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Post-text assignments. Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

Читайте также:
  1. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  2. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  3. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  4. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  5. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  6. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  7. Assignments for stylistic analysis

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1. What is it necessary to know to make a correct diagnosis?

2. What kind of procedures are used to establish a diagnosis?

3. What groups can symptoms be divided into?

4. What is the difference between the objective and subjective symptoms?

5. What does the scheme of the physical examination include?

6. What is examined during each stage of physical examination?

7. Why are laboratory analyses important?

8. What does X-ray help to reveal?


Exercise 7. Match the symptoms with their explanations:

1. haemorrhage a) small red spots on the skin
2. cough b) removal of the contents of the stomach
3. headache c) feeling of coldness during high fever
4. rash d) pain in the head
5. fever e) profuse bleeding from injured blood vessels
6. vomiting f) accumulation of fluid under the skin or in the body cavities
7. chill g) high body temperature
8. edema h) reflex which helps to remove foreign substances and microbes from the airways


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Exercise 8. Guess what disease is described:

1. inflammation of the kidneys  
2. inflammation of the lungs  
3. inflammation of the urinary bladder  
4. inflammation of bronchi  
5. inflammation of the eye conjunctiva  
6. pus accumulation around the kidneys  
7. lesion in the stomach  
8. infection caused by Mycobacteria  


Exercise 9. Translate the following word-combinations into English:

комплексна процедура, поставити правильний діагноз (2 синоніми), причина захворювання, походження хвороба, збирання анамнезу, проводити аналіз сечі та мокротиння, відишка та припухлість, перший етап в огляді хворого, оглядати з голови до п’ят, оцінити фізичний та психічний стан хворого, дихальна та ендокринна системи, техніка прощупування та простукування, за допомогою прослуховування, виявити хрипи у легенях, спостерігати за роботою серця.


Exercise 10. Put the words into the appropriate column:

muscles, hepatitis, antipyretics, thyroid gland, nausea, analgesics, headache, joints, pneumonia, emetics, pyelonephritis, skin, cough, hypnotics, gastric ulcer, edema, heart, breathlessness, appendicitis, laxatives, rales, sedatives, tuberculosis, suppositories, rash, antibiotics, bones, pain-killers, cystitis, lungs


Human body Diseases Symptoms Medicines


Exercise 11. Translate the words in italics:

1. Хрипи в легенях usually appear in case of пневмонії чи бронхіту.

2. Increased leukocytosis indicates наявність запалення в організмі.

3. If a patient suffers from серцево-судинних захворювань, he may have шуми у серці.

4. Аналіз сечі helps виявити the presence of urinary tract infections such as цистит та нефрит.

5. On general examination the doctor observes the patient’s вираз обличчя, рухи, мовлення, стан лімфатичних вузлів, м’язів, суглобів.

6. The local examination includes the examination of the patient’s голови, очей, вух, носу, ротової порожнини, шиї, щитовидної залози.

7. Огляд систем організму is carried out by means of прощупування, простукування, прослуховування.

8. Examination of the patient is a комплексна процедура that helps вчасно виявити diseases.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 112 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: GRAMMAR IN USE | Exercise 1. Learn the new words | Exercise 7. Answer the questions to the text | Exercise 17. Fill in the missing prepositions. Some of prepositions may be used more than once. Translate the sentences. | PRE-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS | EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE | POST-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS | PRE-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS | POST-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS | PRE-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS |
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