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LESSON 11. Preparing to Leave for Home

Читайте также:
  2. LESSON 1. The Visit of a Foreign Partner
  3. LESSON 1. The Visit of a Foreign Partner
  4. LESSON 10. The Contract
  5. LESSON 10. The Contract
  6. LESSON 10. The Contract
  7. LESSON 10. The Contract

В главном предложении употребляются вспомогательные глаголы should или would с перфектным инфинитивом, а в подчи­ненном — форма Past Perfect.

Отдельно рассмотрим предложения с глаголом wish. В дополнительных придаточных предложениях с главным / wish употребляется:

1. Past Indefinite для выражения действия, одновременного с
действием главного предложения.

I wish he were with us. Жаль, что он не с нами. Либо:

Как мне хотелось, чтобы он

был с нами.
I wish I knew it. Жаль, что я не знаю об этом.

Либо: Как бы мне хотелось

это знать.

2. Past Perfect для выражения действия, предшествующего
действию главного предложения.

I wish he had stayed at home. Жаль, что он не остался


3. Если действие придаточного предложения следует за
действием главного, употребляются:

would + Infinitive, might + Infinitive, could + Infinitive

I wish he would tell me every- Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы

thing. он мне все расказал.

I wish that you would (could) Я хочу, чтобы Вы позвонили

call tomorrow (today). завтра (сегодня).

Глагол wish в главном предложении может выражать желание, относящееся к прошлому:

I wish that you had called Я хотел, чтобы Вы позвонили

yesterday. вчера.

I wish that you could have ----- "----

called yesterday.
I wish that you would have "----

called yesterday.

УРОК 11. Подготовка к отъезду


1. Сформулируйте свое согласие или несогласие с изменивши­
мися пожеланиями или высказываниями партнера.

Unfortunately we have to raise our price for item 5 by 15 % because of the increased cost of raw materials.

Our legislation has been changed in an unfavourable way so we must withdraw the order.

Based on our extensive research into this matter we believe the responsibility for the shortage does, in fact, lie with you.

It is reported that your competitors Robertson & Sons are discount­ing 22 % of their list price, with immediate delivery, so we hope that you can offer us better price.

We think that in the first year we cannot guarantee the minimum sale of goods for the above sum.

You have to pay dead freight, since we have chartered the American Bay, and she is to be loaded early next week.

2. Дополните следующие условные предложения. Например:
If I had to fire someone, I would give him a last chance to improve.

a) If I had the chance to work abroad; I...

b) If I had to write my own job description, it...

c) I would not ignore the opinions of my colleagues unless...

d) If she were invited to that conference, she...

e) If I had a serious disagreement with my boss, I...

f) He would be promoted faster if...

g) If I thought of a good way of saving my own money, I... h) If I were a very rich person, I...

i) Bill wishes that...

j) If he were in complete charge of the company, he...

3. В приведенном ниже диалоге один из собеседников был не­
вежлив. Исправьте реплики этого человека.

Mr Simpson. Hello. May I speak to Mr Ward please?

Mr Ward. Wait.

Mr Simpson. Could you put me through to Mr Ward?

Mr Ward. Speaking. Charles Ward.

Mr Simpson. Good morning. This is Gary Simpson.

Mr Ward. What?

Mr Simpson. This is Gary Simpson of Grant & Clark speaking.

LESSON 11. Preparing to Leave for Home

Mr Ward. What do you want?

Mr Simpson. Could we make an appointment to discuss our con­tract? Will you be available next Monday?

Mr Ward. No.

Mr Simpson. Oh, that's a pity. How about tiiis Friday or next Tuesday?

Mr Ward. Tuesday or Friday is fine. I don't care which.

4. Два дня назад Вы получили письмо от делового партнера. Составьте проект ответа на него.


Universal Utensils Xxxxxxxxxxxl April, 19 — Yyyyyyyyyyy  
Dear Sirs,  
Account No. 638/Hrs/0078/Invoice No. 05124
I regret to inform you that the above invoice contains a mistake. It is almost certainly the case that the figure in the invoice for the total has been multiplied by a hundred. In view of our long­standing dealings with your company, I am convinced that you do not expect me to pay $ 98,000 for the last delivery of switch­es and electrical components.
I would very much appreciate receiving a more reasonable invoice. Otherwise we plan to withdraw our next order with
your company.  
  Yours faithfully,
  fattC 'Sl^CV-tt
  Jim Brown
  Chief Clerk Purchasing Dept.

5. Выскажите свои пожелания в связи с сообщенными Вам неприятными известиями. Вы знаете, что пожелания нереальны.

This has resulted in unfortunate delay in paying outstanding accounts. Bob Billingham has to postpone his visit to London because of trip problems. They ask for one lot of T140 instead of two. They

УРОК 11. Подготовка к отъезду

want а 15 % discount for large order. ROTAPLEX's last payment was faulty. There are no spare parts at the warehouse. The department demands increased bonus.

6. В приведенном ниже диалоге поставьте глаголы в
правильную форму.

Mr Hunt, the manager of a small company (to produce) bathroom showers (to speak) to his very important customer, Mr Benedetto, the manager of a hotel.

