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LESSON 12. Worse Things Happen.

Читайте также:
  2. I hesitate. But only for a second. Then I grab Sage around the waist and lift her off her feet. “The things I do for my country,” I say.
  3. LESSON 1. The Visit of a Foreign Partner
  4. LESSON 1. The Visit of a Foreign Partner
  5. LESSON 10. The Contract
  6. LESSON 10. The Contract
  7. LESSON 10. The Contract


A. Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную следующие

1. Mary said, "I like music."

2. Mr White asked, "When is MV Orion arriving in Odessa?"

3. Victor said, "Please give me the contract."

4. The manager asked, "Will the container be ready for dispatch by 18th November?"

5. He said, "I'm very busy."

6. Victor said, "I enjoyed my visit to England in February."

7. She said, "Ring me later."

8. Mary said, "I'll stay in Kiev for two weeks".

9. John said, "I've already done it."

B. Вставьте вместо пропусков инфинитив либо герундий.

We decided against going to the movie.,

We planned to study instead.

1. Did you decide against____ married this year? (get)

2. Did you decide______ married next year instead? (get)

3. I wanted ______ to the movies, too. (go)

4. He insisted on____ to the movies, (go)

5. He refused______ a new car this year, (buy)

6. She wouldn't consider_____ a new car this year, (buy)

7. She kept on______ her mind, (change)

8. She refused______ her mind, (change)

9. I like_____ advice to everyone, (give)

10.1 enjoy______ advice to everyone, (give)

11.1 will consider_______ your judgement, (accept)»

12.1 intend______ your judgement, (accept)

13. I've definitely decided against_______ to California, (go)

14.1 don't plan____ to California, (go)

C. Преобразуйте приведенные ниже предложения таким обра­
зом, чтобы герундий стал подлежащим.

It's important to learn English.Leaning English is important.

1. It's foolish to make a decision without knowing the facts. 2. It's difficult to plan your future. 3. It's important to get enough sleep. 4. It isn't necessary to entertain friends every day. 5. It isn't essential to go somewhere. 6. It's a good idea to spend a few days on the beach. 7. It's impossible for me to go up north this summer. 8. It's enjoyable to read a novel. 9. It's hard to do some work on holiday.


Lesson 1

D. 1. One of the most exciting new developments in modems is the ability of a modem to transmit voice down the telephone line at the same time as it is sending data. 2. The system of commercial banks was created in Lithuania. There were 28 commercial banks in the mid­dle of 1994. 3. At millions of offices, fax machines are boosting pro­ductivity and cutting telecom costs. 4. The exhibitors have taken advantage of the enormous assembly of international journalists at the exhibition. 5. The exhibition has always been the place for introducing new products and new technologies. 6. The Internet provides us with a reliable alternative to the expensive and errastic telecommucations system of Ukraine. 7. All of the large, multina­tional corporations have built very attractive stands at the exhibi­tion. 8. To meet the goal of the plan, they have sought to clarify the future direction. 9. The plan is the first step in preparing the com­pany for the 21th century. 10. Software and services represent one of the fastest growing sectors of the computer market in Eastern Europe.

Lesson 2

A. 1. i; 2. a; 3. o; 4. b; 5. k; 6. c; 7. m; 8. d; 9. g; 10. h; 11. f; 12. j; 13. n;
14.1; 15. e.

B. 1. taller; 2.fmer; 3. the cleverest; 4. good; 5. better; 6. the best; 7. hap­
pier; 8. worse; 9. farther; 10. richer, luckier.

C. 1. short; 2. fat; 3. wet; 4. happy; 5. young; 6. wrong; 7. wide; 8. cool;
9. cold; 10. different; 11. wonderful; 12. late; 13. long; 14. old;
15. slowest; 16. new; 17. large.

D. A.l. happily; 2.kind; 3.creative; 4.inefficient; 5.faultless; 6.carelessly;
7.inattractive; 8.unreliable; 9.carefully; 10 unpleasant.

