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Fixed contamination of surface (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see contamination (загрязнение). 2 страница

GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 1 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 2 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 3 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 5 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 6 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 7 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 8 страница | LIST OF REGULATORY DOCUMENTS |

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leaktight room or compartment (Герметичное помещение) – a room or compartment of the plant located within the leaktight containment. (RB-044-09)

leaktight valve (Гермоклапан) – see VALVES (АРМАТУРА).

leaktightness (Герметичность) – ability of a component or system to contain liquid or gaseous substances, including aerosols, within the established boundaries.
(NP-010-11, NP-068-05)

level 1 psa (ВАБ АС уровня 1) – see ANALYSIS (АНАЛИЗ).

level 2 psa (ВАБ АС уровня 2) – see ANALYSIS (АНАЛИЗ).


level of NEGLIGIBLE radiation risk (Уровень пренебрежимого риска радиационного) – risk level, below which risk is considered negligible and its further reduction is inexpedient. (PRB AS-99)

level, control (Уровень контрольный) – see CONTROL LEVEL (КОНТРОЛЬНЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ)

life (Ресурс) – total operation time of a valve from beginning of its operation or resumption of operation after maintenance to transition into limiting state. (NP-068-05)

LIFE CYCLE (Жизненный цикл)

Complete life cycle of a nuclear facility (жизненный цикл ОИАЭ полный) –siting, design and engineering (including surveys), manufacturing, construction (including installation, adjustment, commissioning), operation, modernization, maintenance, decommissioning (closure), transportation (shipment), handling, storage, disposal and ultimate disposal of nuclear facilities. (Federal Law No.170-FZ “On the use of nuclear energy)

Life cycle (Жизненный цикл) [20] a period of timefrom the beginning of design of a machine and (or) equipment to the end of utilization, including the interdependent stages (design, manufacturing, storage, assembling, maintenance, operation, including modernization, repair, maintenance and servicing). (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

Life cycle of a building or structure (жизненный цикл здания или сооружения) – a period of time, within which engineering surveys, design, construction (including conservation), operation (and current maintenance), modernization, renovation and demolition of a building or structure are performed. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical Specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

Life cycle of a nuclear facility (жизненный цикл ОИАЭ) –siting, design and engineering (including surveys), manufacturing, construction (including installation, adjustment and commissioning), operation, modernization, overhaul, decommissioning (closure), transportation (shipment), handling, storage, disposal and ultimate disposal of nuclear facilities (depending on the type of nuclear facility). (NP-090-11)

life, assigned (ресурс Назначенный) – see ASSIGNED LIFE (Назначенный ресурс).

LIFETIME EXTENSION (ПРОДЛЕНИЕ СРОКА ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ) – activities aimed at preparing a power unit for operation during extended lifetime. (NP-017-2000)

lift valve (Клапан подъемный) – see VALVES (АРМАТУРА).

lightning strike (Удар молнии) – natural phenomenon characterized by impact on the environment of electric discharge between clouds or between clouds and ground surface. (NP-064-05)

LIMITER SWITCH (Концевой выключатель) – a component providing information signals when the control rod reaches limiting positions or in case of disconnection of a control rod drive. (NP-086-12)

limiting state (предельное состояние)

Limiting state (of machine or equipment) (Предельное состояние (машины или оборудования)) – state of machinery and (or) equipment, at which their further operation is unallowable or inexpedient, or recovery of their operable state is impossible or inexpedient. (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

Limiting state of structural modules (Предельное состояние строительных конструкций) – state of structures and buildings, beyond which further operation of the building or structure is dangerous, unallowable, complicated or inexpedient, or restoration of operability of the building or structure is impossible or inexpedient. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

LIMITING STATE (СОСТОЯНИЕ предельное) – state of component, after which its further operation is unallowable or inexpedient, or restoration of its operability is impossible or inexpedient. (NP-017-2000)

