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Radioactive waste handling safety (безопасность при обращении с радиоактивными отходами) – state of protection of employees (personnel), public and environment against unallowable radiation impact during RW management and handling activities. (NP-058-04)
SAFETY CRITERIA (КРИТЕРИИ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ) – values of parameters and (or) characteristics of the nuclear plant, based on which its safety is demonstrated. The criteria are defined by regulatory documents or plant design (in the latter case, the criteria must be consistent with the regulatory requirements). (OPB-12)
SAFETY CULTURE (КУЛЬТУРА БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ) – characteristics of activities in the organizations, along with psychological and qualificational preparedness of all individuals involved in safety related activities, in the presence of which the task of ensuring plant safety as having the highest priority receives attention commensurate with its importance. (OPB-12)
A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Safety culture” (Культура безопасности).
SAFETY FUNCTION (ФУНКЦИЯ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ) – specific goal and actions enabling its achievement, aimed at preventing and limiting consequences of accidents, which are failed to be prevented by normal operation systems. (OPB-12)
A partly corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Safety function” (Функция безопасности). However, the IAEA Glossary interprets safety function as a specific goal to be achieved to ensure safety during accidents, but also in other cases, in particular, in normal operation.
SAFETY ORIENTED MANAGEMENT (УПРАВЛЕНИЕ В ЦЕЛЯХ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ) – administrative system implemented by the operating utility integrating all the elements of administrative management in such a way that the processes and actions that can affect nuclear plant safety are arranged and performed in coordination with other requirements, including requirements to supervisors, to health protection, to personnel actions, economics, environmental protection, nuclear material accounting and control, physical security and quality in order to ensure that other requirements do not have detrimental effects on plant safety. (OPB-12)
This term is related to the IAEA Glossary term “Integrated management system (for facilities and activities)” (Комплексная система управления (для установок и деятельности)).
SAFETY REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE DURING THE USE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY (ТРЕБОВАНИЯ К ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЮ БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ ПРИ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИИ АТОМНОЙ ЭНЕРГИИ) – totality of the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, federal nuclear rules and regulations, conditions of the licenses (permits)* issued by the Russian regulatory authority and its territorial offices for the right to perform specific types of activities, decrees of the regulatory authority and other regulatory and legal documents, compliance with which is to be supervised by Russian regulatory authority and its territorial offices. (RD-03-43-98)
SAFETY SYSTEMS (COMPONENTS) (СИСТЕМЫ (ЭЛЕМЕНТЫ) БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ) – systems (components) designed for performing safety functions during design basis accidents. (OPB-12)
Note: Safety systems (components) are subdivided by the nature of functions into protection, localization, support and control systems.
A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Safety system” (Система безопасности). A difference is that according to OPB-12, safety systems are designed for performing safety functions, whereas the IAEA Glossary defines that safety systems perform the following specific tasks: safe reactor shutdown, residual heat removal, and limitation of consequences of anticipated operational events and design basis accidents. Ambiguity of the latter definition is obvious, since the same tasks are performed by normal operation systems. There is another difference. According to definition of safety systems provided in the OPB-12, they include four types of systems depending on the nature of performed safety functions: protection, localization, support and control safety systems. IAEA Glossary defines only three types of systems. Protection and localization systems in the terminology of OPB-12 are combined in the IAEA Glossary into a single group of safety actuation systems. Control safety systems are titled protection systems, and include only a part of control systems related to the nuclear reactor. Other parts of the control systems are not distinguished as a separate group, but included into safety actuation systems. Definitions of support safety systems in the IAEA Glossary and in the OPB-12 are identical.
Protection safety systems (components) (Защитные системы (элементы) безопасности) – systems (components) designed to prevent or limit damage of nuclear fuel, fuel cladding, equipment and pipelines containing radioactive substances. (OPB-12)
This term is related to the IAEA Glossary term “Safety actuation system” (Исполнительная система безопасности) that combines localization and protection systems in the Russian terminology.
Control safety systems (Управляющие системы (элементы) безопасности) – systems (components) designed for initiation of safety systems, and for controlling them during performance of the intended functions. (OPB-12, NP-026-04)
This term is related to the IAEA Glossary term “Protection system” (Система защиты), as far as reactor control systems are concerned. However, the Russian definition of control safety systems includes controls of all safety systems, rather than those of reactor only.
