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Fixed contamination of surface (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see contamination (загрязнение). 3 страница

GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 1 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 2 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 3 страница | GLOSSARY OF NUCLEAR TERMS 4 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 1 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 5 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 6 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 7 страница | FIXED CONTAMINATION OF SURFACE (фиксированное загрязнение поверхности)– see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ). 8 страница | LIST OF REGULATORY DOCUMENTS |

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non-removable RADIOACTIVE contamination OF surface (Неснимаемое радиоактивное загрязнение поверхности) – same as NON-REMOVABLE SURFACE CONTAMINATION (НЕСНИМАЕМОЕ ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ ПОВЕРХНОСТИ).

non-removable surface contamination (Неснимаемое загрязнение поверхности) – see CONTAMINATION (ЗАГРЯЗНЕНИЕ).

normal operation (НОРМАЛЬНАЯ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЯ) – plant operation within the limits and conditions specified by the design. (OPB-12, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Normal operation” (Нормальная эксплуатация).

normal operation conditions (УСЛОВИЯ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ НОРМАЛЬНЫЕ) – state of building or structure taken into account in the design, in which there are no factors precluding normal performance of functional or technological processes. (Federal Law No. 384-FZ “Technical specifications on safety of buildings and structures”)

NORMAL OPERATION CONTROL SYSTEMS (COMPONENTS) (УПРАВЛЯЮЩИЕ СИСТЕМЫ (ЭЛЕМЕНТЫ) НОРМАЛЬНОЙ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ) – systems (components) forming and realizing control of normal operation systems (components) of a nuclear plant based on preset targets, criteria and limitations. (OPB-12, NP-026-04)

NORMAL OPERATION SYSTEMS (COMPONENTS) (СИСТЕМЫ (ЭЛЕМЕНТЫ) НОРМАЛЬНОЙ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ) – systems (components) designed for normal operation. (OPB-12)


NUCLEAR AND RADIATION HAZARDOUS FACILITY SITE (ПЛОЩАДКА ЯРОО) – territory within the limits of guarded perimeter, on which main and auxiliary buildings and structures of the nuclear and radiation hazardous facility are located. (RB-019-01)

nuclear fuel storage (Хранение ядерного топлива) – storage of NF in the conditions providing its confinement in accordance with the design, with intention of subsequent withdrawal. (NP-061-05)

nuclear fuel storage facility (Хранилище ядерного топлива) – separate nuclear material storage facility or a structure within a reactor plant designed for storage of fresh or spent nuclear fuel. (NP-061-05)

Class 1 nuclear fuel storage facility (Хранилище ядерного топлива класса 1) – nuclear fuel storage facility, possibility of ingress of water or other moderator into which is precluded. (NP-061-05)

Class 2 nuclear fuel storage facility (Хранилище ядерного топлива класса 2) – nuclear fuel storage facility, possibility of flooding of which with water or other moderator is precluded, inclusively with the aid of engineered systems. (NP-061-05)

Class 3 nuclear fuel storage facility (Хранилище ядерного топлива класса 3) – fresh nuclear fuel storage facility, for which the requirements to class 1 and class 2 facilities are not complied with. Floating storage facilities are class 3. (NP-061-05)

nuclear fuel storage quota (Норма хранения ядерного топлива) – amount of NF that can be stored taking into account limitations for its location. (Refined definition of NP-061-05)

nuclear fuel transportation (Транспортирование ядерного топлива) – translocation of nuclear fuel with the aid of transportation and weight lifting machinery in accordance with the design process within the limits of nuclear facility. (NP-061-05)

NUCLEAR FUEL TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE SYSTEM (СИСТЕМА ХРАНЕНИЯ И ТРАНСПОРТИРОВАНИЯ ЯДЕРНОГО ТОПЛИВА) – combination of systems (components) designed for NF storage and transportation. (NP-061-05)

nuclear fuel transportation quota (Норма транспортирования ядерного топлива) – amount of NF that is permitted for transportation taking into account limitations for its location. (Refined definition of NP-061-05)

nuclear fuel, fresh (топливо Свежее ядерное) – see FRESH NUCLEAR FUEL (Свежее ядерное топливо).

nuclear fuel, spent (топливо ядерное Отработавшее) – see SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL (Отработавшее ядерное топливо).

