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Policy of Khiva and Kokand toward the Kazakhs in the first half of Х1Х century

History of Kazakhstan as a science. The purpose and objectives of the study. | Ethno political history of Usuns in written sources. | Political parties and movements in Kazakhstan in the early twentieth century. | Oral tradition and literature in the ХIХ century. | Agricultural policy of tsarism in Kazakhstan in the second half of Х1Х century | Civil war on the territory of Kazakhstan (1918-1920) | Kazakhstan - an arsenal front during the Great Patriotic War | People deportation to Kazakhstan- the crime of totalitarianism. | Socio-demographical processes in Kazakhstan in 50-80-y. of XX century | First Kazakh President- N.A. Nazarbayev (political portrait.) |

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  7. Agricultural policy of tsarism in Kazakhstan in the second half of Х1Х century

The Kazakh khanate at the end of the XVIII-chachale XIX centuries. After death of Abylaya the power passed to his son Uali (1781-1819) not enjoying authority among Kazakhs. Weakening of the central power led to loss by Kazakhs of the cities on Syr-Darya. After death of Abylaya Tashkent where since 1784 Yunus ходжа began to rule, the concluded alliance with the Senior the zhuzy stood apart. By the end of XV111 of century under its power there was already to Sauries, Chimkent and Turkestan - the ancient capital of the Kazakh khans. At first Yunus khodzha declared himself the citizen of the Bukhara khan, in 1799 began war against Kokand, but suffered defeat as a result of which Tashkent and Chimkent were a part of the Kokand khanate. The Omar khan of kokand took Turkestan by storm and seized all average Syr-Darya Current, having erected on border of the new possession the fortress of Akmeshit. Kazakhs lifted revolt in 1821, however it ended with defeat. So, at the beginning of the XIX century Kazakhs of the southern areas got under the power of the Kokandsky khanate. In 1820. The Khivan khan subjected to a robbery and ruin about two thousand Kazakh auls. Khivan and Kokandsky khanates made campaigns on the Kazakh lands, relying on support of the government of England. In 30-40g.g. It was reduced to attempt to prevent entry into structure of Russia of the southern Kazakhstan XIX century of the politician of Khivan and kokandsky khans.

Revolt against Kokand was headed by Zhankozha Nurmukhamedov. 1843 – destroyed kokandsky fortress on Kuandarye. In 1845 the group of hivinets directed on restoration of fortress is destroyed. 1858 – revolt against Kokand. The main forces – Kazakh and Kyrgyz шаруа. It is suppressed thanks to a compromise of the Kazakh feudal lords and kokandets. The main consequence – prepared conditions of overthrow of the power of kokandets. Also against Kokand in 1821 Tentek-tore combated. 1858 – the leader of revolt of embensky Kazakhs of Eset Kotibar-ula went to Orenburg and recognized the imperial power.


39) Historiography of history of joining of Kazakhstan to Russia. Comparative analysis of this problem.

The most important thing in studying this problem of joining is the following: the causes, character of joining (conquest or peaceful), the consequences (positive or negative). In the historical literature is important the interpretation of terms, such the joining. How the word “joining” was understood by Abulkhair Khan and the Russian authorities?. Therefore, there is different understanding of the historical process of joining.

The reasons of joining of Kazakhstan to Russia. *Absence of steady political and economical communications between zhuzs.According to Ch.Valikhanov, the first decade of XVIII century was awful time in life of the Kazakh people. *Dzungars, the Volga Kalmyks, Yaik Cossacks and Bashkirs from the different parties smashed them ulys, drove away cattle and withdrew in a captivity the whole families.*Activity of Dzhungar khanate in the first decade of XVIII century.

Pre-revolutionary historiography. In pre-revolutionary historiography problem of joining was viewed from perspective of the “civilized mission” of Russia Empire. Based on this, in the books of Petr Rychkov, Aleksei Levshin described Kazakhs as wild, rough, predators. It is a conflict of two cultures settled and nomadic. Russia is not clear nomadic culture, and therefore in their view of point it is a lower level of development.

The Russian empire dominated to Kazahkstan with Orenburg Expedition in 1734-1737. The author has described the Kazakhstan’s earth: an environment, minerals, trading ways, — proving possibilities and benefits of an establishment trading - economic relations of Russia with these people and the countries. Ivan Kirilov staffed expedition by number about two hundred persons and military group — about two and a half thousand soldiers. The expedition included scientists and scholars from various professions, who prospected for minerals, made geographic and ethnographic descriptions, and compiled maps.


41) The Steppe statement of 1891: essence and results

Only at the end of 80 — the beginning of the 90th of the XIX century the imperial authorities started completion of introduction of administrative and judicial reform. On June 2, 1886 the Provision on management Turkestani краем4 was accepted. On March 21, 1891 — the Provision on management Akmolinsky, Semipalatinsk, Semirechensky, Ural, and Turgaysky areas. Still big force was got by the power of the governor general. The regional board was equated to provincial board of the central regions of Russia. In the large cities police departments, and in others — police pristavstvo were created. Under the Provision of 1891 disputes on the land questions between aulny foremen within the volost solved volost congresses, and between owners of tilt carts — aulny. The crucial role belonged to volost managers and aulny foremen. In this regard between communities there was the most severe fight for carrying out in volost managements and aulny foremen of the candidate whom elected for three years. There were essential changes and in the field of the judicial device. The system of the Russian vessels developed, according to the Provision on management Turkestani and Steppe edges, of such links, as magistrate judges, regional courts and the Ruling senate as the highest degree of jurisdiction. The court биев was modified also. This innovation also struck blow to traditional court of Sharia. Changes in the territorial and administrative device and social and economic development of Kazakhstan caused acceptance of the new taxation system which was equitable to interests colonial empire. Despite a tendency of growth of the settled and agricultural population, nomads were bulk of taxpayers: in 1880 they made 90,5, in 1897. — 82,0%. In 1889 the Law "About Resettlement of Rural Inhabitants and Petty Bourgeoises on State Lands" was adopted. In 1891 and 1892 the law extended on Turgaysky and Ural areas. According to it, resettlement movement concentrated in government hands, and resettlement to east areas required special permission; unauthorized resettlement was limited. But the aspiration of the imperial authorities somehow to settle become spontaneous process of resettlement did not work well. Independent occupation by peasants of the Kazakh lands proceeded. The crop failure of 1891 — 1892 induced the mass of peasants from the European Russia to move to the east in search of free lands. During this period to the Urals passed about 30, to Semirechensky and Syr-Darya areas — 12 thousand peasants. Possibility of connection of Kazakhstan through railway lines with Siberia and Privolzhsky district was pushed by the government to accelerate resettlement development of Kazakhstan. For this purpose expedition under the leadership of F.A.Shcherbina carefully surveyed 12 districts of Amolinsky, Turgaysky and Semipalatinsk areas.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-14; просмотров: 67 | Нарушение авторских прав

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