LINEAR OSCILLATOR (ОСЦИЛЛЯТОР ЛИНЕЙНЫЙ) – linear oscillatory system with one degree of freedom characterized by oscillation period and decay. (NP-031-01)

linear spectral analysis method (МЕТОД АНАЛИЗА линейно-спектральный) –method of seismic resistance analysis, in which the seismic loads are determined from direct response spectra depending on the frequencies and forms of free oscillations of the analyzed structure. (NP-031-01)

liquid radioactive waste deep disposal site ((Полигон глубинного захоронения жидких радиоактивных отходов) – natural and engineered system designed for disposal of LRW, located within the territory defined by the design, including a subsoil plot - receiving horizon (reservoir bed), located within a mining allotment, and a set of facilities, systems and equipment for LRW handling. (NP-058-04)

LIQUIDATION OF POWER UNIT (ЛИКВИДАЦИЯ БЛОКА АС) – option of decommissioning involving stage-wise dismantling (immediate and delayed) and liquidation of equipment, systems, structures and buildings, removal of all radioactive wastes from the nuclear power unit site, and reclamation of the site for subsequent use. (NP-012-99)

list of stock quantities of radioactive substances and radioactive wastes (Список наличного количества радиоактивных веществ и радиоактивных отходов) – list of actually available RW and RS with indication of their quantities compiled based on the accounting documentation. (NP-067-11)

load (НАГРУЗКА) – mechanical force applied to buildings, structures and (or) their bases and determining their stress-deformed state. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical Specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

LOCALIZATION OF POWER UNIT SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS (ЛОКАЛИЗАЦИЯ СИСТЕМ И ОБОРУДОВАНИЯ БЛОКА АС) – isolation of systems and components of a nuclear plant limiting the release of radioactive substances and radiation into plant rooms and compartments and into environment by means of using the existing and creating additional physical barriers. (NP-012-99)


LONG-LIVED NUCLIDES (НУКЛИДЫ ДОЛГОЖИВУЩИЕ) – any mixture of long- and medium-lived radioactive aerosols that can be detected on aerosol filter during its exposure in gas flow for 24 hours with measurement made in 24 hours after the end of exposure. (NP-021-2000)

loss of containment leaktightness (Разгерметизация герметичного ограждения) – state of plant components on the boundary of accident localization zone, resulting in the leak from the containment (leaktight enclosure) in excess of the design limits in case of occurrence of initiator of design basis event, assuming that safety systems operate as designed. (NP-010-11)

loss of preferred power (Обесточивание энергоблока) – loss of AC power supply from all normal operation sources (operating and standby in-house power supply transformers) of a nuclear power unit. (NP-087-11)

LOW TOXICITY ALFA EMITTERS (Альфа-излучатели низкой токсичности) – natural uranium; depleted uranium; natural thorium; uranium-235 or uranium-238; thorium-232; thorium-228 and thorium-230, contained in ores or in the form of physical and chemical concentrates, or alpha-emitters with less than 10 days half-life.


This term is fully equivalent to the same term in the IAEA Glossary.

low-enriched uranium (Низкообогащенный уран) – see URANIUM (УРАН).

lower concEnTration limit of flame propagation (Нижний концентрационный предел распространения пламени) – minimum content of flammable substance in homogeneous mixture with oxidizing agent, at which flame can propagate on unlimited distance from the ignition source. (NP-010-11)

LRW CEMENTING (ЦЕМЕНТИРОВАНИЕ ЖРО) – embedding LRW into matrix cement material. (NP-019-2000)

LRW VITRIFICATION (ОСТЕКЛОВЫВАНИЕ ЖРО) – transfer of LRW into glass-like state. (NP-019-2000)

machine (машина) – an assembly of interdependent parts and units, at least one of which is operated with the aid of drives, circuits, controls, power sources, united together for a particular purpose (processing, reprocessing, transportation or packaging of material). (Technical Specifications on safety of machinery and equipment)