Localization safety systems (components) (Локализующие системы (элементы) безопасности) – systems (components) intended to prevent or limit spreading of radioactive substances and ionizing radiation generated during accidents beyond the design boundaries and their release into environment. (NP-010-11)
This term is related to the IAEA Glossary term “Safety actuation system” (Исполнительная система безопасности) that combines localization and protection systems in the Russian terminology.
Support safety systems (components) (Обеспечивающие системы (элементы) безопасности) – systems (components) intended to provide other safety systems with energy, process fluid or to establish conditions required for their proper operation. (OPB-12)
A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Safety system support features” (Средства поддержки систем безопасности).
SANITARY AIRLOCK (Саншлюз) – a room between the zones of a radiation facility intended for preliminary decontamination and exchange of additional means of individual protection. (PRB AS-99)
Temporary airlock (Саншлюз временный) – a fenced site intended for replacement of additional means of individual protection (PRB AS-99)
SANITARY CHECKPOINT (Санпропускник) – a set of rooms and compartments intended for changing clothes and footwear, personnel decontamination, monitoring of radioactive contamination of skin, means of individual protection and clothing. (PRB AS-99)
sanitary protection zone (санитарно-защитная ЗОНА) – see ZONE (ZONES) (ЗОНА (ЗОНЫ)).
scaling (Чешуйчатость) – lateral or rounded (oblong rounded in case of automated submerged arc welding) depressions on the bead surface formed due to non-homogeneity of solidification of weld pool (evaluated by maximum depth).(PNAE G-7-010-89)
scenario (Сценарий) – logical sequence of interrelated states of object or complex technical system possible under external impacts. (RB G-05-039-96)
scenario of states of object or complex technical system (Сценарий состояний объекта или сложной технической системы) – logical sequence of interrelated states of object or complex technical system possible under external impacts of natural and/or technogenic origin included into design bases of nuclear facility. (NP-064-05)
SEALING ELEMENTS (of RW storage facility) (ЭЛЕМЕНТЫ запечатывающие (хранилище РАО)) – elements of RW storage facility, with which the access routes and utility lines used during operation of the facility are filled during decommissioning activities. (RB-011-2000)
SEALING SYSTEM (OF PACKAGING) (Система герметизации (упаковки)) – part of the packaging system designed to confine radioactive contents during transportation. (NP-053-04)
seasonal flood (Половодье) – a phase of river water regime with long term significant increase of water content in the river causing gradual increase of water level, repeated annually in the same season. (NP-064-05)
secondary fragments (Вторичные осколки) – see FRAGMENTS (ОСКОЛКИ).
seiChes (Сейши) – oscillations of water level in a closed or semi-closed water body under the influence of disturbance forces of atmospheric, oceanic or seismic origin. (NP-064-05)
seismic deformations, residual (сейсмодеформации, остаточные) – deformations of earth crust in the form of cracks, stepwise settlements, fault-bend folds, soil eruptions, sediments, earth waves resulting from passage of seismic waves.
SEISMIC HAZARD (СЕЙСМИЧЕСКАЯ ОПАСНОСТЬ) – maximum seismic impact of the specified recurrence frequency at the site of a nuclear or radiation hazardous facility. (RB-019-01)
SEISMIC INSULATION OF A STRUCTURE (BUILDING) (Сейсмоизоляция сооружения (здания)) – a set of engineered structures, usually installed in the foundation of the structure or building to decrease oscillations of the building caused by seismically induced oscillations of ground surface, as well as systems and components designed to control (shift) the eigen frequencies of oscillation of the structure or building into desirable range of values. (NP-064-05)
SEISMIC INTENSITY (БАЛЛЬНОСТЬ) – intensity of seismic impact measured on the MSK-64 scale. (RB-019-01)
SEISMIC INTENsITY (Интенсивность сейсмическая) – integral macroseismic measure of a seismic impact determined based on the statistics of damage of reference buildings, reaction of objects, people, parameters of ground movements, parameters of the focus of earthquake and distance from the observation point, measurements on the daylight surface. (RB-006-98)
SEISMIC MICROZONING (СЕЙСМИЧЕСКОЕ МИКРОРАЙОНИРОВАНИЕ) – a complex of specialized activities intended to predict the influence of the specifics of subsurface structure, composition, properties and state of ground formations, watercut properties, and relief upon the parameters of ground surface oscillations on the plant site. (NP-031-01)
, displograms X), corresponding to the impacts typical of the given site in case of SSE or DBE for 50%- and 84% probability levels. (RB-006-98)