NUCLEAR HAZARDOUS ACTIVITIES (ЯДЕРНО-ОПАСНЫЕ РАБОТЫ) – activities involving nuclear plant systems or components important for safety (including tests, taking out of service for maintenance and commissioning), not described in the plant Technical Specifications and operating procedures. (OPB-12)


nuclear INSTALLATIONS (ядерныЕ УСТАНОВКИ) – structures and complexes with nuclear reactors, including nuclear power stations, ships and other watercrafts, spacecrafts, aircrafts, other transportation and transportable vehicles, structures and complexes with research, test, industrial nuclear reactors, critical and subcritical nuclear test facilities, structures, complexes, testing grounds and facilities with nuclear explosives for peaceful purposes, other facilities, structures, complexes containing nuclear materials, facilities for manufacturing, usage, reprocessing, transportation of nuclear fuel and nuclear materials.(Federal Law No. 170-FZ “On the use of nuclear energy”, NP-025-2000, NP-030-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Nuclear facility” (Ядерная установка).

nuclear material and radioactive substance storage facilities (Пункты хранения ядерных материалов и радиоактивных веществ) – stationary objects and structures other than nuclear reactor installations or radiation sources, designed for storing radioactive substances and nuclear materials, storage or disposal of radioactive wastes. (Federal Law No. 170-FZ “On the use of nuclear energy”)

nuclear material in bulk form (материал Ядерный В БАЛК-ФОРМЕ) – see NUCLEAR MATERIALS (ЯДЕРНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ).

nuclear material losses (Потери ядерных материалов) – decrease of the amount of NM in the MBA due to release of liquid or gaseous products, losses due to accidents or misplacement. (NP-030-12)

nuclear material, actual amount (количество ядерного материала Фактически наличное) - see ACTUAL AMOUNT OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL (Фактически наличное количество ядерного материала).

nuclear materials (ЯдерныЕ материалЫ) – materials, containing or capable of reproducing fissile materials (substances). (Federal Law No. 170-FZ “On the use of nuclear energy”, NP-025-2000, NP-030-12, NP-053-04)


The IAEA Glossary contains a similar term “Nuclear material” (Ядерный материал), but it is more prescriptively defined.

Nuclear material in the bulk form (материал ядерный в балк-форме) – NM, containing in a product, which is not an accounting unit. (NP-030-12)

nuclear objects (Объекты использования атомной энергии) – nuclear facilities, radioactivity sources, nuclear and radioactive material storage facilities, radioactive waste storage facilities, fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors, spent nuclear fuel, nuclear materials, radioactive materials, radioactive wastes. (NP-064-05)

NUCLEAR PLANT (REACTOR PLANT) DESIGNERS (РАЗРАБОТЧИКИ ПРОЕКТА АС (РУ)) – organizations developing design of the nuclear plant (reactor) and providing engineering and scientific support at all stages of the lifecycle of the nuclear plant (reactor). (OPB-12)

NUCLEAR PLANT (АТОМНАЯ СТАНЦИЯ) – structures and complexes with nuclear reactors, necessary systems, components and equipment for energy generation in the prescribed operating modes and conditions, located within the territory defined by design and staffed with necessary personnel (employees). (OPB-12)


IAEA Glossary does not provide definition of a nuclear plant (nuclear station). It is included into definition of “Nuclear installation” (Ядерной установки).

District heating nuclear plant (атомная станция теплоснабжения) – nuclear plant designed for generating heat for district heating and hot water supply.