MAGNITUDE (МАГНИТУДА) – logarithm of maximum calculated amplitude of a record (in microns), which would be made by standard short-period torque seismograph
(To = 0.8 s, V = 2800, h = 0.8) at a distance of 100 km from the epicenter of the earthquake. (RB-019-01)

main components of valve (Детали арматуры основные) – components (except gaskets and packing glands), a failure of which can cause loss of leaktightness of the valve with respect to the external space or the flow path. (NP-068-05)

MAIN CONTROL ROOM (БЛОЧНЫЙ ПУНКТ УПРАВЛЕНИЯ) – a part of nuclear power unit located in the specially designed compartments and intended for centralized automated process control performed by operating personnel and automatics. (OPB-12)

MAINTAINING OF OPERATORS’ QUALIFICATION LEVEL (ПОДДЕРЖАНИЕ УРОВНЯ КВАЛИФИКАЦИИ ОПЕРАТОРОВ) – maintaining skills and abilities of operators to control power unit by means of regular training exercises on full scope simulator in normal operation modes and abnormal operation modes, including pre-accident situations and accidents. (NP-003-97)

MAINTENANCE (ТЕХНИЧЕСКОЕ ОБСЛУЖИВАНИЕ) – set of measures to maintain operability and serviceability of object (systems and components) during intended use, in standby mode, during storage and transportation. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Maintenance” (Техническое обслуживание).

manual drive (Привод ручной) – transportable appliance for manual translocation of reactivity control means (NP-086-12)

manufacturer (Организация-изготовитель) – organization, manufacturing equipment and assembly units and (or) components of pipelines (equipment). (PNAE G-7-008)

MATERIAL AGEING PHENOMENA (УСТАЛОСТНЫЕ ЯВЛЕНИЯ В МАТЕРИАЛЕ) – change of mechanical and physical properties of material under long term action of cyclic stresses and deformations. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

material batch (Партия материала) – totality (portion) of nuclear material (product) contained in one or several accounting units or in process equipment, quantitative and (or) qualitative composition of which, for the purposes of accounting and control is determined based on single set of data and measurement results recorded in the accounting documents. (Refined definition of NP-030-12)

material science organization (Материаловедческая организация) – organization recognized by federal nuclear regulatory and management authorities to be competent to provide services related to selection of materials, welding, quality assurance of equipment and pipelines. (PNAE G-7-008-89)

Approval by the lead material science organization (Согласование головной материаловедческой организации) – positive conclusion of the lead material science organization produced at the request of operating utility or other organizations. (PNAE G-7-010-89)

Lead material science organization (Головная материаловедческая организация) – organization recognized by appropriate nuclear authority to be competent to render to operating utilities services related to selection of materials, welding, quality assurance of equipment and pipelines, review of design and technical documentation, nuclear and radiation safety analysis reports, and holding a license of the Regulatory authority for these activities. (Refined definition of PNAE G-7-010-89)[21]

material with low dissipation ability, radioactive (материал с низкой способностью к рассеянию Радиоактивный) – see RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL WITH LOW DISSIPATION ABILITY (Радиоактивный материал с низкой способностью к рассеянию (РМНР)).

MATERIAL WITH LOW SPECIFIC ACTIVITY (lsa MATERIAL) (Материал с низкой удельной активностью (материал НУА)) – radioactive material with naturally limited specific activity or radioactive material, to which limits of established average specific activity are applied. External protecting materials, surrounding the LSA material, are not to be taken into account while determining the average specific activity. (NP-053-04)


This term is fully equivalent to the same term in the IAEA Glossary “Low specific activity (LSA) material” (Материал с низкой удельной активностью (НУА)).

material, radioactive (материал Радиоактивный) – see RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL (Радиоактивный материал).