Lesson 3

A. 1. I want him to call me. 2. Could you tell him to call me? 3. I'll get him for you. 4. Hello. This is Vladimyr Ivanov speaking. 5. I'm sorry.

j _____________________________________ Ключи к тестац

The line is busy. 6. Can I help you? 7. He is not here at the moment. 8. Can I take a message? 9. I'm sorry. He's at the meeting. 10. I'll put you through immediately. В. Возможные варианты ответов:

1. S. Good morning. Can I help you?

S. I'm afraid he is out. Can I take a message?

2. P. I'll ring him after lunch.

3. M. Is that Continental Equipment? M. This is Mr Ivanov, from Infosoft

4. I. Could I speak to Mr Petrov, please? I. Petrov speaking.

Lesson 4

A. 1. my, yours; 2. his, hers; 3. theirs; 4. ours; 5. my, hers, yours; 6. yours,

7. our, yours; 8. hers.

B. 1. flying; 2. travel; 3. decided; 4. put; S. took; 6. came; 7. found; 8. tra­
velled, injured.

С 1. on; 2. by; 3. on; 4. with; 5. by; 6. on; 7. by; 8. in; 9. in; 10. by;

11. for; 12. on; 13. for; 14. on.

D. 1. for; 2. besides; 3. up; 4. to; 5. by; 6. from; 7. on; 8. at; 9. when; 10. out; 11. otherwise; 12. with.

Lesson 5

A. 1. They must have gone out. 2. He must be using the phone. 3. It must
have been expensive. 4.1 should change my job. 5. I may have dialed
incorrectly. 6. He should be typing the report. 7. He might have been
busy. 8. I must have forgotten to deposit a coin in the slop. 9. It might
be Miss Cooper. 10. Shall I send it? 11. He must be having his dinner.

12. It must have been one of them.

B. 1. May (could) I see your licence? 2. Shall I pay now? 3. You may
(can) pay later. 4. You shouldn't eat so much. 5. He shouldn't drink
alcohol. 6. Can you read? 7. Can (may) we order the main course later?

8. It must have been him. 9. It could (may, might) have been them.

10. You must do it now. 11. It could (may, might) be a very valuable
thing. 12. He could (may, might) be sleeping.

С 1. Payment will be made by letter of credit. 2. If the samples meet our requirements, we will place a large order. 3. He is going to get in touch with suppliers. 4. The manager is about to come. 5. The train. will arrive at 5.30.6. Mr Brown is leaving tomorrow. 7. I'll try to do it 8.When she comes she'll type the letter. 9. I'm going to discuss with you the price of the goods. 10. How will payment be made?

11. When is he coming to Kiev? 12. I'll prepare the letters.

rati к тестам

Lesson б

A. Окончательно: 1. Do we stay at work from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m.? 2. Do
our secretaries operate those computers in the morning? 3. Are their
engineers busy all day long? 4. Do our managers meet customers in the
afternoon? 5. Don't they write those letters? 6. Don't our directors
drive to work every day? 7. Aren't their rooms very large? 8. Do they
call their secretaries too often? 9. Is the knowledge of two foreign lan­
guages too little for managers? 10. Aren't our companies very old?

B. В целях экономии бумаги даем по одному примеру.

I. What do careless students never do well? 2. When do they welcome
us very warmly? 3. What kind of products do we produce? 4. What is
so interesting for you? 5. Why can't you stay with us? 6. How often
does the manager call to his partners? 7. What do they discuss with
their clients? 8. Where does the company sell its goods?

C. 1. (as a rule) blocks; 2. (now) require; 3. (sometimes) sounds;
4. (recently) specializes; 5.(usualty) depends; 6. (seldom) pay; 7. looks;
8. (now) am analyzing; 9. (always) speaks; 10. (normally) take;

II. (often) prefers.

Lesson 7

A. 1. They arranged for a private meeting. 2. He looked for a new appointment. 3. Charles listed his name at the employment agency.

4. She kept her appointement with the Transport Department
Manager. 5. The agency hired some more employees. 6. Jack and
Mike applied for jobs as sales representatives. 7. I cancelled my
doctor's appointment. 8. He filled in the application form. 9.1 locked
my door when I went to work. 10. He postponed the meeting until
next Friday. 11. I interviewed Jane Smith for a permanent posi­
tion. 12. They called us when they were ready. 13. Mary made a date
for Saturday.