SEISMIC RESISTANCE (Сейсмопрочность) – ability of a component to maintain strength, integrity and leaktightness during and after earthquakes. (NP-068-05)
SEISMIC RESISTANCE OF NUCLEAR PLANT COMPONENTS (СЕЙСМОСТОЙКОСТЬ ЭЛЕМЕНТОВ АС) – ability of plant components to perform intended functions during and after earthquakes according to the design. (NP-031-01)
SEISMIC STUDIES FOR A NUCLEAR PLANT (СЕЙСМОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ ДЛЯ АС) – a set of measures aimed at refining of general seismic zoning of the area and seismic microzoning of alternative sites in order to refine the knowledge of seismicity of the area based on the general seismic zoning maps and to determine DBE and SSE parameters. (NP-031-01)
SEISMICITY (СЕЙСМИЧНОСТЬ) – totality of the earthquake origins in space and time. (RB-019-01)
Dispersed (background) seismicity (Сейсмичность рассеянная (фоновая)) – background earthquakes are low magnitude earthquake (usually with the МЈ 4), which are hard to associate with known seismicity generating structures. It is conservatively assumed that background earthquakes can occur in any location on the territory in question. Recurrence frequency of earthquakes postulated for the entire territory is, on the average, five times lower than the real value. Thus, assessment of seismic hazard associated with background earthquakes consists in identifying the existence of epicenters of micro-earthquakes in the immediate vicinity of the site. (Refined definition from RB-006-98)
Nuclear plant seismicity (Сейсмичность площадки АС) – intensity of possible seismic impacts of DBE and SSE at the plant site measured on the MSK-64 scale. (NP-031-01)
seismogram synthesis (Синтезирование сейсмограмм) – mathematical modeling of seismograms (accelerograms, velocigrams, displograms) consistent with the expected values of major parameters of oscillations (level, width of pulse) and spectrum (predominant frequency and its logarithmic width). (RB-006-98)
seismotectonic fissure displacements (Сейсмотектонические разрывные смещения) – rupture displacements of parts of earth crust along seismogenic faults and breaks reaching air surface in the areas with high seismicity (above 8 points), including pulsations, shifts, overthrusts, crushes, uplifts and other fissure displacements. (NP-064-05)
SELF ASSESSMENT (САМООЦЕНКА) – analysis, performed by administration of a nuclear power plant or operating utility in order to assess compliance with the requirements associated with plant safety, efficiency and adequacy of management to safety objectives.
A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Self-assessment” (Самооценка). It should be, however, noted that in the Russian regulatory bases the concept of “self assessment” is formulated only in relation to nuclear power plant or operating utility management.
self loosening (Самоотвинчивание) – self-induced loosening of fixture elements during operation of actuators. (NP-086-12)
self regulating organizations in the are of engineering surveys, civil engineering, construction, renovation and capital maintenance of capital construction objects (организации в области инженерных изысканий, архитектурно-строительного проектирования, строительства, реконструкции, капитального ремонта объектов капитального строительства СаморегулируЕмые) – non-profit organizations registered in the state registry of self-regulating organizations that are based on membership of individual entrepreneurs and (or) legal entities performing engineering surveys and providing services associated with design, civil engineering, construction, renovation and capital maintenance of capital construction objects. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)
self sustained nuclear fission chain reaction (Самоподдерживающаяся цепная ядерная реакция деления) – process of fission of radionuclides, in which the number of neutrons generated in the process of nuclear fission over a certain period of time is equal to or greater than the number of neutrons leaving the system through escape or absorption over the same period of time. (Refined definition of NP-053-04)
SERVICE LIFE (Срок службы) – calendar duration of operation from beginning of operation of a valve or resumption of operation after maintenance to transition of the valve to limiting state. (NP-068-05)
set, packaging (комплект Упаковочный) – see packaging set (УПАКОВОЧНЫЙ КОМПЛЕКТ)
SEVERE ACCIDENT PRECURSOR (ПРЕДВЕСТНИК ТЯЖЁЛОЙ АВАРИИ) – deviation from design parameters or characteristics identified during operation or realized during an operational event, which did not result in a severe accident but provided evidence for significant weakness in design of component or unit, operation of the unit, or was a part of emergency sequence that could have caused a severe accident. (OPB-12)
A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Accident precursor” (Событие - предшественник аварии). However, its definition in the IAEA Glossary does not reflect the meaning of the term adopted in other IAEA documents, e.g. IAEA-TECDOC-1417.