MATERIALS (Материалы) – steels and alloys in the form of blanks or semifinished products (forgings, pipes, sheets, rolled section steel, castings, etc.) and welding materials used for manufacturing equipment and pipelines for nuclear power facilities. (PNAE G-7-008)

MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE EMISSION (Предельно допустимый выброс) – see EMISSION (выброс).

MAXIMUM DESIGN LIMIT OF FUEL ELEMENT DAMAGE (Максимальный проектный предел повреждения твэлов) – see DESIGN LIMITS (ПРОЕКТНЫЕ ПРЕДЕЛЫ).

MAXIMUM NORMAL OPERATION PRESSURE Максимальное нормальное рабочее давление) – see PRESSURE (ДАВЛЕНИЕ).

MAXIMUM REACTIVITY MARGIN (Максимальный запас реактивности) – reactivity that can be introduced in the nuclear reactor in case of removal from the core of all reactivity control means and removable absorbers at a certain point of the campaign and for the nuclear reactor state with the maximum value of effective breeding coefficient. (NP-082-07)


Non-operative contour of MCR (Неоперативный контур БПУ) – non-operative control panels located outside of the zone of continuous monitoring from the workplaces of MCR operators (outside of direct visibility area). (NP-003-97)

Operative contour of MCR (Oперативный контур БПУ) – operative control panels located within the zone of continuous monitoring from the workplaces of MCR operators (in direct visibility area). (NP-003-97)

MCR OPERATOR (OПЕРАТОР БПУ АС) – a member of plant operating personnel having undergone complete course of training and properly authorized to control a nuclear power unit. (NP-003-97)

means of access control (Средства контроля доступа) – technical components, intended for detection of unauthorized removal, use, translocation of NM or unauthorized access to NM. They are classified into visual monitoring systems and tamper evidence seals. (NP-030-12)

MEANS OF AUTOMATION (СРЕДСТВА АВТОМАТИЗАЦИИ) – totality of software, hardware, and firmware intended for creation of control systems. (NP-026-04)

means of individual protection (Средство индивидуальной защиты) – technical items, worn by people in order to prevent or minimize the influence of harmful and/or hazardous factors and to obtain protection against contamination. (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)

means of reactivity control (Средства воздействия на реактивность) – technical means in the form of solid, liquid or gaseous absorbers (moderators, reflectors), change of state or position of which in the core or in the reflectors provides changes of reactivity of the reactor core. (NP-082-07)

measured reactivity (реактивность Измеренная) – reactivity measured by reactimeter based on neutron flux signal (neutron power) from one or several in-core or ex-core detectors. (RB-074-12)

Measurement (measurements) (Измерение (ИЗМЕРЕНИЯ))

Accounting measurements (измерения учетные) – measurement of parameters of nuclear materials, products, results of which are used for determining the information recorded in the accounting documents. (NP-030-12)

Direct measurement (прямое измерение) –measurement, in which the value of the measured parameters is obtained directly from an instrument. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

Measurement (измерение) – set of actions performed for determining quantitative value of a parameter. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

Reference (verificatation) measurements (измерения арбитражные (проверочные)) – measurement of quantitative parameters of nuclear materials or accounting units performed in case of identification of an anomaly. (NP-030-12)


MEASUREMENT METHODOLOGY (МЕТОДИКА ИЗМЕРЕНИЙ) – combination of specifically described actions, performance of which ensures obtaining the results of measurements with the established accuracy. (Refined text of definition from the Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

mechanical restraINt of control rod (механический упор исполнительного механизма) – see RESTRAINT (УПОР).

mechanical safety (механическая безопасность) – see SAFETY (БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ).

metal, deposited (металл Наплавленный) – see DEPOSITED METAL (Наплавленный металл).