Nuclear power plant (атомная станция электрическая) – nuclear plant designed for electricity generation. (OPB-12)

Power and industrial nuclear station (атомная станция энерготехнологическая) – nuclear plant designed for electricity generation and for industrial purposes. (OPB-12)

NUCLEAR PLANT ADMINISTRATION (АДМИНИСТРАЦИЯ АС) – managers and other officials granted by the operating utility with rights, obligations and responsibilities at the stages of construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of a nuclear plant. (OPB-12)


The IAEA Glossary contains a corresponding term “Senior management” (Старшее административное руководство), though it is defined differently. It is a person or a group of persons performing management and control functions and assessments in the organization at the top level.

NUCLEAR PLANT CONSTRUCTION (СООРУЖЕНИЕ АС) – process of erecting buildings and structures of the plant, including a complex of construction activities, equipment installation activities, auxiliary, transportation and other activities. (OPB-12)

nuclear plant operating state (состояние АС Эксплуатационное) – normal operation state of a plant, characterized by a unique set of attributes (operation mode, plant parameters, state of systems, etc.). (Refined definition of RB-044-09)



NUCLEAR PLANT SITE (ПЛОЩАДКА АС) – territory within the limits of guarded perimeter, on which main and auxiliary buildings and structures of the plant are located. (NP-031-01, NP-032-01)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Site area” (Территория площадки).

NUCLEAR PLANT SITE VICINITY (РАЙОН размещения АС) – territory, including plant site, on which natural or technogenic phenomena, processes and factors capable of affecting nuclear plant safety are possible. (NP-031-01)

nuclear plant state with damaged radioactivity source (Состояние АС с повреждением источника радиоактивности) – totality of end states with damage of radioactivity source grouped based on the attributes of the plant state with damage of radioactivity source affecting the degree of damage of the source, containment integrity, probability, composition and magnitude of emergency release. (RB-044-09)

nuclear power plant construction locality (ПУНКТ СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВА АТОМНОЙ СТАНЦИИ) – territory within the area considered for nuclear power plant siting, where several sites can be located, for which the geographic and situational conditions, including: mutual location of the plant and towns or cities, major industrial enterprises or other objects, water supply conditions, transportation conditions, social, demographic, agricultural and industrial conditions have similar characteristics. (Requirements to content and scope of surveys and analysis during plant siting. Item 4.1 SP PNAE-87)

NUCLEAR POWER UNIT (БЛОК АС) – a part of nuclear power plant performing nuclear plant function in the scope defined by the design. (OPB-12)

Nuclear power unit under design (проектируемый блок ас) – a nuclear power unit at the stage of design and/or construction. (RB-032-04)

NUCLEAR POWER UNIT DECOMMISSIONING OPTION (ВАРИАНТ вывода из эксплуатации блока АС) – one of the methods of step-by-step achievement of the defined end state of the unit in the course of its decommissioning. The main nuclear power unit decommissioning options are the following: dismantling of the unit, and entombment (burial) of the unit. (NP-012-99)

NUCLEAR POWER UNIT DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM (ПРОГРАММА вывода из эксплуатации блока АС) – document, containing description of the end state after completion of all decommissioning activities, main organizational and technical measures to implement the selected decommissioning option, sequence and schedule of decommissioning, and list of major activities on each decommissioning stage. (NP-012-99)

object with surface radioactive contamination (Объект с поверхностным радиоактивным загрязнением) – solid object, which, not being radioactive, has radioactive contamination of its surface. (NP-064-05)

ON-SITE TRANSPORTATION AND PACKAGING SET – a set of technical facilities used for housing fresh or spent NF, ensuring nuclear and radiation safety and safeguarding of the NF during storage and transportation within the site of the nuclear facility. (NP-061-05)


OPERATING CONDITIONS (ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИОННЫЕ УСЛОВИЯ) – conditions specified in the design in terms of numbers, characteristics, state of operability and maintenance of systems (components) required for operation without violation of operating limits. (OPB-12)


OPERATING UTILITY (ЭКСПЛУАТИРУЮЩАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ) – organization founded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and recognized by appropriate management authority in the area of use of nuclear energy to be capable of operating nuclear plants and performing, on its own or with the aid of other organizations, activities associated with siting, design, construction, operation and decommissioning of nuclear plants, as well as nuclear material and radioactive substance handling and management activities. In order to perform these activities, the utility must have appropriate license issued by the Regulatory authority. (OPB-12, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Operating organization” (Эксплуатирующая организация).

