).

weld deposit metal (Наплавленный металл) – metal obtained during fusion of welding filler materials in the process of depositing (welding) in the layers (weld beds) practically undiluted by main metal. Metal of annular control weld made with preliminary build-up welding of wedges with at least three layers of welding filler materials of the controlled marks is also considered to be weld deposit metal. (PNAE G-7-010-89)

WELD EDGE (Кромка сварного шва) – butt surface of a component after mechanical processing to the geometric dimensions of weld edge preparation according to drawings. (PNAE G-7-010-89)

weld metal (Металл шва) – metal obtained in the course of melting of welding material in the process of making the weld and diluted by main metal due to its melting in the zone of the weld edges. (PNAE G-7-010-89)

weld width (Ширина шва) – distance between the edges of welded joint in one cross section. (PNAE G-7-010-89)

WELD, CONTROL (соединение сварное Контрольное) – see CONTROL WELD (сварное соединение Контрольное).

weld, control (шов сварной Контрольный) – see CONTROL WELD (сварной шов Контрольный).

WELD, PRODUCTION CONTROL (соединение сварное Контрольное) – see PRODUCTION CONTROL WELD (сварное соединение ПРОИЗВОДСТВЕННОЕ Контрольное).

withdrawal of means of reactivity control (Извлечение средств воздействия на реактивность) – such a movement or change of state of means of reactivity control that results in insertion of positive reactivity (insertion of means of reactivity control results in insertion of negative reactivity). (NP-082-07)

work WITH ionizing radiation source (Работа с источником ионизирующего излучения) – all types of manipulations with radioactivity source at the workplace, including radiation monitoring.

work WITH radioactive substances (Работа с радиоактивными веществами) – all types of manipulations with radioactive substances at the work place, including radiation monitoring. (NRB-99/2009)

workplace (рабочее Место) place of permanent or temporary location of personnel for performance of production functions under influence of ionizing radiation for more than half of working time, or more than two hours without interruptions. (PRB AS-99)

zero period acceleration (Ускорение нулевого периода) – response spectrum acceleration in the asymptotic (solid state) part of spectrum, usually above the frequency of 33 Hz. (RB-006-98)

zone (zones) (зона (ЗОНЫ))

Accident localization zone (зона локализации аварии) – space surrounded by leaktight enclosure (or other components of localizing safety systems), within which radioactive substances released during accidents are to be confined. (NP-010-11)

Controlled access zone (Зона контролируемого доступа) – a part of nuclear plant site territory where radiation impact on personnel is possible during normal operation of the plant. (PRB AS-99)

Emergency situation zone (Зона чрезвычайной ситуации) – territory, on which emergency situation has occurred. (Refined definition of the Federal law “On protection of public and territories against natural or technogenic emergency situations” No. 68-FZ).

Fire hazard zone (Пожароопасная зона) – part of enclosed or open space, within which flammable substances are constantly or periodically circulated or handled, and where they can be present during normal operation or deviations from normal operation (accident). (Federal Law No.123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

Fire zone (Пожарная зона) – a room (part of a room), group of rooms, a part of nuclear plant site, within which, temporary or constantly, inclusively during abnormal operation, combustible substances and materials are present (circulated), and which are segregated from other rooms (compartments, sites), group of rooms or parts of the plant site by safe (limiting) distances or fireproof barriers. (“Code of practice. Nuclear power plants. Fire safety requirements”. SP 13.13130.2009)

Geodynamic zones (Зоны геодинамические) – tectonic structures active in the Quaternary period of geological development with a Quaternary movement gradient velocity of 10-9 per year or more. (Refined definition of RB-019-01)

Hazardous zone (Опасная зона) – an area inside machinery and (or) equipment or around them, in which personnel is under the risk of injury or other harm to health in relation to operation of the machinery and (or) equipment. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

High tornado hazard zone (Зона повышенной смерчеопасности) – territory with a higher probability of occurrence of tornadoes per unit of area.

Mandatory public evacuation planning zone (Зона планирования мероприятий по обязательной эвакуации населения) – territory of anticipated exposure during beyond design basis accident, within the boundaries of which in the initial period of a radiation accident the upper level of dose criteria for mandatory evacuation of critical groups of public established by the current radiation safety standards and regulations can be exceeded. (NP-032-01, PRB AS-99)

Material balance area (zone) (Зона баланса материалов) – a territorially and administratively defined zone within a nuclear facility or a nuclear material storage facility for accounting and control of NM, in which quantities of NM are instrumentally measured during each translocation to and from the zone, and in which the inventory balance of NM is checked over a prescribed period of time. (NP-072-06)

Monitored zone (Зона наблюдения) – territory beyond the sanitary protection zone, on which radiation monitoring is performed. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Supervised Area”(Зона наблюдения).

Protective action planning zone (зона планирования защитных мероприятий) – territory around a nuclear power plant, within the boundaries of which radiological impact during beyond design basis accidents is possible and measures are planned to protect public in accordance with the current radiation safety standards and regulations. Beyond this zone, no actions to protect the general public are required for the aforementioned accidents. (NP-032-01)


This term corresponds to the IAEA Glossary terms “Urgent Protective Action Planning Zone” (Зона планирования срочных защитных мер) and “Precautionary Action Zone” (Зона предупредительных мер).

Radiation accident zone (Зона радиационной аварии) – territory, on which a radiation accident was actually documented. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)


In the IAEA Glossary there is a term with closer meaning - “Contamination Zone”.

Sanitary protection zone (Зона санитарно-защитная) – territory around ionizing radiation source where the level of exposure of people under conditions of normal operation of the source can exceed the established limit for public exposure dose. In this zone temporary or permanent accommodation of people is prohibited, commercial activities are limited and radiation monitoring is performed. (Federal Law No. 3-FZ “On radiation protection of public”, NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA glossary is “Сontrolled Area” (Контролируемая зона).

Territorial zones (Зоны территориальные) – zones, for which limits are defined and urban development restrictions are established in the land use and development rules. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation”, No. 190-FZ)

Unrestricted access zone (зона свободного режима) – a part of nuclear plant site territory, where influence of radiation on personnel is practically excluded during normal operation of the plant. (PRB AS-99)

Zones with special conditions of territory use (Зоны с особыми условиями использования территорий) – protected areas, sanitary protection zones, areas of protection of cultural legacy (historical monuments and cultural sites) of the peoples of the Russian Federation (hereinafter – cultural legacy objects), water protection zones, sanitary protection zones of the sources of drinking and household water supply, protected facility zones, other zones established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)




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