Lesson 8

A. 2.1 like black coffee. 3. She is cooking dinner. 5. What do you think of
London? 6. She speaks four languages. 9. Joe has a flat in Kiev. 10.1
am working overtime this week.

B. 1. decided; 2. was raining, arrived, cleared up; 3. was blowing; 4. went,
filled in, saw; 5. was staying; 6. walked; 7. were selling; 8. were lis­

C. I. have been working, have not finished; 2. has been living, has not
seen; 3. have been waiting, has come; 4. have been reading, have had;

5. has taken, have been lying.

а _____________________________________ Ключи к тестом

Lesson 9

А. 1. I have studied English since 1991.2. We studied English at school. 3. From 1991 to 1992 Jim worked as a customs officer. 4. He went out three hours ago and has not returned yet. 5. When he was a sales representative, he worked twelve hours a day. 6.1 have been very busy all this week. 7. How many pages have you read yet? 8. How much did you get at your present job? 9. Where have all the managers gone? 10. I went home at 5 o'clock yesterday. 11. Last summer Jim and Jane travelled to the conference in New-York together. 12. He has not finished his work yet and is not ready to go with us. B. 1. yet; 2. already; 3. never; 4. this morning; 5. ever; 6. by; 7. before; 8. long; 9. of; 10. since; 11. many; 12. after.

Lesson 19

A. 1 We couldn't cancel the order because it had been already sent. 2. Our
business in the Middle East was very badly influenced by the inflation.
3- Their advertisement will be made soon. 4. Our catalogues are being
printed this week by Friday. 5. The compressors for those machines are
made here. 6. The date for the next appointment has not been fixed by
him. 7. This letter from Continental Equipment was received a week
ago. 8. You can be paid in advance if you want. 9. The Contract had to
be discussed before his departure. 10. If I had lost that much public
money, I would have been fired by them.

B. 1. Money is changed at a bank. 2. Films are shown at a cinema.3. Teeth
are filled at dentist's.4. Hair is cut at a hairdresser's.S. Vegetable and
fruit are sold at a grocery. 6. Photographs are taken at a studio.

7. Newspapers are sold at a newsagent's. 8. Cars are repaired at a
garage. 9. Clothes are washed at a launderette.

Lesson 11

A. Обстоятельственные: 1, 2, 3, 6. Определительные: 4, 5, 7. Имен­
ные: 2,3.

B. 1. who; 2. whom; 3. which; 4. when; 5. that; 6. whose; 7. where;

8. when; 9. where.

C. 1. If water freezes, it becomes a solid. 2. If they have a good sale, I will
stop by on my way home. 3. If Mr Hunt were single, I could introduce
him to my sister.4. If I had more time, I would have checked my paper
again. 5. We wish that you would change your mind about leaving,
tomorrow. 6. If Diane didn't drink so much coffee, she wouldn't be so
nervous. 7. We will wait if you want to leave. 8. Jerry wishes that she
were more interested in his work.

Ключи к тестам ______________________________________ 349

Lesson 12

A. 1. Mary said that she liked music. 2. Mr White asked when MV Orion
was arriving in Odessa. 3. Victor told me to give him the contract.
4. The manager asked if the container would be ready for dispatch
by 18th November. 5. He said that he was very busy. 6. Victor said
that he had enjoyed his visit to England in February. 7. She asked him
to ring her later. 8. Mary said she would stay in Kiev for two weeks.
9. John said he had already done it.

B. 1. getting; 2. to get; 3. to go; 4. going; 5. to buy; 6. buying; 7. chang­
ing; 8. to change; 9. to give, giving; 10. giving; 11. accepting; 12. to
accept; 13. going; 14. to go.

C. 1. Making a decision without knowing the facts is foolish. 2. Plan­
ning your future is difficult. 3. Getting enough sleep is important.
4. Entertaining friends every day isn't convenient. 5. Going some­
where every day isn't essential. 6. Spending a few days on the beach
is a good idea. 7. Going up north this summer is impossible for me
8. Reading a novel is enjoyable. 9. Doing some work on a holiday
is hard.


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