Mr Benedetto.

Well, I (to give) one last chance. Look at this order again. No more mistakes. You last (to deliver) the showers which I even (not to order).

Mr Hunt. Mr Benedetto.
Mr Hunt.
Mr Benedetto.

Oh, do forgive me. We never (not to repeat) that. I (to hope) so. But remember. I would (to like) to stress that I must (to get) this order by Thursday next week. It (to be) very important.1 cannot (to accept) any other delivery time. Sure, sir. We (to send) it in time. We always (to deliver) your orders in time,.... we? No, you.... Once I (to receive) an order with a delay of two months. Besides, packing should be excellent.

Mr Hunt.

Certainly. I guess you (to agree) that this (to be) one thing we always (to do) before. But twice my surname (to write) Bereditto by your people.

Mr Hunt.

Oh, I (to be) so sorry. This time I myself (to write) your name clearly.

Mr Benedetto.
Mr Hunt.

One last thing, (to call) me on Tuesday and (to inform) about the state of the'order. Right, I (phone) you myself. The goods will defi­nitely (to come) to right address and at the time you (to need) them.

7. Заполните пропуски словами из списка:

administration, commerce, corporate, involve, merge, white-collar, prosper, takeover, fail, continue

a) When a firm begins to do poorly on the stock market, plans are
often made to change its______ structure.

LESSON 11. Preparing to Leave for Home

b) The board of directors_________ to inform the stockholders

of the risks of investing in South Africa.

c) How many people are__________ in advertising of the new


d) Despite some problems the company expects to continue to in the nearest future.

e) New York has always been a centre of__________.


f) After their annual growth rate had fallen they were by a major competitor.

g) Mr Brown is too old to______ in his present position.

h) In order to deal with additional paper-work we need to expand
the______. staff by 10 people.

i) The management of contemporary corporations requires people
who know how to________.

j) The large companies which have been successful in the past
have normally____________ with their closest competi­

8. Переведите на родной язык таблицу в лингвокоммерческом комментарии. Исходя из таблицы, куда бы Вы вложили свои деньги сейчас, если бы Вы были богатым бизнесменом?

9. Воссоздайте каждое предложение. Расставьте прописные буквы и знаки пунктуации там, где это необходимо.

a. this delay / once again / has caused / i regret / any inconvenience

b. with them / our understanding of the issues / i will get in touch
/ so that we can improve

с your attending / to this matter / i would appreciate / at your ear­liest convenience

d. an alternate suggestion / if/ we would be pleased / you have / to
consider it

e. to you / of some assistance / this information / i hope / wiy be

f. this explanation / i trust / will answer / you raised / the questions

g. i would appreciate / by the end / hearing from you / of february
h. any further information / please do not hesitate / if you need / to

contact me

i. the results / we will send you / as soon as possible / of the com­petition

j. receiving / i would appreciate / on the proposed form / before January 1 / your comments

УРОК 11. Подготовка к отъезду

10. Переведите на родной язык следующий текст.

Harrison's Department Store in the Northside Shopping Center invites you to a winter clearance sale. Check these bargain prices: men's suits, regularly one-hundred and eighty dollars, now only one-fifty; sportscoats, regularly one-twenty, now just eighty dollars. And to go along with these suits and sportcoats, you'll find dress slacks, long-sleeved sport shirts and ties, all colors, all sizes, at low, low prices.

In the ladies' department, better dresses have been reduced to half price or lower. New merchandise has been added, and the selection in sizes eight through sixteen is outstanding.

This is the greatest clearance sale that Harrison's has ever had. Thousands of items of winter clothing are on sale.

Shop at Harrison's in the Northside Shopping Center. Open until six Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Open until nine Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Closed all day on Sundays.

Come to, Harrison's winter clearance sale today. Bank American and MasterCharge welcome.

11. Прочитайте и переведите на родной язык следующий
текст. Скажите, какое из правил Вам труднее всего соблюдать и

Complaining about faulty goods or bad service is never easy. Most people dislike making a fuss. However, when you are shopping, it is important to know your rights.

There are four golden rules:

a) Examine the goods you buy at once. If they are faulty, tell the seller quickly.

b) Keep any receipts you are given. If you have to return some­thing, the receipt will help to prove where and when you bought it.

c^ Don't be afraid to complain. You are not asking a favour to have faulty goods put right. The law is on your side.

d) Be persistent (but not aggressive). If your complaint is justified, it is somebody's responsibility to put things right.

12. Переведите на родной язык правила, которых необходимо
придерживаться в чужой стране в целях личной безопасности
{см. Лингвострановедческий комментарий). Какие из них Вы
соблюдаете дома?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-16; просмотров: 421 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: LESSON 10. The Contract | Базисные условия поставки, используемые при заключении контрактов | Различия вамериканской ианглийской деловой терминологии | УРОК 10. Контракт | LESSON 11 PREPARING TO LEAVE FOR HOME | Some more shopping | Ngg LESSON 11. Preparing to Leave for Home | Встречный запрос. Отзыв заказа. Изменение условий | Поглощение фирм | Магазины |
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LESSON 11. Preparing to Leave for Home| The protection of consumers' economic interests

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