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Читайте также:
  1. Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into English, paying attention to Grammar.
  2. French Tutorial Basic Phrases, Vocabulary and Grammar
  4. Grammar Exercises
  5. Grammar Exercises
  6. Grammar exercises



1 2 3 4

Affirmative Sentence + Interrogative sentence ? Negation -  
1. There aretwo seriously ill patients in this ward. 1. Are there many patients in this ward?   1. There are no seriously ill patients in this ward.    
2. There was an epidemic of diphtheria this year. 2. Was there аn epidemic of diphtheria this year? 2. There was no epidemic of diphtheria this year.  
3. There will be an operation tomorrow. 3. Will there be an operation tomorrow?   3. There will not be three operations tomorrow.    
  Переклад на українську мову необхідно починати з кінця, тобто з обставини місця/часу. Порівняйте наступні речення:


Exercise 10. Insert the necessary form of the verb “to be” and translate the sentences. Make them interrogative and negative as in the example:

e.g. There are a lot of students in this group. – В цій групі багато студентів.

Are there many students in this group?

There aren’t many students in this group.

1. There … always much snow in winter.

2. There … ten students in the classroom now.

3. There … a polyclinic here ten years ago.

4. There … some children’s hospitals in our city.

5. There … about 206 bones in a person’s body.

6. There … some interesting articles in this journal next month.

7. There … four patients in the intensive care unit now.

8. There … a lot of unbelievable facts in our future presentation.

9. There … two departments at each chemist’s.

10. There … a poster “Smoking leads to lung cancer” on the hospital wall last week.


Exercise 11. Translate into English:


1. У цієї палаті інфекційні хворі.

2. У цій групі багато студентів.

3. У нашому місті багато вищих навчальних закладів.

4. У цієї аптеці багато фармацевтів?

5. Не має часу для гри у теніс.

6. На столі багато пігулок?

7. В операційні декілька хірургів та медсестер.

8. На стіні декілька картин.

9. Сьогодні в лікарні не має нових пацієнтів з інфекційними захворюваннями.

10. У палаті 4 ліжка.


Exercise 12. Make questions to underlined words:


1. After asking questions the physicians performs physical examination.

2. The working day of a district doctor begins at 8 o`clock.

3. Peter and Mary are absent because they are ill.

4. This pretty young woman is the doctor from our district polyclinic.

5. A physician deals with every case carefully and attentively.

6. A nurse comes to the patient`s house to make him an injection.

7. Careful examination helps the doctor to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment.

8. The district physicians examine patients with great care.

9. The doctor usually begins his examination with questioning the patient carefully.

10. While visiting patients at their homes a district doctor washes his hands, puts on his white gown, and then performs examination.


Завдання для самостійної роботи

студентів (СРС)

I. Перекладіть та вивчіть наступні словосполучення: Видатний вчений надати статус університету інтернатура та магістратура оволодівати сучасними медичними технологіями реформація медичної освіти дослідна лабораторія вищий навчальний заклад доктор медичних наук перший декан II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання: 1. Thanks to whose efforts was ONMU founded? 2. Who was the first rector of the Medical Academy? 3. When was the status of national University given to ONMU? 4. How many faculties are there at the Medical University now? 5. Where is post-diploma specialization carried out?   III. Поясніть наступний термін у 5ти реченнях: Medical university


M.I. Pirogov М.І. Пирогов


Text: M.I. Pirogov
Grammar: Past Simple tense




Exercise 1. Learn the following new words:

1. Scientist ['saɪəntɪst] науковець
2. pedagogue ['pedəgɔg] педагог
3. Figure ['fɪgə] постать
4. Surgeon ['sɜːʤ(ə)n] хірург
5. Persuade [pə'sweɪd] запевняти
6. Cholera ['kɔl(ə)rə] холера
7. Technique [tek'ni:k] техніка
8. Thesis ['θi:sis] дисертація
9. Caucasian [kɔː'keɪʒən] кавказький
10. Prussian ['prʌ∫n] пруський
11. Crimea [krai'miə] Крим
12. Reside ['praivit] селитися



Exercise 2. Form the nouns from the given verbs, translate them into Ukrainian:

diagnose, examine, prescribe, operate,recover, analyze, infect, experience,replace, refer, withdraw, cure.


Exercise 3. Translate into your native language:


The most famous figure, the family doctor, to observe the state of surgery, to take up an appointment as a professor of surgery, the academy of military medicine, the father of field surgery, to withdraw from the academy, to perform an operation, to argue for education, to establish a clinic, to learn the Ukrainian language as a show of respect, to conduct an important investigation of cholera.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-21; просмотров: 143 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: ENGLISH FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS | I Am a Student | Personal Pronouns | Prepositions of Time | Irregular Verb V-2 | GRAMMAR IN USE | Exercise 1. Learn the new words | Exercise 7. Answer the questions to the text | Exercise 17. Fill in the missing prepositions. Some of prepositions may be used more than once. Translate the sentences. | PRE-TEXT ASSIGNMENTS |
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