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Irregular Verb V-2

Читайте также:
  2. Irregular Verbs (неправильные глаголы)


Extecise 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple:


1. The surgeon (arrive) here on time.

2. The report (be) ready yesterday.

3. They (come) at the station in time for the 10.30 train.

4. We (be) twenty years old last year.

5. I (leave) at home because you (need) my help.

6. He (feel) better when the operation (be) over.

7. I (be) lucky when I (pass) the exam.

8. We (begin) this experiment last week.

Exercise 11. Translate into English:

1. Дитина плакала, коли поранила ногу.

2. Вона приймала ці ліки двічі на добу?

3. Лікар зробив призначення ввечері.

4. Пацієнт не страждав від пневмонії минулого року.

5. Медсестра поміряла дитині температуру?

6. Хірург не закінчив операцію дві години тому.

7. Коли пацієнт відчув полегшення?

8. Лікар виписав цього пацієнта минулого тижня.

Exercise 12. Insert prepositions:

1. Have you got any pain... the stomach? — Yes.

2. I have sometimes. Something is wrong... it.

3. The district doctor wrote... a prescription... some tablets.

4. The chemist wrote the name... the drug...the label and stuck it... the bottle.

5. What is the matter... your friend?

6. The nurse... duty gave an injection... the patient, who was hospitalized... a poor condition and had a severe pain... his abdomen.

7. Be careful! This drug is only... external use.

8. Its overdosage may cause an irritation... the skin.


Завдання для самостійної роботи студента (СРС)


I. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: Проводити дослідження холери Захистити докторську дисертацію Використовувати гіпсову пов’язку Засновник польової хірургії Запропонувати створення медичного факультету Заснувати клініку Застосовувати анестетики Створити анатомічний атлас Розробити новий метод ампутації II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: When and where was Pirogov born? What was N.I. Pirogov famous for? What important investigation did N.I. Pirogov conduct? Why is N.I. Pirogov considered to be the founder of field surgery? What did Pirogov suggest to create in Odessa?





TEXT: Health care in Ukraine


GRAMMAR: Simple Passive Tenses


Exercise 1. Learn the following new words:

1. preventative [prɪˈvɛntətɪv] запобіжний; профілактичний
2. curative   [kjʊərətɪv] лікувальний, цілющий
3. inherited [ɪnˈhɛrɪtɪd] успадкований
4. majority [məˈdʒɒrɪti] більшість
5. prophylaxis [ˌprɒfɪˈlaksɪs] профілактика
6. detection [dɪˈtɛkʃ(ə)n] розкриття, виявлення
7. to concentrate on [ˈkɒns(ə)ntreɪt] зосереджувати; концентруватися
8. acute [əˈkjuːt] гострий
9. unfavourable [ʌnˈfeɪv(ə)rəb(ə)l] неблагочинний; несприятливий
10. to supplant [səˈplɑːnt] витісняти
11. to emerge [ɪˈməːdʒ] виникати, з'являтися
12. necessary [ˈnɛsəs(ə)ri] необхідний, потрібний
13. invasive [ɪnˈveɪsɪv] агресивний
14. network [ˈnɛtwəːk] мережа
15. purpose [ˈpəːpəs] мета, намір; задум
16. environment [ɪnˈvʌɪrənm(ə)nt] середовище, оточення


Exercise 2. Read the following word-combinations and translate them:

Acute: acute alcoholism, acute mixture, acute myocardial infarction.

Environment: internal environment, physical environment, biological environment, healthy environment.

Considerable: considerable attention, considerable danger, considerable discomfort, considerable weight.

Purpose: all-purpose, general purpose, dual purpose, purpose-built.

Exercise 3. Translate the following word combinations into your native language:

Invasive investigations; to be able to work; to supplant frequently; to disappear and emerge; deep changes; to touch upon; healthy environment; preventative and curative; a wide network; to cost a pretty penny; distinctive feature; to pay attention.

Exercise 4. Form adjectives from the verbs using the suffix -able (-ible). Translate them:

Drink, separate, break, change, eat, read, recognize, work, understand, count, teach, comfort, cure, move, observe, prevent, use, tolerate, consider, response, notice, depend, control.

Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:

Health care in Ukraine

At the beginning of the third millennium Ukraine is facing deep changes and reforms in all spheres of political, economic and public life. These changes touch upon medicine as well, and health service in particular. The Constitution of Ukraine adopted on June 28, 1996 guarantees the rights of Ukrainian citizens to life, health protection, medical care and medical insurance, safe and healthy environment.

The present health service in Ukraine both preventive and curative was inherited from the former state. It was available to the whole population. It is an establishment and support of strong post graduate programs for training in family medicine, introducing insurance medicine, the creation of a wide network of private consulting rooms, dental and eye surgery, beauty parlors, etc. They are equipped with modern apparatus and devices, but their services cost a pretty penny for the majority of the Ukrainian population. Many people still go to the state hospitals and polyclinics for their medical needs.

The most distinctive feature of health service in our country is prophylaxis of different diseases, the early detection of the first signs of the disease. Much attention is paid to popularization of medical science among the population. For this purpose the press, cinema, radio and TV programs are very helpful.

The basic medical units in our country are rural, district, regional or municipal polyclinics. The hospitals have different departments, which specialize in the treatment of particular diseases. In case of emergency you may dial 103 for the ambulance to come, which operates day and night.

Special attention is paid to the health of mother and child. Maternity homes, Mother-and-Child Health Care Centres concentrate their efforts on the problems of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology. These problems are especially acute now when the majority of our population lives under ecologically unfavorable conditions and the questions of demography are of deep national concern.

The practice of medicine is not static, but constantly changing. In some areas of medicine, especially treatment, new knowledge supplants old modalities very frequently. In addition the natural history of some diseases changes. Old diseases that were thought to have disappeared return and new diseases emerge.

A doctor in the modern world should develop the basic skills necessary to exclude serious illnesses, to diagnose early, to treat common health problems without expensive, sometimes invasive investigations and therapies, to manage chronic illnesses.

Ukrainian society needs citizens who are healthy, educated, motivated, and able to work for their country.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 113 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: ENGLISH FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS | I Am a Student | Personal Pronouns | Prepositions of Time | ODESSA NATIONAL MEDICAL UNIVERSITY | Grammar | Exercise 1. Learn the new words | Exercise 7. Answer the questions to the text | Exercise 17. Fill in the missing prepositions. Some of prepositions may be used more than once. Translate the sentences. | PRE-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS |
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