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Anger, indignation, irritation


Ужасно! Это ужасно!  
It’s awful (terrible, ghastly, ap-  
Сказать страшно!  
It’s too awful for words.  
Isn’t it awful (dreadful, terrible,  
shocking)! С оттенком
Как ужасно! Какой ужас! эмоциональности.
How awful!  
Это чудовищно!  
It’s monstrous!  
Это возмутительно!  
It’s outrageous!  
Это смешно, нелепо!  
It’s ludicrous!  
Какая досада!  
How annoying! What a nui-  
Какая скука! До чего надоело!  
How boring! С оттенком усталости.
Какой скучный человек!  
Какая скука!  
What a bore!  
Не стыдно!  
What a shame!  
Стыд! Позор!  
For a shame! С оттенком категоричности.


Стыдитесь! Как вам не стыдно!

Shame on you!


Ради бога!

For heaven’s sake!


Какая дерзость! What a cheek!

Дожили! Ну и ну!


There you are!


Вот оно что! There it is!


Опять вы за свое!

There you go again!


Еще что!


What next?

Интересно, что будет дальше.


What next, I wonder?


Это мне нравится! С оттенком насмешки. Хорошенькое дело!


I like that!


… другого такого лентяя не видывал!


… of all the(lazy boys)!


Cтой спокойно …что тебе говорят!

Keep quite… can’t you?


Оставьте меня в покое! Leave me alone!

Тебе говорят …


I say …

Позвольте узнать …


May I ask …


Не ваше дело! С оттенком грубости. It’s none of your business!


Кто вы такой, чтобы …

Who do you think you are …


За кого вы меня принимаете?


Who do you take me for?

Дальше некуда!


You’re the limit!  
Дальше идти некуда.  
It’s the limit!  
Это последняя капля!  
It’s the last straw!  
Это кошмар! С оттенком
It’s a nightmare! эмоциональности.
Hang it! Oh, darn it!  
Черт побери!  
Oh, hell! Damn!  
А-а, вы все-таки пришли!  
You have come, you have!  


1. Memorize the dialogues: "I say, Jack!"

"Yes, what is it now?"


"You didn't tell anyone, did you?" "What do you take me for?" "Next you'll be telling me you haven't got anything to do with it." "But I really haven't. Believe it or not."


"Come on, stop it. And please don't let me hear that again. I'm sick and tired-of it as it is."


"He can talk about himself for hours." "What a bore!"


2. Express your annoyance by inserting "... on earth...". Let the other person react.


Model: Where did he put the money?


Where on earth did he put the money? How would I know?


1. Why didn't you look us up? 2. Why can't you take a day or two off? 3. Why didn't you tell him everything then and there? 4. What did he mean by saying that? 5. Where did he disappear? 6. Who put the idea into your head? 7. Who do you think you are?



3. Express your irritation using one of the following: What a nuisance! That's all we need!


How annoying!


1. I don't think we can have the phonograph fixed. It's no good. 2. Don't you think he's given up the idea? He'll be pestering you with it for quite some time. 3. With things as they are, I don't think we can do any-thing about it. 4. He insists that we should do it right away. 5. Looks like we've missed our stop. 6. Looks like we've got a puncture. 7. Looks like we've lost our way.


4. Show that you are indignant. Use one of the following:


It's the limit! The cheek!


How (can) could you (he, Don't let me hear that etc)? again!


You (he, etc.) ought to be It's terrible! Ashamed!


It's unpardonable!


1. He'll stop at nothing to get what he's after. 2. I'm afraid I've made a mess of it. 3. He was so mad, he nearly killed the boy. 4. He speaks ill of everybody. 5. He didn't keep the appointment again. 6. He never keeps his promise. 7. He backed out at the last moment. 8. She didn't bear me out. 9. She said she'd done.it herself. 10. He mixed up the figures.


5. React to the statements made by someone you know well. Use the remarks suggested.


A. Come on, stop it! Don't let me hear it again! There you go again! It's none of your business!


1. I'm afraid I won't manage it. 2. They'll make a mess of everything. 3; I still think this paragraph should be changed. 4. I insist on including this item in the agenda. 5. I still think his candidacy should be withdrawn. 6. I think he should change the preface.


B. That makes me mad.

I'm sick and tired of it (him, etc.).


What a bore!


1. He always speaks about his diseases in company. 2. She always insists on having the last word in any argument. 3. She thinks she knows everything. 4. He's always complaining. 5. She never stops grumbling.


6. Express irony.


Model: "I understand it." "I don't understand it." "Oh, you do, "Oh, you don't, do you?"


don't you?"


1. I feel uneasy about the whole thing. 2. I didn't mean it. 3. I'm com-pletely run down. 4. He can be very helpful. 5. I'm really sorry I couldn't tell you sooner. 6. I'll make up for it. 7. You should have known better.


7. React to the statements expressing irony. Use the following:


A musician (an actor, a specialist, etc.), indeed! I like that!


So what?

The things you know!


1. He's quite an expert! 2. Colour-blind people don't distinguish col-ours. 3. He says he won't be at home when the guests come. 4. She con-siders herself a talented actress! 5. I know it.


8. Translate the following.

1) He люблю я этого человека. Какой-то он нудный.


2) Как этот маляр испортил стену! Просто ужас!


3) Что за щенок! Туфли порвал, обои сорвал. Интересно, что же будет дальше?


4) Три месяца, как она уехала,– и ни строчки. Хорошенькое дело!


5) За кого вы меня принимаете? Неужели вы думаете, что я мог так поступить?


6) Опять в кино? Это мне нравится! Заниматься надо!


9. Make up situations and use the following.

1) It's dreadful!, It's ghastly!, It's appalling!, etc.


2) How boring!, What a nuisance!, What a bore!, low annoying!


3) There you are!, There you go again!, etc.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-13; просмотров: 139 | Нарушение авторских прав

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