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Political parties and movements in Kazakhstan in the early twentieth century.

History of Kazakhstan as a science. The purpose and objectives of the study. | Policy of Khiva and Kokand toward the Kazakhs in the first half of Х1Х century | Abai Kunanbaev in the history and culture of the Kazakh people. | Oral tradition and literature in the ХIХ century. | Agricultural policy of tsarism in Kazakhstan in the second half of Х1Х century | Civil war on the territory of Kazakhstan (1918-1920) | Kazakhstan - an arsenal front during the Great Patriotic War | People deportation to Kazakhstan- the crime of totalitarianism. | Socio-demographical processes in Kazakhstan in 50-80-y. of XX century | First Kazakh President- N.A. Nazarbayev (political portrait.) |

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In the first decade of XX century the general standing of Kazakh steppe was very tense because of Russian colonial policy. To make struggle successful against colonization, it was necessary to let people know the meaning of such a policy, it’s harm and danger. Kazakh national intelligentsia took this mission. In 1905-1906 in Uralsk A.Bukeihanov organized regional cadet party. 25 of October, 1917 the Bolsheviks' Party won many supporters by advancing simple and understandable slogans: «Factories — to the workers, land — to the peasants, power — to the Soviets, peace — to the peoples!».

At the beginning of the XX century the Kazakhs doomed by a colonial policy of tsarism to poverty, felt threat even to the existence as to ethnos. It caused new lifting of the national liberation movement going in two directions. The traditionalist and pan-Islamic direction connected with Muslim movement of Central Asia, enjoyed strong support of clergy and Youzhny Kazakhstana's national intellectuals. The Pantyurkistsky and modernist direction was based on ideas of tyurko-Muslim unity and was supported by the intellectuals and the young Kazakh bourgeoisie. As a whole, the beginning of the twentieth century was marked by growth of political consciousness, various oppositional movements were everywhere organized. So, against antinational actions of the imperial authorities soldiers of garrison of the city of Zharkenta on November 21, 1905 expressed a protest. On November 16-28, 1905 there took place a strike of post and cable employees in the city of Semipalatinsk. In Orenburg the first marksisky circle was educated.

For 1905 in Turkestan, Perovsk, Dzhusala, Shalkara passed demonstrations in support of the first Russian revolution. In May, 1905 strikes in True, Kustanai, Perovsk swept. On October 25 there took place political demonstration in Omsk, then in Perovsk international demonstration. The strike on Uspensky mine in the central Kazakhstan became large international performance of Kazakhs and Russians, directed which "The Russian-Kyrgyz Union against the Capital" committee. In December, 1905 of excitement took place in Ust Kamenogorsk and Pavlodar. In July, 1906 mass strike in Semipalatinsk began. Same year the wave of country performances in Zharkenta (Uyghurs), Auliye-Ata, Shymkent, in districts of the Ural and Turgaysky areas swept.

In May, 1911 there took place a strike of workers of joint stock company "Atbasarsky copper mines", gold mining mines of the Ust Kamenogorsk district.

In October, 1912 – strike of the working coal enterprises "Baikonur", Semipalatinsk water-mills, Shokparkul mines, almost took place meetings and strikes, protests of workers of Dossor in all cities in Ural Kaspiysk oil society and the Embensky enterprise ended with success.

Since 1913 the new stage of liberation movement connected with activity of the Kazak newspaper.Несмотря on repression from the authorities begins, national liberation movement at the beginning of the XX century more and more got stronger, was consolidated, gained lines of political opposition to a mode. The period of 1905-1914 prepared emergence of the Kazakh political party and new lifting of liberating fight.


29) Kazakhstan in second half of ХVIII c. Igel’strom’s reforms

External and domestic situation of Kazakhstan.

In the second half of the XVIII century the southern areas Younger жуза were exposed to attacks of Khivan and kokandsky feudal lords. The part of the territory of the Senior жуза by the end of the XVIII century got under the power Tashkent беков. The working population suffered from these attacks first of all. Mass stealing of cattle, capture of people, their sale in slavery were a.sledstviye of attacks of the Central Asian feudal lords. As a result of the international discord kindled by tsarism between the next people, in 50 — the 60th years of the XVIII century attacks on the Kazakh auls of the Kalmyk and Bashkir feudal lords amplified. Difficult there was a foreign policy situation of Average and Senior жузов. Despite weakening of Dzungaria, khuntaishy Lama-Dordzh undertook new attacks on the Kazakh lands. In the second half of the XVIII century economic relations of Kazakhstan with Russia amplified. The number of the Kazakh merchants trading with Russia, exceeded number trading with Central Asia. Already at this time research and development by Russia of territories and natural richness of Kazakhstan began. In the forties XVIII century fight of feudal lords for the power becomes aggravated in Kazakhstan. Abdulkhair who has moved forward in fights with джунгарами and in the period of accession of Kazakhstan to Russia, tried to become the Supreme governor of all Kazakh lands.

So, about Igel’strom’s reforms. Author of reform, Orenburg governor general baron Igelstr. The essence of reform consisted in transfer of power to people's assembly and abolition of the hansky power. Younger zhyz it was divided into three parts according to three breeding unions. Foremen were approved according to the congress recommendation биев and batyrs. The patrimonial principle of a community of Kazakhs Younger жуза was not bypassed – 42 patrimonial foremen and 7 main operated the childbirth, but unlike former system of practice, these governors were approved by the boundary authorities and earned reward that pulled together them in the boundary authorities, - thus the local political government was given openly public character.The approved foremen were sworn in in Boundary court. Real result of reform was strengthening of starshinsky group, however Boundary court, etc. were insufficiently viable. Therefore, in 1789 the new project providing revival in жузе the hansky power was developed.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 106 | Нарушение авторских прав

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