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Fixed contamination of surface (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see contamination (загрязнение). 7 страница

GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 1 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 2 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 3 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 1 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 2 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 3 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 5 страница | LIST OF REGULATORY DOCUMENTS |

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SPENT FUEL ASSEMBLIES OF NUCLEAR REACTOR (ТЕПЛОВЫДЕЛЯЮЩИЕ СБОРКИ ЯДЕРНОГО РЕАКТОРА ОБЛУЧЕННЫЕ) – fuel assemblies irradiated in the nuclear reactor and removed from it, containing spent nuclear fuel. (Federal Law No. 170-FZ “On the use of nuclear energy”)


spent fuel pool (Бассейн выдержки отработавшего ядерного топлива) – structure, forming a part of nuclear facility or nuclear material storage facility, designed for temporary storage of spent nuclear fuel under water or other liquid environment. (NP-061-05)


This term is mentioned in the definition of the IAEA Glossary term “Wet storage” (Мокрое хранение).

SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL (Отработавшее ядерное топливо) – nuclear fuel, irradiated in the reactor core and ultimately removed from it. (NP-061-05,


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Spent fuel” (Отработавшее топливо).

spent nuclear fuel storage facility, dry (хранилище отработавшего ядерного топлива Сухое) – see DRY STORAGE OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL (Сухое хранилище отработавшего ядерного топлива).

stability of nuclear facility under external impacts (Устойчивость объекта использования атомной энергии при внешних воздействиях) – property of the facility, characterized by resistance of buildings, structures, systems and components important for its safety, of its protection barriers, and by safety of the facility for public and environment under any kind of external impacts. (NP-064-05)

stability of protection object during fire (УСТОЙЧИВОСТЬ ОБЪЕКТА ЗАЩИТЫ ПРИ ПОЖАРЕ) – ability of object to maintain structural integrity and (or) functions under influence of hazardous factors of fire and secondary manifestations of hazardous factors of fire. (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

stack of packages or fuel assemblies (Штабель упаковок или тепловыделяющих сборок) – set of packages or fuel assemblies allowable for storage conditionally to compliance with the established limitations on mutual location of packages or fuel assemblies. (NP-061-05)

stage of decommissioning of nuclear power unit (ЭТАП вывода из эксплуатации блока АС) – a set of organizational and technical measures and activities performed within a specific period of time, aimed at achieving a state of unit decommissioning prescribed by decommissioning program and design for the end of that period. (NP-012-99)

STANDARD SPECIMEN (СТАНДАРТНЫЙ ОБРАЗЕЦ) – specimen of substance (material) with one or several values characterizing composition or properties of the substance (material) established based on test results. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

standard specimen type (Тип стандартных образцов) – a group of standard specimens having the same purpose, produced of the same substance (material) per the same technical documentation. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)


STATE REFERENCE STANDARD OF A UNIT (эталон единицы величины Государственный) – federally owned reference standards of a unit. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

Primary state reference standard of a unit (Эталон единицы величины государственный первичный) – state reference standard of a unit providing reproducibility, storage and transfer of unit value with the highest accuracy in the Russian Federation, properly recognized in this quality and used as a primary reference standard on the territory of the Russian Federation. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)


stoichiometric mixture (Стехиометрическая смесь) – air-gas mixture (fuel-air mixture), in which per every mole of combustible substance there is a required number of moles of oxygen for oxidation, i.e., chemical reaction proceeds completely to the end. (RB G-05-039-96)

STORAGE SLOT (ГНЕЗДО ХРАНЕНИЯ) – a leaktight element designed for housing one or several leaktight containers. (NP-035-02)

stroke (Ход рабочий) – amplitude of movement of reactivity control rod between the limiting operating positions. (NP-086-12)

structural element (СТРОИТЕЛЬНАЯ КОНСТРУКЦИЯ) – part of building or structure with certain load bearing, enveloping and (or) decorative functions. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

STRUCTURAL FIRE HAZARD CLASS OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND FIRE COMPARTMENTS (КЛАСС КОНСТРУКТИВНОЙ ПОЖАРНОЙ ОПАСНОСТИ ЗДАНИЙ, СООРУЖЕНИЙ И ПОЖАРНЫХ ОТСЕКОВ) – classifier of buildings, structures or fire compartments, determined based on the level of involvement of structural elements in development of fire and formation of hazardous factors of the fire. Federal Law No.123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

substances (substance) (вещества (ВЕЩЕСТВО))

