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Assignments for stylistic analysis. 1. State what idea is expressed in the poem.

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  1. Analysis
  2. Analysis of experimental meanings of the thermotechnical characteristics of the buildings envelope series 1-335
  3. Analysis of Variance
  4. And Stylistic Devices
  5. Approximate Scheme of Overall Stylistic Analysis of a Fiction Text
  6. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  7. Assignments for stylistic analysis

1. State what idea is expressed in the poem.

2. Analyse the rhyme and rhythm of the piece.

3. Characterise the text segmentation and punctuation. Suggest and ex­plain the division of the poem into sentences.

4. Say what images are presented in the poem and why so many words within the lines are capitalized.

5. Is there any conflict described in the poem? Specify.

6. Characterise a) the types and stylistic functions of the metaphoric expressions; b) the role of the author in the poem.

7. Name the stylistic device and define its pragmatic stylistic function: "Like Stone". Analyse what type of context is specified by this expression.

8. Decide what pragmatic and stylistic effect must have been aimed at by the author in placing a dash even in the end of the poem.

Theoretical items for independent personal consideration

1. Functional stylistic paradigm of the text.

2. Functional semantic paradigm: texts-descriptions, texts-narratives, texts-reflection, texts-dialogues, polylogues.

3. Compositional structural paradigm of the text.

4. Individual paradigm of the author.

Literature recommended

1. Борисова Л. В. Практическое пособие по интерпретации тек­ста. - Минск., 1987. - С. 10-27, 47-63, 64-79.

2. Долинин К. А. Интерпретация текста (фр. яз.). - М., 1985. - С. 143-180.

3. Домашнее А. И. и др. Интерпретация художественного текста (нем. яз.). - М., 1989.-С. 115-156.

4. Кухаренко В. А. Интерпретация текста. - М., 1988. - С. 90-132.

5. Пелевина Н. Ф. Стилистический анализ художественного тек­ста. - М., 1980. - С. 184-228.

6. Разинкина Н. М. Функциональная стилистика английского язы­ка. - М., 1989.-С. 98-122.

Independent Personal Work 6 Set Expressions, Etc.

> Idioms

Identify any idioms in these statements.

• She used to let her hair down after a few drinks.

• The sideboard was priceless and very beautiful.

• John and Marlene hit it off right from their first meeting.

• Well, I never understood why there was a smoking ban in the waiting room.

• Well I never! What a lovely surprise to see you here.

• Sometimes we have fish and chips for supper.

Item 1

He was disappointed with Rome. It was still beautiful indeed, but without his father to say 'Here Gibbon* must have heard the monks singing in the Ara Cceli*,' or 'Here's the rostrum - let's see how much we can remember of the Catiline oration*,' the ruins and the churches had somehow lost their charm. And the charm had gone too from Roman life. Cars hooted through the nar­row streets, the old restaurants had vanished in a wholesale demolition, a pinchbeck Americanism had taken the place of the old lazy dignity. The beg­gars had gone, but so had the friendliness and simplicity. Under official en­couragement the age-old society of Judas appeared to have taken on a new lease of life; the Eternal City swarmed with intellectual English, neo-Thomists* possessed of small Latin and less Greek, and with homosexual peers in violet cassocks. But worst of all, a strange feeling of moral oppressiveness hung over the town. It was unpleasant to feel that he was probably being watched, that an imprudent phrase might involve him in disagreeable results.

*Gibbon - англійський історик Едуард Гіббон (1737-1794), автор багатотомної праці "Історія занепаду та руйнації Римської імперії" (Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire).

*Ara Cceli (італ.) - назва стародавньої церкви, яка з середини *Ш століття належала чоловічому монастирю.


*the Catiline oration - найвідоміша в історії Стародавнього Pu,\tv промова в сенаті консула Ціцерона, який звинувачував Катіліну v змовницькій діяльності, спрямованій на повалення республікансь­кої форми правління (І ст. до н. є.).

*neo-Thomists - прибічники нео-томізму, реакційної філософсь­кої течії, яка передбачала перегляд учення Фоми Аквінського для відповідності сучасним умовам. Св. Фома Аквінський (XIII cm.) _ представник середньовічної схоластики, учення якого є офіційною доктриною католіцизму.

From Richard Aldington's Meditation on a German Grave

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 94 | Нарушение авторских прав

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