OPERATION (ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЯ) – all the activities aimed at safely achieving the purposes for which the nuclear plant was built, including power operation, startup, shutdown, testing, maintenance, repairs, refueling, in-service inspection and other associated activities. (OPB-12, PRB AS-99)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Operation” (Эксплуатация).


OPERATION WITH DEVIATIONS (ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЯ С ОТКЛОНЕНИЯМИ) – operation of a nuclear plant with violations of operating limits and conditions, but without violations of safe operation limits or conditions. (OPB-12)


This term partly corresponds to the IAEA Glossary term “Anticipated operational occurrence” (Oжидаемое при эксплуатации событие). However, they are not fully equivalent. OPB-12 provides clear boundaries for “operation with deviations”. It includes states with violations of operating limits and conditions, but without violations of safe operation limits or conditions. In the IAEA Glossary, “Anticipated operational occurrence” is defined through its expected frequency (at least once in lifetime), absence of serious damage of safety related systems, and prevention of development of such event into design basis accident with the aid of existing design features. Therefore, these two classes of events cannot be equivalent. In case of “Anticipated operational occurrence”, safe operation limits on process parameters can be violated. According to definition, it cannot happen during “operation with deviations”. The state of the plant, in which safe operation limits on process parameters are violated, but safe operation limits on radiation parameters are not, is classified as “pre-accident situation” in the OPB-12. The range of states including both “operation with deviations” and “pre-accident states” is equivalent to the range of “anticipated operational events”.

operational rate of movement (Скорость перемещения рабочая) – velocity of movement of reactivity control actuator during changes of reactivity of the reactor for power control purposes during normal operation. (NP-086-12)

OPERATIONS, TRANSPORTATION AND PROCESS (операции Транспортно-технологические) – see TRANSPORTATION AND PROCESS OPERATIONS (Транспортно-технологические операции).


OPERATIVE TECHNICAL ACCOUNTING (Оперативно-технический учет) – accounting of products in a technological process based on measurements of certain parameters of the product, supervision of operations and transfers between participants of the process. (NP-030-12)

OPERATOR TRAINING (ПОДГОТОВКА ОПЕРАТОРОВ) – initial training or requalification of operators with operating experience. (NP-003-97)

OPTIMIZATION PRINCIPLE (ПРИНЦИП ОПТИМИЗАЦИИ) – maintaining individual exposure doses and numbers of exposed individuals at the minimum achievable and attainable level taking into account social and economic factors during use of any source of ionizing radiation. (Federal Law No. 3-FZ “On radiation safety of public”)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Optimization of protection (and safety)” (Оптимизация защиты (и безопасности).

organization, material science (организация Материаловедческая) – see MATERIAL SCIENCE ORGANIZATION (Материаловедческая организация).


OVERPACK (Транспортный пакет) – enlarged cargo unit made up of several unit loads (packages) with the aid of different packaging methods and means, enabling automation of handling, loading, unloading and warehouse operations. Packaging means include: planar pans, stacking pallets, pallet crates, bin pallets, flexible or rigid binding (straps, ribbons, films, nets), wiring, slick lines and other fixtures. (NP-053-04)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Overpack” (Транспортный пакет).

