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Actress in England. There are only three people who bring money into the

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theatre regardless of the play, and you're one of them. We've had a couple of

duds. The next play's bound to be all right, and then we shall get back all

we've lost and a packet in to the bargain."


As soon as Michael had felt himself safe (как только Майкл почувствовал себя в

/финансовой/ безопасности) he had tried to buy Dolly de Vries out (он

попытался выкупить у Долли де Фриз /ее долю/; to buy out — выкупать чью-

то долю в предприятии), but she would not listen to his persuasion (но она не

слушала его уговоры: «убеждения») and was indifferent to his coldness (и была

безразлична к его холодности). For once (на этот раз) his cunning (его

лукавство) found its match (нашло себе равного по силе соперника; a match —

ровня, равный по силам противник). Dolly saw no reason (Долли не видела

/никакой/ причины) to sell out an investment (продавать вложения:

«инвестиции») that seemed sound (которые казались надежными; sound —

здоровый, крепкий, прочный), and her half share in the partnership (и ее

половинная доля в товариществе) kept her in close touch with Julia (держала ее

в близком контакте с Джулией; to keep in touch with smb. — поддерживать

связь, контакт с кем-либо). But now (но теперь) with great courage (с

большим мужеством) he made another effort to get rid of her (он предпринял

еще одно усилие, что бы избавиться от нее). Dolly indignantly refused (Долли

с возмущением отвергла /идею/) to desert them (бросить их; to desert —

бросать, покидать, дезертировать) when they were in difficulties (когда они

были в затруднительном положении), and he gave it up (и он бросил эту

/затею/) as a bad job (как безнадежную; to give smth. up as a bad job —

отказаться от чего-либо как от обреченного на провал). He consoled himself

by thinking (он успокаивал себя мыслями: «думая») that Dolly might leave

Roger, her godson (что Долли может оставить Роджеру, своему крестному

сыну), a great deal of money (большую сумму денег). She had no one belonging






to her (у нее не было никого /из близких родственников/) but nephews in South

Africa (кроме племянников в Южной Африке), and you could not look at her

without suspecting (и при взгляде на нее, можно было предположить: «и

нельзя было смотреть на нее без подозрений») that she had a high blood

pressure (что у нее было высокое кровяное давление).


persuasion [pq'sweIZ(q)n] courage ['kArIdZ] indignantly [In'dIgnqntlI]


As soon as Michael had felt himself safe he had tried to buy Dolly de Vries

Out, but she would not listen to his persuasion and was indifferent to his

Coldness. For once his cunning found its match. Dolly saw no reason to sell out

Дата добавления: 2015-07-17; просмотров: 136 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Her greatest comfort. The thought now filled her with irritation. | It were rather a joke, or a declaration as though he were laughing at himself, | Inherited nearly four thousand pounds, and this with his own savings and | Opportunity that the week-end presented. | Julia did. | Kneeling by her side put his arms round her. | When she looked at him now she wondered what there was in him that had | Was happier than he had ever been before. It was a damned satisfactory | To her praise of his exquisite nose and beautiful eyes. She got a little private | Unkind things she had for so long been thinking of him. |
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The expense of hiring.| Look at her without suspecting that she had a high blood pressure.

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