SEVERE CORE DAMAGE (Тяжелое повреждение активной зоны реактора) – beyond design basis accident with damage of fuel elements in the core. (Refined definition from NP-082-07)
SHIPPING PACKAGE SET (Транспортный упаковочный комплект) – see PACKAGE SET (КОМПЛЕКТ УПАКОВОЧНЫЙ).
Shock wave, air (ударная волна Воздушная) – see AIR SHOCK WAVE (ВОЗДУШНАЯ УДАРНАЯ ВОЛНА).
SHOT METAL (Брызги металла) – a defect in the form of solidified droplets of metal on the surface of welded or surfaced components. (PNAE G-7-010-89)
shrinkage cavity (Усадочная раковина)) – defect in the form of cavity or indentation formed during shrinkage of solidifying molten metal, usually in the locations where welding process was interrupted or ended. (PNAE G-7-010-89)
shutter (Затвор) – a set of mobile (spool, disk, wedge, deflector, plunger, etc.) and immobile parts of isolating or regulating component of the valve, changing the flow cross section. (NP-068-05)
significance (Значимость) – quantitative characteristic of influence of individual parameters of probabilistic model on the results of PSA. (RB-024-11)
significance level (УРОВЕНЬ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТи) – a characteristic of building or structure determined based on the scope of economic, social and environmental consequences of its destruction. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)
SINGLE FAILURE PRINCIPLE (ПРИНЦИП ЕДИНИЧНОГО ОТКАЗА) – principle, according to which a system must perform intended functions in case of any initiating event requiring its actuation assuming failure of any single active component or passive component with moving parts in the system independent of the initiating event. (OPB-12)
This term corresponds to IAEA Glossary term “Single failure criterion” (Критерий единичного отказа). Between the definitions of these terms in the Russian regulatory system, there is a notable difference, namely, the Russian definition refers to a single failure, independent of the initiating event, of any active component or passive component with movable parts, operation of which is required in case of the initiating event. IAEA standard requires taking into account any single failure, including those of passive components unless extremely small probability of its failure was demonstrated with high degree of credibility.
SITE OF THE NUCLEAR POWER UNIT UNDER DECOMMISSIONING (ПЛОЩАДКА выводимого из эксплуатации блока АС) – a part of the plant site with buildings and structures, boundaries of which are defined by the design of a power unit under decommissioning. Buildings, structures and systems shared with other units are not considered a part of the site of power unit under decommissioning. (NP-012-99)
SITING (ВЫБОР ПЛОЩАДКИ) – process of selection of an appropriate site for a nuclear facility, including assessment and definitions of criteria for design bases. (RB-022-01)
This term is fully equivalent to the same term in the IAEA Glossary.
slug inclusion (Шлаковое включение) – seeINCLUSION (ВКЛЮЧЕНИЕ).
smoke protection (Система противодымной защиты) – complex of organizational measures, configuration solutions, engineered systems and hardware designed to prevent or limit the hazard of smoke accumulation in buildings and structures during fires, as well as impact of hazardous factors of fire upon people and property. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”, “Code of practice. Nuclear power stations.Fire safety requirements”.SP 13.13130.2009)
software (Программное средство) – a program (code), complex of programs, library of constant, independent software module or combination thereof.
SOFTWARE APPLICANT (Заявитель ПС) – a legal entity or an individual submitting software for review. (RB-061-11)
software verification method (Методология верификации ПС) – combination of tools and methods used for software verification. (RB-061-11)
soil liquefaction (Разжижение грунта) – process resulting in loss of rigidity and mechanical strength of soils saturated with water under dynamic loads (earthquakes, explosions, vibration). (NP-064-05)
solidification of radioactive wastes (Отверждение радиоактивных отходов) – transfer of LRW into solid state in order to minimize the possibility of migration of radionuclides into environment. (NP-002-04)
solifluxion (Солифлюкция) – slow movement of moist finely dispersed or silt soils (at the rate of 3-8 cm per year) down the slopes resulting from repeated heaving during freezing and settling during thawing, along with gravity action. Each freeze-thaw cycle results in translocation of the upper layer of soil sediments. (NP-064-05)
SOURCE (Источник)
Emergency explosion source (источник аварийных взрывов) – a facility containing explosive substances or mixtures (explosives, gas-air mixtures, fuel-air mixtures), which is therefore classified as potentially hazardous. (Refined definition of RB G-05-039-96)
Ignition source (источник зажигания) – a source of energy impact initiating combustion process. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)
Ionizing radiation source (источник ионизирующего излучения) – radioactive substance or product emitting or capable of emitting ionizing radiation, which is regulated by sanitary codes and standards. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)
A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Source” (Источник).