Explosive substances (вещества взрывчатые) – chemical compounds or mixtures capable of fast exothermal chemical reactions under external stimulus (mechanical impact, heat, etc.). (RB G-05-039-96)

Military grade radioactive substances (Радиоактивные вещества оборонного назначения) – radioactive substances used or intended for use in weapons or military equipment and spare parts, as well as special items containing radionuclides and intended for maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment. (NP-067-11)

Radioactive substance (Вещество радиоактивное) – a substance emitting ionizing radiation not attributed to nuclear materials. (NP-053-04, NP-034-01, NRB-99/2009, Federal Law No. 170-FZ “On the use of atomic energy”, NP-025-2000, NP-030-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Radioactive material” (Радиоактивный материал). However, it is defied more broadly and does not contain the reservation “not attributed to nuclear materials”.

SUCCESS CRITERION (Критерий успеха) – minimum amount of operable components of systems and (or) operator actions sufficient for successful performance of safety functions. (RB-024-11)

suffusion processes (Суффозионные процессы) – processes of loosening of mellow soils by underground water with suffusion of finely dispersed fractions or entire soil mass. In the course of these processes, suffusion cavities are formed with resulting sinking and settling of ground surface above them. (NP-064-05)

support of nuclear facility operation (Сопровождение эксплуатации ОИАЭ) – monitoring and implementation of compensatory measures to ensure stability and safety of nuclear facility under external impacts. (NP-064-05)


surface water body storage of liquid radioactive wastes (Поверхностный водоем-хранилище жидких радиоактивных отходов) – stationary structure of open type designed for collecting and storing low and medium activity radioactive wastes and located within the limits of the territory of nuclear facility defined by the design. (NP-058-04)

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TERRITORIES (Устойчивое развитие территорий) – ensuring, during town building activities, safety, and favorable conditions for human life, limitation of negative influence of commercial and other activities upon environment, protection and rational use of natural resources in the interests of the present and future generations. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation”
No. 190-FZ)

SYSTEM (СИСТЕМА) – set of components designed for performing intended functions. (OPB-12, NP-024-2000)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “System” (Система).

System (Система) a complex of machines and (or) equipment which are structurally and (or) functionally connected to perform intended functions. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)


system operability (Работоспособность системы) – ability of a system to perform intended functions during assigned period of time in the prescribed operation limits and conditions. (NP-064-05)

SYSTEM TRAIN (КАНАЛ СИСТЕМЫ) – part of system performing the system function in the designed scope. (OPB-12)




systematic component of calculation uncertainty (Методическая компонента погрешности расчета) – uncertainty associated with calculation methodology, approximation used, its numeric realization or preparation of core neutronic constants. (RB-061-11)


- normal operation systems (components), failure of which violates normal operation of the plant or prevents recovery from violation of normal operation of the plant, if the conditional probability of development of this failure into severe beyond design basis accident is 10-6 or more;

- plant systems (components), failure of which results in exceedence of established values of allowable effluents or discharges of radioactive substances, or allowable levels of contamination of plant rooms and compartments;

- safety systems (components);

- systems (components) intended for accident management during first 72 hours after occurrence of the initiating event of the accident, (or during other time interval specified in the plant design, but no less than 72 hours);

- radiation monitoring systems (components). (OPB-12)