OXYDIZERS (ОКИСЛИТЕЛИ) – substances and materials capable of reacting with flammable substances causing combustion and increasing intensity of combustion (Federal Law No. 123-FZ “Technical Specifications on fire safety requirements”)

package (Упаковка) – packaging set with radioactive content prepared for transportation. (NP-053-04)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Packaging” (Упаковка).

package group (Группа упаковок) – a set of packages that can be stored (transported) without any restrictions on mutual location. (NP-061-05)

Packaging of radioactive waste (Упаковка радиоактивных отходов) – packaging set (container) with RW prepared for transportation, and/or storage, and/or disposal.(NP-002-04, NP-019-2000, NP-020-2000)

packaging set (УПАКОВОЧНЫЙ КОМПЛЕКТ) – set of components required for housing and confining radioactive content. Packaging set can contain one or several containers, sorbents, spacer components, components for radiation protection, cooling, thermal insulation, shock absorbers. It can be in the form of a crate, box or similar containers, a cargo container, reservoir or intermediate bulk container. (NP-053-04)

parametErization of seismic motions of ground (Параметризация сейсмического движения грунта) – description of a seismogram by a set of numeric parameters. There are three independent parameters of seismic oscillations, each of which can be scaled without change of values of other parameters. These parameters are level of impact, predominant frequency of oscillations, and duration of oscillations. All other parameters are closely correlated with the main ones.

parts of executive mechanism, movING (части исполнительного механизма Подвижные) –see MOVING PARTS OF EXECUTIVE MECHANISM (Подвижные части исполнительного механизма).

PASSIVE SYSTEM (ELEMENT) (ПАССИВНАЯ СИСТЕМА (ЭЛЕМЕНТ)) – a system (element), functioning of which is related only to the event causing its operation and is independent on operation of any other active system (component), e.g. control system, power source, etc. (OPB-12)

Note: In terms of design attributes, passive systems (elements) are divided into passive systems (elements) with mechanical moving parts (e.g. check valve) and passive systems (element) without movable mechanical parts (e.g. pipelines, vessels, etc.)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Passive component” (Пассивный компонент). However, between these concepts, and between the concepts of “active system (component)” adopted in the Russian regulatory system and IAEA standard there is a significant difference. In the IAEA Glossary, there is a term “active component” that corresponds to the Russian term “active system (element)”, and operation of which depends on such factors as actuation, mechanical movement and power supply. There are several differences here. Firstly, "component” in the IAEA Glossary is simply a discrete part of a system, i.e. it is the most generic definition. The term “element" in the OPB-12 has special definition, and is not therefore fully equivalent to the term “component”. Secondly, the property of activity in the Russian regulations is not only a property of an element, but also of the system the element is a part of. Thirdly, unlike in the IAEA standards, in the Russian rules and regulations existence of mechanical motion is not an attribute of activity. It depends on the source of the movement – external source of energy or the event causing translocation. In the latter case, the system (element) is considered passive, like in the case of a check valve.

penetration (sealed) (Проходка (герметичная)) – component of containment designed to enable entry of pipelines, air conduits, electric cables, ion chamber channels, movable parts of valve drives, etc. into the accident localization zone (maintaining leaktightness of the leaktight enclosure). (NP-010-11)

period of potential hazard of radioactive wastes (Период потенциальной опасности радиоактивных отходов) – period, after which specific radioactivity of the nuclides contained in the RW decreases to the levels, justifying their exemption from radiation safety regulations and standards. (NP-058-04, Federal Law No. 190-FZ “On radioactive waste handling and amendments to some legislative acts of the Russian Federation”)

personnel (Персонал) – individuals working with technogenic sources of radiation (group A), or working at a radiation facility or within its sanitary protection zone and affected by technogenic sources of radiation (Group B). (NRB-99/2009, PRB AS-99)

Operative personnel of nuclear plant (Персонал АС оперативный) – operating personnel from among the plant employees on shift and allowed to control plant operation processes. (NP-003-97)

Operating personnel of nuclear plant (Персонал АС эксплуатационный) – plant employees performing its operation. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Operating personnel” (Эксплуатационный персонал).

Security personnel (Персонал физической защиты) – individuals performing the function of safeguarding and physical protection of RS and RW during transportation. (NP-073-11)

PERSONNEL ERROR (ОШИБКА ПЕРСОНАЛА) – single inadvertent erroneous action while controlling equipment or single omission of correct action, or single inadvertent erroneous action during maintenance or repair of plant systems and components. (OPB-12)

phase characteristics (Характеристики фазовые) – phase angles (phase spectra), characterizing phase shifts of seismic oscillations for different frequencies. (RB-006-98)

physical barrier (Физический барьер) – see BARRIER (барьер).


