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Post-text assignments. Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

Читайте также:
  1. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  2. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  3. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  4. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  5. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  6. Assignments for stylistic analysis
  7. Assignments for stylistic analysis

Exercise 6. Answer the following questions:

1. What medical institution is aimed at the protection of people’s health?

2. What does a person do if he falls ill?

3. What specialists work at the polyclinic?

4. What departments are there at a polyclinic?

5. What does a doctor base his examination on?

6. What procedures does a doctor carry on during medical examination?

7. What helps the physician to make a correct diagnosis?

8. How do district doctors work?

9. Where is information about the patient’s condition written down?

10. How does a nurse help the doctor in his work?


Exercise 7. Find the equivalents of the following word-combinations in the text:

захищати здоров’я людей, не мати високої температури, оглядати пацієнта, міряти кров’яний тиск, міряти температуру, поставити правильний діагноз, призначити відповідне лікування, отримати лікарняний лист, дотримуватися постільного режиму, робити призначений укол, широка мережа медичних закладів, під час огляду, за необхідністю, лабораторні дослідження, перебіг захворювання.


Exercise 8. Join the word with its definition:

  a therapeutist a) a doctor who deals with wounds, injuries, dislocations
  a urologist b) a specialist who treats the diseases of glands
  a traumatologist c) a person who performs operations
  ENT-doctor d) a doctor who treats urinary tract diseases
  endocrinologist e) a specialist in mental disorders
  surgeon f) a doctor who knows different methods of treatment of infectious and viral diseases by using various medicines
  psychiatrist g) a technician who knows how to treat and repair teeth
  dentist h) a specialist who deals with diseases of ears, nose, throat


Exercise 9. a) Learn the given expressions. Pay attention to the use of prepositions:

according to згідно з
in addition to в додаток до
to be ill with захворіти на
to call in a doctor викликати лікаря
to carry on проводити
to complain of скаржитися на
to fill in the patient’s card заповнювати картку пацієнта
to go out to the calls ходити на виклики
to listen to the heart and lungs прослуховувати серце та легені
to ring up the polyclinic подзвонити у поліклініку


b) Supply the necessary prepositions:

1. Listening … classical music helps to relax.

2. … night patient Davis complained … chest pain.

3. He is … a sick-leave now, because he is ill … pneumonia.

4. The nurse usually fills... the patient's cards … the morning.

5. Medical students study ethics and philosophy in addition … basic science.

6. Patients with high temperature ring … the polyclinic and call … a doctor.

7. Pavlov carried... many experiments to determine the nature of conditioned reflexes.

8. You should take these pills twice … a day according … the doctor’s administrations.


Exercise 10. Guess when it happened and read the dates correctly:

11th century 1852-1859   August 21st, 2010



4. Pirogov became a student of the Medical Faculty of Moscow University in …, even though he was only 14.

5. In … Pirogov wrote his doctor’s thesis dedicated to the ligation of ventral aorta.

6. From … to … Pirogov created his famous anatomical atlas, Topographical anatomy of the human body.

7. In … A. Fleming discovered penicillin.

8. The first hospitals in Kyiv Rus appeared in ….

9. A few years later after the World War II the United Nations held an International Health Conference during which it was decided to found World Health Organization in ….

10. Our Medical university was created as the medical faculty of Novorossiysk University in ….

11. Odessa medical university became national on ….

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 90 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Grammar | MYKOLA IVANOVICH PIROGOV | Irregular Verb V-2 | GRAMMAR IN USE | Exercise 1. Learn the new words | Exercise 7. Answer the questions to the text | Exercise 17. Fill in the missing prepositions. Some of prepositions may be used more than once. Translate the sentences. | PRE-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS | EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE | POST-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS |
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