This term is related to the IAEA Glossary term “Item Important to Safety” (Устройство, важное для безопасности). It is formulated through another term – “Safety group” (Группа безопасности), which does not exist in the system of Russian regulatory documents. This term is used to designate a set of components necessary for each specific initiating event in order not to exceed the limits established for anticipated operational events and design basis accidents. According to OPB-12, safety systems (components) as well as normal operation systems (components) failure of which violates normal operation of the plant or prevents recovery from violation of normal operation of the plant and can lead to severe beyond design basis accidents are classified as systems (components) important for safety. According to the IAEA Glossary definition, Items important to safety are the items included into safety groups, e.g. safety systems, and the items, failures or malfunctions of which can result in radiation exposure of plant personnel or public. In this part, the definitions of systems (components) important for safety (систем (элементов), важных для безопасности) given in OPB-12 and definition of Item important to safety (устройств, важных для безопасности) given in the IAEA Glossary are equivalent, since the definitive attributes include both safety systems and other items, failure or malfunction of which can result in radiological consequences. There are, however, differences. Normal operation systems (components) are classified as systems (components) important for safety only if the conditional probability of development of this failure into severe beyond design basis accident is 10-6 or more. Besides that, systems (components) intended for accident management during first 72 hours after occurrence of the initiating event of the accident (or during other time interval specified in the plant design, but no less than 72 hours) are also classified as being important for safety, although in the classification of importance for safety these systems (components) are classified as the lowest, 4th class.

tailing dump (Хвостохранилище) – stationary structure of open type designed for collecting and storing low-activity liquid and solid radioactive wastes and located within the territory defined by the nuclear facility design. (NP-058-04)

tAP (Кран) – see VALVES (АРМАТУРА).

technical client (Технический заказчик) – an individual acting on the professional basis or legal entity authorized by the developer to make contracts on behalf of the developer for engineering surveys, preparation of design documentation, construction, renovation, major maintenance of capital construction objects, produce task orders for the above specified activities, provide the individuals or entities performing engineering surveys and (or) preparing design documentation, performing construction activities, renovation, major maintenance of capital construction objects, with materials and documents necessary for performance of their obligations; approve design documentation, sign documents necessary for obtaining permits for commissioning of the capital construction objects, and perform other functions in accordance with the present Code. Developer can perform the function of technical client himself. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS TO INSTRUMENTATION (Технические требования к средствам измерений) – requirements defining specifics of design of instrumentation (without limitations to their technical improvement) in order to maintain their metrological characteristics in the course of operation of instrumentation, to ensure credibility of measurement results, to prevent unauthorized adjustments and interference, and requirements ensuring safety and electromagnetic compatibility of instrumentation. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

technical state (СОСТОЯНИЕ техническое) – combination of properties and qualities of component (object as a whole) subject to changes during manufacturing or operation, characterized in certain moment in time by the attributes specified by technical documentation and (or) determined based on the results of reliability (lifetime) management of components. (NP-017-2000, NP-024-2000)

technical systems and components with measurement functions (системы и устройства с измерительными функциями Технические) – technical systems and components, performing, in addition to their main function, measurement functions. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

TECHNOGENIC EXPOSURE (техногенное Облучение) - see EXPOSURE, TECHNOGENIC (Облучение техногенное).



TECHNOGENIC SOURCE OF RADIATION (техногенный Источник излучения) – see SOURCE (ИСТОЧНИК).


tectonic creep (Тектонический крип) – process characterized by slow relative movements of earth crust blocks along tectonically active faults and fissures.

temporary placement of nuclear fuel (размещение ядерного топлива Временное) – placement of NF in the locations allowable by the design, outside of storage facilities. (NP-061-05)

TEMPORARY STORAGE OF LRW (ВЫДЕРЖКА ЖРО) – storage of LRW with the purpose of decreasing radioactivity and heat generation due to decay of short-lived radionuclides. (NP-019-2000)

TERRITORIES CONTAMINATED BY RADIONUCLIDES (ЗАГРЯЗНЕННЫЕ РАДИОНУКЛИДАМИ ТЕРРИТОРИИ) – territories (land and water bodies in the industrial, sanitary protection zones and monitored zones) of the nuclear facilities, on which radioactive substances are present in the amount exceeding the minimum values established by federal rules and regulations on the use of nuclear energy, and this amount of radioactive substances can cause radioactive exposure. (NP-034-01)


tests (Испытания)

Integral tests (испытания интегральные) – integrated test of the containment (leaktight enclosure) for strength and leaktightness resulting in confirmation of its design characteristics (actual leak being within the design limits, and ability to withstand the loads defined in the design for design basis accidents). (NP-010-11)