Natural source of radiation (природный источник излучения) – a source of ionizing radiation of natural origin, to which the requirements of the present sanitary codes and standards apply. (NRB-99/2009)
A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Natural source” (Природный (естественный) источник).
Radiation sources (Радиационные источники) – systems, instruments, components or products unrelated to nuclear facilities, containing radioactive substances or generating ionizing radiation. (Federal Law No. 170-FZ “On the use of nuclear energy”)
A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Radioactive source” (Радиоактивный источник).
Radioactive source (Радиоактивный источник) – plant system or component, containing nuclear fuel or radioactive substances. (RB-024-11)
A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Radiation source” (Радиационный источник). However, according to the definition of IAEA Glossary, such a source cannot contain materials of fuel cycle of research or power reactors.
Radioactivity source (источник радиоактивности) – plant system or component containing nuclear fuel or radioactive substances. (RB-032-04)
Sealed radionuclide source (Закрытый радионуклидный источник) – source of ionizing radiation, design of which precludes release of the radionuclides contained in it into environment assuming the operating conditions and ageing it is designed for. (NP-030-12, NP-067-11, NRB-99/2009)
A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Sealed source” (Закрытый источник).
Spent sealed source of ionizing radiation (источник ионизирующего излучения закрытый отработавший) – a source of ionizing radiation which is no longer usable and design of which precludes release of the radionuclides contained in it into environment. (Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)
Technogenic radioactivity source (техногенный источник излучения) – source of ionizing radiation, which is specially created for intended use or is a by-product of some intentional activities. (NRB-99/2009)
Unsealed radionuclide source (Открытый радионуклидный источник) – source of radiation, during use of which the radionuclides contained can be released into environment. (NP-067-11, NRB-99/2009)
A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Unsealed source” (Открытый источник).
special conditions (Специальные условия) – provisions and conditions, developed and properly authorized by relevant ministries and departments, which are to be complied with during transportation of radioactive material cargo if it is not fully compliant with the rules adopted for each type of transportation. Compliance with these conditions must ensure at least the same level of safety, as compliance with the requirements of the Rules.
special reserve of the federal management body in the area of radioactive waste management (Специальный резерв органа государственного управления в области обращения с радиоактивными отходами) – fund for financing the expenses for disposal of radioactive wastes of organization performing the functions of the federal management body in the area of radioactive waste management. (Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)
special type material, radioactive (материал особого вида Радиоактивный) – see SPECIAL TYPE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL (Радиоактивный материал особого вида (РМОВ)).
SPECIALIZED RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION (СПЕЦИАЛИЗИРОВАННАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ПО ОБРАЩЕНИЮ С РАДИОАКТИВНЫМИ ОТХОДАМИ) – legal entity performing work and rendering services associated with collection, sorting, reprocessing, conditioning, transportation, and storage of radioactive wastes, operation, decommissioning or closure of radioactive waste storage facilities. (Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)
specific data (Специфические данные) – see DATA (ДАННЫЕ).
specific soils (грунты Специфические) – soils, the properties and characteristics of which change in time on the timescale comparable with the lifetime of facility. These include permafrost soils, subsiding, dilating, weak, salty, alluvial or artificial soils.
SPECTRUM OF DYNAMIC RESPONSE FACTORS (СПЕКТР коэффициентов динамичности) – non-dimensional spectrum obtained by division of the values of response spectrum by maximum acceleration of the ground.
spectrum width (Ширина спектра) – difference of logarithms of the left and right slopes of spectrum at the level of 0.5 of maximum. Logarithmic width of spectrum weakly depends on magnitude of earthquake and on average is close to Rs = 0.65. This property decreases the uncertainty of extrapolation of weak impacts into the area of stronger impacts. (RB-006-98)
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