METROLOGICAL requirements (Метрологические требования) – requirements to measurement characteristics (parameters), standard specimens, instruments affecting the results and accuracy of measurements, and conditions under which these characteristics (parameters) are to be guaranteed. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

Mandatory metrological requirements (метрологические требования обязательные) – metrological requirements established by legal acts and regulations of the Russian Federation and mandatory for compliance on the territory of the Russian Federation. (Federal Law No.102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

metrological review (Метрологическая экспертиза) – analysis and assessment of accuracy of definition of and compliance with metrological requirements at the reviewed facility. Metrological review can be mandatory or voluntary. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)

metrological service (Метрологическая служба) – structural subdivision of the central office of federal executive body and (or) its territorial branch, legal entity or structural part of legal entity or union of legal entities, employees of legal entity or individual entrepreneurs, organizing and (or) performing the activities aimed at ensuring unification of instrumentation and (or) providing services associated with ensuring unification. (Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On ensuring unification of measurements”)


MINIMUM CUTSET (Минимальное сечение) – minimum set of basic events leading to loss of operability of a system or failure to perform a safety function, or unsafe end state. (RB-024-11)

MINIMUM SIGNIFICAN ACTIVITY (минимально значимая Активность (МЗА)) – see ACTIVITY (АКТИВНОСТЬ).

MINIMUM SIGNIFICAN SPECIFIC ACTIVITY (минимально значимая удельная Активность (МЗУА)) – see ACTIVITY (АКТИВНОСТЬ).

mixed oxide fuel (mox fuel) (топливо Уран-плутониевое (МОКС)) – nuclear fuel, in which nuclear materials in the form of uranium and plutonium oxides is used for fabrication of fuel elements and fuel assemblies. (NP-080-07)

mixture, stoichiometric (смесь Стехиометрическая) – see STOICHIOMETRIC MIXTURE (Стехиометрическая смесь).

MODELING LIMITS (ПРЕДЕЛЫ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЯ) – boundary condition of the state of power unit from/to which modeling of process systems and unit as a whole is performed. (NP-003-97)

MODERN DIFFERENTIATED EARTH CRUST MOVEMENTS (Современные дифференцированные движения земной коры) – movements of the Earth’s crust in the form of relative displacement of Earth crust blocks, including tectonic creep. (NP-064-05)

MODERN LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INDUSTRY (СОВРЕМЕННЫЙ УРОВЕНЬ РАЗВИТИЯ НАУКИ, ТЕХНИКИ ИПРОИЗВОДСТВА) – complex of scientific and technical knowledge, design, technology and engineering developments in a certain area of science and technology supported by scientific research and practical experience and published in scientific and technical papers. (OPB-12)

monitoring (Мониторинг) – system of observation of processes (phenomenon, factor) of natural or technogenic origin, state of environment, facility, and assessment and forecast of changes and development thereof. (NP-064-05)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Monitoring” (Мониторинг).

Dynamic monitoring (мониторинг динамический) – systematic monitoring of dynamic parameters of structures performed in support of decision making on their further operation. (RB-045-08)

Environmental monitoring (Мониторинг окружающей среды) – system of surveillance and monitoring performed regularly per a specific program for assessment of the state of environment, analysis of processes occurring in it, and timely detection of any trends. (RB-045-08)


IAEA Glossary contains the same term “Environmental monitoring” (Мониторинг окружающей среды), however, it is only defined in relation to radioactivity sources.

Monitoring of hazardous natural processes and phenomena (Мониторинг опасных природных процессов и явлений) – system of regular surveillance and monitoring of development of hazardous natural phenomena and processes in environment and factors contributing to their occurrence and development. (RB-046-08)

monitoring channel (Канал контроля) – combination of detectors, communication lines, signal processing and (or) parameter representation systems designed to ensure monitoring function in accordance with the design. (NP-082-07)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Channel” (Канал).