Integrated tests of full scope simulator (комплексные испытания пмт) –a process of testing technical properties, algorithms and software of the full scope simulator as a whole in the entire range of modeled operation modes and functions in order to verify compliance of the simulator with the technical specifications, requirements of the current rules and regulations, adequacy of functions and training capabilities of the simulator, and adequacy of the processes modeled in it to experimental and analytical data for the prototype unit. (NP-003-97)

Local (individual) tests (испытания локальные (индивидуальные)) –tests of components of localizing safety systems confirming the design characteristics of leaktightness of the components. (NP-010-11)

Tests of standard specimens or instruments for type certification purposes (испытания стандартных образцов или средств измерений в целях утверждения типа) – activities aimed at determining metrological and technical parameters of standard specimens or instruments of a certain type. (Federal Law No.102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

thermocarst (Термокарст) – processes of melting of ice formations contained in frozen soils or melting through strongly disperse soils resulting in settlements and cavity formation. (NP-064-05)

thickness of main metal of OVERLAID component (product), nominal (толщина основного металла наплавленной детали (изделия) Номинальная) – see NOMINAL THICKNESS OF MAIN METAL OF OVERLAYED COMPONENT (PRODUCT) (Номинальная толщина основного металла наплавленной детали (изделия)).

thorium, non-irradiated (торий Необлученный) – see NON-IRRADIATED THORIUM (НЕОБЛУЧЕННЫЙ ТОРИЙ).

threat to radioactive substances and radioactive sources during transportation (Угроза РВ и РИ при транспортировании) – potential possibility for sabotage action by intruders against radioactive substances and radioactive sources, or theft of radioactive substances and radioactive sources during transportation. (NP-073-11)

threshold effect (Пороговый эффект) – substantial stepwise decrease of safety status of power unit caused by small changes of parameters. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Cliff edge effect” (Пороговый эффект).


TORNADO (Смерч) – strong and highly destructive atmospheric vortex of small size (diameter up to 1000 m), air in which spins at high velocity (up to 100 m/s), which occurs in storm clouds and protrudes downwards, often reaching ground surface in the form of dark could sleeve or trunk with the diameter of tens or hundreds of meters. It has a limited lifespan and travels together with the cloud. It consists of rapidly rotating air, particles of moisture, sand, dust and other inclusions. It is characterized by high wind velocity in the cone, rarefaction in the middle of the vortex, and hazard of impact of flying objects lifted by the wind. (NP-064-05)

TORNADO INTENSITY CLASS (КЛАСС интенсивности смерча) – a universal characteristic that determines the main dynamic parameters of a tornado vortex. It is defined per Fujita F-scale based on qualitative and quantitative attributes of the tornado.

town buildiNg activities (Градостроительная деятельность) – activities associated with development of territories, including towns and other settlements, performed in the form of territory planning, town building zoning, design and architectural engineering, construction, renovation and maintenance of buildings and structures. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

townbuilding zoning (зонирование Градостроительное) – zoning of municipal territories for the purpose of defining territorial zones and determining urban development specifications. (“Town Building Code of the Russian Federation” No. 190-FZ)

traceability (Прослеживаемость) – a property of reference standard of a unit or measurement system, consisting in documentally confirmed relation to the primary state reference standards of the corresponding measurement unit in the form of direct comparison of reference standards, gauging or calibration of instruments. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

transfer of conservation facility for especially hazardous radioactive wastes into rad waste storage facility (Перевод пункта консервации особых радиоактивных отходов в пункт захоронения радиоактивных отходов) – change of status of especially hazardous radioactive waste facility allowable in case of availability of safety barriers insulating radioactive wastes from the environment for the period of their potential hazard. (Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)

transfer of MEASUREMENT unit value (Передача единицы величины) – reduction of a unit of measurement stored in the instrument to the unit, reproduced by reference standard of this value or standard specimen. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

transfer of the special radioactive waste placement facility into special radioactive waste conservation facility (Перевод пункта размещения особых радиоактивных отходов в пункт консервации особых радиоактивных отходов) – change of status of radioactive waste storage facility associated with completion of actions associated with creation of safety barriers in the facility in accordance with the design. (Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)

transport index (Транспортный индекс) – see INDEX (ИНДЕКС).

transportation and process operations (Транспортно-технологические операции) – manipulations associated with translocation of cargo and equipment anticipated by the nuclear facility technological process. (NP-043-03)

transportation package set, on-site (комплект Внутриобъектовый транспортный упаковочный) – see ON-SITE TRANSPORTATION PACKAGE SET (ВНУТРИОБЪЕКТОВЫЙ ТРАНСПОРТНЫЙ УПАКОВОЧНЫЙ КОМПЛЕКТ).

