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HOME TASK. Exercise 71. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous tense.

Exercise 71. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous tense.

1. I (make) cakes. That is why my hands are all covered with flour.

2. He (overwork). That is why he looks so tired.

3. What you (do)? – I (work) in the laboratory.

4. How long you (wait) for me? – I (wait) about half an hour.

5. How long you (wear) glasses?

6. You (not eat) enough lately. That's why you feel irritable.

7. I (shop) all day and I haven't a penny left.

8. The children (look) forward to this holiday for months.

9. That pipe (leak) for ages. We must get it mended.

10. Someone (use) my bicycle. The chain's fallen off.

11. How long you (drive)? – I (drive) for ten years.

12. Mary (cry)? – No, she (not cry), she (peel) onions.

13. He walked very unsteadily up the stairs and his wife said, 'You (drink)!'

14. You usually know when someone (eat) garlic.

15. Ever since he came to us that man (try) to make trouble.


Exercise 72. Fill in the blanks with the suitable verbs from the box. Use the correct form of the verb.

e.g – Robert ___ money for three years to buy a new car.

– Robert has been saving money for three years to buy a new car.

Do, listen, iron, repaper, spend, study, train, type, wash, work

1. Tom ___to the radio all morning.

2. Susan ___ the clothes for the last thirty minutes.

3. Barbara ___the kitchen for the last three weekends.

4. The secretary ___the letters since she came to the office in the morning.

5. Mother ___dishes since the dinner ended.

6. The children ___homework since they came from school.

7. The team ___hard this year.

8. Bob ___ as a taxi driver for many years.

9. Ann ___Spanish for at least two years.

10. You ___a lot of money recently.


Exercise 73. Use the words in brackets to form a question using the Present Perfect Continuous.

e.g. – So you work in a bank now, (How long/work/there)

– How long have you been working there?

1. You're thinking of emigrating, are you? (How long/think/do that)

2. Mary looks bored. (Who/talk to/all evening)

3. I like Ann's new boyfriend. (How long/go out together)

4. Have you just arrived? You look wet. (It/rain)

5. John, you look pretty drunk. (What/drink)

6. So you've changed jobs since I last saw you. (Where/work/ since then)

7. We haven't seen each other for ages. (How/get on/since we last met)

8. Peter looks hot. (Dance)

9. So your girlfriend hasn't arrived yet. (How long/wait for her)

10. What strange clothes Mary's wearing. (Wear them/for long)



Exercise 74. Complete the following, using the Present Perfect Continuous.

  1. My hands are covered with flour. I....
  2. He looks pale. He....
  3. He doesn't know the English alphabet though he....
  4. Oh, here you are at last, I....
  5. Let me drive now. You....
  6. I am sorry for keeping you waiting, I....
  7. You feel tired because you....
  8. I can't believe it's the end of the line. We....
  9. It's my last exam of this term. I....
  10. Can we change the music to the one I like? You....
  11. Everybody is enjoying the party and I am exhausted. I....
  12. Your time is up, kids, you....
  13. You all stopped talking when I came in. I'm sure you....
  14. Brian, you smell of tobacco. You....
  15. The boy is dirty from head to foot. He....


Exercise 75. Translate the following sentences.

1. Як довго ти читаєш цю книжку?

2. Моя сестра вивчає англійську мову вже три роки.

3. Вона виглядає стомленою. Гадаю, вона знову читала цілу ніч.

4. Покличте дітей обідати. Вони граються на по­двір’ї з самого ранку.

5. – Як довго ти вже водиш машину? – Три роки. Я купила її, коли переїхала в це місто.

6. – Чому ти виконуєш цю вправу так довго? – Я вже закінчую її.

7. – Ви вже довго чекаєте автобуса? – Ні, я тільки-но підійшов.

8. Я прала цю сукню весь ранок, але плями так і залишились.

9. – Ольга виглядає такою збудженою. – Вона складала екзамен з історії.

10. М’ясо ще тверде, хоч я його варю вже дві години.






