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Pre-text assignments. Exercise 1. Learn the following new words: cause (verb, noun) [kᴐ:z] спричиняти

Читайте также:
  1. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  2. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  3. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  4. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  5. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  6. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  7. Assignments for stylistic analysis

Exercise 1. Learn the following new words:

  cause (verb, noun) [kᴐ:z] спричиняти, бути причиною; причина
  death [deƟ] смерть
  department [di'pa:tmənt] відділення
  dose [dous] доза
  dosage ['dousiʤ] дозування
  electrocardiogram [i'lektro(u)ˏka:diəgræm] електрокардіограма
  to hospitalize ['hᴐspitəlaiz] госпіталізувати
  to indicate ['indikeit] вказувати, позначати
  initial [i'niʃəl] початковий, первісний
  intramuscular [ˏintrə 'mʌskjʋlə] внутрішньомʼязовий
  intravenous [intrə'vi:nəs] внутрішньовенний
  to keep (kept, kept) [ki:p] тримати, зберігати
  to prescribe [pri'skraib] прописувати, призначати
  poisonous ['poizənəs] отруйний, токсичний
  to prevent [pri'vent] попереджувати
  result [ri'zʌlt] відбуватися внаслідок
  reception ward [ri'sepʃən 'wᴐ:d] приймальне відділення
  recovery [ri'kʌvəri] одужання
  round [raund] обхід (хворих лікарем)
  to relieve [ri'li:v] полегшувати, знімати (біль)


Exercise 2. Read the following paying attention to the rules of reading:

u [ˈʝu:]: due, use, excuse, duty, usually, unit, attitude, future, computer;

u [u:]: blue, fluid, include, rule, true, fruit, cruise, juice, June;

u [ʌ]: insult, ulcer, lung, gut, gullet, buttock, cuspid, muscle, intramuscular, ultrasound;

ow [au] in mid position: down, town, gown, crowd, brown, shower + allow, now, how;

ow [ou] in end position: below, flow, grow, know, low, show, snow, throw, blow.

Exercise 3. a) Form different parts of speech. Explain the meaning of affixes. Translate the pair of received words into Ukrainian:

1. form nouns and verbs with the help of the prefix over-: production, heat, dosage, weight, to eat, to sleep, to react, to estimate;

2. form adjectives with the help of the prefix un-: favourable, clear, likely, conditioned, controllable, duly, safe, comfortable;

3. form adjectives with the help of the prefix intra-: muscular, venous, abdominal, hepatic, intestinal, nasal, oral;

4. form verbs with the help of the prefix re-: to write, to make, to play, to produce, to generate, to bandage, to form, to gain.

B) Make up your own sentences with them.

Exercise 4. Read the following word-combinations and translate them:

to be admitted to the hospital, in-patient and outpatient department, to fill in a case history, to make an initial diagnosis, to estimate the initial findings, different procedures, overdosage of a drug, to cause death, to make one's daily rounds, to take the patient's temperature, to give intravenous and intramuscular injections, to take an electrocardiogram.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 90 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Exercise 7. Answer the questions to the text | Exercise 17. Fill in the missing prepositions. Some of prepositions may be used more than once. Translate the sentences. | PRE-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS | EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE | POST-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS | PRE-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS | POST-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS | ПРИКЛАДИ | POST-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS | Part III |
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