TREND (Тренд) – a consistent pattern characterizing generic long-term tendency in change of a parameter with time (RB-046-08)

tropical CYCLONE (Циклон тропический) – a giant atmospheric vortex characterized by decrease of pressure towards the vortex center and air circulation in the vortex around the center in the counterclockwise direction in the northern hemisphere, and in the clockwise direction in the southern. (NP-064-05)

tsunami (Цунами) – process of oscillation of water surface in the form of sequential waves caused by pulse wise disturbance of the water body caused by movements caused by underwater earthquake, volcano eruptions, underwater landslides, or collapse of coastal line. (NP-064-05)

tungsten inclusion (Вольфрамовое включение) – non-melted particle (fragment) of tungsten electrode incorporated into a weld or weld overlay metal.
(PNAE G-7-008-89)

type line (Типовой ряд) – group of products of similar design differing only in main dimensions. (NP-068-05)

TYPE OF INSTRUMENTS (Тип средств измерений) – group of instruments designed for measuring same parameters expressed in the same measurement units, based on the same action principle, having identical design and produced per the same technical documentation. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

TYPE OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS (Вид ядерных материалов) – array of nuclear materials, the parameters of which are within the limits established by Rosatom State Corporation and (or) operating utility. (NP-030-12)

typhoon (Тайфун) – tropical cyclone with the wind velocity above 32 m/s.

ULTIMATE HEAT SINK (КОНЕЧНЫЙ ПОГЛОТИТЕЛЬ (ТЕПЛА)) – external media (water body and (or) atmosphere), to which residual heat generated by nuclear fuel is transferred. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Ultimate heat sink” (Конечный поглотитель тепла).

unallowable operation (недопустимая эксплуатация) – non-designedoperation of a machine and (or) equipment. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS (НЕСАНКЦИОНИРОВАННЫЙ ДОСТУП) – access to instrumentation, controls or equipment without proper authorization. (NP-026-04)

UNAUTHORIZED ACTION (НЕСАНКЦИОНИРОВАННОЕ ДЕЙСТВИЕ) – accomplished or attempted act of sabotage, theft of nuclear materials, radioactive source, radioactive substance, radioactive wastes, unauthorized access, transportation (entry) of unallowable objects, disabling of security systems or their components. (NP-034-01)

UNCERTAINTY (Неопределенность) – ambiguity (vagueness) of determination of probabilistic safety parameters associated with probabilistic nature of modeled phenomena and incomplete knowledge of development of physical processes. (RB-024-11)

undercut (Подрез) – sharp indentation at the boundary between welded joint surface and main metal or on the boundary of surfaces of two neighboring weld beds.
(PNAE G-7-010-89)


UNIFICATION OF MEASUREMENTS (Единство измерений) – state of measurements, at which their results are expressed in the units adopted in the Russian Federation, and the accuracy of measurements lies within the prescribed boundaries. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

UNIT (Единица величины) – fixed value of a parameter assumed as a unit of this parameter and used for quantification of congeneric values. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

unit, accounting (единица Учетная) – see ACCOUNTING UNIT (УЧЕТНАЯ ЕДИНИЦА).

upper seal (Уплотнение верхнее) – a seal duplicating a packing gland or bellows sealing formed by surfaces made on the spindle (stem) and in the cover to provide leaktightness of the inner cavity of the valve with respect to inner fluid in the uppermost position of the valve plug. (NP-068-05)


Depleted uranium (Обедненный уран) uranium, containing smaller mass percentage of uranium-235 than natural uranium. Small amount of uranium-234 is present. (NP-053-04)


This term is fully equivalent to the same term in the IAEA Glossary –“Depleted uranium” (Обедненный уран).

Enriched uranium (Обогащенныйуран) uranium, containing larger mass percentage of uranium-235 than natural uranium. Small amount of uranium-234 is present. (NP-053-04)

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 54 | Нарушение авторских прав

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