MONITORING DETECTOR (ДЕТЕКТОР-МОНИТОР) – neutron-activation detector irradiated together with other detectors or sets of detectors, results of measurements of which are used to bring the results of measurements of different detectors to identical irradiation conditions in terms of spatial variable (e.g. in order to account for spatial variable of fast neutron field). (RB-018-01)

monitoring object (Объект мониторинга) – natural, technogenic or combined object or its part, within which regular environmental surveillance is performed according to a specific program in order to monitor the processes occurring in it to timely identify, assess, and predict their changes. (RB-044-09)

moniToring, radiation (Контроль радиационный) – see RADIATION MONITORING (радиационный Контроль).

moving parts of executive mechanism (Подвижные части исполнительного механизма) – components of the executive mechanism, moving together with the means of reactivity control. (NP-086-12)

mud streams (Сели) – short-term (on the average, 1 to 3 hours) destructive streams overloaded with stone and mud materials occurring during ample rainfalls or intensive snow melting in the mountainous regions, river basins and ravines with steep slopes of valley-lines (above 0.1). (NP-064-05)

mud volcanic activity (вулканизм грязевой) – phenomenon accompanied with ejection of mud and rock due to abnormally high inner pressure in gas fluidal massives. (NP-064-05)

NATIONAL RADIOACTIVE WASTE MANAGEMENT OPERATOR (Национальный оператор по обращению с радиоактивными отходами) – legal entity authorized by the effective Federal Law to perform activities associated with disposal of radioactive wastes and other radioactive waste management activities. (Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)

natural and technogenic catastrophe (Катастрофа природная и техногенная) – a catastrophe accompanied by consequences of global or regional scale associated with infliction of irreparable damage to environment, multiple human casualties, direct economic losses and expenses associated with mitigation activities, caused by external natural or technogenic events. (NP-064-05)

natural radiation background (естественный Радиационный фон) – see BACKGROUND (ФОН).


NATURAL SOURCE OF RADIATION (природный Источник излучения) – seeSOURCE (ИСТОЧНИК).

NATURAL uranium (Природный уран) – see URANIUM (УРАН).

nearest distance to fault surface (Расстояние кратчайшее до поверхности разлома) – a widely used measure of distance. As experience demonstrated, this yields minimum dispersion of empirical data.

NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF WATER (НЕГАТИВНОЕ ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЕ ВОД) – flooding, inundation, damage of banks of water bodies, swamp formation and other negative impacts on certain territories and objects. (“The Water Code of the Russian Federation” No. 74-FZ)

NEUTRON FLUENCE DETECTORS (ДЕТЕКТОРЫ ФЛЮЕНСА НЕЙТРОНОВ) – neutron-activation detector irradiated for extended periods of time (e.g. over a fuel campaign), and the half-life of the reaction products is comparable with the irradiation time. (RB-018-01)

nominal diameter (conventional flow path) (Диаметр номинальный (условный проход)) – inner diameter of a pipeline connected to a valve, corresponding to the nearest value in the adopted sequence of conventional diameters. (NP-068-05)

nominal thickness of main metal of overlayed component (product) (Номинальная толщина основного металла наплавленной детали (изделия)) – thickness of the main metal of component (product) identified in the drawings (not taking into account the allowances). (PNAE G-7-010-89)

nominal thickness of welded components (Номинальная толщина сваренных деталей) – thickness of the main metal of components in the vicinity of the weld identified in the drawings (not taking into account the allowances). (PNAE G-7-010-89)

non-fixed contamination OF surface (нефиксированное загрязнение поверхности) – same as REMOVABLE SURFACE CONTAMINATION (НЕСНИМАЕМОЕ ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ).

non-irradiated thorium (Необлученный торий) – thorium containing no more than 10-7 g of Uranium-233 per 1 g of Thorium-232. (NP-053-04)

non-irradiated uranium (Необлученный уран) – see URANIUM (УРАН).


NON-RADIATION INCIDENT (ПРОИШЕСТВИЕ НЕРАДИАЦИОННОЕ) – an incident associated with loss of control of radiation source due to equipment inoperability or personnel errors, natural catastrophes or other causes, which could result in unplanned exposure of people and (or) radioactive contamination of environment. (RB-012-2000)

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FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 1 страница| FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 3 страница

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