Present Forms
The Present Simple Tense The Present Continuous Tense The Present Perfect Tense The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Ø permanent situations or states. e.g.She worksin a bank. Ø permanent truths or laws of nature. e.g. The sun risesin the east. Ø temporary situations e.g. He is spending the week with his mother. Ø changing or developing situations e.g. She is gettingmore and more impatient. Ø recently completed actions e.g. She has dyedher hair black. (The action is complete – her hair is now dyed black -evidence in the present) Ø actions started in the past and continuing up to the present. e.g. She has been doing her homework for an hour. (She started an hour ago and she's still doing it.)
Ø repeated/habitual actions (especially with frequency adverbs: often, usually, always etc) e.g. He always goesto bed at 11 o'clock. (Here "always" means every day.) Ø frequently repeated actions with always, constantly, continually, expressing annoyance or criticism e.g. He'salways getting into trouble. (Here "always" means constantly.) Ø complete past actions connected to the present with stated or unstated time reference e.g. He has boughta house. (Now he owns a house.) He has just returnedfrom Paris, (stated time reference) Ø past actions of certain duration having visible results or effects in the present e.g. Hehas been running. That's why he's out of breath.  
Ø reviews/sports commentaries/ dramatic narrative e.g. Smythe servesthe ball and Lanyon missesit... Ø actions happening at or around the moment of speaking e.g. The sun is shiningnow. He is studyingfor the exams. Ø personal experiences/ changes which have happened e.g. Ihave lost weight recently. Ø to express anger, irritation, annoyance, explanation or criticism e.g. She has been usingmy make-up, (annoyance)
Ø timetables/programmes (future reference) e.g. The train leavesat 8.00. Ø in exclamatory sentences e.g. There goesthe bus!   Ø fixed arrangements in the near future e.g. I'm goingto the theatre this evening.   Ø emphasis on number e.g. He has seen three films this week. She has had fourcups of coffee since she woke up.   Ø the Present Perfect Continuous is normally used with for, since or how long to put emphasis on duration e.g. Hehas been feeling unwell for days.
Time expressions usually used with Present Forms
The Present Simple Tense The Present Continuous Tense The Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous Tenses
every day/week/month/ year, usually, sometimes, always, rarely, never, often, in the morning/ evening/afternoon, at night, on Mondays etc now, at the moment, at present, nowadays, today, tonight, always, still etc just, ever, never, already, yet (negations & questions), always, how long, so far, recently, since (= from a starting point in the past), for (= over a period of time), today, this week/month etc For and since are usually used with Present Perfect Continuous to emphasise the duration of an action.

& Stative verbs express a permanent state rather than an action and are not used in the continuous forms. These are: verbs of the senses used to express involuntary actions (feel, hear, see, smell, taste etc), verbs of feelings and emotions (adore, detest, dislike, enjoy, forgive, hate, like etc), verbs of opinion (agree, believe, suppose, understand etc) and other verbs (belong, concern, depend, know, mean, own, possess, need, prefer, want etc)

e.g. I see someone coming, She hates pop music. I don't agree with you. He knows a lot about computers.

Note: feel and hurt can be used in either continuous or simple forms.

e.g. She feels/is feeling better.

Look, watch and listen express deliberate actions and can be used in continuous forms.

e.g. He is listening to some records.

Some stative verbs (be, love, see, smell, taste, think etc) have continuous forms but there is a difference in meaning.


• I see them coming towards us. (= I have the ability) • These flowers smell nice. (= they have a nice smell) • This soup tastes delicious. (= its flavour is good)   • It feels like velvet. (= it has the texture of)   • He has a house. (= he possesses)   • Do you like his new car? (= Is it nice?)   • I think he has left. (= I suppose)   • Ann is polite. (= her character is)   • It looks as if it's going to snow. (= it appears)   • She's seeingher doctor today. (= she's visiting)   • Why are you smelling the food? Has it gone off? (= why are you checking the smell of) • She's tasting the soup. (= she's testing the flavour) • He's feeling the cloth. (= he's touching the cloth) • We're havinga nice time. (= we're enjoying ourselves) ' • How are they liking the party? (= they are enjoying) • I'm thinkingabout his suggestion. (= I'm considering) • Tom is being very impolite. (= he is behaving impolitely) • They are looking at the statue. (= they're viewing it)


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