PHYSICAL protection LEVEL (Уровень физической защиты) – result of assessment of potential radiation hazard and possible consequences of unauthorized actions against cargo containing radioactive substances or radioactive source.

PHYSICAL SEPARATION (РАЗДЕЛЕНИЕ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЕ) – use of barriers or spatial segregation to prevent damaging factors from one systems or components of the nuclear plant to other systems or components. (OPB-12)


A corresponding term in the IAEA Glossary is “Physical separation” (Физическое разделение).

pilot operated relief valve (Устройство импульсно-предохранительное) – a component performing the function of relief valve consisting of interacting main and pilot valves (the latter can be in-built or externally mounted). (NP-068-05)

PILOT OPERATION (ОПЫТНО-ПРОМЫШЛЕННАЯ ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИЯ) – stage of plant commissioning between connection to the grid and acceptance for commercial operation. (OPB-12)

pilot valve (Клапан импульсный) – see VALVES (АРМАТУРА).

pipeline (Трубопровод) – set of components and assembly units consisting of pipes, tubes and their parts (headers, T-joints, nozzles, taps, chokes).(PNAE G-7-008)

pneumatic distributor (Пневмораспределитель) – a component for controlling pneumatic drive operation.

PNEUMATIC DRIVE (Пневмопривод) – drive, using energy of compressed air. (NP-068-05)

PNEUMATIC valve (Пневмоарматура) – see VALVES (АРМАТУРА).

PORE (ПОРА) – round shapegas - filled cavity in the metal of weld or deposited metal.(PNAE G-7-010-89)

position indicator (Датчик положения) – an instrument generating output signal with information about the position of a control rod. (NP-086-12)

POWER TERMINAL GLANDS (ЭЛЕКТРОВВОД) – appliance for entering cables into electric drives. (NP-086-12)

POWER UNIT DECOMMISSIONING DESIGN (ПРОЕКТ вывода из эксплуатации блока АС) – document developed based on the decommissioning program and integrated engineering and radiological survey of the unit, defining specific decommissioning activities, technology of their performance, sequence, and necessary human, financial and material resources for each stage of decommissioning.


Initial criticality (Физический пуск блока АС) – stage of commissioning of a nuclear power unit including loading nuclear fuel into the core, reaching critical state of the reactor and performing the necessary physical experiments and measurements at the power level, at which heat is removed from the reactor through natural heat losses (dissipation). (OPB-12)

Power startup of a unit (Энергетический пуск блока АС) – stage of commissioning between attaining initial criticality and beginning of pilot operation.


PRE-ACCIDENT CONDITION (ПРЕДАВАРИЙНАЯ СИТУАЦИЯ) – state of nuclear plant, characterized by violation of safe operation limits or conditions, which did not evolve into accident. (OPB-12, NP-003-97)

predicable attributes (признаки Атрибутивные) – attributes of an object that can be visually or instrumentally checked. (NP-030-12)

pre-installation test facility (Стенд предмонтажных проверок) – facility for adjustment, regulation and testing of actuators. (NP-086-12)

PREPARATION FOR POWER UNIT DECOMMISSIONING (ПОДГОТОВКА к выводу из эксплуатации блока АС) – complex of organizational and technical measures, both before and after ultimate shutdown of the unit, preceding decommissioning of the unit and performed under the unit operation license. (NP-012-99)

PRESCRIPT (ПРЕДПИСАНИЕ) – a document, properly issued by authorized representatives of the Russian nuclear safety regulatory authority to the authorities of nuclear power industry organizations containing mandatory requirements to eliminate safety deficits and prescribing the deadline for implementation of the requirements. (RD-03-43-98)

Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 61 | Нарушение авторских прав

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